In the Blade

Chapter 464 He Bo

Perhaps it was because the mud at the bottom of the river was too soft, or maybe it was because there was a sedan chair under his buttocks. In short, the person who was thrown into the river did not fall to death at the bottom of the river, but just plunged into the mud.

Except for the dirt on his body, there was no major damage.

As for the ants that Du Chengfeng had just seen - or the people who threw living people into the river, they naturally had no opinion on this matter, and they did not dare to have any opinion. After all, even the river was split in front of them. If they were hit by this before they could finish their words, what would happen?

However, they did not cause trouble for Du Chengfeng, but Du Chengfeng would cause trouble for them.

"How can you throw living people into the river? Don't you have any sense of public morality?"

Du Chengfeng raised his hand and pointed at the mud monkey that he had just fished out from the bottom of the river.

"What should I do in the rotten water? Can I still drink water downstream?"


Originally, these people were ready and waiting for the other party to talk about morality, but who would have thought that this iron man who suddenly appeared would actually say such a thing.

So the iron man also needs to drink water? And where did this iron man come from?


Facing the strange three-foot iron man, the people hesitated for a moment, and finally an old man with a solemn face and a respectable look stood up.

"This is what happened..."

Accompanied by the old man's narration, Du Chengfeng gradually understood the cause of the whole thing.

The river in front of him is called Jishui, and some people call it Jishui. After all, with the nourishment of the river water, the surrounding land becomes fertile, which is indeed a symbol of auspiciousness-but it is obvious that such a bumper harvest is not without price, just because this Jishui floods several times a year, flooding the fields, washing away livestock, and even killing local residents.

According to the old man's explanation, the locals had thought of ways to solve the problem, such as asking people to build river embankments or dredge the river. However, these water conservancy facilities that were fine elsewhere seemed to be out of order here. Every time a new flood control project was built, the more violent river water would wash it down.

"We really have no other way..."

The old man sighed.

If there is no way, then we can only try everything.

That was when the old man was still young. When he was thinking hard about how to solve this problem, he fell asleep unconsciously - but when he opened his eyes, he found a golden-armored god looking at him with glaring eyes.

"I am the local river god! I control both sides of the Jishui River! You little people dared to change the river privately! You deserve to be killed!"

The golden-armored god said this, and he was dumbfounded. Why did a river god suddenly appear? Was he dreaming?

You deserve to be killed... What does this river god mean is that if they change the river, they will all be killed?

But after that, He Bo also gave a solution, changing the river course back, and then offering sacrifices every year, so that He Bo could help cover up the matter and keep the area safe.

Then, he woke up.

"This sacrifice has been held year after year."

The old man fell to the ground and kowtowed to the strange iron man in front of him.

"What I said is the truth, and the local people can testify that since this sacrifice, the Ji River has never flooded again, so... please see clearly, immortal."

"No, I'm not your ancestor."

Facing the old man's kowtow, Du Chengfeng quickly stepped aside.

It's not that it's bad to be older, but mainly because he doesn't want to recognize such a shameful descendant.

If it were in the past, he would still suspect that this incident was a man-made disaster, that this old man was dishonest and that he was full of nonsense when he opened his mouth. The golden-armored god was fake, and He Bo was also fake. There were no gods in this world. But now, after listening to the old man's defense, he just felt that the old man was a little pathetic.

Just because, from the narration just now, he felt the breath of his peers.

"He Bo...refined river water as a weapon?"

Du Chengfeng touched his chin.

"Every year, he only needs a few lives to stop? This He Bo is so trustworthy?"

Yes, this is the different perspectives caused by different levels. If it were in the past, he would only think that this He Bo was too cruel and actually wanted to sacrifice people alive, but now, after polishing two mountains, he just felt that this He Bo seemed a little too kind.

The flooding of the Ji River, which often killed hundreds of people, was stopped, and it was shortened to only a few lives a year. The benefits were reduced by hundreds of times.

Is this He Bo a charity? So easy to talk to?



Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng glanced at the people kneeling beside him.

