In the Blade

Chapter 474 Immortality

"I can still fight!"

Although he was right to say so, Liuhuashanjun still stood there.

Just looking at his slightly confused look, it was obvious that he had not come back to his senses.

But there was no way to deal with this kind of thing. I'm afraid no one would be able to come back to their senses. You know, he had just prepared for the heart-breaking battle. He had greatly improved the stability of his own state of mind. Under the blessing of the will of all people, at that moment, he had truly achieved a heart as hard as steel.

No matter what the tin man did, it was impossible to shake his will. At that moment, he even began to influence the will of the tin man and shook the foundation of the tin man!

Then, the tin man swung his knife and chopped at him.

He didn't use any heart-breaking fighting methods, he just swung his knife and chopped at him.

It had nothing to do with the battle in the state of mind. It was clearly just using the most common killing technique.

But this was also the strongest killing technique.

The heavy dark clouds were split apart, and the steady power like a mountain was split apart.

Even Liuhua Mountain Lord himself was split in half.

Although he only looked like his face was covered in blood, only he knew that his body had already been split in the middle with a neat seam.

If he was a mortal, he would have been dead since he was hit by the knife just now.

However, he was not a weak mortal after all. As a mountain lord, he was no longer trapped by the flesh and blood body full of weaknesses. Just like now, even though his whole body had been split in half, under the omnipotent incense and vows, his body that was split in half was still firmly attached together!

This was not just attached together, he could even move freely, and his body had even begun to repair itself, as if the fierce slash that split the whole body left only an ordinary wound!

Rounding it off, he was almost unscathed!

"Is your strength limited to this extent?"

Liuhua Mountain Lord, with blood all over his face, raised his sword.

"Is your so-called full strength just this extent?"

"Uh, I'm so sorry."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help scratching his head.

"It's not full strength..."

"Your so-called full strength! Is it just this extent!"

Liuhua Mountain Lord roared again.

"You can't even scratch my skin! Your so-called full strength..."

"Uh, wait a moment."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but speak after all.

"Well, I roughly know what you want to say, but do you want to align your body first? Don't you feel something is wrong?"

"Your so-called full strength... um?"

Liuhua Mountain Lord was only halfway through swinging the sword in his hand, but he suddenly froze.

Just because his feet suddenly staggered.

Liuhua Mountain Lord can be sure that with his physical strength, this kind of thing is impossible-even if he was stabbed, he is still a mountain king, and he is also a being comparable to immortal gods and Buddhas, how could he not even swing a knife properly?

This is a problem that is absolutely impossible to happen, there must be something wrong.

For example, one leg is short.


After a moment of silence, Liuhuashanjun tried to realign the two halves of his body that were not firmly attached.

However, this attempt was still a little bit off. Liuhuashanjun tried five times in a row, but the result was that the left side was higher than the right side, or the right side was higher than the left side. The two halves of the body were difficult to align, and it looked weird from a distance.

"Why not just forget it, and stop here today."

Du Chengfeng finally couldn't hold it back, and he was almost amused.

"Or I can help you align it... Don't worry, I won't do it at this time, I am very public-spirited."


Take a deep breath, and the two halves of Liuhuashanjun, who were twisted and distorted, raised their heads at the same time.

"If this is what you call full strength, then you are still not good enough."

Then, the two halves of Liuhuashanjun, who had been split into two halves, rushed over separately!


Du Chengfeng was shocked, where had he seen such a scene!

Half of the Liuhua Mountain King swung his sword and chopped towards him, which was easily blocked by Du Chengfeng, but at this moment, the other half of the Liuhua Mountain King had already punched him in the back!


Du Chengfeng quickly swung his sword, and the half of the Liuhua Mountain King behind him was also cut in half.

But this half of the body that was cut off still had no intention of falling to the ground.

The Liuhua Mountain King, which was divided into three parts, flew over again!

"Can you kill me? How could you kill me!"

"I don't believe it!"

Du Chengfeng was also anxious, and the sword in his hand danced into a ball of light. The Liuhua Mountain King that flew over was cut into pieces again, but the fragments of the Liuhua Mountain King rushed over again!

