In the Blade

Chapter 504: Alliances

Goats in armor, brown bears in tree armor, tigers in leather armor, pythons in turtle shells, and wild boars covered in mud.

Deep in the forest, these five animals were gathering together. Just looking at each other's eyes, they all understood that they were not ordinary beasts, but powerful ones who came here specifically for Diaosou's legacy.

"It's already this time, there's no point in hiding your identity anymore."

The armored goat spoke first, his expression as disgusting as if he had eaten a fly.

"If you don't want to be killed by the monkey, you have to build weapons and armor, but once you do this, your identity will be exposed immediately... This monkey is really disgusting."

"You can't say that. There should be some people who still plan to hide their identities."

The python in a turtle shell spits out the letter.

"But after the fight is like this, there is no point in hiding your identity. The only outcome without weapons and armor is to lose your life...I know Diaosou, and I don't think that old thing will let the loser live from his Exit the cave."


The other beasts also nodded.

Immediately afterwards, they set their sights on each other.

Since we know that the loser will die, now is the best time to eliminate the opponent. Whether it is for more inheritance or for themselves to survive, they must kill each other.

But after looking at each other for a few times, they still didn't choose to attack each other now.

Just because, right now, they still have a common enemy.

"You must kill that monkey!"

The brown bear covered in tree armor was the first to roar.

"And Greedy Wolf! The two of them are on the same team! They both have to die!"

"That's true."

The tiger wearing leather armor also nodded repeatedly.

"If we don't kill this beast, we won't be able to survive even if we fight... We must kill them! All the monkeys must be killed!"

"Kill! Kill them all! Move all the troops over!"

The python vomited the letter again.

"The five of us work together and let the beasts under our hands charge in directly with helmets and armors. No matter how many monkeys and wolves there are, they can't stop it!"

As soon as this was said, the other beasts nodded in agreement.

That's right, no matter how armed the monkeys and wolves are, their numbers are ultimately limited. As long as they work together, with all the beasts galloping, aren't just monkeys and wolves easily captured?

"But...I have a question."

It was at this time that the wild boar, which had been silent until now, spoke.

"What if the monkey sets fire again?"

An awkward silence spread.

It seems that this is indeed the case. No matter how much they mass their offensive, as long as the damn monkey sets off another fire, no matter how large the offensive is, it will not be able to outshine the fire in the forest.

Of course, this kind of behavior would definitely mean killing one thousand enemies and damaging oneself ten thousand, but it was obvious that the damn monkey could do it.

As for putting out the fire... this is even more impossible. You must know that the last fire was extinguished because of a sudden heavy rain. Do they have to put their hope in this rain that may not come?

Things seemed to be getting troublesome, and there was nothing they could do against that beast.

"So, I have a question."

The mud-covered wild boar spoke again.

"Why do we have to follow that monkey's train of thought?"

"You mean..."

Speaking of this, the other beasts also reacted.

It seems that this is indeed the case. Their current behavior of putting on armor and making weapons is exactly the same as that of the monkey. But if they follow this method, the monkey can use fire to counter them at any time - this It was obviously a dead end, and there was no way they could defeat the monkey on this route.

So the problem lies here.

Is there a possibility that they can actually use this method?

"It seems that those who are not wearing armor are actually smarter."

The python in a turtle shell lowered its head in shame.

"I originally thought they were idiots who didn't know how to adapt, but now it seems that we who only know how to adapt are the real idiots... By taking the initiative to put on armor, we revealed our identities in advance. Now we and the monkey are actually gone. the difference."


The expressions of the other beasts were also a little ugly.

Although the five of them now know each other's existence, it is obvious that they cannot be the only ones competing for Diaosou's inheritance. There must be more powerful people lurking in the dark, watching their jokes and waiting. Give them a fatal blow.

Just because they can't deal with the armed monkeys doesn't mean that the dormant powers can't come up with any solution. Once the solution is found, after the armed monkeys are dealt with, it will be their turn next.

"So...should we do the other way around?"

It was at this time that the armored goat suddenly spoke.

"Why don't we just work together with that monkey?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you want to think about it again?"

"Are you crazy?"

After a moment of silence, the other beasts started making noises. Although they were already trying to think of some outrageous methods, the method proposed by the goat was obviously too outrageous.

What do you mean by working together with that monkey? Aren't they enemies? Does this mean they should surrender?

"It's not surrender, it's alliance."

The goat tried to explain.

"You all understand, right? Our current situation is similar to that of the monkey. We have all jumped to the bright side and have become the target of public criticism... So since those powerful forces hidden in the dark will always target us, then Why don’t we join forces and clear them out first?”


After saying this, the other beasts were dumbfounded.

But after thinking about it carefully, this statement seems to make some sense.

Although the monkey is the strongest enemy at the moment, no matter how you look at it, those powerful beings dormant in the dark are the most dangerous existences. They have not yet revealed their identities, let alone the means to do so, which means that these hidden The powerful people in the dark may use all kinds of methods that they can't imagine at any time.

On the other hand, the monkeys have already laid out all the available methods. They are nothing more than arming their own kind, using excellent weapons and large numbers to fight against a single powerful individual, and then just setting fire to them when they encounter a large number of opponents. The fish is dead and the net is broken. These two methods are the only ones that can be used to turn things around. Nothing new will come out.

"What's more, that monkey is actually willing to form an alliance."

Goat once again added the explanation.

"Think of those armored wolves."

" true."

The other beasts nodded.

