In the Blade

Chapter 473: Killing and destroying the heart

If it were someone else, everything the tiny tin man in the ruins did might be useless.

For example, the ghost general who was blown away by the aftermath could not understand why the battle turned out like this. Normal battles are about seizing opportunities and fighting for life and death, but the battle in front of him turned into a back-and-forth battle - no, it was not even a back-and-forth battle. It was clearly the tin man who was bearing all the attacks unilaterally.

Is this also considered a battle?

Is fighting like this also considered a battle?

I don't understand, I can't understand. On one side, they were being beaten unilaterally, while on the other side, they were still clamoring to let the terrifying Liuhuashanjun choose his own fighting style, and they said they were helping a lot... Where was the help?

What on earth were they fighting for? What on earth were they doing?

"What are you waiting for!"

The weak ghost general barely propped himself up and shouted with his last strength. At this moment, he no longer cared about what would be exposed. He just wanted to know what this iron man who was more arrogant than the Chu people was doing.

"If you can't beat him, run! Why don't you run!"


The iron man turned a deaf ear to the shouting, or rather, Du Chengfeng was too lazy to respond to such shouting.

On the contrary, the Liuhuashan Lord hidden in the dark clouds in the air had a livid face.

Just because these words sounded so harsh.

What do you mean by running away if you can't beat him? Is this talking about him? Is the sentence "What are you waiting for" talking about him?

Is he saying that he has not caused any harm to the iron man until now?

So what is he fighting? What is he facing?

Why can't he beat him? Why can't he beat him? Why hasn't he beaten him until now, and the iron man is still fine?

This tin man...

"...Calm down."

In the dark clouds, Liuhuashanjun took a deep breath.

Liuhuashanjun, who realized that he was beginning to feel upset, frowned.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, all the tin man's shouting was just useless, but as an opponent in the battle, he could clearly feel the danger of this fighting style.

If the opponent really fought back and forth with him, it would even be a good thing. After all, with obvious moves, he would know how to deal with it - but now the tin man was just being beaten blindly, and the most important thing was that he couldn't hit him.

This kind of insignificant output, no matter how magnificent it looks, is still like the impotent rage of a young child in terms of the result.

Even if he has found the opponent's weakness, it is meaningless. His attack is still painless. Even if he has destroyed the entire Jishui Town, the tin man has no reaction at all.

Obviously, the tin man did nothing, just stood there and got beaten.

But at the moment, it was the aura of the attacker that was suppressed.

"This... is not the method of mortals!"

At this moment, Liuhuashanjun vaguely realized something.

Yes, this is not the logic of mortals' fighting at all. If it were a fight between mortals, they would probably fight to the death and compete to destroy the opponent physically - so they need to find the opponent's weakness, after all, that means they can kill the opponent faster and more quickly.

They said harsh words to each other, then hacked and killed each other, cut the neck, and stabbed the heart and lungs.

This is the fight of ordinary people.

As for the so-called masters of evil spirit among mortals, they only have this way of fighting, but the evil spirit makes their blades sharper and their moves stronger - but no matter how impressive those fancy moves look, in essence, they still can't get rid of this set of things.

Even some people who have escaped from the level of evil masters by chance and have truly touched the essence of power, possessing the power comparable to that of immortals, gods and Buddhas, will still subconsciously use this logic when fighting with others.

After all, this is a habit they left over from the mortal era, and their understanding of fighting remains at the level of killing.

Just like the Jishui River Lord in the past, even if he has touched the power of immortals, gods and Buddhas, because he is still a mortal, the fighting method he used when fighting can only be regarded as killing techniques.

This is why he let the Jishui River Lord leave, just because the former hunter was still a little too far away. How could ordinary killing techniques kill the gods who have been sitting in Liuhua Mountain for many years?

The reason why gods are gods is that they have touched the essence of power and have become non-human beings.

The killing technique is a technique to kill people, which can only be used to kill people. It is impossible for non-human beings to be killed by such superficial things.

