She can't go home, she can no longer eat delicious tonkotsu ramen, delicious wagyu barbecue, and... there is no hope, she is going to die here.

Nanase Ren looked sad and helpless. She leaned back against the seat limply. A touch of crystal tears appeared in her beautiful eyes. The next second, they seemed to flow down her fair cheeks.

At this time, Lin Ye just put his hands on the girl's body and didn't exert any force.

He withdrew his right hand and saw that Nanase Ren would not shout out loudly, so he immediately entered text on his mobile phone.

——We couldn't get off at the Chiba station, it was night when we got on the bus, but now it's daytime outside.

His screen faced Nanase Lian.

The female nurse with long cherry hair moved her eyes for a while, and now she seemed to be aware of this strangeness.

It was indeed daytime outside, which was the wrong time, unless they had spent the night inside the bus.

She quickly took the phone and entered the text

——What if we spent an evening on the bus! The flow rate of time between the two is different.

Nanase Ren has also watched many film and television animation works involving time.

——The day we boarded the bus was Friday, April 12th, and the electronic clock at the station outside showed that it was April 8th.

Lin Ye pointed to the direction of the route map above the carriage.

——I saw that the next stop was Chiba Municipal Hospital.

Isn't that the hospital where she works?

The sense of belonging comes, the feeling of coming home.

Nanase Lian stared at Lin Ye and decided to believe Lin Ye.

Although this guy didn't hide his affection for her at all and said embarrassing things from time to time, he never compromised on protecting her.

The exit door has been closed and everyone has stayed in the bus. Besides trusting Lin Ye, what else can I do?

"The bus is about to start, please take your seats as soon as possible."

The prompt sounded.

The passenger who got on the bus walked down the aisle step by step at this time, and finally sat on the seat in front of Nanase Ren.

It was difficult to look at the scary appearance of the 'passenger' who got on the bus before.

In comparison, Nanase now has the courage to face the weirdness with her own eyes, and this weirdo looks very normal, much more normal than all the passengers who got on the bus before, like a normal human being.

Nanase Ren also felt that she had seen this man somewhere.

Where? With such doubts, Nanase Ren racked her brains to think.

Finally, a flash of light flashed through her mind, but her body was directly moved at this moment.

She shivered.

This man was the victim of the Chiba Station fire accident!

Nanase Ren had read the report and saw his photo in the hospital.

When she realized this, she immediately felt cold.

Lin Ye entered the text with his fingers and told Lin Ye this information.

He pointed to the single row seat on the right, then stood up and sat in the front row, which was the seat next to Nanase.

Lian suddenly realized the seat problem of the current passengers, and Lin Ye sat down next to Weird without hesitation.

Even though Lan Mao and the middle-aged man had not been attacked by Weird in the adjacent seat before, this did not mean that there was no danger..

The female nurse suddenly felt a sense of warmth, permeating her whole body.


was really lucky!

Under Lin Ye's reminder, Nanase walked quickly to the single row of seats on the right side and looked sideways.

, staring with eyes, only hoping that Lin Ye would be safe and sound

"It must be safe and sound,"

"I’ll treat you to barbecue when you get off the car."

She couldn't help but think of




The bus drove slowly, making a slight roar from time to time. There was no sound in the silent carriage, but Lin Ye's eyes kept falling on the man beside him, and at the same time he observed the changes around the carriage, not missing any detail.

"The quieter and calmer it is, the more deadly threats there are."

You can't take it lightly. Caution and caution are necessary until the last moment.

Lin Ye will never joke with his own life.

The man sitting next to him was resting with his hands crossed and his eyes closed, as if he was tired from work and enjoying the rare moment of being here. During the break on the bus, nothing had changed.

Is it really okay?


Lin Ye suddenly felt that the speed of the bus was increasing, and the brightness of the light coming from the window was changing at an obvious speed. Weak, from the dazzling sunshine at noon to the sunset in the evening, the speed of change must have been triggered.

Lin Ye looked at the man 'Takayuki Hase', and he guessed that this man was like the one he met on Tuesday night. Bits burn in a strange way, but until now, there have been no symptoms of burning. He sitting next to him didn't even feel a trace of heat.


Lin Ye had a fleeting question.

The next second he stretched out his hand and put it on the man's forehead.

"So hot."

High fever.

This guy has a fever.

Suddenly, Lin Ye understood the strange rules.

Just like the strange and bleeding ten-centimeter wound of the man who got on the bus at the first stop, this time the man's fever problem was to be solved.

""Water," but stop using it. Lin Ye searched around the bus but couldn't find a bottle of water.

How to lower the body temperature?

Even if antipyretics are available, they may not be effective, not to mention the first aid kit. There was no antipyretic medicine.

Suddenly, while searching the first aid kit, Lin Ye grabbed a handful of alcohol and used alcohol to physically cool down. This was the solution.

Lin Ye immediately opened the package and unscrewed the bottle cap, using cotton to soak it. Applying alcohol to the man's forehead.

The alcohol evaporated directly at the moment it touched the forehead, taking away a lot of heat. The speed of the car slowed down slightly, but it was not enough. The speed was still so fast that the sunset outside the car was about to disappear.


Lin Ye knew that time was running out. Once he missed the time when they boarded the No. 18 bus, the No. 18 bus would probably not stop at Chiba Municipal Hospital. At this time, a slender The little hand reached out and took the alcohol bottle in Lin Ye's hand.

It was Nanase Lian.

The cute female nurse pointed at herself with a faint smile." Leave it to me!" Lin Ye made way.

As a nurse, Nanase Lian was more professional than him and knew how to cool patients with fever quickly. Now that the girl volunteered, Lin Ye had no reason to refuse. , Lin Ye expressed great satisfaction. When needed, she really came forward. Facing inhuman beings, she dared to contact them directly.



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