In the Blade

Chapter 465 Killing He Bo

Since he dared to call himself the local river god, this bearded man must have some skills.

With just a single hand grabbing out of thin air, the spiral vortex has already sucked the iron man in the river water into it. The surging water is as sharp as a knife, and anything swallowed in it will be completely torn into pieces - of course, after that, he will use the running water to wash the body of the mortal again, and wash off the broken skin.

He said he would peel his skin, and he would peel his skin. This bearded man always does what he says.

But those sharp waters like knives failed to cut the iron man, and even failed to cut the iron man's skin. The iron man named Du Chengfeng waved his arms, and the spiral twisting force emerged from the water - the bearded man felt that this mortal wanted to control his river water through power!


The waves crashed down, and the two separated at the touch.

At this moment, both sides of the battle looked up at each other.

"Good reaction."

Du Chengfeng nodded.

"You are the first one with such a fast speed."

"... Good tricks."

The face of the bearded man was as gloomy as water.

It must be said that he seemed to have made a wrong prediction.

Although the man in front of him, Du Chengfeng, was still a mortal, he had reached the peak in terms of combat awareness and understanding of power, and could even be compared with gods like him!

Comparing the power of gods with a mortal body...

So is it really a mortal body?

Although the silver-white body was only less than three feet long and looked like half a person, the rare hardness made even him frown - you know, the whirlpool water flow, as sharp as a blade, had obviously cut the grass, wood and stone involved into pieces, and a living person who fell into it would probably be twisted into a blood mist in an instant, but the iron man still had no intention of moving at all.

Can't cut, absolutely can't cut.

This iron man is so hard!

"So what are you doing here?"

At this moment, the bearded man suddenly felt a pain between his chest and abdomen.

This made him lower his head.

A silver-glowing palm emerged from his chest, and blood beads slid down the silver-white fingertips.


The bearded man turned his head with difficulty, but he couldn't see the silver-white figure.

He didn't notice the whole process at all... Was it because the opponent's hiding skills were too superb? Or was it just because the body of less than three feet was too short?

"How about this, don't peel my skin, let me peel your skin instead."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng stretched out his hand and tore, and the bearded man in front of him was cut in two on the spot.

But after this attack, Du Chengfeng suddenly frowned.

Just because, after the two halves of the bearded man's body fell to the ground, they flowed all the way into the river like liquid.

Then, huge waves surged.


In the water curtain covering the sky, the body of the bearded man emerged again.

But this time, the bearded man was already wearing armor and holding a steel fork, looking like a brave general.

"Do you think you can kill me!"


Du Chengfeng frowned.

He really didn't expect that this so-called He Bo was so different from the mountain god he had killed before.

It was the first time he had seen a body that could be resurrected from the water after being killed.

"So, what's next?"

Du Chengfeng raised his head and looked at the bearded man in the sky.

"What else do you have?"


The huge waves smashed down on his head.

The surging waves were so violent that the ground where Du Chengfeng had just stood was completely smashed, and the entire area had even become a swamp at this moment. The turbid waves were rampant, and even the altar that had been built for who knows how many years collapsed instantly.

The broken stones, huge trees, broken purlins, and broken columns, which were originally only garbage and debris, were now pushed by the water flow. Each of them carried the fierce and violent force of a heavy hammer. Some cattle and sheep were caught in it, and their entire bodies were even pierced on the spot, and those broken bones would follow the water flow and charge again with those debris. Under the push of that huge force, the sharp broken ends became sharper than the blade.

"So you expect to use this thing to deal with me?"

The palm flashing with silver light once again stabbed into the chest and abdomen of the bearded man.

"Don't you have any new things to do?"

The body of the bearded man collapsed again.

But what remained in Du Chengfeng's hand was just a handful of dirty water, and the body of the bearded man appeared again from the water curtain in the distance.

"Do you think this kind of mortal martial arts can kill me?"

The bearded man swung his arm, and the steel fork in his hand flew like a meteor.



