In the Blade

Chapter 610: Full Strength

Since he decided to give it his all, Wenquxingjun would naturally have no reservations.

Indeed, he still doesn't know where the extraterritorial devil is, but he doesn't need to know the specific location of the extraterritorial devil. After all, he has a magic weapon in his hand, and it's more than just a magic weapon.

And this demonic soldier is originally part of the body of the demon from outside the territory.

"What kind of world is this so-called extraterrestrial world?"

Looking at the several magic weapons in his hands, Wenquxingjun couldn't help but sigh.

Although he has never been to this so-called outside area, he can still glean some things from these demon soldiers - or in other words, from the remains of the demon outside the area. After all, the remains of this extraterrestrial devil contain a power completely different from that of this world. Under the influence of this power, even powerful people will be truly killed.

"That is to say, outside the territory, or in this world of the devil outside the territory, life is life and death is death."

Soon, Lord Wenquxing followed the characteristics of this demonic soldier and saw some clues.

"What a... nice place."

Wenquxingjun sighed.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is just a boring place like the mortal world, but in the eyes of Wenquxingjun, the meaning contained in it is completely different - after all, there are evil spirits, mental strength, will power, and There are those so-called masters who are unreasonable. The existence of these forces and these people can be called chaos itself.

But the world where the extraterrestrial demon lives is filled with order.

What a beautiful world it would be, everything is in order, everything has a beginning and an end, life is life, death is death, weakness is weakness, strong is strong - probably only such a world can give birth to that powerful extraterrestrial world. A demon, just because those understandings and cognitions of order have been engraved into the bones of this extraterrestrial demon.

Unlike these so-called powerful people, they know nothing about order.

To a certain extent, these so-called powerful people are sad. The power of will makes them omnipotent, but the consequence of omnipotence is that they can't do anything - precisely because they all have transcendence of order itself, Even simply ignoring all the power of order, they became confused.

All order and all rules and regulations do not exist for these powerful people. In front of their eyes, the so-called world is just a deserted wilderness.

So the problem lies here.

Where are the people in the wilderness going?

"Maybe...this is the end of the hero."

Thinking of this, Wenquxingjun suddenly felt sympathy for other powerful people.

After all, he has come all the way from this direction, so he can better understand the fear and uneasiness hidden under the tyrannical appearance - indeed, every great power has its own orthodoxy and its own so-called power. , but in fact, every powerful person knows very well that their so-called orthodoxy cannot be used to fight against the confusion caused by uncertainty.

In this world where anyone's will can affect the outside world, what will our world look like?

What the future holds, only God knows.

The stronger they become, the more confused they become. Even if they soar into the sky and can overlook the entire earth, this will make them more confused - no matter how determined these heroes were in the past, they will eventually be completely overwhelmed by this confusion. collapse.

What should it become in order to move towards the future? What should I become so that I won’t be eliminated?

No one knows the answer, or in other words, there is no answer to this question. If you must find an answer, being firm may be one way.

But it can only be regarded as a way, not even a good way. It is like strengthening oneself, so which side of oneself should be strengthened? Wenquxingjun himself has many sides. He can be a warrior, a counselor, he can work in the countryside, or he can even work as a salesman... As long as he wants to do it, there is nothing he can't do.

But now, he has become Wenqu Xingjun. This is not only what other powerful people call him, but also represents his choice.

At least at the beginning, he once felt that perhaps the real path was to convey the Tao through literature.

But it is a pity that this is just a rumor after all. In terms of combat effectiveness, he was not even as good as Huo Dexingjun who only knew how to play with fire - but from the current perspective, no matter what he was back then, Still playing with fire, Mr. Huodexing, the path they chose can only be regarded as a trail after all.

They did draw strength from these so-called orthodoxies, but in the final analysis, these so-called strengths are nothing more than a kind of self-comfort.

This kind of wanton power will only be vulnerable when faced with real power.

"This is the real power."

Thinking of this, Wenquxingjun once again looked at the magic weapon in his hand.

Different from their chaotic paths, the power on the remains of these demons represents the true order - in that world, everything is traceable and everything cannot be changed. The leaves are green, and two plus two equals four. Everything operates stably and efficiently, never depending on anyone's will.

This sounds like a cold and cruel world, and everything sounds so unkind.

But on the contrary, this is a good thing.

Just because everything is so cold, cruel and unkind, it is easier for people to draw strength from such a world, just because what they are facing is not a desolate and empty wilderness, but one track after another - although this It may seem like it limits the direction of their activities, but for those who are thoughtful, this actually helps them save judgment time, or decision-making costs.

Sometimes, the existence of rules does restrict people, but more often, the existence of rules is not necessarily a bad thing.

Understand the rules, follow them, and then try to use the rules themselves as weapons, turning order into a real blade.

This is the source of the power of the extraterrestrial demon, and it is also the foundation of the extraterrestrial demon.

That is a completely different route from the people of this world and the so-called mighty men of this world. It is a completely different fighting style from all the mighty men - if we talk about those so-called mighty men, they are still Staying at the level of using orthodoxy to attack opponents, this extraterrestrial demon has already reached the level of using order to kill people.

From the beginning, the two parties were not on the same level.

And those ridiculous powerful people actually thought that conquering foreign lands would be a good thing.

"Even if we go, can you really beat me?"

Thinking of this, Wenquxingjun couldn't help but shook his head.

