Chapter 141 Early Warning

 Because I had something on my mind, I got up half an hour earlier than usual.

As soon as I finished cleaning up, I heard something moving in the yard next door.

 She went out immediately: "Liu Zhiqing, do I have something to tell you?"

Seeing her like this, Liu Chenglin guessed that she must know that he was not there last night: "Come in and talk."

Yun stopped as soon as she entered the hospital: "Can you contact Comrade Huo? I have something important to tell him."

Last night she suddenly thought of something very important. She immediately thought of Huo Jingrui. Maybe she recognized the name Jingrui in her heart. She hoped it was still too late.

Liu Chenglin could see her anxiety: "Wait for me a moment, I'll go find someone right away."

They searched in the mountains all night last night but found no one. They just came down from the mountain. Except for a group of people who stayed on the mountain, the others returned to the town to repair their temporary residence and prepare to pick up the experts sent from above.

When Liu Chenglin chased after him, Huo Jingrui was puzzled: "What's going on?"

Liu Chenglin leaned into his ear and said, "Chu Zhiqing has something important to ask you."

Huo Jingrui couldn't help but become anxious when he heard that it was Chu Zhiqing who was looking for him: "What happened?"

Liu Chenglin shook his head: "She didn't talk about it, she just said it was a very important matter."

Huo Jingrui asked someone to bring the others back. He followed Liu Chenglin on the outer road and returned to Liu Chenglin's residence.

Yun Yi had been waiting for someone. After hearing the noise, she opened the courtyard door directly.

 Huo Jingrui checked his surroundings and made sure no one was paying attention. He went straight into the courtyard where Yun Yi lived and suppressed the inexplicable throbbing in his heart: "Chu Zhiqing, are you looking for me?"

Yun nodded and said, "Yes, it's very important."

While she was speaking, she glanced at Liu Chenglin.

Liu Chenglin reacted quickly: "I'm going to my private area to be on guard."

Yunyi did not go around in circles and directly told what happened to the captain last night.

However, he hid the fact that he wanted to go to the captain to cause trouble. He only said that he left something in the health room and happened to meet the sneaky captain, so he followed him. Unexpectedly, he discovered such an important thing. .

 Huo Jingrui didn’t expect that this girl would accidentally hit her, but he thought of her safety: “This discovery is very important to us, but Chu Zhiqing must still put his own safety first in the future.”

 As he spoke, he asked some more detailed questions to clear up all the doubts in his mind, and then ended the topic. After getting such an important clue, their plan naturally had to be adjusted, so he hurriedly said goodbye: "Chu Zhiqing, this matter is very important, so I will take the first step."

Just as he finished speaking, Yun Yi said: "Comrade Huo, I have one more thing to ask for."

Huo Jingrui saw the confusion on her face: "Did you encounter some difficulty?"

Yunyi really didn't know what to say. After all, this didn't happen. If she told people, they might think she was crazy. But if she didn't tell her, she couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart: "Comrade Huo, I've been dreaming about it for several days." I had the same dream, and the dream was very real, which made me very anxious.”

Huo Jingrui didn't know how to answer the question, but looking at her solemn expression, it was difficult to tell her that the dream was reversed, so that she shouldn't take it to heart.

He simply asked: "Can you tell me what kind of dream it is?"

Yunyi organized her words and explained the disaster that was about to happen in Tang City: "Comrade Huo, I know you may not believe it, but I have had dreams for several days in a row. I..."

Huo Jingrui looked at her seriously: "Why did you tell me?"

Yunyi said very seriously: "Time is tight, I don't know who to talk to about such a big matter, even if I tell it, no one will believe it, but I can't remain indifferent.

When I feel anxious, the first person I think of is you. Some things would rather be believed than they are. Can you help me think of a way to give everyone an early warning without affecting you? "

Yunyi also knew that she was being forced to do something difficult, but she had no other choice. She had not thought about whether to write it down and hand it over to the relevant departments secretly. But if she handed it in and no one took it seriously, she would just throw it away as waste paper. what to do?

It is unrealistic to call to inform. Nowadays, long-distance calls have to be transferred at many levels. You don’t know how many people will hear what you say. In that case, she will be targeted in the future. She wants to save people, I don't want to get myself into trouble.

Huo Jingrui saw the solemn look in Yun's eyes, and he didn't know why he believed it inexplicably: "Is there a specific time?"

Yun gave a general range of time: "I'm sorry for causing trouble to you."

Whatever she said today was very important, and Huo Jingrui didn't delay any longer: "I will definitely find a way to get the message across, but I can't guarantee whether it will happen or not. After all, this matter is really incredible. "

Yun Yi nodded at him: "Please."

Huo Jingrui also nodded to her, turned around and walked out of the yard, briefly explaining a few words to Liu Chenglin who had been guarding outside: "Pay close attention to the captain's every move and don't reveal your identity."

Liu Chenglin is a smart man. As soon as he heard the boss's instructions, he guessed what was going on: "Boss, don't worry, just leave the Songling Village to me."

What did Huo Jingrui think of: "From today on, you don't have to follow us at night. Your current task is to see if there are any suspicious people in the village."

 (End of this chapter)

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