In the Blade

Chapter 503: Survival of the Fittest, Arms Race

In the forest full of charred ashes, a strong leopard was sniffing the blackened tree trunks.

Ordinary animals dare not approach here. The fear left by the fire is so strong that even though the fire has been extinguished by heavy rain, this area has not recovered any vitality.

In other words, those who dare to come here must not be ordinary animals.

"Really... crazy."

Sure enough, after sniffing the breath on the ground for a while, the leopard spoke.

Yes, he was also one of the people who came in to seize the legacy of the cave, but he was cautious and did his homework before coming in - the original owner of this cave had used the identity of a fisherman, which means that the cave as a legacy is likely to be one of the baits. In addition, this fisherman has transformed mortals into beasts several times, so the possible problems in the cave can basically be guessed.

"The most troublesome competitor is probably the Greedy Wolf. He was personally enlightened by the Fisherman and knows the Fisherman too well, so no matter what, he must be eliminated first."

When he first entered the cave, the leopard thought so, and he was sure that the other beings who came to compete for the inheritance should also think so.

After all, this test is extremely beneficial to the Greedy Wolf. You know, only the Greedy Wolf will show people the posture of an animal all day long. In other words, after all the participants are influenced by the rules of the cave and reincarnated as an animal, the Greedy Wolf will definitely be able to rely on his adaptation to the posture of an animal to leave their competitors behind by a large distance.

Of course, this is not necessarily a good thing. For example, once an intruder like him is reincarnated as a leopard, as long as he pretends to be a leopard, no one will think there is anything wrong with him-as for those other competitors, it is probably the same. As long as they don't take the initiative to reveal their identities, no one will find them.

But the Greedy Wolf was different. The wolf species was clearly problematic. As long as they saw the wolf, they would kill it and effectively eliminate a competitor with the greatest advantage.

So the basic strategies of these intruders were basically the same. They first smoothly passed the growth period to ensure combat effectiveness. When they were able to fight, they would kill all the wolves first, kill other competitors in the meantime, and finally take the entire cave, including the lifelong wisdom of the fisherman, into their pockets.

The idea was very good and very realistic, and even considered all possible situations.

The only thing they didn't consider was the fire.

"It was arson."

Looking at the two torches scattered beside the dead tree trunk, the leopard's face was quite ugly.

Setting fire in the forest intentionally, anyone with normal intelligence would not do such a thing, after all, this behavior is as stupid as sending oneself into an oven - but such a stupid thing was really done, and it was done with great momentum and earth-shaking.

"That monkey... what does he mean?"

Thinking of the figure who wanted to set fire, the leopard had a toothache.

With the environment given by the fisherman and the living example of the Greedy Wolf Star Lord, everyone actually knew what to do. As a result, when all the competitors were eating, a beast suddenly jumped out and overturned the table. What does this mean?

"The wolf must die! The monkey must die too!"

At this moment, the leopard has already put the monkey on the kill list.

And he believes that not only him, but all the competitors who came to compete for the inheritance at this moment should have put the monkey on the kill list. It's just because this kind of behavior of eating and smashing the pot is too bad. If it weren't for the heavy rain, everyone who came to this cave would probably be burned to death in it.

"You will be punished!"

Thinking like this, the leopard began his hunt.

Ordinary beasts may still be afraid of fire, but he is not afraid. Even if the monkey uses fire attack on him again, he will not hesitate. If there is any problem with this hunt, it is that he doesn't know which monkey is the arsonist.

After all, he was a bit far away that day, and the forest was ablaze at the time, so he could only vaguely see the shadow of a monkey in the billowing smoke.

But that was enough, at worst he could kill all the monkeys.

Anyway, monkeys are weak enough, even if he is using only the body of a leopard, he can still easily bite through the brains of those monkeys...


The leopard, who had just locked onto a monkey and was about to attack, choked on the spot.

Theoretically, his sharp teeth are indeed enough to bite through the monkey's skull.

But if the monkey wears a helmet...

"Wait? Why would the monkey wear a helmet?"

The leopard shook his head vigorously, and it once thought it was seeing things.

However, no matter how it looked, the monkeys in the distance were wearing helmets.

Not only helmets, but the monkeys in the distance were even wearing armor.

The helmet was made of bones, from some beast's skull, and was padded with thick hard leather pads, which provided protection that could not be bitten through by teeth. The hard leather armor was also covered with hard bone plates, which were obviously not decorations but reinforcements at key locations.

In the hands of these monkeys, they are carrying sticks with sharp stone fragments attached to them. Although the killing range of this simple stone ax is far less than that of a spear, it is just right for monkeys to use - anyway, as long as you can swing your arms, it can be used It's easy to use, even a monkey can use this thing.


Hua Bao was already sweating slightly, and the development of the matter was a bit beyond his understanding.

If he were outside and saw these monkeys with helmets and armor, he would only laugh, as well as those toy-like weapons. This kind of thing is probably only something monkeys can play with - but now, he has also changed. As a leopard, if he sees this kind of monkey again, he will not be able to laugh no matter what.

However, what made him even more unable to laugh was still behind.

Maybe it was because he was too frightened that he stared for too long, or maybe it was because the monkeys themselves were too alert. Anyway, before he could react, the monkeys wearing helmets and shaking armor had already caught his eye.

The moment their eyes met, more than thirty simple stone axes flew directly in his direction.

"What a beast!"

The leopard was shocked.

It was at this time that he discovered that the number of these armed monkeys was far greater than what he saw!


This was the leopard's first reaction.

He can easily kill an armed monkey, and he can easily kill three or five armed monkeys with his elusive skills - but with more than thirty armed monkeys, even just throwing a stone ax is enough to bury him alive. Who can handle this kind of battle?


