In the Blade

Chapter 502 Killing the Rhino

The rhinoceros that suddenly appeared was just over a foot tall.

If he hadn't seen the sharp horns on the rhinoceros' head with his own eyes, Du Chengfeng would have thought it was an elephant - or in other words, even if it were an elephant, it would be impossible to beat such a huge creature. rhino.

The rhinoceros is so strong that it can no longer be measured by common sense. Even if it is not a carnivore, it is still enough to be called the top overlord in this forest.


The coyote on the side reminded him in a low voice.

"It's a colleague."

"I can tell."

Du Chengfeng calmly looked at the rhinoceros in front of him.

The moment their eyes met, he already understood the rhinoceros's thoughts. Unlike the chaotic vision of other animals, the murderous intent in this rhino's eyes was so clear - in other words, from the beginning, The goal of this rhinoceros is to kill them.

And in order to do this, this rhino has made complete preparations.

That thick outer skin is the best proof.

Although the skin of rhinoceros is slightly softer than that of crocodile skin, from a defensive perspective, rhinoceros skin is much thicker than crocodile skin. The tough and thick skin is just visible from a distance. , already has the texture of an old tire, let alone a bite from a wolf, even a full blow from Du Chengfeng's side may not be able to make this rhinoceros bleed.

“Gotta try it!”

With this thought in mind, Du Chengfeng picked up the bamboo spear, raised his hand and threw it.

The bamboo spear pierced the rhino's body, and then flicked to the side weakly.

This made Du Chengfeng's pupils suddenly shrink.


Picking up the coyote beside him, Du Chengfeng turned and ran away.

The rhino behind him also ran wildly, charging into battle like an unrivaled chariot. Even the towering trees in the forest would collapse under the terrifying impact.

You can't go head-to-head with this kind of thing. If you try hard, you'll just be killed by a head-on collision.

"What did I just say?"

Coyote, who was held in Du Chengfeng's hand, spoke.

"I just said you would be punished for doing this kind of thing. Now it's better. The forest behind has been burned clean by us, and there's not even a place for cover... We should have light and dark, this is the best Fighting method, now you set fire to the forest and you have been exposed, this is simply..."

"Shut your mouth first."

Du Chengfeng, who was walking through the treetops, simply grabbed the wolf's mouth.

"Why didn't I notice before that you are so rude...can't you have some optimistic thoughts?"

optimism? How can you be optimistic about this?

Although the coyote couldn't make a sound as his mouth was clenched, the doubtful look in his eyes still said everything.

The battle was decided from the very beginning. There was no possibility of victory on their side. The thick rhinoceros hide was even invulnerable. How could they fight?

This is really not a question of pessimism, but that they never had to fight from the beginning.

Being able to escape from the lock of such a terrifying giant is already the best ending.

"So can you hurry up!"

Seeing that the hand on his mouth loosened, Coyote quickly spoke again.

"We're about to be overtaken!"

"Don't can something like this happen so quickly?"

Du Chengfeng picked up the coyote again and showed with his actions the reason why he was being slowed down.

It is true that when he became a monkey, he did not have the terrifying strength and solid thick skin, but it also gave him the dexterity to travel through the trees - in other words, he could climb the trees, but the rhinoceros could not. If the two sides were just fighting to death, then the rhinoceros might not really be able to kill him.

But carrying a wolf through the trees is another matter. Even though he is now much stronger than other apes, his speed will inevitably be slowed down a bit.

"Don't worry, if you just run away, the current speed is just right..."


Before he finished speaking, the big tree where Du Chengfeng had just settled was broken by a violent rhinoceros.

Seeing the tree as thick as two people hugging each other collapse suddenly, the coyote's face became even more ugly.

"You must not land on the ground! You must not land on the ground no matter what...what are you doing!"

Before Coyote could finish his words, Du Chengfeng had already turned over and landed on the ground.

Then, he looked back at the rhinoceros not far away.

"You actually want to fight back?"

The coyote was stunned.

"Are you crazy? How can you beat this? You can't even skin him..."

“Nothing is beatable or unbeatable.”

Shaking his head, Du Chengfeng just held the obsidian sword in front of him.

"There's no point in running away, just fight."


The coyote was stunned. He had no idea what this meant.

Could it be that after the companion he found turned into a monkey, his brain also went crazy?

How is it possible to defeat such a terrifying giant head-on with only a stone knife...

"It's interesting."

It was at this time that the huge rhinoceros suddenly spoke.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will help you and give you a way to die like a warrior."

"Then come."

Facing the provocation from the rhinoceros, Du Chengfeng even simply closed his eyes.

The huge rhino rushed forward, its momentum as fierce as a chariot, and wherever it passed, the grass, trees and rocks were all crushed into dust - and the target of the huge rhino's charge was a tiny monkey shadow. Even though the monkey shadow was stronger than any other monkey and held a sharp obsidian sword in his hand, compared with the rhino's strong body, it was still as small as an ant or a flea.

"The momentum was suppressed."

The coyote's face became more and more ugly.

Obviously, this rhino must be a senior who is much stronger than them outside, so even if it turned into a beast, it can easily crush them from the momentum - after all, this kind of battle cannot be fought from the beginning, how can it be possible to rely on a stone knife...


At this time, Du Chengfeng suddenly shouted, raised the sword in his hand high, and actually raised the sword to cut!


Looking at the ridiculous stone knife, the huge rhino snorted coldly, and the pace of the charge increased again. The sharp horns on its head pointed forward like a spear!

Relying only on this thing, you want to fight him head-on...


A knife slashed down, bringing a dull roar.

The arrogant rhino just now disappeared from the ground in an instant.


The coyote was stunned on the spot. He couldn't believe what he saw.

