In the Blade

Chapter 576 Killing each other

Even if Lord Yaoguang Star can block all light with some secret method, he still has one most obvious weakness.

That is, Yaoguang Star Lord himself still has an entity.

Although it is not yet known what method Yaoguang Xingjun used to achieve resurrection, the fact that he still has a physical body is still the fatal flaw of Yaoguang Xingjun - just like now, when the whole house collapses, the only one The place that resisted the blast from the purlins must be the location of Yaoguang Xingjun!


With just one sword strike, Yaoguang Xingjun's abdomen was penetrated directly.

Yes, belly.

Because his perception was blocked and he could not detect Yaoguang Star Lord's figure, Du Chengfeng's killing sword only penetrated Yaoguang Star Lord's abdomen.

After all, this old blacksmith is too short compared to the burly Yaoguang Xingjun.


After failing in one blow, Du Chengfeng quickly continued his horizontal slash, intending to cut off Yaoguang Xingjun on the spot!

However, at this moment, Yaoguang Xingjun's big hand suddenly grasped the stainless steel sword blade tightly.

"So this is it, this is your power, turning me into a mortal again, making me lose everything... But have you ever thought about something?"

While tightly grasping the blade that pierced his abdomen, Yaoguang Xingjun pulled it out inch by inch.

"Even if we are all mortals, I am a hundred times stronger than this old thing."


The old blacksmith and the sword in his hand were smashed out together, falling on the ruins and throwing up a large amount of smoke and dust.

But Yaoguang Xingjun, who had the sword in his abdomen, still stood there like a rock.

"Is this little pain enough to make the mortal you chose unable to stand up?"

Lord Yaoguang Star looked coldly at the frightened and struggling old blacksmith in the ruins.

"Does this little pain scare away the mortal you chose? Is this your choice? Why do you think he can defeat me?"


Du Chengfeng did not speak, but silently raised the sword blade again.

There is nothing to say about this kind of thing, and there is nothing to say. Since the old blacksmith really cannot be counted on, then he will not count on the old blacksmith. Just like what Yaoguang Xingjun said, since the other party has such He had the courage to do so, and felt that even if he were a mortal, the other party would still think that he would win, so naturally he would have to show corresponding respect.

Even without the help of mortals, even if he uses the level of great power, even if he only has a broken body left, he can still kill this shining star king.

"Sure enough, you're still insisting."

Lord Yaoguangxing spoke again.

"But you have already shown your weakness. Maybe you think that I am being tough and angry... But have you ever thought that when you have this idea, you are actually being tough and angry? "

As he said this, light gathered in Yaoguang Xingjun's hands.

"It's like now, you only see me as Star Lord, you only see me as a powerful person... But have you ever thought about what I was before becoming a powerful person, before becoming Star Lord?"

The light gradually faded in the hands of Lord Yaoguang Star, and finally only a simple and dull long sword remained.

"Before I became Star Lord, I was the best swordsman."

Following this shout, Yaoguang Xingjun rushed over with a sword.

Seeing that Lord Yaoguang Star was charging towards him to die, Du Chengfeng of course straightened his sword and stabbed straight at him - but what he didn't expect was that before his sword blade could hit Lord Yaoguang Star, Lord Yaoguang Star would strike. They have already led one area at a time, leading his sharp sword to the ground!

"Even though I was just a blind man at that time, I was still the best swordsman at that time."

The simple blade of the sword passed across the old blacksmith's shoulder, splashing blood.

"Perhaps you will say, how can a blind man become a swordsman... But I also want to ask you, why can't a blind man become a swordsman?"


The sword's blade was stretched to the left and right, and the pressure on Du Chengfeng suddenly increased greatly.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng realized an extremely serious problem.

That is, if he only fights with swordsmanship, he can't beat this Yaoguang Star King.

The opponent's attainments in swordsmanship and even martial arts were actually superior to his!

"You are doubting, you are confused."

Yaoguang Xingjun’s voice came again.