This Liuhua Mountain King was really immortal!

"You can't kill me!"

Even though his head had been split into eight pieces and his chest had been split into fifteen pieces, the Liuhua Mountain King was still roaring.

"You can't kill me! You can't kill the real mountain!"

The real mountain!

Hearing the roar of Liuhua Mountain Lord, Du Chengfeng suddenly realized the problem.

Yes, the real mountain.

Just like the Jishui Hebo who is almost impossible to kill as long as he is still in the water, this Liuhua Tiger has obviously found some way to make it impossible to kill him.

Just like a real mountain.

Indeed, as long as the evil spirit is strong enough, the mountain can be split - but even if the mountain is split, the mountain is still a mountain. Even if the entire mountain is blown down and turned into broken bricks and broken stones, as long as these broken bricks and broken stones can They are still piled there, and the mountains are still mountains.

It was like the pile of broken Liuhua Tigers in front of him.

Even though blood has been spread all over the ground, even though it has been chopped into pieces, the mountain is still a mountain!

"You! You can't kill me!"

The broken pieces flew over again, and the black mass was like a dark cloud covering the sky!

This time, Du Chengfeng couldn't avoid it.

Even if he blocks the sword, he will still be kicked by the leg. Even if he splits the leg, a foot will fly towards him. He can split the oncoming fist, but immediately the torn fingers will stab him again.

Moreover, every blow carries the weight of a mountain.


Finally, Du Chengfeng, who couldn't dodge, was hit, the first time.

Although it was just a poke with one finger, the power of this poke was so powerful that even Du Chengfeng's stainless steel body was still staggered!

No, not even just a stagger.

This finger even made a faint dent in his body!


Du Chengfeng's eyes widened when he noticed this.

You must know that his body was forged by three mountains before it was formed. Ordinary attacks can't even scratch his skin, but this Liuhua Mountain King can leave marks on him...

This Liuhua Mountain is probably even stronger than the three mountains in Sanshan Town!


It was at this time that more broken limbs hit Du Chengfeng's body. The silvery white body less than three feet away was completely submerged by the storm of broken bodies in just an instant.

The silver-white metal body had layers of ripples. Under the countless punches, the silver-white body seemed to have shrunk once again.

"Hahaha! You're smaller again! You're smaller again!"

Liuhua Tiger was beating crazily, shouting and beating at the same time. At this moment, even with his killing skills, the Tin Man was completely suppressed by him!

It turns out that the Tin Woodman is only at this level, this level of pure beating. The so-called attack just now seemed powerful, but in essence it couldn't hurt him at all - yes, with the blessing of the incense and wish power, Below, like Liuhua Mountain, he is already truly immortal!

Not the half-assed immortality of Jishui Hebo, but the real immortality. At this moment, he cannot be killed. At this moment, he is as strong as a god!

"Death, death, death!"

Liuhua Tiger's attack became more and more violent, and the silver figure turned into a small broken ship in the storm, being tossed around by the storm, as if it would be torn apart in the next moment!

However, at this moment, Liuhuashanjun suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Thank you...thank you so much!"

It was obvious that he had been beaten like this, but the silver figure even tried to bow with his hands!

"Thank you so much!"


Facing the provocation from the enemy, Liuhua Tiger's offensive became even more fierce.

There is no need to show off his words, fists, feet and swords are his best answers.


Facing the increasingly fierce attacks, Du Chengfeng, who was almost shattered, became more and more delighted.

Indeed, the Liuhua Tiger's attack was more powerful than he imagined. At least after having this body made of steel, this was the first time that he was defeated - you must know that his current body has changed. It has reached a level comparable to ultra-high-alloy powdered high-speed steel, but even with such a strong body, it can still be scarred!

Liuhuashanjun is really powerful!

His luck is really good too!

Indeed, the Liuhua Mountain King was extremely powerful and had even beaten him black and blue.

But his body also became more solid.

This texture, this density... He is even stronger now than he was just now!