Could it be that this knife... How could it be possible? Isn't there no mental strength, no evil spirit, and even no incense and vows here?

If there is no power, how could this knife...

"What are you doing! Hurry up and work!"

At this time, Du Chengfeng's shouting sounded from afar.

"Hurry up and get some water! My pit can't kill him!"

"You beast... You beast!"

At the same time, the roar of the rhino was also heard on the ground not far away.

"You beast! You are not a warrior at all! Despicable and shameless thing..."

"Who told you I am a warrior?"

While speaking, Du Chengfeng had already brought two simple wooden barrels from a distance.

Then, he poured the water in the wooden barrels into the dug pit.

Yes, this is the biggest reliance for him to dare to stand in front of the rhino. Since the second month, he has considered what to do if he can't break the defense of those hard-skinned animals. It is almost impossible to break the hard skin of those animals with his current means.

So he simply chose to dig a pit.

As long as the pit is big enough and the slope is steep enough, and some bamboo spears are randomly inserted into it, the elephant will be paralyzed from the waist down if it steps in. If there is any problem, it is that such a trap can be easily stepped on by some tigers and leopards. If the precious trap is wasted on these animals that he can beat, it will be a bit too much.

So when laying the trap, he chose a more solid approach.

Only animals that are big enough and heavy enough will step into this pit, and a monkey like Du Chengfeng, or a coyote of that weight, can walk casually on the cover of the pit without any problem.

Well, Du Chengfeng also admitted that the original intention of making this big pit was actually to hunt elephants. After all, defeating an elephant alone is undoubtedly a lifetime honor for a monkey.

Unfortunately, this exquisite trap failed to hunt an elephant, but trapped a rhino.

And the most annoying thing is that the bamboo spears and wooden spears in the pit seem to be unable to stab the rhino to death.

"When did you dig this pit..."

The coyote who came over was dumbfounded. His brain was already in chaos. Everything happened too suddenly. He could never have imagined that there would be a specially prepared pit here.

So... the deliberately slowed speed just now and the route along the way were also planned long ago?

"Is there anything else you can't do?"

"Kill this rhino, I can't do that for now."

Du Chengfeng, who was standing by the pit, began to scratch his head.

"In order to ensure that I can hunt elephants, I dug this pit three feet deep. It should be just right to throw an elephant in it. Those bamboo spears and wooden spears can also bleed the elephant... But you can see now that the rhino's skin is too thick and can't bleed. We can only trap it now, and there is no other good way."

"Then what is your water..."

The coyote looked at the bucket Du Chengfeng was holding in confusion.

"So you plan to drown him?"

"Yes, let's try to give him enough water first."

Du Chengfeng nodded.

"But I'm not sure if this method will work... What if he can't drown? What's more, it's too slow to fetch water with just two buckets. This little water may not be enough for the rhino to drink, let alone drown it."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng looked at the coyote.

"So I'm going to ask you to help me. Let's work together and divert a canal from the nearby river overnight. When the water comes, he can drink enough."

"...You despicable people, do you think you can kill me in this way?"

The rhino in the pit became more and more angry, especially when he heard that the two beasts at the edge of the pit actually started to discuss how to kill him in front of him - this was simply not giving him any face! Do they really think he is dead!

"Wait for me to dig it up, wait for me to dig it up..."

As it said this, the rhino lowered its head and began to dig the soil with its sharp horns.

This horn may be good for killing people, but it is not good enough for digging soil. The rhino dug for a long time but could not dig out anything on the steep pit wall. Instead, it began to wheeze and gasp because of its physical strength.

"You see, this is the principle of not understanding the survival of the fittest."

At this time, Du Chengfeng, who was grilling meat by the pit, spoke again.

"Just like this rhino, it has a lot of strength, but it can't even adapt to this pit... If he doesn't die, who will die?"

"You dog!"

The rhino became more and more angry, and its movements became more and more violent.

But the effort was in vain. It was impossible to dig a gentle slope on the steep pit wall to let him walk out of the pit with just the sharp horns.

"Wait... Yes! There's still water!"

The exhausted rhino suddenly raised his head.

Yes, there's still water. As long as the two beasts bring the water over, he will have a chance to hold his breath and float up. When he goes up, he must crush these two dogs into powder! Powder!

But that's the problem.

The sun rises and the moon sets. The rhino waited for three days. However, in three days, not to mention the river water, not even a drop of water fell.

"You, you..."

The rhino, who had become dizzy and dazed due to thirst, raised his head and looked at the two beasts who were looking around the pit.

"Why don't you drown me..."

"Ah, I forgot."

Du Chengfeng scratched his head awkwardly.

"It's mainly because I thought about it later. It's too tiring to bring water here. Instead of doing this thankless job, it's better to starve you to death... How about it, can you still move?"

"You beast..."

The rhino cursed weakly, but his whole body was so limp that he couldn't move.

"How could you..."

"Look at him, this is the fate of not understanding the survival of the fittest."

Du Chengfeng, who was at the edge of the pit, commented again.

"He can't even adapt to the most common lack of water. If he doesn't die, who will die... Wait, what is he going to do? What does he mean by eating bamboo spears?"

"It should be... trying to commit suicide."

The coyote at the edge of the pit had a subtle expression.

"He is trying to use this method to pierce his internal organs from the inside. After all, those bamboo spears and wooden spears can't even pierce his skin. Even if he wants to commit suicide normally, he can't do it..."

As he said this, the coyote looked at Du Chengfeng beside him with more and more subtle eyes.

Originally, when he met this rhino, he thought that things would get back on track, and they would still have to follow the rules of this cave after all.

But now it seems...

The rules of this cave may still be a little too rough.

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