In the Blade

Chapter 598: Prison of Heaven

In the face of absolute power, the gap between people is sometimes even wider than the gap between people and ants.

The scene that is appearing on the shore of the East China Sea is a perfect example. The figure holding a sledgehammer, no matter which evil spirit master sees it, will say that it is unattainable - just because of that opponent's aura and that evil spirit. Power has long been as substantial, and has even transcended the scope of evil spirits and entered an incomprehensible situation.

In fact, this is also true. After taking control of the world's best war hammer, this tall man has been practicing hard for three hundred years. Now he has become one with this world's best war hammer and is invincible. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the king of hammers.

But now, the King of Hammers could only kneel on the ground, watching the war hammer that was so intimate with him being held in the hand of the old man carrying the weapon box in mid-air.

For a warrior like him, having his troops taken away was even comparable to the hatred of killing his wife or destroying his family!

But at this moment, he was still pressed to the ground by the invisible power. He didn't even have the slightest ability to resist - it was obvious that he had tried his best, and it was obvious that he had used his strongest blow, but his The weapon, at the moment when it was about to hit the old man, suddenly started to disobey the command.

Could it be that he, who has been accompanying this war hammer for more than three hundred years, is not as good as this old man who just appeared?

"Why! Why!"

The Hammer King clenched his fist tightly.

"Obviously it took me more than three hundred years. It was obviously me first..."

"More than three hundred years? It's really hard work."

In mid-air, the old man carrying the weapon box couldn't help but sigh after hearing these words.

"Then I have to thank you very much. If you hadn't spent more than three hundred years making this hammer the best in the world, it wouldn't be so convenient for me to use it now... Well, in order to repay you for this Thank you for your hard work. How about leaving your body intact?"


Just as the Hammer King was about to struggle desperately, the sledgehammer falling from the sky had already shattered his head.

The sledgehammer that killed him was the one he had carefully refined for more than three hundred years, the best hammer in the world.

And this scene was also seen by Jiulong Xingjun in mid-air.

"This is really too..."

Jiulong Xingjun's scalp felt numb.

Originally, Jiulong Xingjun thought that his behavior of seeking refuge with the demon outside the territory was bad enough, but who would have thought that other powerful people could do things even more outrageous than him - such as carrying a weapon box on his back? , a powerful person who seemed to have almost no sense of existence before actually did such a thing.

Passing down a lineage for mortals to practice, and then using this lineage to control all the mortals who practice this way, this is simply...

You know, he himself almost fell into this trap back then!


Taking a deep breath to calm down, Jiulong Xingjun hid his malice, but after the powerful man carrying the weapon box came back, he still frowned - although everyone is powerful now, he should accept this It's true that such a thing exists, but when he thinks that he almost became the one who was fooled, Lord Jiulong Xing still can't control his temper after all.

But this temper is nothing. Anyway, it is normal for powerful people to dislike each other. No one will pay attention to this small detail, at least no one will pay attention to it now.

Except Wenquxingjun.

After seeing this scene, Wenquxingjun above the clouds sighed.

"What's wrong?"

The powerful man carrying the weapon box was stunned.

"What I have done is not good enough? If this weapon is not good enough, then I will not change it..."

"That's not it."

Wenquxingjun shook his head.

"I just thought about the state of the mortal world."

"Mortal state?"

Around Wenquxingjun, several powerful experts were a little confused, especially Jiulongxingjun, who couldn't understand what Wenquxingjun wanted to say.

"What's wrong with the state of the mortal world? Could it be that there's something wrong?"


Wenquxingjun shook his head.

"I just suddenly thought, how does something like evil spirit spread?"

"Evil spirit...hasn't this thing existed since ancient times?"

Several powerful people looked at each other, but they didn't quite understand what they wanted to express.

Yes, killing people and contaminating evil spirits has always happened in any era. If there is a difference, it is more or less a problem - some eras are relatively chaotic, and at that time, the emergence of masters of evil spirits will be Relatively indulgent, in some eras the management is relatively strict, and there will be fewer evil spirits masters.

But no matter which era it is, there will always be some evil spirit masters. Killing makes them stronger, and becoming stronger means they can kill better... It won't be until they meet a stronger person who takes the life of this evil spirit master. Finish.

Those who are good at killing will always die in killing. There is nothing to say about this kind of thing. Anyway, the mortal world has always been so chaotic. Everyone, you kill me and I kill you, just to pursue the so-called becoming stronger.

This has been true since ancient times.

"Then what?"

At this time, Wenquxingjun suddenly frowned.

"It's always been like this, and then? When did it start?"


Several evil spirit masters suddenly choked.

They were somewhat aware of what Wenquxingjun wanted to say.

Yes, if the evil spirit is a power from ancient times, then when did it start? Don’t forget that the great man who just carried the weapon box and came up with the so-called world’s first magic weapon has been around for quite some time, and he can also pat his chest and say that it has been around since ancient times.

But it was this seemingly problem-free system that failed at a critical moment, which directly cost the life of the hammer king just now.

The seemingly invincible hammer king was also powerless when facing the creator of the power system.

So, what if the evil spirit also has a creator?


The great men didn’t dare to think about it anymore.

