In the Blade

Chapter 611 Du Chengfeng

When nine Du Chengfeng carrying the power of Wenqu Xingjun appeared in the sky, all the great powers were boiling with excitement.

Although these great powers can also feel that these extraterrestrial demons carry the power of Wenqu Xingjun, the ability to mass-produce extraterrestrial demons still scares some great powers - some great powers have even begun to speculate that originally, Was the extraterritorial devil also concocted by Wenquxingjun? Otherwise, it makes no sense why the extraterritorial devil suddenly popped up.

But at this moment, Wenquxingjun was too lazy to care about the speculations of these powerful people.

In other words, he no longer needs to care about what these powerful people think.

Just because he has become an absolute strong man at this moment. The strong does not need to care about the will of the weak. The strong only needs to do his own thing. On the contrary, the weak must follow and obey the strong - and this , which is the way for the weak to survive. After all, the strong can crush these weak to death on the spot with any thought.

"So... we must become stronger."

Wenquxingjun thought so.

All the Wenqu stars think so.

They must become stronger and find the way ahead, otherwise the result waiting for them is to be overtaken by death - perhaps since they were born in this chaotic world, they have no other choice, become stronger, become stronger , to become the strongest, even if you become the strongest, you still have to become stronger... you have to keep getting stronger, you have to keep getting stronger.

In other words, it is not just them, but even the powerful ones who have fallen. Although they have indeed fallen, even if they have fallen, they have never lost the instinct to become stronger.

You must become stronger, you must become stronger, after all, strength is everything, strength is everything.

After all, this is the instinct of living things.

As long as anyone is alive, they will want to become stronger.

Is there anyone who wouldn't think so?

"I...wait a minute!"

High in the sky, one of the nine Du Chengfeng raised his hand.

"You go ahead, there's still a pot sitting in my house."

"Is this something a human being can say?"

Seeing that someone in the team actually gave up, the other eight Du Chengfeng immediately became angry.

"What are you stewing with? Why don't you tell me about such a good thing?"

"Of course..."

Du Chengfeng, who wanted to go back and continue cooking, scratched his head, but suddenly got stuck.

Although in his mind, he should indeed be cooking something at this time... But here's the question, what kind of dish is he cooking?

It seemed like he couldn't remember clearly, and he couldn't think of any clues even after thinking about it. It was like something was broken in his mind, and he couldn't think of a reason no matter how hard he tried.

After seeing him like this, several other Du Chengfeng also shook their heads.

"You're stupid. You're talking nonsense when you don't have anything to eat."

One of them, Du Chengfeng, couldn't help but cursed.

"If you slip up at a critical moment, you have no professional ethics at all. When I turn around and sew your mouth shut, you will be honest."

"Okay, you can't blame him for this."

Seeing that the team was already at risk of internal strife before the place was reached, another Du Chengfeng quickly began to smooth things over.

"It's normal for memories to be confused. After all, our memories are actually quite confusing... Just, don't forget, we were created by Lord Wenquxing, and we have a mission."

As soon as these words came out, the other Du Chengfeng also felt the power that belonged to Wenqu Xingjun in their bodies - but this power was not a prison or a seal, it was more like it was buried in them. The will in their hearts drives them to complete the task they should complete.

In other words, kill their true bodies and kill the last Du Chengfeng.

"Didn't I say, is this kind of thing really necessary?"

Du Chengfeng, who wanted to go back to cooking, and who was the first to give up, spoke again.

"Although I can also understand that there can only be one me in the world, but is there a possibility that as long as we don't meet each other, it is equivalent to not knowing, then there is indeed only one me in the world. We Win directly without fighting.”


The other Du Chengfeng were so shocked that they couldn't speak for a long time. They never imagined that it was themselves, Du Chengfeng, who could come up with such a shameless method.

The most important thing is that this method sounds reasonable.

As long as they don't see it, the target is dead. As for what to do after the target dies, Wenquxingjun didn't say anything anyway - and this means that as long as they are willing to directly admit that their target is dead, they will do it on the spot. Free.

As for whether the target was dead or not, it was none of their business. They had already confirmed it anyway.

If Mr. Wenquxing has any objections, the worst thing he can do is ask him to confirm it himself.

"'s still not good, right?"

After the other Du Chengfeng remained silent for a moment, Wen Quxingjun's will buried deep in their hearts finally prevailed.

Only by killing the original self can these clones truly become complete.

So no matter what, it is necessary to take action. After all, this is the only way...

"Can you become stronger?"

At this time, another Du Chengfeng raised his hand.

"I have a question, guys."


The other Du Chengfeng looked over one after another.

Although they were on their way now, they still had time to say a few words.

"Your problem is..."

"Do we really need to get stronger?"

The other Du Chengfeng looked at the others in confusion.

"Have you ever thought about what you will do after you become stronger?"

"After becoming stronger, of course..."

The other Du Chengfeng were about to speak, but they themselves were stuck in place.

Yes, what should you do after you become stronger?

If they are still very weak, then there is no need to even think about this problem. After all, if they are not strong enough, they will not even be qualified to live - but that is the problem. Even if they are just clones, they will not be able to survive. They are all maintained at the level of powerful people, and in terms of combat effectiveness, they even far exceed most powerful people.

They have no idea how strong they are, but at least they know that they are no longer close to being weak.