The steel fork nailed into his body, causing a sound of metal and iron clashing. Du Chengfeng didn't even have the intention to dodge, and this attack couldn't even break his skin.

As for the so-called impact force, it was even more meaningless to him. After all, he no longer had any internal organs, so it was naturally impossible for any impact force to hurt his internal organs. If this impact force could affect his body, it would be even better, because it meant that his body density could be further improved through forging.

"Well, after all, I don't know where the limit of my body is now."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng simply spread his hands and let the attack of the bearded man hit him.

"Show me your limits, and show me my limits!"


The big man with the beard became more and more angry, and even the waves under his feet started to riot.

How dare you stand there and not dodge... Is this looking down on him? Is this looking down on his attack?

"There is no door to hell, so you can throw yourself into it! You are seeking death!"

"You know this, right?"

A familiar voice sounded from behind the bearded man again.

"Can't you get something fresh?"

The silvery palm once again poked out from between the chest and abdomen of the bearded man, and the body of the bearded man once again disintegrated into a ball of dirty water.

"You think you can kill me? Do you think you can kill me just by yourself?"

The bearded man once again emerged from the water curtain and sneered.

"As long as there is water, I will be immortal!"

Yes, this is what he relies on, and it is also the reason why he dares to call himself He Bo. It is just because his current power is really the same as the He Bo in those myths and legends - as long as the river water is still there, he cannot be Killing, this is his confidence, this is his divine power!

Who can defeat an immortal? Who can do it? No one can do it!

"So, is it really okay for you to tell me such important information?"

It was at this time that a familiar voice once again appeared behind the bearded man.

"If you do it, do it. Why are you so talkative? Is it to embolden yourself? Do you think saying these things will make you look powerful?"


The bearded man's body condensed again, but he was immediately dug into his chest and abdomen by a hand from his vest.

And that damn sound rang again.

"If not, could it be that you just want to chat? You don't have any friends, do you?"


The big man with the beard was furious!

So who is it that talks so loudly? This iron dwarf obviously said so much more than him! Can't you shut up this stinky mouth? What does talking while fighting mean?

"Die ah ah ah!"

The big man with scarlet beard swung the steel fork and smashed it down on the silver figure's head.

One couldn't be beaten no matter what, and the other couldn't be killed no matter how hard he tried. The two of them, an iron man and a water man, fought from noon to midnight until the sky was dark and the sun and the moon lost all light.

No one dared to come and watch this battle, they couldn't even come close, simply because this was more of a natural disaster than a battle.

A natural disaster that could easily kill everyone involved.

" finally ran out of energy."

Seeing that the iron man named Du Chengfeng's movements finally began to slow down, the bearded man finally showed a sinister smile.

Yes, that's why he fought for so long. Since he couldn't beat him, he simply decided to tire this dog to death. Anyway, with his back to the river, he had almost infinite physical strength, so there was no way he would fall. of.

On the contrary, this iron man, even though his body is made of iron, still shows signs of fatigue after being beaten until now.

"That's fine, I'll accept your body."

Looking at the tough body, greed appeared in the eyes of the bearded man.

He will forge this tough body into a handy weapon, and he will even seal the remnant soul of this dog breed inside, so that this dog breed that dares to offend him will be held in his hands and treated as his slave for the rest of his life. A cow becomes a horse!

"So... you are waiting for this?"

Du Chengfeng started scratching his head.

"Are you just waiting for me to get tired of beating you?"

"Oh, do you finally understand?"

The big man with the beard sneered.

"How dare you fight me in the river? You are so bold... Can you still move now? What else can you use to fight me!"

"Yeah, pretty good."

Du Chengfeng nodded.

"So you're not curious, what am I waiting for?"

"What are you waiting for?"

The tall man with beard was suddenly startled.

It seems...that's what happened. Although the Iron Man fought with him until the sky was dark, if the Iron Man really wanted to run away, it would still take a lot of effort for him to intercept him.