These people were still kowtowing to him. It was obvious that the sacrifice was disrupted, which made them afraid of He Bo's revenge. Especially the old man in the lead kowtowing like crazy, as if he wanted to prove the truth of his defense in this way.

But obviously, what these people didn't know was that even they themselves had been counted by He Bo.

Du Chengfeng could even guess the ending of the story. If he hadn't appeared, these ignorant people would still maintain the bloody sacrifice until a passing knight came. After seeing all this, the knight who saw injustice chose to save the innocent people who fell into the water, and then he would brazenly kill all these ignorant people.

The innocent people got redemption and hope, and the passing knight got evil spirit and fame. This sounds like a perfect ending.

For the He Bo hiding in the dark, it was an even more perfect ending.

He didn't have to work by himself every year, nor did he have to cause any resentment and be killed. The He Bo just sent a dream, and someone helped him take care of the beginning and the end and helped him harvest everything here.

After that, the reputation of the Ji River became better, and new people would come. The He Bo could cause a few more floods and come again.

In this way, how could the power of the Ji River not be strong?

Even the dreaming thing is free of cost. It is nothing more than knocking someone out, waking them up, and knocking them out again. Du Chengfeng can do it himself. If one person doesn't work, he can just send more people. In short, just convey the meaning.

"Too crude."

After reviewing the operation of He Bo, Du Chengfeng shook his head repeatedly.

It is indeed too crude. This method is not even as good as the mountain god of Sanshan Town. The mountain god at least knows to hide behind the scenes, not revealing his whereabouts at all, and will not take action unless something big happens.

But this He Bo has exposed his existence.

As the saying goes, a lonely jackal at night hopes for a female ghost, a single old man hopes for an old lady, an actor hopes to win an award, and a crosstalk performer hopes for the death of a colleague - although Du Chengfeng is not a crosstalk performer, after polishing those two mountains, it is also the first time he has seen a colleague, so it is inevitable that he is a little itchy.

What's more coincidental is that this colleague is not moral and has committed some crimes.

"You really deserve to die today!"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng simply waved his hand, signaling the people to stand up, and then raised his hand to bow to everyone.

"What happened just now was presumptuous of me. I was busy saving people and delayed everyone's business... But I saw that the child was thrown into the river like this, and I felt a little bit sorry, so how about this."

As he spoke, Du Chengfeng patted his chest.

"You throw me in."


The people were all stunned and didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

If they really said that this iron man who suddenly appeared attacked them, they could even understand it. After all, they knew in their hearts that throwing a child into the river was not very authentic even if it was nominally a sacrifice - but who would have thought that this iron immortal would actually say that he would throw himself into the river. Is he talking in his sleep?

But looking at the expression of the Iron Immortal, he didn't mean to joke at all. After thinking about it, the people didn't dare to disobey, so they had to follow the original sacrificial process and put the Iron Immortal on the sedan chair.

This time, they didn't dare to tie him up with a rope. Fortunately, the Iron Immortal took the initiative to go down to the river and didn't struggle at all.

However, from this point of view, the Iron Immortal's height of less than three feet is indeed about the same as a child.

"Rounding off, it can be considered a boy and a girl. I believe the River God won't blame them."

In fact, at this moment, many people have already thought of something in their hearts. If the result they thought of can really come true, then the River God will probably not blame them.

"It should have been like this long ago!"

Some people have secretly clenched their fists.

This action may not be noticed by the people around him, but in Du Chengfeng's perception, the strangeness of those people is still a little too obvious.

"Parents who lost their children..."

Du Chengfeng sighed secretly while stroking the armrest of the sedan chair.

No wonder he suddenly had the idea of ​​killing He Bo just now. It turned out that he was affected by these resentments. Seeing their children thrown into the river and drowned, these parents would only become more crazy and hateful.

But it was because of this strong hatred that made their will more determined. This hatred directed at He Bo himself was so strong that even he could be affected now.

These parents who lost their children hoped that the damn He Bo would be punished, no matter what.

So now, the retribution has come.


