In the Blade

Chapter 547: Road to Resurrection

The remains of the Black Tiger Star Lord hated the Fire Star Lord so much, but hatred alone was meaningless.

Since it was the hand that was resurrected instead of the head, the Black Tiger Star Lord had lost most of his memories at this moment, but he still remembered that when he was stabbed in the back by the Fire Star Lord, he had actually thought of transferring his consciousness at the first time - after all, he had fought his way up to the status of a star lord by himself. Perhaps he still lacked some understanding of the heavens, but if it really came to a life-and-death battle, he could not be considered a mediocre player.

But no matter how strong he was, it was meaningless at that moment. The Fire Star Lord was stronger than him and had the advantage of the first move. Before he launched his move, the Fire Star Lord had already cut him into pieces.

The treacherous old man almost immediately blocked the possibility of his resurrection by other means.

"That is to say, the old man should have already taken action on my spare resurrection places."

Thinking of this, the Black Tiger Star Lord couldn't help but feel a pain. You know, these means of resurrection are all the assets he has accumulated over the years, and the believers who provide him with incense and vows are loyal people who have been passed down for generations - but it is obvious that all of this will be destroyed with the arrival of the Fire Star Lord, and the old man will burn them all to ashes.

At the moment, he can only rely on his own strength.

Only his iron will and that unbreakable determination.

"Fire Star Lord... Fire Star Lord!"

The mouth in the center of the palm recited the name of the enemy over and over again.

He wants to kill this old thing, he must kill this evil villain!

So he has to live, no matter what.

Live, piece together his body, and then take revenge!


Accompanied by the roar from the mouth, the killer whale once again pounced into the distance.

That was not the direction of the Fire Lord, but the direction with the smell of fresh flesh and blood.

Yes, even if he wanted to take revenge, he had to survive first, and now the wounded killer whale was about to die - if the killer whale as a carrier died, then he would not even be able to leave this sea area with only his broken hand.

Any wave could sink him to the bottom, and he was already so weak at this moment.

"At least let this killer whale recover first... Fortunately, the beasts have pure minds."

A pure mind is a good thing, which means the purity of the mind. Although most beasts have a chaotic brain and do not have the rationality to control this mind, it is not a big deal for the Black Tiger Lord.

He is called the Black Tiger Lord, and his body is a black tiger. He was born as a beast, so he naturally knows how to arrange the beasts.

"You will will understand everything."

So, under the high-level education of the Black Tiger Star Lord, the killer whale only took half a day to master the initial technique of using mental power, and then only took a quarter of an hour, and the wounds on the body that had been beaten before were all healed.

Perhaps because of the too fast healing speed, the killer whale was covered with scars and looked quite ferocious.

But this was more in line with the aesthetics of the Black Tiger Star Lord.

After repairing the killer whale he was currently living in, the Black Tiger Star Lord drove the killer whale away. At this moment, he could already feel that his other body parts were also scattered in this sea - but the range of this scattering was really a bit too fragmented, and God knew how many pieces his body parts were cut into.

"Or is it really cut into pieces?"

As he pursued along the way, the Black Tiger Star Lord always felt that something was wrong with his broken hand.

With such a wide spread, it would be more accurate to say that it was minced rather than cut into pieces. When the Black Tiger Star Lord thought of the shameless Fire Star Lord not only stabbed him insidiously, but also chopped him into minced meat to feed the fish, the Black Tiger Star Lord hated him even more.

"But... this is actually a good thing."

Thinking of this, the Black Tiger Star Lord couldn't help but clench his broken hand into a fist.

Yes, although this behavior itself is extremely shameless, it is indeed a good thing for him at the moment. After all, if that old Deng really cut his body into several pieces and suppressed them in different places, and then pressed various formations or magic weapons on top, then with his current weak appearance, he might not be able to put himself together again.

But now... his opponent is not a magic weapon, nor a highly skilled guard, nor an extremely dangerous formation that will explode if touched.

His opponent is only fish, only the most ordinary fish.

With this killer whale mount, he has almost no rivals in this sea area, and the fish that eat his flesh and blood will continue to approach him - in the final analysis, every inch of his flesh and blood is eager to be reunited, eager to be resurrected, and eager for revenge.

Throwing his bones into the sea is undoubtedly the biggest failure of the Fire Lord.

That old Deng will pay the price for his underestimation of the enemy.

"And now, I have to recover my body first."

Thinking of this, the Black Tiger Lord once again controlled the killer whale and threw himself into the bloody fight.

Of course, to outsiders, this is a large area of ​​fish fighting each other, but only Black Tiger Star Lord knows that this is a fusion. Through the external appearance of eating, these broken flesh and blood meet and merge with each other, Eventually they come together and become what they were meant to be.

"It's done!"

Three days later, Black Tiger Star Lord finally shouted excitedly after everything was over.

