In the Blade

Chapter 546 Cycle of Life and Death

This was the first time Du Chengfeng had come across a powerful person dealing with another powerful person.

The death star incident was only an accident, and Du Chengfeng and the coyote actually did not win the right to deal with the death star. The person who was really responsible for the end was Zheng Qixing, the former death star himself, who used self-iteration to suppress a powerful person.

Although this method is effective, it is obviously not a conventional method, so Du Chengfeng is also very curious about what to do when he really needs to deal with a powerful person.

After all, it is almost impossible to kill a powerful person at this level in a conventional way. As long as this powerful person still wants to live, there is almost no possibility of death for this powerful person - not every powerful person is as unlucky as the fisherman, who meets the opponent who can ignite the death in his heart when he is in the worst state.

At least judging from the current situation, Huode Star Lord does not seem to be the kind of player who studies death, and the state of Heihu Star Lord is obviously not so bad as to be close to the point of being exhausted.

In other words, what he saw now was the normal way of fighting between powerful people.

"So... then what?"

After helping Huode Xingjun to chop the Black Tiger Xingjun into pieces, Du Chengfeng looked at the old man with red hair and red beard.

Simply chopping up a corpse is not enough to deal with a powerful person. You have to know that the body of the Black Tiger Xingjun is still trying to put itself back together.

And the head has even opened its eyes. Just looking at the way its lips move, it is obvious that it wants to curse something.

Then the head was burned to ashes by Huode Xingjun with a fireball.

"Then, we will act separately."

As he said this, Huode Xingjun took out a jar from somewhere and collected the ashes of the Black Tiger Xingjun's skull.

"You are responsible for taking the broken hands and feet and burying them in a place you think is not easy to be discovered. I will take the cut pieces of the head and torso, as well as these remaining fragments, and bury them somewhere else..."

"...Wait a minute?"

Du Chengfeng suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Just, just like that?"

Du Chengfeng looked at Huo De Xingjun in doubt. This was far from what he imagined. You know, the seal and suppression he imagined had to be at least that kind. Either find a high mountain and then make some formation to seal it tightly, or find some strange props to seal the things to be sealed in a coffin and nail them.

Well, even if none of these things are available, at least two talismans should be drawn, right?

Without even a little security measure, is this really considered suppression?

"Will it work if the security measures are put in place?"

Huo De Xingjun looked at Du Chengfeng with some doubts.

"Why do you think that kind of thing can work? If you lock a place, won't the lock be broken?"

"Ah, this."

Du Chengfeng choked on the spot.

What the old man said seemed to make sense, and he couldn't find any reason to refute it for a while.

After all, this is true. Maybe the thing itself is not that good, but if you put it in a safe that looks very powerful, then no matter how cheap it is, it will probably be coveted by thieves every day. Then it will be like what Huode Xingjun said. As long as it is locked, it will be broken sooner or later, especially a conspicuous lock, which will attract countless people to try to crack it.

"In the past, maybe some people still did this, but now... no one has used this troublesome method for a long time."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng still didn't understand, Huode Xingjun continued to explain.

"Just throw it farther away. After all, the result is not that important. What's important is the process."

"What's important is the process?"

Du Chengfeng didn't understand for a while. This sounded a bit inconsistent. Throwing it farther away, what does it have to do with the process?

But with Huode Xingjun's explanation, Du Chengfeng realized that the process in the other party's mouth was not the process of suppressing the corpse.

It was the process of resurrection of this Black Tiger Xingjun.

"You also know that it is difficult to kill a powerful person. As long as he is not caught up by the will of death, there is almost no possibility of normal death."

The Fire Lord spread his hands, obviously quite helpless about this.

"So he will be resurrected sooner or later. There is nothing you can do about this. It is something that will definitely happen, just sooner or later."

Du Chengfeng understood what the Fire Lord meant. The other party wanted to try to describe that the resurrection of a powerful person is an objective fact, which is not subject to the will of others - but in this idealistic world where ghosts have been seen, hearing the statement of objective facts is already quite absurd.

