In the Blade

Chapter 484: The Battle of the Invisible Enemy

The people of Jishui Town and Liuhua Mountain got food rations again, although the amount was small.

But this still solved their urgent needs. At least at this critical moment of food shortage, this little food ration gave them food to eat.

"This is... life-saving!"

Looking at the bag of food rations in his hand, and looking at his family members who were hungry and scared for a day because of the lack of food, Zhao Laoer subconsciously clenched the bag of food in his hand.

The iron man statue was still hanging on his chest, but at this moment he could no longer remember it - or even if he remembered it, it was a different matter.

Indeed, that Taibai Star saved his family's lives in the disaster of the Yin soldiers borrowing the road. This was a great grace of saving lives. As the saying goes, a drop of water should be repaid with a spring, not to mention that this was a life-saving grace. He was even willing to die for this grace!

But this bag of food, this "White Mother" who was said to be an immortal, also saved his family's lives at this critical moment.

They are both life-saving graces. Can this kind of thing really tell who is better?

"Thank you... Thank you!"

Holding the bag of food, Zhao Laoer kept kowtowed in the direction of the door.

And such things were also happening in other families in Jishui Town and Liuhua Mountain.

Du Chengfeng was the first to notice the change in things, only because the huge mental power that was originally attached to him was obviously much weaker.

This was even directly reflected in his appearance. You know, after forcibly growing bigger and killing the snake, Du Chengfeng was in a hurry to get back, and forgot to restrain his body for a while. The huge body supported by mental power was already more than three feet long - but he was too used to this tall perspective, so he didn't notice it.

But now, his figure has become shorter.

The height of more than three feet has shrunk directly to one and a half feet, and it is still shrinking visibly with the naked eye.

Feeling the perspective getting lower and lower, Du Chengfeng's forehead began to sweat slightly.

"What's wrong with you?"

In front of Du Chengfeng, Zhang Laowu, who was called over to ask questions, had some doubts on his face. The man thought that this Taibai Star deliberately made the giant body smaller in order to take care of him.

But Du Chengfeng felt something else from this sight.

Maybe Zhang Laowu himself didn't notice it, but Du Chengfeng had already felt it. When his body gradually shrank, the admiration in Zhang Laowu's eyes when he looked at him also decreased slightly.

Although this decrease was very small, and although Du Chengfeng didn't even need this admiration, the change in his eyes could still explain some problems.

"It's a new way of fighting..."

Du Chengfeng subconsciously clenched his fists.

This time, the enemy was completely different from the enemies he had encountered before. You know, no matter how strong the enemy he encountered before, as long as he swung his knife and chopped it, everything would always be fine.

But this time, his enemy had completed the attack on him without even showing his face, and even greatly weakened him.

But he still didn't know where the enemy was.

If he didn't even know where the enemy was, who could he kill even if he swung his blade?

"That... did I say something wrong?"

Zhang Laowu spoke cautiously.

Although he didn't know what happened, Zhang Laowu still keenly noticed that the atmosphere was a little wrong. The Taibai Star in front of him still had a kind expression on his face, but the atmosphere around him had already begun to become dangerous.

The murderous aura that permeated, even if it was just a tiny aftermath, had made Zhang Laowu tremble.

It almost made him kneel on the ground.

"I really didn't worship that Bai Mama!"

His knees softened, and Zhang Laowu was about to kowtow on the spot.

"I know there is something wrong with this matter! I really didn't do this! I, I..."

"Don't kneel!"

Just when Zhang Laowu was about to kowtow to the ground, a roar came from his ear.

"Stand up for me!"


Zhang Laowu, who was originally going to show his loyalty by kneeling, froze in place. For a moment, he didn't know whether to kneel or not.

In nature, animals beg for mercy by exposing their weaknesses, and human weaknesses are in the neck and back of the head. Therefore, when humans beg for mercy, kneeling becomes an instinct. The essence is to show that they have given up resistance by exposing their weaknesses and beg for forgiveness.

Zhang Laowu wanted to say that he really realized the problem and never thought of betraying this Taibai star.

But how should he express it?

"Anyway, stand up."

Du Chengfeng once again resumed the posture of the iron man who was less than three feet tall. At this moment, he simply stopped using his strength to support his body.

In this posture, he would be more comfortable.

"Also, stop talking about being small. You're already this old, you're probably older than me... Stand still! What are you talking about!"

"No, I, this..."

Zhang Laowu became more and more embarrassed, especially when he heard the phrase "older than me", his mind went blank.

His age... How could he be older than Taibaixing? How is it possible? How is this possible?

"I told you to stand still! Can't you hear me!"

After another loud roar, Zhang Laowu finally stood at attention.

But this made Zhang Laowu even more embarrassed, because after he stood up straight, he was six feet tall. Facing the less than three feet tall Taibai Star, he could only look down.

Looking down at Taibai Star, this kind of thing...

"Okay, calm down for a while, and then listen carefully."

Du Chengfeng didn't care about the difference in perspective at all, or rather, he was more concerned about what to do next.

He had never experienced such a battle where he couldn't even see the enemy. This was indeed a dangerous battle for him. He didn't even see the enemy's face, but he was already badly injured.

But this was also a very novel experience for him.

"The battle can actually be fought like this... The battle can actually be fought like this!"

After a brief confusion, Du Chengfeng was filled with fighting spirit, which surprised him very much!

After all, he had wondered before how the users of mental power would fight each other. After all, mental power is omnipotent. As long as there is mental power, it is almost equivalent to true immortality. But Liuhuashanjun's fighting style made him realize that there is a fierce way to directly eliminate the source of the opponent's mental power.

And this battle, where even the enemy can't touch it, has opened a new door for him.