After all, when they were young, they were all masters of evil spirit, so they couldn’t admit that this situation would happen - their own power, their own practice, everything about them, were just spinning under the control of others, and their so-called strength, in the eyes of others, was just as ridiculous as a monkey picking up a stick.

Even if the stick is picked up, the monkey is still a monkey, not to mention that even this stick could have been thrown out by someone.


Several powerful people really didn't dare to think about it this time.

"The evil spirit has existed since ancient times, how could it be..."

"I hope not, at least it doesn't look like it."

Wenquxingjun sighed.

"Let's go back first."

With that, Wenquxingjun took several powerful people back to the main hall of the Ten Thousand Star Alliance.

The casting of the magic soldiers is not urgent, and everyone must adjust their state first, so Wenquxingjun also agreed with these powerful people to come back tomorrow to cast the magic soldiers - just watching the backs of those powerful people leaving, Wenquxingjun's face was faintly covered with a thick haze.

It was not until all the outsiders had left that Wenquxingjun took out the pair of demon eyeballs and summoned another self.

"In other words, you all already know it?"

The original Wenqu Star Lord looked at the other Wenqu Star Lord, just like he was looking at the other 3,600 Wenqu Star Lords.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Some people know, some people don't."

The other Wenqu Star Lord looked indifferent.

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you couldn't bear the pressure. After all, although we are all Wenqu Star Lords, the strength of our wills may not be the same... It's not that there haven't been such things before. Some Wenqu Star Lords guessed that thing and went crazy. This is a waste and cruel."


Facing the words of his other self, Wenqu Star Lord fell silent.

After all, the "that thing" in the other person's mouth, that is, his guess just now, is indeed a bit too cruel.

Not everyone can accept the fact that he is in a cage.

And this cage, he even got into it himself.

This inspiration was just thought of by Wenqu Star Lord. If the system of the world's number one soldier was deliberately passed down by the great man carrying the weapon box, then who passed down all this in the sky? Whether it is the opening of the cave or the application of will, where did all this come from?

Yes, due to the long time, the specific situation is no longer available, but now, looking back... is there really no problem here?


And the problem is still very big.

The cave is really too convenient, even too convenient. As long as there is a firm will, you can open up a space that belongs to you. A cave is basically equivalent to a private world of a powerful person. In this world that belongs only to them, the powerful can do whatever they want. If they want, they can even ignore the world completely.

For the powerful themselves, this is naturally a great thing. Whether it is the cave or the power of will, it perfectly meets all the needs of the powerful. If there must be any other needs, it is probably the will to live.

But the problem is here.

Is the existence of these caves really a good thing?

It seems, not necessarily.

The cave is the best residence, and it is also the best cage.

Look at all these powerful people, who is not a hero? Before they became powerful, they were already the strongest among the strong. With their absolute strength, they even transcended life and death, which is the root of their becoming powerful. But the problem is here. What about after becoming powerful? How come after becoming powerful, the desire for death can catch up with them?

Is it really just because of the aging of the body? Is this really a problem for the powerful?


These former heroes, their high morale has been washed away by the years, and only the fear of death itself is left?

Are they still obsessed with power because they still want to become stronger?

Or do they want to become stronger just because they don't want to die?

"So, where does this cave, this will, this power that can accomplish everything with firm belief come from?"

Thinking of this, Wenquxingjun's eyes suddenly became a little empty.

Yes, not everyone can bear this kind of thing, just like the hammer king who was knocked to the ground. Not everyone can accept that what he practices, believes in, maintains, and even regards as life itself, is all fake, and all of this is designed...

"This must be fake, right?"

Even if Wenquxingjun himself has emerged from a group of Wenquxingjun, it is difficult for him to accept this statement.

But whether he accepts it or not, this statement itself is there, and the more Wenquxingjun thinks about it, the more he feels that this statement makes sense-after all, if this statement is not used, many things are actually a bit unreasonable, but once this statement is used, many things that could not be explained before suddenly have answers.

In the mortal world, evil spirits are prevalent, and those ordinary mortals wield weapons to kill each other. Only a very small number of people can understand the true meaning of power.

But even these few extremely strong people, heroes who cannot be destroyed even by death, still have the void to fascinate their eyes. In the cave above the sky, in the rock-hard will, these heroes can satisfy everything they want with just these things.

Satisfied, they will not toss and turn anymore, satisfied, they will not make a fuss anymore.

When the will of death catches up with them, even heroes who have transcended life and death will naturally fall into a long sleep and never wake up again.

In fact, even if the will of death has not caught up with them, what can they do?

Look at these so-called powerful people now, look at the way they go to seek shelter from the holders of the magic weapons, look at their attitude of being willing to do anything to survive, are they really the heroes of the past?

Wenquxingjun can no longer see any heroic spirit in these people.

All he can see is a group of old and incompetent people who have power but no spirit and courage.

The sky above is not a place with bright stars, nor is it a blessed place.

This is just a cage of nothingness, imprisoning all those so-called strong men, trapping them here for life until death.

"No wonder... we can't leave this world."

Thinking of this, Wenquxing couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, he finally understood the thoughts of the previous Wenquxingjun.

The so-called great cause, the so-called foreign domain, the so-called foreign demon, that has never been regarded as a direction.

It was just the last resistance made by a prisoner after he found out that he was actually a prisoner.

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