In the Blade

Chapter 612: Fighting with Yourself

When the nine Du Chengfengs were killing him, what was the remaining one, the real Du Chengfeng, doing?

The real Du Chengfeng was still sorting out everything he had and looking for everything he could use. After all, he was going to fight against Wenquxingjun this time, so he had to fight with all his strength.

"We must kill this old dog!"

At this moment, Du Chengfeng's eyes were completely red. He didn't intend to leave Wenquxingjun any chance to survive. In this situation, it was either you or me.

However, at this time, Wu Zhao, who was using the body of Baizuxingjun with Du Chengfeng, spoke again.

"It is likely that you will die."

Wu Zhao made a calm judgment.

"You are now doing things without rules or logic. You are purely acting on impulse... But this is also the most dangerous thing. You are gambling with your life. You are gambling with your life on a possibility, a possibility of beating Wenquxingjun to death."

Wu Zhao didn't say the rest of the words too clearly, but Du Chengfeng could actually feel it.

As the saying goes, a long gamble will lead to a loss. Although fighting is always full of unknowns, the results are only two, either life or death, and it seems that it is always fifty-fifty, but if you really look into it, a battle with confidence and a battle with uncertainty are really not the same thing.

And now, Du Chengfeng is about to face an uncertain battle.

The real strength of the enemy? He knows nothing. The specific fighting style of the enemy? He only knows a rough idea. But he has fought with many powerful people under the watchful eyes of this enemy, which means that his ability has long been seen by everyone.

The enemy knows him very well, but he only has a concept of the enemy.

In this case, what can he win with?

Just rely on this hatred and passion?

"Calm down, you are already confused."

Wu Zhao couldn't help but sigh.

"It's right to come back with you. Otherwise, in your current situation... you are no longer a warrior, but more like an impulsive and stupid young man."

"But even if you are impulsive, you can still do something."

Du Chengfeng gritted his teeth, and the body of the Centipede Star Lord also clenched the magic sword of regret.

"Have you forgotten? You have done something similar..."


Wu Zhao, who was about to say something, was stuck immediately.

It seems to be true. Although he had no idea about it at the time, he seemed to have hurt Du Chengfeng's good brother for a time-perhaps this is why Du Chengfeng chased him all the way later. Although this matter has been over for too long, he really has nothing to say now that the old things are brought up again.

After all, the instability hidden in these words sounds very dangerous.

What if the old accounts are really brought up, and Du Chengfeng raises his hand to chop him first, what should he do?

"Then...why don't you try it first?"

Wu Zhao asked tentatively.

It seems that you can really give it a try. After all, when Wu Zhao recalled the battle, he couldn't find any faults. In fact, Du Chengfeng gave him an extremely unforgettable battle experience. He was killed on the spot because of this incident, and even the few backups prepared outside to revive him were captured.

If you look at it from this perspective, if Du Chengfeng really fights hard... maybe he really has a chance to fight for something?

At least from Wu Zhao's understanding of Du Chengfeng, when Du Chengfeng really chooses to fight for his life, it seems that he has never lost.

What's more, even if Du Chengfeng really fights himself to death, he won't lose anything.

The worst case scenario is that he will fall into a long sleep again. Although this long sleep may never wake up again, being able to see such a wonderful battle before dying, isn't it worth the price of the ticket?

"Anyway... when you start, you must remember to let me have some fun."

Thinking of this, Wu Zhao had completely given up trying to dissuade him and even planned to help.

Or, he simply wanted to have some fun himself. After all, before dying, being able to participate in a fierce struggle and face such a strong enemy would be a matter of no regrets for a Yin person like him.

"Don't worry, I will definitely make you happy..."

While saying this, Du Chengfeng flew towards the entrance of the cave.

He was ready to attack, and at this moment he no longer concealed himself.

But just when he opened the entrance of the cave and was ready to kill his way out, nine figures got in from the entrance before him.


Looking at the nine identical Du Chengfengs in front of him, Du Chengfeng suddenly felt dazed.

Although Du Chengfeng rarely looks in the mirror, he at least has some impression of what he looks like - but it is precisely because he rarely looks in the mirror that Du Chengfeng doesn't know how to describe this feeling at the moment.

The nine people in front of him seem to be... himself?

Looking at the nine similar figures in front of him, Du Chengfeng's first reaction was confusion.

"You are..."

"We are here to fight against the extraterritorial demons."

Among the nine Du Chengfeng, one Du Chengfeng stood up.

"Have you seen the extraterrestrial demon?"

"Didn't see it."

Du Chengfeng shook his head decisively.

"Who has seen that kind of thing... Do you know what the extraterrestrial demon looks like?"

"Just like us."

Among the nine Du Chengfeng, the one who stood up continued to speak.

"Have you ever seen anyone who looks like us?"

"Sorry, I really didn't see this."

Du Chengfeng continued to shake his head.

This time he told the truth, he had never seen anything like this.

"I still have my own things to do, can you give me a little concession?"

"Okay, excuse me."

The remaining Du Chengfeng quickly moved out of the way, allowing the Baizuxingjun in front of them, who did not look like them and exuded a strong sense of death, to pass by.

After all, no matter from which angle you look at it, the other party doesn't look like the target they want to kill, especially the difference in appearance. This is too...

"Don't run!"

Just when Du Chengfeng was about to leave the cave, two Du Chengfeng suddenly blocked him.

On the one hand, it was Baizu Xingjun's body that he controlled, but on the other hand, he used the original body. This also caused Du Chengfeng himself to get there first, but his movements were still inferior to those of the two inexplicable impostors. Half a beat slower.