What is even more absurd is that the Fire Lord, or those old-school powerful people, really came up with corresponding solutions based on this situation.

It is true that the killed powerful person will be resurrected sooner or later, but at least when this powerful person dies, everyone can try to influence the progress of his resurrection as much as possible - and this is the process mentioned by the Fire Lord. In other words, they really can't stop the resurrection itself, but they can make the other party's resurrection process disgusting and difficult.

Just like what Huode Xingjun said just now, just throw the remains of Black Tiger Xingjun all over the place. It will take Black Tiger Xingjun a long time just to put the remains together.

"And during this process, you can come back to mess with him anytime."

Saying this, Fire Lord pointed to the remains on the ground.

"Just like this, he couldn't beat me in his prime, so when he only had one hand and one foot left, could he survive from me?"


Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded. He never thought that there was a second insurance waiting here.

This fighting style sounds too shameless, but it is inexplicably useful when you think about it carefully - think about it, just when Black Tiger Lord thought he had pieced together half of the remains and was about to be truly resurrected, the red-haired and red-bearded Fire Lord descended from the sky with an extremely strong posture, and a fireball blew up the weak remains again, and the ashes were once again thrown across the country.

This kind of despair after hope, this kind of powerless confusion, this kind of pain that cannot be changed by doing anything, even a strong and determined person may not be able to withstand it.

In particular, this kind of blow is not once or twice.

But every time.

Every attempt to resurrect, even every attempt to piece himself together, every time he finds a part of himself, means exposing his resurrection to the enemy's vision - in other words, he has no choice in trying to resurrect, and all the initiative is in the hands of the enemy. When the enemy chooses to show up and take action, this unlucky guy who has only resurrected half of it can only drag his body to fight desperately, and then face his failure again.

In a sense, this can also be called, never turning over.

"That's probably it."

The Fire Lord breathed a sigh of relief. He was very happy that Du Chengfeng finally understood what he meant.

"If time goes on, this kid can't hold on, and he will probably be caught up by the will of death and choose to sleep forever. After all, doing things is always difficult, but giving up only takes a thought... What? Do you think it will raise a monster?"

Hearing Du Chengfeng's question, the Fire Lord looked indifferent.

"If he can raise a monster, then raise a monster. If he can fight me with his broken body, it only means that I am not strong enough. If I am not strong enough, then I will become stronger. A clear enemy will point me in a new direction."

"Ah, this."

Du Chengfeng did not expect that Huode Xingjun would be so calm in this regard.

And looking at the tone of Huode Xingjun's speech, it is obvious that this is not only Huode Xingjun's own idea, but also the idea of ​​many powerful people.

Think about it, being able to fly to the sky and open up a cave with one's own strength, this is not an ordinary person. Even the Black Tiger Xingjun who was killed by Huode Xingjun, when he was alive, he was probably a fierce man who fought against heaven and earth - he had already fought against heaven and earth, so he naturally would not care about the appearance of any enemy.

Or, for these real strong men, the existence of enemies is actually a very good thing.

A good enemy can even be called the best nourishment. In the battle with this enemy, one's own means and abilities will become more and more superb.

In other words, if the Black Tiger Star Lord can really do it, temper his will in the process of resurrection, and further, train his spirit to be as strong as steel, and even rely on the remaining body to withstand the attack of the Fire Star Lord, then for the Fire Star Lord, it is actually a jackpot.

This means that the Fire Star Lord can still take a big step forward with the existence of the opponent.

"At most, I will be killed by him a few times and follow his path. Anyway, if I can't bear the things that he can bear, it can only mean that I am really not good enough and deserve to die."

The Fire Star Lord made a summary.

Then, he picked up the part of the body he was responsible for.

"By the way, remember to tell me where you bury it when you go back... Forget it, there is no need to say it. I will let him help, so what if he can get half of the body together first."

"You... It's okay."

Seeing that the old man was so heroic, Du Chengfeng also started his work.

The work itself was not complicated, it was just a simple matter of throwing away the remains. Huode Xingjun volunteered to fly west, so Du Chengfeng flew east. Obviously, this was to take care of him as a novice, because there was a sea in the east, so there was no need to deliberately look for a place.

