In the Blade

Chapter 505 The Times Are Calling

After Du Chengfeng made his decision, the pressure came to the five beasts who had formed an alliance.

At the beginning, they did not agree to the alliance invitation. After all, picking three out of five, whether they are wise or not, can see that this is an obvious alienation plan.

"How could we be fooled by this? The monkey should have accepted our request!"

The armored goat was the first to speak, an opinion shared by the other four beasts.

It is simply too naive to try to divide them just by relying on this clumsy alienation plan. They are not idiots, how could they be fooled by this? To say the least, even if the alliance fails, they already know how to build armor and Even though they were equipped with weapons, they were not helpless when facing those armed monkeys.

"The worst case scenario is to start a fight!"

The brown bear covered in tree armor roared like this, showing its majesty.

So, after another busy time, they sent out what they wanted, but unlike the last time, this time they got a reply quickly.

They were three heavy wooden boxes with the words "meeting gift" written on them.

"Are you begging for mercy?"

The tiger wearing leather armor sneered. He didn't expect that the monkey would be so weak and even started to send gifts to beg for forgiveness.

But the python in a turtle shell shook its head.

"I smell something bad...should I open the box first?"

"Take a look first, I smell it too."

The mud-covered wild boar simply walked over and opened the lid of the wooden box with its head.

Several simple spears were lying in the box, but the blades of these spears were no longer stones, but copper with a bright yellow color.

"Let me take a look at this..."

The brown bear covered in tree armor carefully picked up a short sword. At the moment, it was all he could do to pick up these weapons.

Then this bronze spear was nailed into the neck of the armored goat.

"There is no way, they have already progressed to smelting copper."

While saying this, the brown bear wearing tree armor waved its short sword and nailed the armored goat's head again and again.

"Since the monkey dares to take this thing out, it means that these copper weapons and new armor have been divided... We are still playing with rocks, and they already have real ones. There is really no need to fight."

"So what if I don't have to fight?"

The frightened python quickly retracted into its shell.

"There can be no fighting and no internal strife..."

"What is internal strife? We are competitors."

A tiger claw pulled the python out of the turtle shell, and then the python's neck was bitten by sharp teeth.

"I'm just sending some damn ones to die in advance. If you want to hate them, just hate yourself for being too weak."

Before the python started to fight, the short sword stained with sheep's blood was nailed to the snake's body. The sharp blade easily split the snake's body, and then cut off the snake's head.

Five minus two equals three.

Brown bears, tigers, and wild boars successfully joined the covenant.

"Survival of the fittest! This is survival of the fittest!"

When he learned the news, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

"Only those who adapt to us are qualified to survive!"

"I don't think this sentence means that..."

Although he said so, Coyote was also surprised at how those competitors accepted their request so quickly and even took the initiative to cut off two companions - this kind of thing is a bit outrageous no matter how you look at it, after all, they Strictly speaking, there is nothing to do here.

They just sent out some brass swords, that's all.

Is this little thing really so powerful?


Just two boxes of weapons turned these competitors into enemies. This in itself was the biggest problem.

"They must have something up their sleeve."

Thinking of this, Coyote opened his mouth to remind Du Chengfeng.

"This alliance will definitely not be simple."

"What does it have to do with me whether it's simple or not?"

Du Chengfeng still looked unconcerned.

"As I said before, only by adapting to us can they survive. If they make trouble, they will all be killed at worst."


Coyote fell into silence. He didn't know where Du Chengfeng got this confidence.

It is true that they have progressed from using stone weapons to using brass weapons, but this progress cannot be regarded as a major progress after all. After those competitors also began to use weapons and armor, the gap between them was actually has been shrinking.

In other words, the advantage they had gained before was being quickly wiped out.

And they also need to provide weapons to these competitors.

Yes, this is also part of the covenant. These competitors are responsible for eliminating those powerful people who are lurking in the dark and have not yet revealed their identities, and they are responsible for providing weapons and equipment as support - in theory, they There is no need to do this kind of thing here, after all, those competitors have not actually made any requirements on this matter.

"But you must add this sentence."

Coyote's face already looked a little ugly.

"Don't you know what this means? They also have weapons and armor, how can we fight?"

"Look, what are you in a hurry for?"

Du Chengfeng shook his head repeatedly.

"Doesn't our equipment need to be updated? Doesn't our technology need to be updated? Anyway, as long as we can maintain the lead, even if they have weapons and armor, they can't make any waves."


Coyote didn't know what to say for a moment.

Where does the idea of ​​maintaining the lead come from? There is no difference at all between stone tools and bronze tools. Even if you change from bronze tools to iron tools, there may not be any difference - just because no matter how good the weapon is, it still requires excellent use. Only the warriors can exert their performance, but the combat effectiveness on their side is like a group of monkeys.

This is a fact, but it is also an adjective. Although these monkeys put on armor and picked up weapons, they are still a group of monkeys.

Yes, this is the biggest problem.

These monkeys have no intelligence.

In other words, these monkeys only have the intelligence of monkeys, but when it comes to complex thinking or changeable battles, these monkeys don't know how to deal with it at all - the same goes for those armored wolves. , they just put on armor, it does not mean that they will actually use armor to fight.

In the final analysis, whether they are monkeys or wolves, the greatest significance of their existence is actually to hide special individuals like him and Du Chengfeng as a group. This is why it is difficult for powerful people who have not exposed their identities to He was caught just because no one could accurately pick out which wolf among the wolves was transformed by an outsider.