Yes, fakes, this is Du Chengfeng's judgment on the other selves.

Although he didn't know how the other Du Chengfeng appeared, exuding the same fluctuations as him, and even looked the same as him, but fakes are fakes, no matter how many Several of them are also fakes.

As for why the other Du Chengfeng are all fakes...of course it's because the real one is still there.

As long as he is still here, aren't these other Du Chengfeng all fake?

"Sure enough, killing you is the right thing to do."

At this time, several other Du Chengfeng gathered around him.

"You guys feel it too, right? The malice in him... This is the arrogance that comes from the original body. He thinks that we are all fakes, so in his eyes, we are all insignificant things and will definitely be destroyed. He took it back..."

Du Chengfeng looked at the body of Lord Baizu in front of him and narrowed his eyes.

"So, it's just this level of disguise, and you want to get away with it?"

"Probably, after all, you should be able to feel it. If it were us, we would probably do the same thing."

Another Du Chengfeng spoke.

"But what you said just now... he probably never thought about it. His brain is still in Wenquxingjun's hands, which means that he himself is just a consciousness attached to a broken body. He There is no difference with us.”


Du Chengfeng, who was controlling Baizu Xingjun's body, suddenly froze.

His brain is still in Wenquxingjun's hands... What does this mean?

What does it mean that his brain is in Wenquxingjun's hands? What does it mean that he himself is just a piece of consciousness attached to a broken body? What are these other selves talking about? Are they...


Du Chengfeng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

It was at this time that he clearly felt the faint fluctuations rippling through the bodies of these nine fakes.

That is not his power, it is clearly the power of Na Wenqu Xingjun.

In other words, the nine selves in front of them are killers sent by Na Wenqu Xingjun.

Du Chengfeng could feel the awe-inspiring killing intent coming from him.

And it’s still Jiufen.


After a moment of silence, Du Chengfeng finally spoke.

"Do we really have to fight?"

"Not necessarily."

Among the nine Du Chengfeng, five Du Chengfeng raised their hands.

"We actually don't want to fight, but you should also be able to see that in this situation, we can't help ourselves. But now..."

The looks in the eyes of the five Du Chengfeng also became dangerous.

"Since you want to deny our existence first, then we have no choice but to physically eliminate your existence."


As soon as he said this, Du Chengfeng once again confirmed that these people in front of him were really him.

Just because people in this world don't use the term "physical elimination" at all. They can only say kill or slaughter, so Du Chengfeng himself can say some bad words that only he can understand.

But now, nine of them are surrounding one of them.

"This is simply..."

Du Chengfeng tightened his grip on the Demon Soldier's Sword.

At this moment, he could even clearly hear the laughter coming from Wu Zhao.

Wu Zhao was indeed very happy. After all, this was a rare moment of embarrassment for Du Chengfeng - after all, he still remembered that when he was imprisoned by the other party, the other party captured three of his remaining backhands, and even In order to humiliate him, he also put a stainless steel hairpin carrying his will on the dog's head.

At first, the situation was stronger than others, and he couldn't beat him, so he had to endure it, but now... the tide has turned, and Du Chengfeng himself has suffered such a round,

And there were even nine Du Chengfeng in front of him, which was much more than he had before.

"why are you laughing!"

Feeling that Wu Zhao was still laughing, Du Chengfeng, who was also controlling this body, finally couldn't help himself.

"Either give me some advice! Or shut up! Don't make trouble for me at this time!"

"Give me some advice... There's nothing to give."

Wu Zhao forced himself to suppress his smile.

"It's mainly this kind of thing..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Didn't you also experience this kind of thing back then?"

Controlling the body of the Centipede Star Lord, Du Chengfeng clenched the hilt in his hand.

"How did you deal with it back then? How did you manage to subdue the other selves and prevent them from rebelling?"


Hearing Du Chengfeng's question, Wu Zhao slowly put away his smile.

"Is there a possibility that I didn't subdue anyone back then?"


Du Chengfeng was stunned. He didn't understand what Wu Zhao wanted to express for a while.

What do you mean by no one was subdued? Why is it the same as if you didn't say anything? If no one was subdued, then what is Wu Zhao now?

"It's true that no one has been defeated."

To Du Chengfeng's surprise, Wu Zhao once again gave a positive answer.

"Or, whoever wins is the boss, whoever can decide everything, is the real one... This kind of thing is usually like this, how can there be such a thing as real or fake? If you die here today, guess who the people outside will say is the fake?"


After saying this, Du Chengfeng naturally understood Wu Zhao's meaning.

Obviously, in Wu Zhao's eyes, or in similar things, there is no such thing as real or fake. Only the one with the greatest power, only the one who survived, is qualified to say that he is the real one.

As for the dead, they are just dead, there is nothing to say about this.

In the final analysis, strength is still respected, and strong strength is the foundation of everything. Only by defeating the self in front of you, only by defeating these nine selves that are exactly the same as you, can you prove your authenticity.


Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng simply controlled the corpse of the Centipede Star Lord, swept the magic sword in his hand, and combined with the cold face of the Centipede Star Lord that exuded a chilling death, he looked like an evil demon at this moment.

"Since you all want my life... then who will go first?"

Looking at the nine of himself in front of him, Du Chengfeng narrowed his eyes.

"Or should you all go together?"


"Let me go first."

"Me first."

"No, let me go first."

"Then you come."

"You come?"

Just when Du Chengfeng was preparing to fight, the nine Du Chengfengs in front of him were already in a mess.

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