But immediately, Black Tiger Star Lord suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

It was successful, and now he had even repaired an arm and a leg, but just looking at the pitted state of the arms and legs, it was obvious that a lot of flesh and blood was missing - even a lot of bones were missing. The most outrageous thing is that some of the bones are still half missing, making his arms and legs look as ugly as if they were eaten by dogs.

Obviously, the remaining missing flesh and blood is not in the water.

"Huo Dexingjun... old beast!"

Lord Black Tiger Star couldn't help but cursed.

Lao Deng is so vicious. Black Tiger Star Lord thought he was already cruel, but he has never seen such a vicious old thing - not all his flesh and blood were thrown into the sea, but there was still a part of his flesh and blood. It was thrown on some nearby islands.

This is so disgusting to do, it is even more troublesome than throwing it into the sea. After all, if you throw it into the sea, the fish can still float along with the current, but if you throw it on the island... can the animals on the island float along with the water?

Obviously it can't be done. Just some broken pieces of meat can't defeat the will of these animals to survive. As long as they are still afraid of death, they will not roll themselves into the ocean current.

In other words, it still has to find it on its own.

"Old beast...just wait for me! Wait!"

The hatred in Black Tiger Star Lord's heart became deeper and deeper.

But no matter how much you hate it, you have to work hard on yourself first.

The speed of collecting in the water is quite fast, but the speed of finding the island is too slow. Even if the remaining body of the Black Tiger Star Lord can feel the approximate direction of the remaining parts of himself, it is enough to collect the remaining parts. It took him half a month.

Fortunately, he still didn't encounter any danger this time, and his opponents were still beasts. Although the body of the killer whale was not good at fighting ashore, he could send the killer whale ashore to wait to be eaten—— For the killer whale, this is naturally a sudden disaster, but for the Black Tiger Star Lord, this is actually nothing.

It doesn't matter who eats whom, anyway, the final result is that his flesh and blood are fused together.

So, in the midst of this constant cannibalism, Black Tiger Star Lord's hands and feet finally fully recovered.

"It seems that old beast is still a little careless."

Thinking of this, Lord Black Tiger Star couldn't help but relax a little. Originally, he thought that the old guy would devise some insidious arrangement, and when he was searching for the remains to piece together the body, he would give him a cruel blow without saying a word - such as Bury the body in a certain grave, then trigger the formation directly when he opens the coffin, and blow him up with a fireball on the spot.

Although this style of fighting seems a bit too shameless, the old beast can definitely do it.

But now it seems that he has tried his best, but he has not encountered this situation yet. Maybe Huodexingjun has not thought of using this method to target him - think about it, chop him into pieces. Things like stuffing are disgusting enough. If you have to trick him again, it seems a bit unnecessary.

"Anyway, let's get our head back first."

After gathering an arm and a leg, Black Tiger Star Lord began to formulate the next plan.

Although he still doesn't know how many parts his body has been divided into, if he has to pick out a part with the highest priority, the head must be more worthy of being recovered than other parts - no matter how it looks at the moment It would be more sensible to get his body back first, but he still felt that he should give his head back first.

Getting his head back means that his intelligence and memory will be intact, and his strength will be restored to the greatest extent. As for his body, it doesn't matter. It's not impossible to improvise if it doesn't work.

Just like now, after landing on the shore, he randomly found an evil spirit master of similar stature to himself, used further strength as a lure to lure the opponent over, then directly cut off his hands and feet, and reattached his own arms and legs. After climbing up and controlling the body with his hands and feet, he could already move normally.

"Find my head and you will gain new strength."

Lord Black Tiger Star said this to the evil spirit master, pretending to be like a senior master.

"How could you stop here? You'll get everything!"

"Even if it's for myself... I have no choice but to do this."

The evil spirit master also sighed.

In fact, the evil spirit master had already begun to regret it when his hands and feet were chopped off. Now, he has someone else's arms and legs on his body, even if the other person claims to be a god in the sky, or even really has incredible abilities like a god. , but wearing someone else’s accessories... This kind of thing makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

But now, even if he wanted to turn back, it was already too late.

On the one hand, it was too late for his identity. After getting this new power, he couldn't help but try his hand at it and killed several enemies, so he was being hunted by more evil spirit masters. On the other hand, he It's because he is used to this power.

You don't need evil spirits, you don't even need weapons, you just need a shadow to kill people. This kind of power, this kind of miracle, this is simply...

"If we get more parts, how strong will this power be?"

This evil spirit master also has some expectations in his heart.

In fact, he could also realize that he was probably being used by the severed hands and feet, but he would rather think that they were using each other - maybe one day, this god-like power could become his Yes, although he didn't say it explicitly, he occasionally thought about it in his heart.

However, the only thing he didn't expect was that he wouldn't be able to wait for that day.