Therefore, this problem was placed in front of them.

What should you do after you become stronger?

"As for me, I probably want to open a store."

After Du Chengfeng was silent for a moment, he spoke his thoughts.

"Why are you looking at me like this? You are all me, so you should be able to understand my thoughts, right? I have always wanted to try my business talents, but I just never seem to have the chance to show it... What? You How is it possible that all my abilities are useless? If I can fight, at least I won’t be charged for protection!”

"Look at your potential!"

Another Du Chengfeng couldn't help but cursed.

"With all your abilities, you only think about such small things? Don't you have any bigger ambitions? Can't you have lofty ideals like a normal person?"

"Then what is your lofty ideal?"

As soon as he said this, several other Du Chengfeng also looked over.

How could his other self have any lofty ideals? The mere fact that these words could be spoken was enough to shock the rest of Du Chengfeng.

They are all curious about what this other self and his lofty ideals are...

"Of course it's a woman!"

Facing everyone's gaze, the other Du Chengfeng said seriously.

"In my opinion, the most important thing is to find a woman who can understand and love each other... What do you mean by this expression! Are you despising the small number? Of course true love is exclusive! It is the only one! Do you know what purity means? Love? This is not a lofty ideal. What else is a lofty ideal?”


This time, the other Du Chengfeng didn't even bother to talk to him.

They just didn't expect that there would be such a side in themselves. If they had known that this evil beast would say such words, they should have taken action together in advance and beat him to death on the spot - although from the other side's point of view That said, this statement is not necessarily wrong. After all, being happy with each other means that you need to find another person who is completely compatible with you. This can be impossible. It doesn’t matter if you say it is a lofty ideal. wrong.

However, the situation is too low. With this little profit, it is not even as good as the one who did business just now.


Du Chengfeng, who initially wanted to give up his job, spoke up again.

"I said we should cook first, right? You didn't believe me at the time... Do you really think cooking is something simple?"

This time, the rest of Du Chengfeng could not say anything to refute.

It seems that this is really the case, at least it is more similar than the other two - although strictly speaking, cooking is definitely not as good as doing business in terms of income, but this study of skills is enough to be regarded as an ideal. things to pursue.

So the problem lies here.

Everyone seems to have no ambitions. Even if they become stronger, they can only achieve this, so do they really need to continue to become stronger?

"How about we break up and let everyone do what they want to do."

Du Chengfeng put forward his own opinions.

"Anyway, everyone has no obsession with becoming stronger, so there is no point in continuing to fight... Instead of wasting time, or even wasting lives fighting life and death, it is better to do whatever you want to do."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng raised his hand.

"I vote for my opinion, what about you?"

As soon as this statement came out, four Du Chengfeng raised their hands, and the vote directly reached 5 to 4.

Obviously, the last four Du Chengfeng still wanted to fight. On the one hand, Wen Quxingjun's will buried in their hearts was urging them to go and fight. On the other hand, it was also because they themselves had no desire to become stronger. They also have needs - although they themselves don't know what becoming stronger means and what its use is, they at least feel that becoming stronger is not a bad thing.

Since it's not a bad thing, it's natural to become stronger. It's better than nothing. This is what they think.

"But... we won here."

Du Chengfeng scratched his head among the five who didn't want to do it.

"Five to four, you lost."

“You actually want to vote for something like this?”

Du Chengfeng, the four who still wanted to continue fighting, was dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with your brains? Why don't we just fight first!"

"Like that Wenquxingjun?"

The group that didn't want to fight shook their heads.

"Forget it. We don't want to attack our own people... Besides, it's five against four now. Are you sure you can win?"


The remaining four Du Chengfengs fell silent.

In fact, it's hard to be sure. After all, their strengths are similar. This means that once they start fighting, five against four, one of the four people will be attacked by two people - one against two is definitely not a win, and if they can't win, they have to lie down. Once the number of people starts to decrease, the situation will evolve into three against one, four against one, or even five against one.

Although they can fight desperately if they really want to, and they can even exert 120% or even 200% of their strength at critical moments, but fighting against themselves always feels a bit...

What's more, won't the other party fight desperately?

They all grew out of the same body, and even their fighting styles were made from the same mold. Who can be better than who?

"How about this."

Du Chengfeng proposed a compromise plan.

"Those who want to fight can fight, and those who don't want to fight can do whatever they want. How about it?"

As soon as this was said, everyone nodded immediately. After all, in the current situation, this is really a good idea. It not only avoids internal disputes, but also takes care of those who want to continue fighting. It can really be said to kill two birds with one stone.

The only problem is that the team's combat effectiveness will be severely weakened with non-combat casualties, but this kind of thing doesn't matter. At least it can push them to continue fighting.

But the problem lies here.

Du Chengfeng, who wanted to give up the first time, suddenly laughed bitterly.

"Probably, I can't leave."

Feeling the surging power and impulse in his heart, Du Chengfeng, who wanted to cook, shook his head and sighed.

"You probably all have sensed it, right? The power that Wenquxingjun left us is not that simple... It's not that I can't defy the will of this power, but it's constantly stirring up my fighting spirit."


At this moment, the other Du Chengfengs also smiled bitterly.

They are in the same situation right now.

There is no such thing as giving up the fight. The surging fighting spirit in their hearts is urging them, telling them that only by killing their original selves can they become their complete selves again.

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