The sedan chair carrying the three-foot iron man was lifted onto the altar by the river, and then it was pushed into the river.

After that, the people by the river fell into confusion.

In the past, they should have been sad. After all, no matter what, a child was thrown into the river. Even if it was to take care of the emotions of the child's parents, everyone had to act in a sad posture. But this time, it was the Iron Immortal who was pushed into the river, and there was no death.

If there were no dead people, who else could they mourn for? They couldn't cry for the Iron Immortal, could they?

"Don't cry for mourning!"

Some people cried loudly, and the head of the Iron Immortal emerged from the river.

"I'm not dead yet! Why are you crying so loudly? I can hear it in the river! It's bad luck! Get out of here!"


This time, the people had no idea what to do.

Fortunately, the Iron Immortal gave them his final order, which was to get out, so they could only go home and disperse.

This may be the most outrageous sacrifice they have ever experienced, and also the most inexplicable one. Even after returning home, these people were still confused and had not come back to their senses for a long time.

Only a bearded man had a gloomy look on his face after returning home.

"Where did this beast come from! How dare you ruin my good deeds!"

As soon as he entered the house, the bearded man punched the wall directly. He never thought that the situation he had conceived was so exquisite, but there would be a problem.

As the river god in the mouths of the people, he was not even afraid of others meddling in his affairs. After all, no matter how much meddling he did, it would only kill the people who maintained the sacrifice. This had no effect on him. Instead, it helped him harvest a wave of lives to sacrifice the river water.

But who would have thought that suddenly an iron turtle fell from the sky and jumped into the river with a splash. What was this?

"You are really looking for death..."

Thinking of this, He Bo was furious, and he twisted the spiral with his bare hands, preparing to strangle the iron man with river water!

But immediately, this action froze in mid-air.

Just because he couldn't see the other party's background clearly.

Being able to fall from the sky at least shows that the other party has the ability to fly and hide, plus that iron body, God knows what this person is like-if he really meets some extraordinary person, wouldn't things be troublesome?

It's not that he hasn't suffered losses in this regard. For example, when he first got the Jishui River, he planned to take the banks of the Jishui River into his own territory and expand the outer branches. Who would have thought that his power had only expanded to Liuhua Mountain, and he was almost killed by the mountain king who ruled the mountain.

Since then, he has learned to be cautious and know that there is always a world beyond the world.

"So, what is the name of the hero?"

Thinking of this, the bearded man simply came to the river and asked the iron man in the river.

"If the hero has any accident, I can also write a book and biography for him to pass on to future generations."

"Huh? Are you calling me?"

Du Chengfeng, who had already circled the riverbed three times, floated to the surface.

"My name is Du Chengfeng. Since you are older than me, just call me A Du or Xiao Du... Wait, with this expression, do you mean you have heard of my name?"

Du Chengfeng in the water was stunned for a moment, and then slapped his head.

Although he had the idea of ​​hiding his real name, it was obvious that he had done some minor things before. Although those things were not worth mentioning in his current opinion, it was obvious that for others...

If he had known earlier, he would have given a false name, which would at least make him feel a little more relaxed.

Otherwise, it would become like this.

"Are you the Du Chengfeng who killed his way through Jibei and Yanzhou, rushed into the Jinluan Palace, and even killed an emperor?"

Just when Du Chengfeng was regretting, the big man had already told him his deeds like reading the names of dishes.

"The fierce tiger of Jibei, the butcher of Yanzhou, the one who trampled the Jinluan Palace on horseback, the one who killed the emperor...Are you the Du Chengfeng?"

"First of all, the river can't hold so many people, and then I am indeed Du Chengfeng."

After hearing that the big man with curly beard even gave him a bunch of nicknames, Du Chengfeng was about to faint in the river. In such a shameful scene, he would rather fight ten more mountain gods.

But at this moment, the big man with curly beard suddenly had a grim smile on his face.

"Du Chengfeng, right! I'm going to kill you!"

As he said this, the big man with curly beard grabbed with one hand and twisted it violently.

"How dare a mortal ruin my good deeds! I will peel off your skin!"

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