Just when he was using his hands and feet to find the skull ashes in the other party's mouth, the ordinary-looking jar buried in the deep pit suddenly exploded on the spot - with that cheap price With the jar as the center, a huge fireball burned everything around it, including the mortal body of this evil spirit master.

There are also the hands and feet of the Black Tiger Star Lord.

But compared to this ordinary master of evil spirits, Black Tiger Star Lord will not die so easily. The sudden explosion did blow the severed hands and feet he finally put together into pieces, but the location of these pieces collapsed After all, it's not far away - after all, this tomb is closed, and even if it is burned to ashes, it will not fly around. This sudden fireball will not affect the recovery of Black Tiger Star Lord at all.

It's just that this hand is a little too disgusting.

"Old beast...old beast!"

The Black Tiger Star Lord, who was pieced together from ashes, was furious. At this moment, he had restored his hands, feet, and a head. However, since these three limbs had been burned to ashes, the Black Tiger Star Lord simply no longer maintained his original appearance. Instead, he used the ashes of these three bodies to form a smaller black tiger.

Because he is so small, Black Tiger Star Lord looks more like a cat at this moment.

And when the newborn black cat raised his head, he saw the familiar red hair and red beard.

That was a face he would never forget.

"Finally done?"

The red-haired and red-bearded Huode Xingjun laughed.

"You've done your best, then it's time for me to come!"

Saying this, Black Tiger Star Lord, who had just managed to survive and complete the resurrection, immediately burst into flames, and then was torn into pieces again on the spot.

The broken body was thrown out again, still thrown in different places, but this time, Black Tiger Star Lord was not in a hurry to recover himself - or in other words, he was still confused at the moment, and was hit again He was completely confused by the killing.

Again, if he can fight all the way to the sky, Black Tiger Star Lord may not be perfect in other areas, but in the life and death battle, he is really not a mediocre player.

Just like now, after just one defeat, he had already seen the reality clearly.

His self-righteous resurrection was clearly the path charted out for him by Lord Huodexing, and this meant that the old beast could always beat him before he could regain his full strength - he was in a mutilated state. But that old beast was in full form every time, always in full strength but weak in strength. How could he possibly win such a battle?

This is the real killing game. If he follows the path set by that old beast, he will never have a chance to turn around and fight back.

"Am I going to die here? Am I just going to be like this for the rest of my life?"

After realizing this, Black Tiger Star Lord became more and more desperate. In this fatal situation, he saw no possibility of victory.

But he refused.

He can't be convinced no matter what, just like he doesn't want to die like this no matter what, he still wants to take revenge, he still wants to kill the old beast, he won't just fall here, absolutely not!

"Absolutely not!"

With only half of his head left, Black Tiger Star Lord gritted his teeth.

Perhaps compared to those humans, he would never be able to learn that intelligence, but as a beast, what he lacks most is ruthlessness.

The wildness that has lasted from childhood to the present has made him never learn to bow his head.

"I won't die here... I will definitely come back to life!"

Black Tiger Star Lord, who was buried in the ground again, roared silently.

No one can hear this roar. After all, this place is so remote. It is an uninhabited desert. There are not even a few animals. Only the wind blows through the sand on the ground and brings up a cloud of dust.

But at this moment, Black Tiger Star Lord heard it and responded.

"Good boy, ambitious."


Black Tiger Star Lord immediately wanted to find the source of the sound, but with only half of his head left, he couldn't even turn his head.

"Who is it! Who is talking!"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that we all have the same idea... You want revenge, and I want it too. In this regard, we are the same."

The voice continued.

"So maybe we can help each other, I help you, you help me, we can both kill our enemies, and we can all get back to where we should be."

"...where it should be?"

Lord Black Tiger Star was silent for a moment, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong with this sentence.

Listening to this, the owner of this voice is in the same disabled state as him? Co-author Is he not the only one to suffer like this?

It turns out that this is not the first time this has happened?

"Who are you! Come out!"

After thinking for a moment, Black Tiger Star Lord decided to ask the other party's origins first.

"Where are you!"

"I'm right next to you."

The voice sounded again.

"Can't you feel it?"


Black Tiger Star Lord was a little confused.

There were no missing limbs around him, so he could still feel it.

Could it be that his perception was wrong? This kind of thing doesn't make sense...

"I'm right next to you."

As if sensing Black Tiger Star Lord's doubts, the voice spoke again.

"Or, I am the desert itself."

As soon as these words came out, the remaining half of Black Tiger Star Lord's head was immediately covered with sweat.

Although only half of his head was left, Black Tiger Star Lord still had the ability to think, so he was more aware of what this sentence meant - if this desert could only be regarded as a part of the other party's body, then how strong this strange voice was in its prime, he was a little afraid to think.

However, after a brief panic, Black Tiger Star Lord's heart was left with only boundless ecstasy.

With such an existence helping him, how could he not be able to avenge this blood feud?

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