"Although you didn't say it, I can feel from your sword movements that you are doubting, you are confused, you don't know why I have such strong swordsmanship, this is not normal... Could it be that you have always been Since then, the opponents you have faced are all inferior to you in martial arts?"


Du Chengfeng was still silent.

If he still had a body at this moment, he would probably be covered in sweat.

It doesn't make sense, this kind of thing doesn't make sense. He has obviously been fighting with his life for a long time. Every time he is seriously fighting for life and death, how can it be possible with the experience accumulated from countless battles...

"Ha, basic swordsmanship, or in other words, swordsmanship that comes from instinct."

Lord Yaoguangxing laughed.

"This is indeed a very useful thing, and it is indeed the basis of all swordsmanship. Maybe you have been using this to numb yourself, thinking that as long as you learn these basics, you will be enough to kill people... But this has also been revealed. Your question reveals your training level.”

Having said this, Lord Yaoguangxing paused.

"Besides fighting, how much time do you spend practicing martial arts?"


Du Chengfeng remained silent.

This question was extremely difficult for him to answer.

Or, he had already realized what the Yaoguang Xingjun wanted to say.

"Indeed, you can say that you are chasing power, you are chasing something more essential, so you can use this reason to deceive yourself and feel that you are indeed getting stronger... But what about now?"

Another sword swept away Du Chengfeng's sword, and the frightened old blacksmith's shoulder was bleeding again.

"It is because you always think like this, thinking that almost is enough, almost is enough, so you will always be a little short, always a little short!"

Waving the ancient long sword, Yaoguang Xingjun roared.

"Do you know how much I have paid for this martial arts? All! Do you know how much I have paid for this swordsmanship? All! In order to see the light again with the sword in my hand, I have paid my all!"

As he said this, the ancient long sword slashed down!

"It's just this level! Why do you think you can fight me!"


The two swords intersected, and the blade of the sword made of fine steel was actually cut off by the ancient long sword!

Then, the blade in the hand of Yaoguang Xingjun was across the neck of the old blacksmith.

"Don't kill me!"

Seeing that death was imminent, the old blacksmith knelt down with a thud.

"Please! I didn't do anything! Don't kill me..."

"Look, this is the mortal you chose."

Yaoguang Xingjun had no intention of paying attention to the old blacksmith, but just shook his head at the sword in the old blacksmith's hand.

"You think you can beat me if you bring him, then I want to tell you now that you can't beat me even if you don't bring him."

At this point, Yaoguang Xingjun sighed.

"You are only good at strength, never martial arts. I saw this when you fought against Wanqian Xingjun that day... This is why I really want to keep you. Your strength, plus my martial arts, this is a truly invincible combination."

Saying this, Yaoguang Xingjun looked at the half-broken sword.

"Now I'll give you a chance to choose... Forget it, you don't need any chance to choose."

As he said this, the long sword in the hands of Yaoguang Xingjun had already pierced into the chest of the old blacksmith.

"The sword holder you chose is dead, so you don't have to choose anything anymore... Hmm?"


Just when the old blacksmith's chest was pierced, another sound of a sharp weapon piercing flesh was also heard.

Yaoguang Xingjun looked down at the wound on his abdomen.

The wound that was pierced by the sharp sword before, at this moment, half of the broken sword had been stabbed into it.

"Is that all?"

Yaoguang Xingjun frowned and looked at the old blacksmith who clenched his teeth.

"You are just this..."


Just at this moment, another sharp blade suddenly pierced Yaoguang Xingjun's abdomen.

It was the dagger hidden in the sword, and it was also the design that Yaoguang Xingjun had rejected before.

At this moment, this dagger-like dagger was the real killer move of the old blacksmith.


Yaoguang Xingjun wanted to make some moves, but the severe pain in his abdomen made him unable to move. It was at this time that he realized that the tip of the dagger had probably been exposed from the broken end.

