In the Blade

Chapter 483 Big Rat

When Du Chengfeng flew all the way back to Liuhua Mountain, nothing seemed to have changed.

The sun still rose as usual, and the people of Liuhua Mountain were still organizing to resume production. Since the people of Jishui Town had already had some awareness of "Taibai Star is Liuhua Mountain Lord" and "Liuhua Mountain Lord is Taibai Star", and with the convenient water transportation of Jishui, the people on both sides had some cooperation.

Whether it was for the people of Jishui Town or the people of Liuhua Mountain, this was a good thing.

Even for Du Chengfeng, it was a good thing.

The local people had already settled down and lived and worked in peace, so he could naturally go about his own business. As for the other two monsters lurking here, the mouse and the hedgehog...

They didn't seem to come.

Out of caution, Du Chengfeng also checked several times, but there was really no sign of the two monsters coming here. At least there were no strange things happening locally, and no strange murders, which meant that no one even died.

As for Du Chengfeng, he didn't encounter any situation of being found at home.

Everything seemed so peaceful.

"Maybe...they really ran away?"

Come to think of it, a mouse and a hedgehog are not good at frontal combat. After their companions who are good at fighting died, these two monsters could not cause any trouble - maybe these two monsters just ran away. After all, judging from the situation of killing the snake monster before, there were also internal conflicts among these five monsters.

However, Du Chengfeng still chose to stay in Liuhua Mountain for a while.

On the one hand, it was to polish the mountain, and on the other hand, it was for the safety of the local area.

After all, these five monsters came for him. It didn't matter if he fought and killed, but if innocent people were hurt because of his fight, it would be a bit unacceptable.

Du Chengfeng never liked to cause trouble for others.

Since he couldn't find the remaining two monsters, his life returned to normal. He polished the mountains during the day and slept well at night. He went to bed early and got up early to stay healthy. With a few more mountains in his hands, his diet became even healthier. Not only did the ingredients he took in every day become fresher, but even the quality of the meat he ate was much better.

Although Du Chengfeng didn't know whether he still needed to eat now that he had no internal organs, he still regarded eating on time as an indispensable daily thing.

Perhaps this was his unique obsession.

After all, his body had become a little too outrageous. It was originally very big, but now it was completely without internal organs. It was a body made of steel and iron, and it might not even be considered a human being. But Du Chengfeng still felt that he was a human being. If he wasn't a human being, what could he be?

So if you are a human being, you must eat, and you must eat cooked food. Enjoying the food brought by cooking is a right that belongs to humans.

People take food as their heaven.

Not only Du Chengfeng, but everyone is like this.

For example, the people in Jishui Town worked hard to build water conservancy projects, not just to harvest more food and earn more food, or the people in Liuhua Mountain, even though they were facing natural disasters every year, they were still struggling to survive - but now it is better, at least there is no flood in Jishui Town, and there is no natural disaster in Liuhua Mountain, and everyone can always have a good year.

However, work is work, and these people have not forgotten the Taibai Star who brought all this.

So after harvesting food in the fall, the people in Jishui Town and Liuhua Mountain respectively selected some of the best food this year and offered them to their Liuhua Mountain Lord and Taibai Star.

Treating people to a good meal, this may be the best way they can think of to express their feelings.

And this is also the best meal Du Chengfeng has ever eaten.

Although the dishes are very simple and the cooking skills are far worse than his own, this sincere heart is real.

"I didn't do much, actually."

Du Chengfeng, who had a full meal at Liuhua Mountain, scratched his head. He really felt that he was a little unworthy of it. After all, the relationship between him and the original Lord of Liuhua Mountain was just a personal grudge. He never thought that after he killed the Lord of Liuhua Mountain, the lives of the local people would actually get better. In fact, from this perspective, this matter was somewhat related to him.

Maybe he just couldn't stand this kind of scene. Even if he waited for the people of Liuhua Mountain to disperse before sneaking over to eat, he still didn't know what to do when facing this full table of food.

