In the Blade

Chapter 577: New Swordsman

Strength and power hate a vacuum, and every place has its strongest.

The strongest person in Jiange Town used to be the leader of the Giant Shark Gang. Of course, since the strength of the leader of the Giant Shark Gang was really limited, the strongest person should be the local county magistrate who supported him, as well as several major families. But the facts have proved that if you are not strong enough, you are not strong enough. When the old blacksmith picked up the sword that was inhabited by Du Chengfeng, the leader of the Giant Shark Gang would eventually be eliminated quickly.

But when the stronger Yaoguang Star Lord appeared, who was even stronger than this area, even if the old blacksmith had a perfect start, he would still be eliminated like the leader of the Giant Shark Gang.

It's a pity that Yaoguang Star Lord would not occupy the strongest position. Even if he won, he would return to heaven, not to mention that he was dead now. So after a day of chaos, Jiange Town finally ushered in a new strongest person.

The new strongest is a young constable named Tian. Strictly speaking, he is not that strong. When the previous constable was still there, this constable Tian was not even a follower. Although he is quite capable of fighting with his evil spirit, his lack of social skills makes this little constable Tian unable to collect money properly.

But now it is a different matter. After all the masters died, this constable Tian is good at fighting and has the identity of a constable. In addition, he was the first to rush to the scene of the incident, so this matter was naturally handed over to him to handle.

For any discerning person, this is an opportunity. Handling this case is an extremely reliable reason. Anyone who handles it can quickly make himself a tyrant in Jiange Town, or even replace the position of the previous leader of the Giant Shark Gang and become the number one person in Jiange Town.

But because of his lack of social skills, constable Xiao Tian failed to realize this.

He was still staring at the two weapons in the warehouse.

One weapon was a short sword. This broken sword was originally held by the old blacksmith. It was originally a mother-and-child sword, but this sword seemed to have broken during the battle, and even the half of the mother sword fell off. When he saw this short sword, Constable Oda tried to put the half of the mother sword back. The blade made of fine steel fit the short sword perfectly, which made him admire the craftsmanship of the old blacksmith.

The other weapon was an ancient long sword. Although it looked ordinary, the fierce power it exuded made Constable Tian dare not even touch it.

However, not touching it does not mean that you can't take it. The clever Constable Oda simply took off his coat as a package and took the sword back directly.

But even if the murder weapon and the body were brought back to the yamen, there was no one to try the case. The county magistrate was killed along with the head of the police a few days ago, and it was unknown when the new county magistrate would come. In addition, the powerful local tyrants had been swept away. Now the only person who could keep his word in the entire Jiange Town was him.


Faced with this situation, Constable Xiaotian, who was already very lacking in human relations, didn't know what to do.

What's more, Constable Xiaotian didn't have the heart to care about such a small matter.

The problem he encountered was obviously more troublesome.


Constable Xiaotian subconsciously stretched out his hand and wanted to touch the broken sword.

But this action was immediately suppressed by him.

It was not that he wanted to move, but the weapon was calling him. Although it was only the evil spirit entering his body, Constable Xiaotian had experienced this situation after all. The more he encountered this situation, the more he could not reach out to take the weapon. God knows how much evil spirit is in this weapon. If he really touched it, he would go crazy on the spot.

Yes, this is also the reason why Constable Xiaotian has been stuck in the evil spirit entering his body, but has not advanced to the evil spirit release.

Having felt how terrifying the evil weapons are, he naturally stays away from these things, so how could he reach out to touch them?

But what Constable Xiaotian didn't know was that his restraint made Du Chengfeng, who was living in the sword, anxious.

"You touch it!"

Feeling the hesitant mentality of the constable in front of him, Du Chengfeng only felt regretful.

Originally, he thought that he would have to stay on the corpse for a while before finding the next sword holder, but who would have thought that someone would dare to come and collect the bodies after this tragic battle - what Du Chengfeng didn't expect the most was that his luck unexpectedly improved. This Xiaotian Constable turned out to be a reliable sword holder.

No matter from which angle, this Xiaotian Constable is much more reliable than the old blacksmith. His background as a constable means that this kid has some combat ability. He dared to go over to collect the bodies, which also shows that this kid is brave enough. But in addition to this, the most important point is that this kid is not dead.

This kid didn't die in the battle a few days ago, which means that this kid didn't go along with the head constable. In a place like Jiange Town, he can still be so reserved, which is enough to show that this little constable is still a little persistent.

A little persistence means having your own will. Having your own will is much stronger than the old blacksmith who is greedy for money.

This constable would be a qualified swordsman. At least in Du Chengfeng's opinion, this little constable was very suitable for cooperation.

But the only thing that Du Chengfeng didn't expect was that this little constable didn't even dare to pick him up.

Even if he was a gentleman, this was too much. This made him look more like the one who tempted people to do bad things. This also made Du Chengfeng feel numb. Was he going to let such a good swordsman run away?


Taking a deep breath, Du Chengfeng simply made up his mind.

"Come here!"

As he said this, the broken sword on the ground trembled violently and fell into the hands of Constable Tian.

Constable Tian, ​​who was distracted, naturally couldn't dodge this, not to mention that he only had the strength of evil spirit entering his body, and he couldn't even dodge at all. So, in just a moment, Du Chengfeng had taken over Constable Tian's sword-holding hand, and even took over Constable Tian's body.

Then, he quickly picked up another ancient long sword.

Yes, this is why he was so anxious.

Yaoguang Xingjun died again, and this time he was probably really dead, but this also meant that the concealment method Yaoguang Xingjun originally used here also became ineffective - in other words, those powerful people in the sky could notice him at any time, and they might even have stared at his figure now.

However, judging from the fact that he has not encountered any new attacks, those powerful people probably haven't noticed him here yet.