"Thank you so much! Thank you so much!"

Feeling that his body became more solid, Du Chengfeng's heart was even filled with gratitude!

If this Liuhua Mountain Lord wasn't so powerful, he wouldn't even know that his body could actually go one step further!

But unfortunately, it seems that’s where it ends.

After his entire body took the blow, he could no longer solidify.

This made Du Chengfeng a little sad.

He originally thought that he could pass through this rare and powerful enemy, through this Liuhua Tiger, and touch the limits of this new body.

But who would have thought that it would be him who took the first step and reached the limit of Liuhua Tiger.

"Is that all you can do?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

"There is no new power, can you show it to me?"


Liuhuashanjun suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Yes, it feels wrong.

It is true that the Tin Woodman has shrunk again, but at this moment, he can no longer hit the Tin Woodman at all - it was clear that he could hit it just now and make a dent, but now...

His attack actually lost its effect again?

"What the hell...are you?"

Even though Liuhuashanjun was well-informed, he couldn't help but feel confused at this moment.

"What kind of monster are you?"

"What monster! Why are you cursing!"

Du Chengfeng immediately got angry.

"I'm a human! Can't you see that!"

... Human?

Can a human be unscathed under such an attack?

Can a human withstand the power of a mountain for so long?

Can a human cut him into this state?

What a joke! If this kind of thing can be considered a human! Then what is he!

"Dog! I can tell at a glance that you are not a human!"

Liuhuashanjun swung up the broken limbs and arms on the ground and hit him again.

And this time, what greeted Liuhuashanjun was the bright light of the knife.

The bright light of the knife was burning with flames, and the blazing flames seemed to ignite everything, whether it was grass, gravel, or blood, or even those broken limbs and arms, they were all on fire.

The grass and trees were burned to ashes, the gravel was burnt to dust, and the blood had dried up so much that no trace could be seen. As for the broken limbs and arms...

The broken limbs and arms were still burning.

It could even be said that they were completely unharmed.

"You can't kill me!"

After realizing this, Liuhuashanjun burst into laughter.

"You can't kill me! You can't kill me at all!"

"Well... that's the theory."

To Liuhuashanjun's surprise, the iron man in front of him actually nodded.

"So, can you kill me?"


This time it was Liuhuashanjun's turn to be silent.

It seemed that he couldn't.

At least until now, he couldn't find any way to deal with the iron man. Although the silver-shining body was only half the height of a man, its solidity was really like cast steel.

No, even if it was steel, it couldn't withstand the power of the entire Liuhua Mountain.

It was something much harder than steel.

One side can't be killed no matter how hard they chop, and the other side can't be defeated no matter how hard they hit. It seems that they can keep fighting like this until the end of time - or in other words, the remaining battle is a competition of pure will, to see who can stand to the end, to see who can hold on to the end.

Does this tin man want him to give up?

Impossible! He will definitely hold on to the end!

Even if it collapses, the mountain is still a mountain!

He is immortal! He will not admit defeat! He has been sitting in Liuhua Mountain for so many years and enjoying so much incense and vows. How could this unparalleled power...

"... Hmm?"

At this time, Liuhua Mountain Lord suddenly felt a burst of weakness.

It was not a physical weakness, but a more fundamental weakness, a weakness in strength and a weakness in will.

Or it could be said that it was a weakness in incense and vows.

"How... is it possible?"

Feeling the gradual loss of his own power, Liuhua Mountain Lord flew in both eyes, full of disbelief.

He has been entrenched in Liuhua Mountain for so long, and the area around Liuhua Mountain has been managed by him to be as solid as a rock. People there will chant his name and thank him for saving people from suffering.

How come these people suddenly... and at this time...

"It's you!"

The Lord of Liuhua Mountain looked at the iron man in front of him.

"What did you do? You actually did those mortals, those people in Liuhua Mountain..."

"Why are you looking at me? I didn't do anything."

Du Chengfeng spread his hands.

He really didn't do anything.

But the people in Jishui Town couldn't say for sure.

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