It is also possible that he was just not used to being thanked.

He was more used to facing the scene where everyone wanted him dead.

After all, he didn't have to think about anything at that time. He just had to swing the knife and kill those enemies.

But the weight of thanks was much heavier than the knife.

"I have to go to Jishui Town for a meal... Oh."

When Du Chengfeng thought about the same meal waiting for him in Jishui Town, his scalp tingled. Of course, he didn't think it was a bad thing. It could even be said to be a kind of happy trouble - he would always be happy to be thanked by others, after all, it meant that he had done something.

Compared to this gratitude, the pure incense and wish power attached to the meal was even secondary.

"Besides, we can't waste food, right?"

After thinking for a long time, Du Chengfeng finally found a more suitable reason for himself - although he was not good at dealing with this kind of situation, he was not the kind of person who would waste food. Since everyone made it specially for him, then He will definitely go over and eat it all.

Anyway, with his appetite, he can finish even two meals. If people in Liuhua Mountain eat it, there is no reason why people in Jishui Town can't eat it.

If the food he worked so hard to prepare is left to rot because he didn't go there to eat, that would be a real waste.


Du Chengfeng, who had just arrived in Jishui Town, was preparing to eat, but he was just staring at the shrine beside Jishui.

There is indeed food placed in front of the shrine, but at this moment, the food has been ruined. The bowls and chopsticks are scattered on the floor, and the food is scattered everywhere. Obviously, this cannot be done by Jishui locals. , the locals are not so bold, and even outsiders cannot be so bold.

"Who did it!"

Du Chengfeng immediately became furious.

The matter was not a big deal, but it was extremely bad in nature. This not only ruined his face, but also wasted the gratitude of the people of Jishui Town. Most importantly, this behavior wasted hard-earned food.

Such good food could have been enjoyed by people, but now it is all rolling on the ground, mixed in the mud, and the dogs will not eat it, so it can only be eaten by the mice...


Du Chengfeng took a closer look and saw that there were indeed a few mice gnawing on the food that had fallen on the ground, each one eating until their bellies were full.

Looking at these rats stealing food, Du Chengfeng had a vague feeling that something was not right.

The raised right hand waved down, and several mice were neatly cut open in front of Du Chengfeng - it turned out that these mice were just ordinary mice, and they failed to show any signs when faced with the light of the sword. Ability to resist.

It was just a few rats that stole the tribute. Everything seemed like a coincidence.

But Du Chengfeng didn't think this was a coincidence at all.

He smelled danger.

So, for safety reasons, Du Chengfeng once again found Zhang Laowu in Jishui Town.

There is no danger on his side, and he won't be afraid of a real attack, but it's hard to say to these ordinary people.

So someone needs to organize manpower to prevent trouble.

"Anyway, watch out for rats."

This is what Du Chengfeng told Zhang Laowu.

"I am outside and have an enemy with two monsters. They may come to harm you, so be careful of mice recently."

"……I see."

Zhang Laowu promised this, but he didn't feel anything in his heart.

Watch out for mice? What can a mouse do? Not to mention that there are cats and dogs in the town that can catch mice. Even if there are not, small things like mice cannot hurt people - if there is anything that mice can do, it is probably to steal food. We have enough food, but how much can a mere mouse steal?

Thanks to the Taibai Star, this year is considered a good year, and every household has a surplus of food. Even if it is bitten by insects and rats, it will not be like in previous years.

"But since that Taibai Star said so... let's take a look."

With this in mind, Zhang Laowu opened his warehouse and prepared to take a look before going back to sleep.

However, just this glance frightened Zhang Laowu so much that he sat on the ground.

"How is it is it possible?"

Looking at the empty warehouse, Zhang Laowu was dumbfounded.

"Where is the grain? Where is the grain that was just harvested? Why is it gone? Why is there not a single grain left?"

