Nanase used cotton dipped in alcohol and began to apply it on the man's forehead, both sides of the neck, and the palms of his limbs, starting a new round of physical cooling.

These areas are rich in large blood vessels, so applying alcohol can easily take away more heat.

This is her profession and she must not fail.

Lin Ye found a solution, and she must lower this 'weird' body temperature.

Nanase Ren devoted herself wholeheartedly. In addition to using alcohol, she also fanned to speed up the dissipation of heat.

Her hands began to get sore, but she gritted her teeth and persisted without any complaints, without any slack.

Lin Ye saw the female nurse working hard and smiled knowingly.

He noticed that the speed of the bus had begun to slow down significantly, the man's body temperature was lowering, and he was only a little bit away from victory.

Finally, the man opened his eyes, and

Nanase Ren was so frightened that he immediately retracted his hand.

This, what should we do?

Should she continue wiping or pause?

Her seeking eyes fell on Lin Ye. Lin Ye made an OK gesture to indicate that the girl was done.


Nanase Ren raised the back of her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

I'm so tired, I feel even more exhausted than the emergency room.

She also knew that this was related to the dangerous environment and the person she was dealing with. If she didn't do a good job on the bus, she would die, and her life would even be worse than death.

The mental stress and wear and tear are extremely severe.

Now it's over, she can rest for a while.

Nanase Ren sat upright and rubbed the sore muscles of her right arm with her left hand to soothe the pain.

"Thank you, nurse."

Just when Nanase Lian relaxed and took a breath, a calm voice of thanks came from the left.

In an instant, Nanase Lian was nervous all over.

What to do?

Do you want to answer? How to answer?

She looked at Lin Ye again. The only way to do this kind of thing is Lin Ye knew how to do it. You should know that only Lin Ye had talked to the pale boy before. Only Lin Ye had the courage to communicate normally. The only person prohibited from communicating on the bus was the driver, and communication with other passengers was not allowed.

Communication was not prohibited, but Lin Ye had an attitude of 'no communication unless necessary'.

But if it was a strange conversation, it would be different, just like the little boy, the injured man and the four strange murmurs before. , these are all clues and hints that point to ways and means of survival.

"No, it's okay, this is what I should do as a nurse. Nanase

Ren said with a slight stutter.

It takes a lot of courage to communicate and chat!

In this regard, she admired Lin Ye's normal communication with the little boy even more.

"The station is approaching soon, passengers getting off the train please be prepared."

The bus reminder sounded.

"It's almost time to stop."

He stood up to leave his seat in advance. Nanase Lian quickly stood up and moved away from his seat.

The moment he passed by, Nanase Lian heard a sentence - don't get off the car with me.


Nanase Lian's brain Short circuit, a blank.

Don't you want to get off at the next stop? Isn't Chiba City Hospital the stop? Nanase Lian almost couldn't hold on until now.

The Ye Municipal Hospital stop is about to arrive, but it's not the stop? The man walked to the exit and held the handrail with one hand.

Then he looked at Nanase Lian again, with a calm expression, as if he didn't say anything..

Lin Ye noticed Nanase Lian's strangeness, took the initiative to walk over, patted the girl's shoulder, and motioned for the girl to sit in.

Nanase Lian moved a position, looked at Lin Ye who was sitting down, and immediately entered text and handed the phone to her.

Lin Ye

——He just said to me,"Don't get off the bus with me." Does this mean that the Chiba Municipal Hospital stop is not the stop where we can get off?

Lin Ye tapped the fingers of his right hand lightly on his thigh, thinking about the true meaning of this sentence.

Is the Chiba Municipal Hospital stop really not the drop-off stop?

What he said was false? Deliberately leading them to stay on the bus?

None of the passengers on the bus had ever told a direct lie. This weird game was definitely not about distinguishing the truth from the lies.

Suddenly, in the final stage, asking passengers to tell a 'lie' to remind them, deliberately causing players to misjudge and get trapped in the bus is not in line with the rules of the game this time.

Therefore, the man told the truth.

Can't get off with him.

Nanase Lian was extremely anxious, but she had essentially given up thinking. She listened to Lin Ye, followed Lin Ye's actions, and left her life and future to Lin Ye.

Live together, or die together. At this point, Nanase Lian also looked away.

——You make the decision! I trust you

——Stay in the car or get off, I'll go with you.

This is Nanase Ren's decision.

For this reason, she also took the initiative to hold Lin Ye's hand to express her attitude.

At this moment, the female nurse looked a little shy, with a slight blush on her face.

This was the first time she consciously took the initiative to hold the hand of the opposite sex. It was a little big and rough, but it was very comfortable and she couldn't help but hold it tight.

——Okay, but isn’t it bad to take advantage of me?

Suddenly, Nanase Lian rolled her eyes at Lin Ye angrily, but she did not let go. She felt that if she let go, wouldn't it mean that Lin Ye was right?

The bus stopped and the front and rear doors opened.

To get off, or not to get off?

Nanase Lian's heartbeat was racing as she waited for Lin Ye to make a decision.

Lin Ye already understood that there were new stops on the road map.

It’s not that this station has changed, but that there is another station.


Lin Ye didn't know when he had stopped in front of the man. He pointed at the route map and said,

"This is not a stop where you can get off, you should get off at the next stop."

The man nodded as if he suddenly understood.

"I fainted due to fever. I remembered it wrong. Thank you. You and your girlfriend should get off the car and go home as soon as possible!"

As if he understood, he found a separate seat in the right row and sat on it.

Lin Ye called for Nanase Lian to come over quickly. He took Nanase Lian's hand and walked straight down.

Unlike Lin Ye's calmness, Nanase Lian was frightened. If this is wrong, he will die!

The two of them landed one after another, the night breeze blew by, and

Nanase couldn't help but hugged her clothes tightly with her left hand, and she could see the surrounding environment clearly at this time.

The Chiba Municipal Hospital bus stop was particularly obvious under the weak street lights.

It was the stop where she got on the bus.

She was back, she was back!

"Woo woo woo……"

At this moment, the great joy of escaping from death burst into her heart, making this young female nurse live in a state of high excitement.

She couldn't help but hugged Lin Ye like a koala, and kissed Lin Ye heavily on the cheek.

Lin Ye:╮(╯▽╰)╭

He was kissed and taken advantage of by a female pervert. He had to kiss her back to make it fair.

Well, that's how it should be.

He thought silently in his heart



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