In the Blade

Chapter 597 The Source of Power

Due to the insufficient information at hand, Du Chengfeng and Wu Zhao could not see what the problem was with these powerful people.

But after Wu Zhao's reminder, Du Chengfeng had already discovered that this so-called ascension, these powerful people in the sky, looked a little strange no matter how you looked at them - the most obvious doubt was what Wu Zhao said, these powerful people were originally heroes from all walks of life, how could they not fight each other when they really got together?

Even if they didn't fight each other, at least they would be ranked high and low. After all, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. Although no one is willing to be inferior to others, if you meet a stronger person, you can't beat him, you have to bow your head.

But now, these so-called powerful people exist in a seemingly normal but rather weird loose state. Although temporary interests can unite them, they will not take the initiative to attack each other.

"This is very strange, it shouldn't be like this."

The half of Wu Zhao's face frowned.

"Anyway, I won't die for the time being. I also need to collect some information before I can make further judgments."

"That's fine."

Wu Zhao finally had the will to survive, which made Du Chengfeng quite happy. Although they had fought to the death before and had a feud, it was a good thing to have someone to talk to him occasionally when he was alone facing all the powerful people.

Or, even if he was unlucky, it was not just him. Du Chengfeng felt relieved to be able to pull Wu Zhao over to take the blame.

However, with Wu Zhao's personality, it was impossible to let him hide peacefully, so most of the time, Du Chengfeng was still controlling the body of the Centipede Star Lord - after all, Du Chengfeng was a real powerful person no matter what, at least he could use his strength to get through most of the scenes. As for Wu Zhao...

Wu Zhao's strength was already far behind.

"You can do it as long as you think about it? This kind of bullshit actually works?"

When Du Chengfeng tried to teach advanced skills, Wu Zhao even felt incredible, just because this set of things was completely opposite to what Wu Zhao had practiced before - Wu Zhao's way back then still needed to communicate with the ghost in his heart to adjust his self-awareness, and even needed to hook up the evil spirit as the basis of strength.

This also directly led to Wu Zhao's inevitable confusion in his thinking when facing the "three turbidities" and "theory of firm will" that Du Chengfeng now mastered.

"This kind of thing, no... this way, this way of gaining power, how can it work?"

Facing Du Chengfeng's teaching, Wu Zhao's thinking was already in chaos.

"If this kind of thing really works, doesn't it mean that we have been taking detours for so many years? If this kind of thing really works, doesn't it mean that everyone can become the great power you say? How is this possible? How is it possible?"

"You still don't quite understand."

Seeing that Wu Zhao didn't quite understand, Du Chengfeng was directly amused.

"It seems that you didn't study it thoroughly enough at that time, and you still don't understand the nature of power clearly enough."


Wu Zhao was getting more and more painful. It was obvious that the new knowledge system was destroying his memory of understanding power.

"Could it be that our power, the power that belonged to the Yin people, was not real from the beginning?"

"Maybe it's just that you haven't explored the world deeply enough?"

Feeling that Wu Zhao was about to collapse, Du Chengfeng thought about it and comforted him.

"Look at me, when I was young, wasn't I also doing evil spirits? At that time, I also felt that the more people I killed, the stronger I would be... Everyone has this kind of thing, just be at ease."

"But this kind of thing..."

Although he said so, Wu Zhao always felt that things were far from as simple as these three or two sentences said.

Du Chengfeng and Wu Zhao continued to lurk, collecting information while waiting for the return of Du Chengfeng's remains. After the temporary discussion, they had decided not to take the initiative for the time being, and to remain unchanged in the face of all changes, and first see how anxious those so-called powerful people would be.

And those powerful people have not found them here. Although the search is still going on and it is very loud, many powerful people have begun to wonder if this search is just a pretense.

After all, the extraterritorial demon is not a fool. The other party is also a powerful person. If he is really determined to hide himself, it will be difficult to find him by relying on such a large-scale search.

This kind of thing is like hunting. The more powerful the hunting is, the easier it is to scare the prey away. On the contrary, it is easier to kill it with one blow if you approach quietly without making any noise - the bigger the action, the harder it is to succeed. On the contrary, the smaller the action, the easier it is to achieve the effect.

"This should be covering up something."

Some powerful people have already noticed something wrong.

"What is Wenquxingjun doing?"

Nominally, Wenquxingjun is currently doing the work of manpower deployment, and when the powerful people returned to the Ten Thousand Star Alliance Hall, they could indeed see that Wenquxingjun had been working without any slackness - but it was obvious that the Wenquxingjun at the moment was not necessarily the real Wenquxingjun, and God knew where the real Wenquxingjun was.

Only a few powerful people knew what the real Wenquxingjun was doing.

Just because the real Wenquxingjun was right beside them, watching with them a piece of the most important, the remains of the Heavenly Demon.

"This is the Heavenly Demon's Brain."

Wenquxingjun pointed to the complete piece of silver-white metal in front of him.

"Before, the reason why I didn't take it out was mainly because of two reasons. One was that the information inside was too precious, and the other was that it probably contained the remaining will of the extraterrestrial devil... But now, the extraterritorial devil has already After being resurrected, this demon's brain will be relatively safe, so I just waited for you all to come here."

While saying this, Wenquxingjun glanced at the several powerful people in front of him.

"You are the people we trust the most, and you are the most supportive of our ideas, so when we encounter problems now, we no longer need to hide anything from you... So do you have any ideas, how can we solve the problem without How can we extract all the information without harming the remaining information?"


The five powerful men who were called over all frowned.