Even the Jishui River Lord was the same. Although he still looked very immature, he had already touched the edge of being inhuman. He might be destroyed once or twice, but it was extremely difficult to really kill the inhuman Jishui River Lord.

But the Jishui River Lord still died, killed by the iron man who suddenly appeared.


Liuhuashan Jun suddenly understood something.

He suddenly understood how the Jishui River Lord died.

If it was just an ordinary killing technique, the Jishui River Lord would be difficult to kill, but what if the Jishui River Lord was facing a different level of killing technique?

What if the Jishui River Lord was facing a battle of another level?

"This is... killing the heart!"

Liuhuashanjun clenched his fists.

Yes, this is not a battle on the mortal level with the core purpose of destroying the body, but a completely different battle with the purpose of spiritual suppression - the so-called heart-killing is to suppress his arrogance and weaken his His momentum made him admit from the beginning that his skills were inferior to others!

When he himself feels that he is weak, it will be even less possible for him to defeat the strong enemy in front of him. At that time, whether it is flattening and rounding, or crushing bones and ashes, his life or death will all depend on the opponent's thoughts.

Just like he is now.

Even though he had figured this out, the fact that he had not done any damage after fighting for a long time had already shaken his confidence in victory.

"What exactly am I facing?"

Liuhuashanjun's face became serious.

First of all, it can be determined that the Tin Man is definitely not without heels. If the other party is just like the Jishui Hebo, a mortal who was lucky enough to touch the non-human level, then he should only use the same weapon as the Jishui Hebo. The killing technique is right.

But now, as soon as the Tin Man came up, he started to kill his heart.

"Could it be that..."

Liuhuashanjun vaguely thought of a possibility.

Whether it was Jishui Hebo or himself, they actually gradually transformed themselves into non-human beings after touching the essence of power - in other words, it actually took a process for them to become non-human.

So, since it is already a process, does that mean that there are actually more forerunners on this road?

These forerunners had set foot on this road before them, so they were naturally more pure and powerful. They already knew how to not be disturbed by mundane trivial matters, and they also knew how to use this power.

I know better how to deal with these latecomers.

For example, through the heart-killing method, directly destroy the source of power of these latecomers.

Destroy their will, tear their state of mind, shatter their pride, smash their Taoist heart.

There is no doubt that this is the most direct and effective way to deal with inhumans like them.

This was reflected when he dealt with Jishui Hebo. He did not kill Jishui Hebo, but Jishui Hebo who was killed and fled in embarrassment was as good as dead to him. How much - after all, he had driven out the inner demons of Jishui Hebo in that battle, and never dared to compete with him again.

In addition, the existence of Jishui Hebo can even cooperate with him to cause disasters and harvest the power of wishes.

This Jishui Hebo did not die, but he produced more useful value than death.

This was his intention to let Jishui Hebo go. After all, a living person is always more useful than a dead one.

But now...

The Tin Woodman also used the same method on him.

The same heart-breaking technique, the same sinister intentions.

"But I'm not that childish loser."

Thinking of this, Mr. Liuhuashan sneered.

Indeed, this heart-killing killing method is indeed powerful, but he was still aware of it after all - being able to detect it means that there are countermeasures. At present, the opponent's heart-killing killing method seems to be successful, but this time The battle itself is back to the back-and-forth stage.

Now that the Tin Man's attack ideas are clear, how could he be crushed so easily!


With this thought in mind, Lord Liuhua reached out and grabbed his hand, and the incense and candle scent of incense and candle power also appeared in his palm.

Everything in his hands seems so illusory, but the Liuhua Mountain King seems to be holding power and strength.

At this moment, Liuhuashanjun, who had begun to waver, became firm again.

"I am the God of Liuhua Mountain! I am worshiped by all the people! How could I be defeated by something like you!"

Feeling the majestic power contained in the incense power, and experiencing the worship and admiration from mortals in the power, the Liuhua Mountain Lord, who had already begun to slump, actually gained the strength to fight again!