"It can be like this... It can be like this!"

At this moment, Du Chengfeng even began to admire, admiring the enemy's superb means.

He was away for only one day, and the opponent could play such a fierce combo. This is really...


Du Chengfeng exclaimed!

His enemy is really amazing!

"Who are you talking about?"

Zhang Laowu on the side didn't know this. He was stunned, especially the attitude of the Taibai Star in front of him changed so quickly... What's going on with this shock?

Facing an unknown situation, people's first reaction is panic.

Although he maintained a respectful attitude on the surface, Zhang Laowu was increasingly frightened in his heart.

But at this moment, the iron man in front of him pulled up his hand.

"I'm saying that you are amazing."

Du Chengfeng said sincerely.

"In such a poor and bad place, you have persisted for so long. It must be very hard for everyone, right?"


Zhang Laowu couldn't say anything for a while.

But his face was already full of tears.

It was a sudden relaxation under tension, and a sudden collapse under pressure. Although as a man, crying is a manifestation of weakness, his tears still burst out at this moment.

Even he himself couldn't describe what his mood was now.

He worked hard every day just to get a bite for the whole family. When life was a little better, he had to take care of the people at home first. As a man, he should be upright and be the backbone of the family. Even in this poor and bad place, he had to fight for a way out for his wife, children and the old.

He has always done this. He thinks this is what a man should do. He thinks that such days will probably continue forever.

But now, someone asked him if it was hard to do this.

This is the first time someone asked him if it was hard.

What's more, the person who asked this question was not even a human, but the god-like Taibaixing.

Is it hard? Of course it is hard! But no matter how hard it is, he can't say it! Just because he is a man! He is born to stand up to the sky and the earth! He should be the pillar of the family!

But isn't it hard to be the pillar? Isn't it tiring to stand up to the sky and the earth? Such a life...

"Okay, okay, I know, you are all amazing."

Du Chengfeng patted Zhang Laowu on the back to encourage him, and he was also scratching his head.

The situation was a little beyond his expectations. He originally wanted to encourage him a few words so that he could continue to talk about the next thing. He really didn't expect that his words could make Zhang Laowu collapse like this - but looking at Zhang Laowu crying, he could understand it.

After all, the people here really have a hard life.

After the flood, there were the ghost soldiers, and after the ghost soldiers, there was a shortage of food. They had worked hard all year and finally had a good harvest. They even brought the food back home, but now they suddenly had nothing.

Who can you ask for justice for this shitty thing?

Everyone just wants to live a good life, just want a peaceful and stable life, is it difficult?

At this moment, Du Chengfeng looked at Zhang Laowu and seemed to see himself back then.

If he had not chosen to take this path, but chose to avoid the front of He Xiqing's army, choose to go south to avoid disaster, and choose to use his meager knowledge to become a rich man, then he would probably be like Zhang Laowu now.

Those powerful people hiding in the dark will bring about natural disasters to destroy everything he has, and will send their men to tear apart everything he has. Even if he is lucky enough to avoid these and accumulate some of his own property, as long as one powerful person targets him - no, he doesn't even need to target him specifically, just the aftermath of the battle between two powerful people can easily destroy everything he has accumulated.

Is it really difficult to just want a peaceful and stable life?

It seems that it is really difficult.

"So... we have to fight!"

Du Chengfeng clenched his fists.

Yes, we have to fight, we must fight, and we must have strength to defend the hard-earned peace itself.


Zhang Laowu also waved his fists, as if this could vent all the pressure and anxiety on his body.

But immediately, a bit of confusion appeared on Zhang Laowu's face.


The expression on Zhang Laowu's face at this moment was exactly the same as that of Du Chengfeng just now.

Du Chengfeng was like this just now. Facing an enemy who didn't know where he was, he didn't even know where to put his strength - even if he could pull out the blade, even if he could hit ten of them, he couldn't even face the enemy. If he can't see him, who can he beat?

"Who to hit?"

Du Chengfeng narrowed his eyes.

"Of course it's mouse hunting!"


Zhang Laowu was stunned when he heard this and didn't understand what it meant.

Fighting mice... Why hunting mice? Isn’t it supposed to be the enemy that makes all this happen...


Zhang Laowu slapped his head.

"It's just about killing mice!"

Yes, the only thing is to kill the rats. After all, no matter how you look at it, it is the rats that caused all this. All the food was eaten by the rats. This is the cause of everyone's food shortage. Of course, everyone must kill these rats. , Never suffer from future troubles!

"That's right! I just want to kill mice!"

Du Chengfeng nodded repeatedly.

"I just want to kill the rats! Kill all the rats that steal food! It just so happens that the Xian family's mother Bai is helping you and saving your lives..."


Zhang Laowu suddenly felt that something was not right.

"Didn't you just say that Mother Bai is a monster and a harmful hedgehog? Why now..."

"When did I say such a thing? Did you hear it wrong?"

Du Chengfeng shook his head and denied it on the spot. He remembered that he had never said that.

In other words, even if there is, he will not admit it. After all, he has entered a fighting state now and will no longer be angry because of that defeat.

"Anyway, we should thank that Mother Bai... You see, we just suffered a disaster here, and Mother Bai brought us food. Isn't this giving us a chance to survive and giving us a solution? Question opportunity?”

"Solve the problem...yes! Solve the problem!"

Zhang Laowu nodded repeatedly.

Indeed, if you think about it this way, it seems to be the case. At least everyone doesn't have to worry about rations now. They only need to worship Mama Bai every day. Then for the rest of the time, the rations and planting grains are gone anyway, and everyone has nothing. What to do.

It's really better to solve the problem first.

"Deal with those rats first!"

Zhang Laowu made up his mind.

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