It was because of the influence of the dagger that he didn't have time to react. It was because of the dagger made from the remains of the extraterritorial demon that he affected his thoughts at the most critical moment. But it was this insignificant thought, this "that's it", that made him miss the best blocking opportunity.

And now, he was hit by two swords and had no chance to fight back.

"Die! Die!"

The old blacksmith, covered in blood, waved the dagger. At this moment, the old blacksmith had no sword moves to speak of. This was no longer a duel between swordsmen, but just a fight between two lives.

Or, it was a one-sided killing of one life against another.

"Die! Die!"

The dagger in the old blacksmith's hand chiseled into the chest and abdomen of Yaoguang Xingjun again and again. In just a few breaths, there were more than a dozen wounds. The lacerations completely destroyed all of Yaoguang Xingjun's organs, which made Yaoguang Xingjun unable to even breathe completely.

This is not a serious injury for a great power. If Yaoguang Xingjun still has the strength of a great power, he doesn't even need a breath to use that extraordinary power to repair all the wounds on his body.

But that's the problem.

Under the tearing of the dagger, he is no different from an ordinary mortal at this moment.

No mortal can survive after suffering such a serious injury, no matter how strong he is.


Yaoguang Xingjun, who fell to the ground, stretched out his hand.

Not to the old blacksmith in front of him who was covered in blood, but to the sky.

"I still want to see a few more times, this light..."

Before he finished speaking, the sharp dagger chiseled into his throat again.

And the Shining Star Lord also died.

But even though the Shining Star Lord in front of him was only a corpse, the old blacksmith continued to hammer and hammer frantically, stabbing with the dagger in his hand again and again until the Shining Star Lord was cut into pieces.

This was not because the old blacksmith wanted to stop on his own initiative, but because he really had no strength left.

After all, just now, the old blacksmith was even one step ahead of the Shining Star Lord and was fatally injured.

Being able to exchange the life of Yaoguang Xingjun with his last blood and courage is already the limit of the old blacksmith.


Feeling the old blacksmith's weak appearance, Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

It was because he himself was this short sword that he knew more clearly that the last killing just now was not done by him through the hands of the old blacksmith.

It was the old blacksmith himself who accomplished all this.

After a lifetime of cowardice, confusion, fantasy, and even greed for petty gains, this old blacksmith was unexpectedly brave at the end of his life.

"Forget it... What kind of bravery is this?"

Feeling the thoughts in his heart, the old blacksmith smiled helplessly.

"I didn't do anything, did I? I didn't do anything well... Obviously you have reminded me so many times, but I still..."

"It's already very good."

Du Chengfeng sighed.

"It's already, very good."

"Is that so..."

The old blacksmith, who was weak and weak, forced a smile.

"Is it already, good?"

"It's already, good."

Du Chengfeng said this again.

It was not a word of comfort, but a sincere compliment. Although he always felt that this old blacksmith was really bad, even compared to himself back then, he was much worse - but in this fight, even if he was replaced by himself back then, he might not really do better.

Is it worth it to exchange a powerful life with a mortal body?

Du Chengfeng didn't want to comment on this issue. After all, life is not worth it. As a witness, he only knew that at the end of his life, this old man who he had always looked down on really burst out with some incredible power.

Compared with that, the equality of all beings in his mouth, the power he possessed could only be regarded as a slogan at best.

In the end, it was actually the old blacksmith himself who killed Yaoguang Xingjun.

Du Chengfeng's power of equality for all beings is just a weapon to accomplish all this, and the one who really holds this weapon is the fierce blood and blood of the old blacksmith who is on the verge of death.

"So, you have done very well."

Du Chengfeng said this again.

"You have done very well, so..."

The idea given by Du Chengfeng did not get any response.

Just because the old blacksmith had already died without knowing it.

"No, wait a minute..."

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng realized that things were far more troublesome than he had imagined.

Or in other words, the real trouble has always been after death.

"You died just like this, what should I do?"

Du Chengfeng, who was held in the hands of the old blacksmith's body, was speechless for a long time.

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