"Heart-killing strategy... come!"

Thinking of this, Liuhuashan Jun simply waved his hand and shouted loudly.

"Use all your abilities! Use all your abilities! Let me see! What methods do you have!"

Along with the loud shouts of the Liuhua Tiger King, the huge mountain-like tiger cloud also stretched its body, and the overwhelming momentum was even more majestic!

That terrifying gesture that covered the sky and the sun seemed to be saying something.

A pearl of rice, dare to compete for glory?

"No, are you serious?"

Facing the terrifying monster-like majestic momentum in mid-air, Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head.

"Do you really want me to pick? Don't. Isn't this a bit too unfriendly to you?"


Facing these words, Liuhuashan Jun just sneered.

It’s another heart-breaking words. He might have been affected just now, but now, he will no longer be affected by these things - with the blessing of the incense and the wish, his state of mind There is no wave in the ancient well, and he knows very well that he must be the one who laughs in the end, and he must be the one who wins!

After all, he has seen through this heart-wrenching strategy.

He even went so far as to suppress the Tin Man.

"Come! Let me see how much you weigh!"

At this moment, Liuhuashanjun no longer attacked, but was waiting for the Tin Man to take action.

As long as the Tin Woodman attacks with all his strength, and he blocks the blow easily, the Tin Woodman will inevitably become as self-doubtful and unstable as he was just now!

As for whether he can block this blow, this is not a question that needs to be considered at all. Let alone the almost omnipotent power of incense and fire, the Liuhua Mountain itself that he controls cannot be easily shaken - you know This is the power of an entire mountain, and it even broke the Jishui River.

With such power, what can be beaten?

"No, do you really want to come here like this? You don't even want to hide?"

Du Chengfeng scratched his head even more.

"If you do this, it makes me look very...forget it, you said it, you asked me to do my best."

"You have no joke."

Liuhuashanjun sneered.

After succeeding, the Tin Woodman began to doubt himself, and could not even say those arrogant words - this was enough to show that his heart-breaking killing method was effective, and he not only resisted the Tin Wood Man's heart-breaking words , and even in turn made the tin man feel shaken!

When the mind is swaying, the will is not pure enough, and it is impossible for a mixed will to exert any power.

He had already foreseen that this blow would have no effect, and it would also make the cracks in the Tin Man's mentality more and more obvious. The so-called heart-killing... He was going to kill the Tin Man and kill his heart today!

"Even if you are a forerunner, it is the same."

Seeing the tin man actually taking out a big knife and raising it towards him, Liuhua Tiger already had a victorious smile on his face.

This was his first time defeating a suspected forerunner.

From this point of view, these so-called forerunners may not really be that strong.

And this also means that at this moment, he has reached a higher level...


Blazing white light pierced the clouds.

Warm sunlight shone down again, shining on the clouds that were divided into two halves. The clouds that looked like giant tigers were neatly divided into two halves, and the huge crack seemed to be plated with a layer of gold by the sunlight.

Facing this situation, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

Although in theory, he has to try his best, and this is indeed a rare opportunity for him. He can take the opportunity to show off his strengths and see where his current strength is - mental strength, incense wish. With all his strength, and even the weight brought by those two mountains, he was ready to put everything he had on this knife.

However, considering that the two big mountains flying during the day might disturb the people, he still chose not to use the big mountains.

In other words, this is not actually a full effort, but only 30% or even 20%.

"So, I'm really sorry."

Du Chengfeng first apologized to his opponent for saying that he would give his best but had reservations.

"I still hold back, maybe I can't give you as much pleasure as you want... Hey, are you okay?"

"I... am not dead yet!"

The huge clouds dissipated, revealing only a man wearing a tiger-skin cloak.

It's just that this man's face is covered in blood at this moment, and his face is blurred.

"I! I'm not dead yet!"

Even so, the man still straightened his back and drew his sword.

"I! I can still fight!"

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