Although what they were talking about just now were monkeys, they all still remembered that the Greedy Wolf was originally the most dangerous competitor - after all, the Greedy Wolf was inspired by Diaosou himself, and he usually used animals. The human posture shows others, which means that Greedy Wolf has the greatest advantage.

Of course, precisely because his identity was revealed too early, this greatest advantage also became his greatest disadvantage. If nothing else had happened, the Greedy Wolf should have been the first to be eliminated.

Other powers may not be able to tell which wolf is the real Greedy Wolf, but they don't actually need to tell. They just need to kill all the wolves, and the Greedy Wolf will naturally die.

However, that damn monkey actually formed an alliance with Greedy Wolf, and things started to get extremely disgusting.

Those armored wolves don't even have to do anything. They just need to wear armor to ensure that they don't die. As long as they are not killed immediately, these armored wolves will have the opportunity to howl, and then the throwing axes of the armed monkeys will be thrown away. They threw it over like money and buried the attacker alive on the spot.

From this perspective, it seems that forming an alliance with that monkey is not such a bad thing?

"And that monkey really needs to form an alliance with us."

Thinking of this, the mud-covered wild boar also spoke.

"Although we are at war now, from the perspective of victory, he actually needs us. He needs us to help him clear out those powerful forces hidden in the dark. He will definitely not be able to do this quickly by himself. …And we do have a basis for cooperation, after all, we have now jumped to the bright side.”

Yes, although it is dangerous to jump to the surface, it is also a certificate of mutual trust. After all, if something happens, they only need to face it head-on, and there is no need to worry about being stabbed in the back.

"Then do it!"

After reaching a consensus, the five beasts began their actions.

It was impossible to come forward on their own. After all, they were also worried that they would be surrounded and killed by the armed monkeys. But if they were just passing on the news, they had their own way - so, after pulling out a few tiger hairs to make pens, the brown bear The bark was pulled from the trees, wild boars and goats spit out some blood as ink, and pythons used the red ink to write.

Fifteen bark letters were intercepted by the armed monkeys, and then sent to Du Chengfeng along with the carcasses of the hunted animals.

"Everything is written!"

Du Chengfeng was furious when he saw the handwriting.

"Are you bullying me for being illiterate? I'm looking for death!"

"No, this is an ancient calligraphy. It is definitely different from Chen Guo's calligraphy..."

The coyote on the side didn't know what to say for a moment, and he didn't expect that those powerful people hiding in the dark would actually send a letter.

"Forget it, let me read it for you. This content is... do they want to form an alliance?"

Coyote was suddenly in a trance. He didn't know what he was seeing.

How could things develop like this? Isn't it a case of the weak and the strong eating each other to death? Why is there such a thing as an alliance?

"What? You said they surrendered?"

Du Chengfeng was also stunned. He didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

"What about the new stone tools I made? I just figured out how to fix the head... How can they surrender? Who should I kill if they surrender?"

"What they're saying is, we have a common enemy."

Coyote explained the contents of the letter to Du Chengfeng with a toothache on his face.

"Those powerful people who are hiding in the dark and have not yet revealed their identity are the real threats. Those of our seven families who have jumped into the light are in the same dangerous situation, so we should work together to get rid of those who have not yet revealed themselves first. Clear out all the powerful ones... That's what they said in the letter, this is not a surrender, it's just an alliance. "

"No, this is surrender."

Du Chengfeng shook his head.

"They gave in. They didn't dare to fight, so they chose to come to us for a ceasefire agreement... They were afraid!"

"That's not a big deal..."

The coyote's expression was a little subtle. He didn't know where Du Chengfeng got this confidence from.

Indeed, the combination of armed monkeys and armored wolves did have a lot of achievements, and they also hunted a lot of meat, and even achieved freedom to eat meat for a time - but after several other beasts also began to wear armor and even forged weapons, they might not really be able to beat them.

At present, the other side is willing to bow their heads and form an alliance, which is actually a good thing for them. At least they can unite first and eliminate more potential opponents, and during the period of alliance, they can also gain more development time.

"So I think the alliance is actually a good thing."

After explaining his reasons, the coyote made a summary.

"At least it's a good thing for us now."

"What good thing? How can this be a good thing?"

Du Chengfeng was immediately unhappy.

"If they admit that they are cowardly, we won't fight, then all the weapons I have made during this period will be in vain? Where can such a cheap thing come from?"


Seeing Du Chengfeng's insistence, the coyote didn't know what to say for a while.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Ah, this."

Feeling that there was something wrong with the coyote's tone, Du Chengfeng also realized that there was a problem with communication.

Obviously, the coyote wanted to form an alliance. Although Du Chengfeng couldn't quite understand why he had to form an alliance with a group of opponents who showed their weakness, since the coyote was so insistent, he naturally wouldn't go against the other party.

After all, he came here to help this time, and he never thought of taking over the host.

"If we form an alliance... it's not impossible."

Du Chengfeng thought about it, and then spoke.

"But we can't just say whatever they say, what do they think of us... How about this, you write a letter back and say that we are willing to form an alliance, and we are also willing to provide weapons and armor support to our allies..."

"Are you crazy?"

The coyote was dumbfounded.

It's true that he wanted to form an alliance, but he didn't think that it was this kind of alliance, and he actually had to provide weapons and armor to these opponents... Did he say that he was still asleep?

Weapons and armor are the basis of their advantage. Can they be given away easily?

"Listen to me."

Du Chengfeng continued.

"You should also write that because we provided weapons and armor, we are also worried that they will gang up on us. For this reason, we will only form an alliance with three of the five families."

At this point, Du Chengfeng knocked on the bark in front of him.

"Let them discuss which three families they are."

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