They have to try to extract the information without harming the information itself... If this is a book, then forget it, but what is in front of them now is an entire brain, or even an entire metal brain. How do they start?

"Or else..."

Among the five powerful ones, Jiulong Xingjun thought for a moment and gave an idea.

"How about making it into a magic weapon?"

This seems to be the most reliable method. After all, the broken body of the devil seems to have only this use, and after being made into a magic weapon, these broken bodies of the devil will also have various powers - maybe This demonic weapon created by the brain of the demon can make people feel everything that the demon outside the territory has experienced?

And once it is made into a magic soldier, it means that someone needs to be in charge of the magic soldier. In other words, the magic soldier can change hands. Everyone can touch one and feel the magic of this magic soldier. able.

Thinking of this, the other four powerful men also raised their heads.

Obviously, this suggestion is also good for them.

But faced with the joint suggestions of the five powerful men, Wenquxingjun just shook his head.

“It’s not that I don’t want to do it, it’s that I can’t do it.”

Wenquxingjun's true form sighed.

"I have tried to make a demon soldier, but there seems to be some difference between this thing and other demon soldiers...Other demon soldiers can be made with only a strong will, but this demon's broken body , but have never been able to transform into a demonic soldier. We don’t know how to deal with this situation, so we came to you..."

"...just came to us?"

As soon as these words came out, several powerful people present were shocked.

Especially Jiulong Xingjun, he is sweating now. He thought that his matter has been exposed. He is being called here to be liquidated. In order to cast a magic weapon, he called a few of them here. This is not obvious. Do you want them to sacrifice their bodies to the soldiers, and use them as blood sacrifices?

Jiulong Xingjun has personally crafted magic weapons, so he knows the dangers involved.

In other words, the dangers they faced.

"It's not a blood sacrifice. Blood sacrifice is useless."

Seeing that several powerful people were a little frightened and even wanted to take action on the spot, Wenqu Xingjun couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

"We have already tried the blood sacrifice thing, but the demon's brain has no reaction to the blood sacrifice... Although it has been blood sacrificed several times, the demon's brain is still like this, turning into a demon soldier. It doesn’t mean anything.”


Hearing what Wenquxingjun said, the five powerful men were speechless for a long time.

Have you actually done such a thing as co-writing a blood sacrifice?

No wonder the fall of great powers has been happening some time ago. Originally, they thought that these fallen great powers were killed on the spot by the extraterrestrial demon while they were alone. Of course, Lord Jiulong Xing knew something about the inside story. After all, these He also contributed several heads to the blame placed on the demon outside the territory.

But looking at it now...

This Wenquxingjun actually did it!

"Don't tell anyone about this kind of thing."

At this point, Wen Quxingjun's voice paused.

"On the one hand, I trust you before telling you this. On the other hand, even if you want to go out and spread rumors, it is meaningless... We think you should understand this. It will also be helpful for our future communication.”

Having said this, several powerful people have already understood that Wenqu Xingjun was indeed honest with them, but he was also threatening them faintly - if they really dared to do something to destroy the great cause, or maybe Speaking of things that endanger Wenqu Xingjun, I am afraid that they will be the next to be killed by the demon from outside the territory.

However, it was precisely because Wenquxingjun showed such ferocity that several powerful men actually appreciated him a little.

Even Jiulong Xingjun, who had long decided to betray, had to admit that Wenquxingjun was cruel and dark-hearted, and he was indeed a material capable of great things.

"So, let's think of a way."

Wenquxingjun continued to ask.

"What should I do with this devil's brain?"

"...There is a way."

A powerful man suddenly spoke, a man with a weapon box on his back.

"This starts with the brain of the demon. As we all know, in the past, the only things that could be transformed into demon soldiers were the demon's hands and feet, or legs and arms. Of course, I also know that there is also a tongue, but these things are all there. One unifying that they can be attacked directly from the beginning."

"you mean……"

Hearing this powerful reminder, Wenquxingjun's original body immediately thought of the key.

Yes, it seems to be true. Now, the parts of the extraterritorial demon that can be transformed into weapons can be used to attack directly. Even the eyeballs of the extraterritorial demon in his hand can also be used to shock the opponent with sight.

Only the brain, only the brain of the extraterritorial demon, is the only thing that cannot be used to attack directly.

Hit with your hands, kick with your feet, smash with your arms, push with your legs... These are all ways to attack directly, but if it is the brain, it is common to smash people with the skull, but the brain itself, such a fragile thing, how can it be used to fight?

"You mean..."

Wenquxingjun's original body had a vague guess.

"It needs something else as a base for the demon's brain to work?"

"That's probably what I mean."

The powerful man carrying the weapon box nodded.

"The Demon Brain itself cannot be used as a weapon, but after combining with other weapons, the Demon Brain may have some magical sayings."

"That... is indeed a good idea."

Hearing this, Wenquxingjun also nodded repeatedly.

However, although it is theoretically feasible, it is still a problem to find a weapon as a base - but for a group of powerful people, this is very simple, just like the powerful person carrying the weapon box, who directly gave his own plan.

"When I was young, in order to prove the truth, I once left a set of Taoism in the mortal world."

The powerful person carrying the weapon box said casually.

"It's probably the set of evil weapons that are popular among them. I modified it and made the best in the world... I just need to pick up a few of them and it will be done."

"The best in the world? You made it?"

The Lord of Nine Dragons was dumbfounded for a moment. You know, he had thought about finding the best brush in the world, but who would have thought that what he had been pursuing was just a casual arrangement of another powerful person.

And judging from the current situation, the other party may not even remember this matter.

His source of power is like a joke to these higher-level beings.

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