This also means that he still has a chance to buy more time for himself.

As for the way to buy time, it is naturally to polish the long sword of Yaoguang Xingjun. After all, Yaoguang Xingjun did show the ability to conceal information, and even used it in battle for a time - this means that as long as he learns this skill, he can isolate the sight of those powerful people in the sky to a certain extent, which will make it more convenient for him to do things.

However, it is impossible for him to complete this polishing work since he has been made into a short sword.

He needs to borrow the hand of the sword holder to finish this job more conveniently.

"Hurry up... hurry up!" With this idea in mind, Du Chengfeng directly controlled the two swords to intersect, and then used the two sword blades to polish each other. Although the method was a bit crude, it was beyond Du Chengfeng's expectation that this method was really useful. After a short trance, he actually saw the past of this ancient long sword. Or in other words, the past of Yaoguang Xingjun. Yaoguang Xingjun was not blind originally, at least he was not blind when he was a child. When Yaoguang Xingjun was a child, he was even the most talented one in the family - but it was because of his outstanding talent that he attracted a lot of jealousy. After all, outstanding talent means that you can get more resources. If you eat more resources, others will eat less. So, Yaoguang Xingjun naturally got into trouble. His outstanding talent in his childhood could not allow him to protect himself. Just an accident made Yaoguang Xingjun blind. The child who was once outstanding in talent became a useless blind man. "No wonder he is so obsessed with light..."

Seeing this, Du Chengfeng roughly understood the reason for Yaoguang Xingjun's obsession.

If Yaoguang Xingjun was born blind, then his understanding of light was just based on hearsay. He had long been accustomed to a life without light, and might not really want any light - but this kind of seeing light but losing it is another matter, which will make Yaoguang Xingjun fall into an extremely crazy desire.

However, no matter how much he desires, it is meaningless. After all, his eyes are blind and his talents are basically useless.

Although the family was quite angry about this matter and even promised to support the young Yaoguang Xingjun, it was just support, and the generous treatment they had gradually disappeared - after all, Yaoguang Xingjun was already blind, so naturally he could not continue to practice martial arts, so even if more resources were invested, what would happen?

But even so, Yaoguang Xingjun still stubbornly asked for a sword, the sword he was used to.

Then, it was practice day after day.

Du Chengfeng once thought that the swordsman Xiao Cui, whom he knew, swung three thousand swords a day, which was hard enough. But now, after feeling the amount of training of Yaoguang Xingjun, Du Chengfeng had to admit that even Xiao Cui, a swordsman, would probably have to bow down to Yaoguang Xingjun.

Because no matter how hard Xiao Cui swordsman worked, he was still only at the stage of practicing swords.

But for the young Yaoguang Xingjun, the sword in his hand was his whole life.

For a blind man, except for eating and sleeping, the sword in his hand was the only thing he could touch. The sword was everything to him. The sword was everything to him. When he went out to walk on weekdays, the sword was his crutch. When he encountered mosquitoes, the sword was his palm. If he didn't know what was ahead, the sword could be stretched out to explore the way. As for when he encountered danger, the sword could help him kill the enemy.

There was no such thing as practice, because Yaoguang Xingjun walked, sat and lay down with the sword.

In addition to the sword, a blind man had nothing else to rely on.

But the fact proved that the young Yaoguang Star Lord was only blinded in his eyes. His talent and strength were still there. The blind eyes helped the young Yaoguang Star Lord isolate himself from all external things, leaving only the sword itself.


Seeing this, Du Chengfeng was speechless.

Such hard work, such seriousness... No, this can't even be called hard work, but it is to integrate the sword with life and regard swordsmanship as a way of life.

If it were him, could he do it?

If he did it by force, Du Chengfeng couldn't say whether he could do it or not.

He only knew that he had never done it like this before.

"No wonder I didn't fight with swords..."

Seeing this, Du Chengfeng was completely convinced. He could only say that the great powers who could ascend to the starry sky with their own strength were really something - after all, when he was on his way, no matter how much he boasted that he had experienced hundreds of battles, when it came to the serious level, he had never achieved the level of Yaoguang Xingjun.

With a half-baked swordsmanship, facing a sword madman who had lived in the sword for countless years, his failure was actually natural.

"But... it's okay, at least I don't just rely on swordsmanship to walk."

After a brief reflection, Du Chengfeng also tried to comfort himself to prevent himself from losing confidence because of this.

"Swordsmanship is ultimately a minor art. Strength itself is what really determines everything... Just like this Yaoguang Star Lord, after he became a Star Lord, didn't he stop using the sword?"

Yes, that's true. After he rose to great heights and even became a powerful being with his unrivaled swordsmanship, Yaoguang Star Lord chose not the sword art, but to restore his sight as soon as possible.

After all, the sword has long been a part of Yaoguang Star Lord's life. Even if he didn't choose it, he would still have it.

So when it was Yaoguang Star Lord's turn to choose, Yaoguang Star Lord, who had already become a powerful being, naturally chose something he didn't have.

But because he had been blind for so long, Yaoguang Star Lord's understanding of light had already undergone some changes that were very different from those of ordinary people.

Or it is an extremely strong light, so strong that it can blind people's eyes in an instant - this can be considered a weapon in the eyes of others, but for the blind Yaoguang Star Lord, only this level of light source can make him feel the light even when he is blind, so after becoming a powerful person, this feeling that was most familiar in the past has become one of his means.

As for another understanding...

It is the prophecy that Yaoguang Star Lord said before.

"Light, blind eyes, dark without sun, can't see five fingers."

With such chanting, the broken sword in Du Chengfeng's hand has been covered with a layer of imperceptible shadow.

This is the method of Yaoguang Star Lord.

As long as you don't look at it deliberately, no one will find this broken sword.

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