The leopard fled in embarrassment and gnashed its teeth.

If he were outside, let alone monkeys, even three hundred or even three thousand fully armed soldiers would be a snap for him. Regardless of whether it's evil spirits, mental strength, or the power of incense and incense, as long as he can mobilize even a little bit of strength, he will not end up being chased by monkeys - but that's the problem. God knows what happened to the fisherman, He insists that everyone can't use any strength and can only fight like animals.


When he talked about beasts, he could not help but think of the dozens of armed monkeys just now. Obviously, this must also be a good thing caused by the dog that set fire to it.

Unlike their competitors who normally understood the wisdom left behind by the old man, that beast seemed to have no intention of feeling the surroundings at all. Besides flipping the table, what else could that beast do?

"I have to think of a solution..."

However, the solution was not something that could be thought of at this moment, so the leopard that finally escaped simply changed its hunting target.

If you can't kill a monkey, then you can kill a wolf. Anyway, wolves are the targets that must be eliminated.

To put it bluntly, wolves can't wear helmets, right?


Looking at the wolves wearing helmets in the distance, Leopard once thought he was hallucinating.

But no matter how many times he looked at it, the wild wolves still looked like they were wearing helmets. Even more than just helmets, these wolves were covered in hard leather armor - just like the armor on the monkeys, these hard leather armors were also Bone plates are embedded in vulnerable weak points as reinforcements. The most outrageous thing is that this armor does not seem to affect the movements of these wolves.

"how so?"

Hua Bao shook his head vigorously, but he still felt that he must have seen it wrong.

It doesn't make sense. This kind of thing really doesn't make sense. It's okay for monkeys to wear helmets and armor. Why are wolves starting to wear these things too?

"Fortunately, these wolves don't know how to use throwing axes..."

Hua Leopard forced an ugly expression.

Yes, from the perspective of funerals and celebrations, these wolves are much weaker than armed monkeys. Unlike those armed monkeys that can throw throwing axes, wolves that can only bite with their teeth are better at attacking. Still a lot worse.

In other words, it’s not to the point where it can’t be beaten.

"Then you deserve to die."

Thinking like this, the leopard jumped out directly.

He is not an ordinary leopard, and his growth over the past few months has made him as powerful as a tiger. Now that he suddenly bursts out from the shadows, it is naturally not something that ordinary wild wolves can deal with - but neither can these wild wolves. He needed to deal with it, just because his fatal bite bit directly on the hard leather armor.

The soft and thick texture could not be bitten or torn. He even almost twisted his teeth out under the sudden force.

"This beast..."

The bite was ineffective, so the leopard simply raised its claws. Its thick arms were so strong that it knocked off the helmet of a wild wolf with just one claw.

The wolf just blew off the helmet, and the wolf didn't even die, because the inside of the helmet was even padded with soft leather to absorb the impact.

"This beast!"

The leopard became more and more angry.

However, at this moment, the wild wolf not far away suddenly raised its head and howled.

Yes, howl. This behavior makes the leopard a little puzzling - when its companion was attacked, it did not come to help or turn around and run away, but stood there and howled. What was it doing?

Could it be that these wild wolves are crazy? Do you think you can howl him to death just by howling?

Sure enough, beasts are beasts...


Just when the leopard was about to continue attacking, more than thirty simple stone axes buried him alive on the spot.

It's true that howling can't solve the problem, but howling can call armed monkeys.

When Hua Bao understood this, he couldn't find even a good piece of skin on his body.

More than ten sharp stone axes were nailed into his flesh, and his body was losing a lot of blood. So after only walking two or three steps, he fell to the ground.

But the monkeys had no intention of approaching, but were still throwing stone axes from a distance. Some monkeys simply found stone spears and threw them clumsily.

It was not until the leopard was nailed to the ground by five stone spears that the armed monkeys stopped. After cleaning up the stone weapons on the ground, the armed monkeys carried the leopard's body and went all the way to the forest.

"Survival of the fittest! What did I say? Survival of the fittest!"

This is what Du Chengfeng commented after seeing the leopard's body.

"If he can't even adapt to the stone axes, how can he live? If he doesn't die, who will die?"

After commenting sharply on the leopard, Du Chengfeng looked at the armed monkeys who were carrying the body.

"And you guys, can you be gentler when you attack? Such a nice leopard skin... Forget it, just ignore what I said."

Just seeing the confused eyes of those monkeys, Du Chengfeng knew that they couldn't possibly understand what he was saying - in fact, he could force these monkeys to wear armor as the monkey king, and let them know to go over and kill the wolf when they heard it, which was already the limit of these monkeys.

As for more complicated instructions, it was a bit harsh for a group of monkeys.

"But it doesn't matter! Anyway, just kill them all!"

Du Chengfeng thought it through.

"Who cares about competitors? As long as we kill all the other animals in the forest, we are the absolute winners!"

"Your idea is not good."

The coyote on the side couldn't help but speak.

"It's not that your behavior is bad, it's mainly that this method is not good... Yes, you gave those monkeys and wolves leather armor and weapons, and let those monkeys help us go out to kill, but have you ever thought that other competitors can also learn this method?"

Facts have proved that the coyote's guess is correct, because only three days later, the monkeys armed by Du Chengfeng have encountered another group of goats also wearing hard leather armor.

On the fifth day, the brown bears in the wild also put on tree armor, and on the seventh day, the tigers also put on a layer of hard skin. By the tenth day, even the pythons in the forest have learned to walk out in turtle shells.

But these armored animals have no intention of attacking each other.

It's just because their leaders have reached a consensus that they have a common enemy.

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