But this iron man had no intention of escaping, and just fought with him all the way until now.

Does this iron man really not know that his physical strength will be exhausted? Obviously, he knows that in ordinary fighting, when the physical strength is half exhausted, it is actually the time to retreat. After all, running also requires physical strength, and even consumes a lot of physical strength.

So since this iron man didn't run away...

What are you waiting for?

Could it be that he was waiting for his physical strength to be exhausted? This kind of thing is simply impossible. With the river at his back, it is impossible for him to exhaust his energy. Even after the battle, he is still in peak condition.

What on earth is this iron man waiting for...

"Ah, here we are."

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng suddenly spoke.

And a huge shadow also enveloped the bearded man.

This made the bearded man subconsciously raise his head.

What appeared in his sight was an entire huge mountain.



Under the dark night, a huge shadow suddenly hit the upper reaches of the river. The originally flowing river was literally broken by the huge impact!


This was the first reaction of the bearded man.

The familiar scene evoked the bearded man's horrible memories. That was when he had just mastered the power. At that time, he was so arrogant - but the heavy Liuhua Mountain and the monster-like mountain king made him realize what it meant to be beyond the sky.

With his back against the river, he could indeed be said to be immortal.

But what if the river stopped flowing?


The bearded man did not hesitate and ran down the remaining river.

Yes, he could still escape, he still had a chance, just like the time when he provoked Liuhua Mountain, didn't he still escape to heaven - after all, water can't kill, as long as there is water flowing, he can...

"Boom -"

Another mountain crashed down, cutting off the only way out in front of the bearded man.

It also completely shattered the only hope left in the heart of the bearded man.

"Two mountains..."

The bearded man was sweating.

It was at this moment that he truly realized that the Du Chengfeng who appeared in front of him was no longer an ordinary person.

The other party, like him, had already stepped onto the steps to becoming a god.



Before the bearded man could say anything, the silver-white palm once again reached out from his chest.

This time, the palm was not holding dirty water.

It was a heart that was still beating.

"Don't beg for mercy, be tough, and save some face for yourself."

Du Chengfeng patted the bearded man's shoulder, and he could see the struggle on his face.

"At least you have to die standing up, so that I can still respect you as a man."


The bearded man obviously wanted to say something, but the palm had already been pulled out.

Blood spurted out of the hole in his chest, mixing with the soft mud on the riverbed, and mixed into a dark red substance.

But the body of the bearded man was still standing there.

Du Chengfeng's action of pulling out his palm was carefully designed, and he could pull out without letting the force bring down the body.

Just like the two mountains, he waited until no one was in the mountains in the middle of the night before deploying the two mountains.

On the one hand, no one would be killed, and on the other hand, everyone was asleep at this point, and even if the two mountains flew up, they would not scare people with the cover of the night.

Unlike the so-called river god in front of him, Du Chengfeng has always been very civic-minded and would not cause trouble to local residents.

"But... it's not over yet."

Grabbing the steel fork from the bearded man, Du Chengfeng kicked the body into the mud at the bottom of the river to bury it, and then looked up at the shore.

That's where the people of Jishui live.

While controlling the two mountains to fly back to their original positions, Du Chengfeng flew into the air. In just a moment, he arrived at the town by the Jishui River. Then he fell from the clouds and went directly into the largest and most luxurious house in the town.

In the bedroom of the back hall of the house, the old man who was highly respected by the people was half asleep when the door of the bedroom was pushed open.


The old man who woke up in the middle of the night was startled, and even the fourth concubine who had just been married not long ago screamed.

"How dare you... Wait, warrior, why are you back?"

Seeing the silver-white figure carrying a steel fork, the old man's heart suddenly jumped inexplicably.

"Warrior, what are you doing..."

"I'm here to finish what I didn't finish during the day."

Du Chengfeng smiled kindly.

"It's not easy to do it during the day. Now that He Bo has been killed, you should die too."

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