You just need to find a few small islands and throw the remains of Black Tiger Xingjun on them. If you still feel that it is not in place, you can be more meticulous and cut the remains of Black Tiger Xingjun into small meatballs, and then pinch them into small meatballs one inch square, and throw them wherever you go.

This is also what Du Chengfeng is doing now. His superb knife skills came in handy at this time, and after he circled the sea for a long time, the bag of meatballs in his hand were thrown away.

"It seems that even if there is a way to resurrect, it is not necessarily safe."

After doing all this, Du Chengfeng was a little scared for a while.

Originally, he thought that unlimited resurrection was the limit. Who would have thought that these powerful people actually had a way to deal with unlimited resurrection? And judging from the attitude of the Fire Lord when he left, it was probably not entirely to suppress the remains of the Black Tiger Lord.

At this moment, even if the Black Tiger Lord had some secret means of resurrection elsewhere, it was probably destroyed by the Fire Lord. In other words, if the Black Tiger Lord wanted to be resurrected, he had to follow the route set by the Fire Lord.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng realized more deeply why the Fire Star Lord looked at him so strangely when he asked whether he should use any special suppression method.

It was because this kind of suppression between powerful beings could never be achieved by relying on a few formations and a few rare treasures.

Just as the Fire Star Lord said, the key to suppression is the process, which is to press the enemy into the route planned by oneself, so that the enemy can only act along the set of established routes, and can only walk on this hopeless dead end again and again.

"Is this... the world in heaven?"

Just thinking about it, Du Chengfeng's back was already a little cold.

The world in heaven is far more dangerous than he imagined.

And those seemingly polite powerful beings are far from being as harmless as they seem on the surface.

"I must not let myself fall into this situation!"

After throwing the last meatball into the sea, Du Chengfeng already had some sense of urgency in his heart.

Although he still hadn't found the direction he insisted on, he had once again ignited his fighting spirit to become stronger.

After all, if he didn't become stronger, Black Tiger Star Lord's today would probably become his tomorrow.

"Thank you, Black Tiger Star Lord."

Looking at the meatball falling down, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

Although what he did to Black Tiger Star Lord was a bit excessive, the experience of Black Tiger Star Lord was still a lesson for him after all.

In a sense, the educational significance of this course to him even exceeded that of his cheap mentor.

"Become stronger! Must become stronger!"

With this idea, Du Chengfeng flew all the way back.

He still had to continue his practice and his understanding, or if Fire Deity Star Lord really took this opportunity to escape from prison, he would have to catch the old man back.

But what Du Chengfeng didn't know was that not long after he left, the meatball he threw into the sea was swallowed by a passing shark.

Fresh meat with a bloody smell is the favorite food of fish. Any creature living in the sea will not refuse this gift.

But the gift of fate often has a price tag.

Just like this shark, after swallowing the meatball, less than a quarter of an hour later, his eyes were already bloodshot.

"More! More!"

The shark with bloodshot eyes didn't even know what he wanted more of. He just instinctively swam in the direction indicated in his mind.

In that direction, there were more fish, shrimps and crabs with bloodshot eyes, fighting each other.

Obviously, they had lost their minds at this moment. They just wanted to eat each other, or they just wanted to plunder each other's flesh and blood.

After all, there were things they wanted on those flesh and blood.

The fight lasted for seven days, and the sea water had been dyed dark red. At the end of everything, a killer whale killed all the enemies and laughed to the end.

But this killer whale was not the real winner.

Just because, a palm has broken the back of the killer whale.

"I'm back again!"

On the palm, a mouth is laughing loudly.

He is the winner of this fight.

Although there is only one hand, and the mouth can even see some traces of fish mouth, but no matter how it happened, Black Tiger Star Lord, or a part of Black Tiger Star Lord, was resurrected after all.

"Fire De Star Lord... Fire De Star Lord!"

Thinking of the red-haired and red-bearded face that stabbed him in the back, the broken hand has already exuded deep hatred.

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