Although these great powers seem to be extremely powerful and even transcend life and death, in the eyes of Wenqu Xingjun, it is obvious that the environment outside the territory is more terrifying - and these so-called great powers, once they leave their original world, How much strength they can retain is hard to say.

But even so, they still have to fight out.

Only by fighting out can we get more living space. Only by fighting out can everyone find a way out. Only by fighting out, only by fighting out of this world, can they see wider fields and see the real road.

Rather than like now, a group of people are trapped in this so-called heaven and still think they are righteous.

"But before I fight out..."

Saying this, Wenquxingjun picked up the giant sun hammer.

Before he fights out, he has one final job to do.

This was work that had to be done, to eliminate worries, to test his level, and to prevent anything from going wrong... In short, no matter what angle he considered, he had to kill the extraterrestrial demon as soon as possible.

"We should actually thank you. After all, you have brought new variables to this world."

Saying this, Wenquxingjun wiped the giant sun hammer in his hand.

"So, I will definitely try my best this time."

Saying this, Wenquxingjun took out a bald pen from his arms.

This bald pen is not a magic weapon, nor can it even be called a weapon. It is just Wenquxingjun’s own common brush. But at this moment, the faint fluctuations on this brush are far stronger than any weapon. It's going to be even more dangerous.

The so-called Wenquxingjun is naturally the best at writing.

"You come from outside the territory, you have your order... This is indeed a remarkable thing."

At this point, ink suddenly seeped out of the brush in Wenquxingjun's hand.

"However, no matter how chaotic this world is, it still has its reasons for chaos... Since you are here, you must also accept the chaos itself."

Saying this, Wenquxingjun picked up his pen and drew dragons and snakes on the war hammer.

The ink stains penetrated into the war stick itself, which caused the shape of the war hammer to continue to change. The originally fierce and abnormal war stick continued to disintegrate and expand, and for a while it gradually swelled into a humanoid shape - but the dark ink stains still hovered around this humanoid body. The body makes this figure look as terrifying as being covered in tattoos.

When he saw the humanoid face, Wenquxingjun also nodded.

Yes, it was exactly what he remembered. This was the appearance of the extraterrestrial demon. This was what the extraterrestrial demon looked like.

"But... it's not enough."

Thinking like this, Lord Wenquxing actually took out several more magic weapons.

No one knew that Lord Wenquxing had actually collected so many demonic soldiers behind his back, and there were actually eight weapons in total - and under Wenquxingjun's writing, in the ink marks rippling with inexplicable power, these The demon soldiers gradually disintegrated and restructured, turning into human forms one by one, and the human form transformed by each demon soldier actually looked exactly the same as the extraterrestrial demon!

"Now, it should be almost done."

After making the last stroke, Wenquxingjun nodded with satisfaction.

Yes, it should be almost done this time. The nine extraterrestrial demons made with magic weapons in front of him have been imbued with all his power - and these extraterrestrial demons even retain part of the will of the extraterritorial demon itself. .

After all, these demon soldiers themselves are part of the extraterrestrial demon.

The extraterrestrial demon can retain consciousness on the residual body, which means that other residual bodies actually have partial consciousness, but this consciousness has not been awakened and has not truly dominated the corresponding parts of the residual body. Come.

What Wenquxingjun is doing now is to blend out the consciousness contained in these residual bodies.

If before, the outer demon only used one consciousness to command the many broken bodies, then now, each broken body has the consciousness of the outer demon - this is actually a bit like the current state of Wenqu Star Lord, but Wenqu Star Lord can be sure that his current state is much better than that of the outer demon.

After all, no matter how many parts Wenqu Star Lord is divided into, when facing the outside world, they are all Wenqu Star Lords after all, and they will not undermine each other in front of outsiders. They are originally one.

But the outer demon... it's hard to say.

In addition to the outer demon's own main consciousness, the nine outer demons created by him with magic soldiers are all controlled by him, which means that it is now a nine-to-one situation - just like those former Wenqu Star Lords, who would be blasted to pieces by other Wenqu Star Lords, can the outer demon's body really beat the rest of itself?

There is a high probability that he cannot win, or even absolutely cannot win.

After all, there are nine demon soldiers and demons under his command.

The advantage is on his side, and it has always been on his side. He has no reason to lose, and there is no possibility of losing.

After all, the best and most powerful side of the extraterritorial demon has been mastered by him.

That is, the order from the extraterritorial demon itself.

"Then let us wait and use your things to kill you."

Yes, this is the state of Wenquxingjun going all out.

Combining the chaos of this world and the order that exists outside the extraterritorial demon, using the power of the extraterritorial demon itself to attack the extraterritorial demon, this is the method found by Wenquxingjun, and it is also an attempt he made to conquer the extraterritorial demon.

If he can defeat the extraterritorial demon, if this method can really kill the extraterritorial demon, it means that he himself, or the so-called great powers, at least still have the ability to fight outside the domain, at least still have the qualifications to kill outside the domain.

If they really can't even defeat this extraterritorial demon, even this lone extraterritorial demon...

Then there's nothing to say. Being suffocated to death in this closed world may be their fate.

"Go, find your source, find yourself."

Thinking of this, Wenquxingjun simply let these demon soldiers and demons go.

He didn't need to deliberately look for the extraterritorial demon.

These demon soldiers and demons will find their way back.

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