It was Du Chengfeng's sudden idea that gave these monkeys a fighting power that far surpassed all kinds of beasts, but ultimately, this was still asking the monkeys to throw out the things in their hands, but the things they threw out were From the vegetation and gravel, it turned into a simple stone axe, and now it turned into a sharp bronze sword.

However, this improvement has its limit after all. Just like now, even if they continue to improve the equipment of these monkeys, they can't actually improve it much.

When those competitors and their tribes all wear armor that can withstand bronze weapons, they really have no advantage at all.

The three competitors were so ruthless that they could kill two of their companions for the sake of forming an alliance. Naturally, they could also kill two of them after obtaining weapons and equipment.

"No, what do you want so much for?"

After listening to Coyote's concerns, Du Chengfeng still looked indifferent.

"Don't they say survival of the fittest? We ourselves have to adapt to weapons."

"...Are you serious?"

Coyote was stunned when he heard this, but he still remembered the last time he said "adaptation to weapons" - that was probably a powerful man who was turned into a leopard, and died by being buried alive by a stone ax thrown by the monkeys.

Does this mean they have to adapt to this?

How many lives do they have to adapt to this kind of thing?

"Just get used to it."

Du Chengfeng patted Coyote on the shoulder, signaling him to feel at ease.

But obviously, this kind of thing can't be settled just by saying that you feel relieved, just because Coyote's judgment really came true - Bear, Tiger, and Pig, who got weapons and armor, didn't even wait to clear out many powerful people. , they just symbolically destroyed two litters of goats, and then went directly to kill Du Chengfeng.

"This should have been done a long time ago!"

At this moment, the brown bear's body is no longer the fragile tree armor, but has been replaced by a solid copper armor, lined with thick rhinoceros skin, which also makes the armor's defense even higher - and in the armor's The arms are equipped with sharp blades, which are also specially made for brown bears.

The tiger on the side is also wearing a well-fitting brass armor, and the weapon is replaced with a brass claw sheath. This can make each claw of the tiger become extremely lethal without even needing to bite. You can tear everything apart easily.

As for the wild boar, it was now shaped like a chariot. The entire wild boar was covered tightly with brass armor. Even the pig had a tailor-made helmet on its head, with a forehead and a pair of tusks. Sharp spikes were extended from the top, and no creature could withstand even one impact.

The equipment obtained from those armed monkeys seemed to have armed them to the teeth.

"That monkey actually dared to give us such good equipment..."

The brown bear scratched the helmet on his head. He still feels a little incredible.

Originally, in their eyes, the offer of weapons and equipment was just a joke, and none of them took it seriously. After all, how could their opponents give them the latest weapons and equipment - so they didn't intend to ask for it. , but prepared to keep this matter, and use it as evidence that the monkey did not abide by the agreement when they fall out in the future.

But what they didn't expect was that the monkey actually provided them with weapons.

And it is still the most suitable weapon for them.

It's not the swords and spears that are only suitable for monkeys, but they can't use them here, but the weapons and equipment that are truly tailor-made for them and allow them to use them freely.

"Does that monkey really expect us to kill those powerful men hiding in the dark?"

The wild boar in bronze armor couldn't help but sneer.

In fact, if there were not so many excellent weapons and armors, they might actually search for other potential competitors as agreed. After all, it is not a wise thing to start a war with the monkey. It is in their interest to clear out other competitors first. Things to maximize.

But now that they have these excellent armors and weapons, things have completely changed.

Now they are no longer afraid of those armed monkeys. They can just kill them first. As the saying goes, you must first stabilize the country before you can resist foreign aggression. Anyway, they have already obtained tailor-made weapons and armor. Even if they kill the monkeys and Greedy Wolf, they can still clean up other competitors in time.

Although other competitors hiding in the dark are also threats, it is obvious that Greedy Wolf and Monkey are the biggest hidden dangers. If they can be killed early, they must be killed as early as possible. They must not be given any breathing space!

"Take advantage of his weakness to kill him!"

The tiger with a helmet and armor showed a ferocious expression.

"Even if he knows how to refine copper, how much can he refine during this period? The more copper we use, the less copper the monkeys can use... Now we are all armed, do the monkeys really have any copper left? They are probably going to roll back and throw stones!"

"Yes! This is the best time!"

The other two beasts also nodded, and then the three of them led their equally armed fellows to run to the monkey's location.

Expecting these fellows to know how to deploy troops according to tactics is definitely a bit overestimating the intelligence of these animals, but if they are just hunting in groups, they will still have no problem - as long as they, as the leaders, point out the target and lead them to charge.

The beasts know what to do, after all, killing prey is as instinctive to them as breathing.

But there is also a prerequisite, that is, they have to know where the prey is.

"Isn't the monkey inside!"

The brown bear pointed at the building in front of him and cursed.

They did come to the monkey's habitat, but what appeared in front of them was a stone wall that was two meters high. Just looking at the solid wall, you can tell that this thing is definitely not something that can be easily shaken.

So when was this thing made? Why is there a wall in the monkey's place?

"You two follow me... Forget it, I'll go up and see for myself."

Looking at the bear and pig around him, the armored tiger finally decided to climb up the wall to see what was going on.

After all, among the three, only the tiger was the best at climbing, and the tiger did climb up all the way lightly - but just when the tiger was about to stretch out his claws and climb to the top of the wall, a monkey suddenly appeared on the top of the wall.

Then, a huge stone was pushed down.


The huge stone hit the tiger's face and immediately knocked the tiger off the wall.

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