However, no matter how Zhang Laowu cried and howled, the warehouse still looked empty. Not even a grain of grain could be seen on the ground. It was so empty that a mouse could run away.

Yes, mouse.


Zhang Laowu, who thought of something, rushed to the next door. He vaguely thought of something.

Sure enough, when he and his neighbor checked the warehouse, they still saw an empty space.

This also made Zhang Laowu's fear intensify.

Zhang Laowu went from house to house, and other houses were in the same situation. Soon, he visited all the houses in the town. It was at this time that Jishui, who was still immersed in the joy of the harvest, Only then did the people realize that the food they had collected had long since disappeared.

This year is indeed a good year, but this good year has nothing to do with the people of Jishui.

At this moment, the people of Jishui have nothing.


Zhang Laowu fell to the ground and was speechless for a long time.

He didn't know why, he didn't know where he went wrong. It was obvious that the Jishui people had done nothing wrong. They just wanted to live their lives well and live normally...

But now they have nothing.

Rations, seed grains, vegetables, dried meat, everything that can be eaten to satisfy hunger have disappeared. Let alone a good year, they don’t even know if they will have food to eat tomorrow.

"Why is this happening?"

Zhang Laowu subconsciously clenched the Iron Man statue in his arms.

Under the catastrophe, he was completely panicked. The only thing he could think of at this moment was to turn to the omnipotent Taibai Star for help.

But Taibai Xing, whom he admired, didn't give him any response.

Just because Du Chengfeng is far away in Liuhua Mountain.

When he saw Zhang Laowu running around the town, Du Chengfeng, who had not yet flown away in mid-air, had already vaguely guessed what was going on. When he saw the empty warehouse in Zhang Laowu's house, he even jumped up from the ground. He got up and flew all the way to Liuhua Mountain - just because at this moment he had vaguely felt that such a thing would never only happen in Jishui Town.

And after he returned to Liuhua Mountain, things were exactly as he imagined.

The food collected by the people of Liuhua Mountain had been swept away without even realizing it.


Du Chengfeng clenched his fists and suddenly flew into the sky.

Although the most important thing at the moment is to dig out the rats hiding in the dark, what is more important is the food supply problem in Liuhua Mountain and Jishui. You must know that those rats are so ruthless and cruel that there is no If you leave a grain of food for the people in both places, how long can the people in the two places last without enough food?

What's more, it all started because of him.

"Anyway, bring the food back first!"

This was Du Chengfeng's first thought.

As for where to go to prepare food, it's easy to say. The best choice is definitely Wangyou Township. Due to the use of Master Ruan's ashes, Wangyou Township has already had a surplus of supplies. It's nothing to separate some now.

But transportation is a problem.

It is true that Du Chengfeng can fly back and forth, but this does not mean that he can fly back and forth carrying the rations of the people in the two towns. What's more, he can't bring much in one trip. There are so many mouths waiting for food. What he can bring That's just a drop in the bucket.

What is really convenient is to use Huangtian's method to adjust food in different places. Perhaps this is the real use of Huangtian's portal, ultra-long-distance transportation of materials, but this also requires him to fly back to coordinate first.

"I hope nothing happens..."

Du Chengfeng flew back to Wangyou Township as quickly as possible, organized manpower, and prepared to transport the food there. As for the people in Wangyou Township, although they were a little confused about this, they were willing to follow it out of their trust in Du Chengfeng - but no matter how fast the whole process was, it still took nearly a day.

"At least let them have dinner."

Du Chengfeng thought this way as he flew all the way back to Jishui Town.

But when he found Zhang Laowu and was about to discuss how to receive the goods, he heard surprising news.

The people in the two towns have not been hungry for a day. They have at least solved the food ration problem.

"As long as the memorial tablet of Mother Bai is enshrined, there will be food at the doorstep."

Saying this, Zhang Laowu took out a wooden tablet from his arms.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng vaguely smelled the scent of some strange animal.

That's the scent of a hedgehog.

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