Yun saw Huo Jingrui leaving and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She thought it would take a lot of effort, but she didn't expect Huo Jingrui to agree to her.

Looking at the time, it was just time for me to go up the mountain for morning exercise every day, so I put my backpack on my back and locked the door.

Liu Chenglin had already entered the courtyard. Seeing that there was no movement in the courtyard, he thought he should go back to the house to catch up on his sleep. After all, according to Huo Jingrui, Liu Chenglin should have acted with them last night.

 Fortunately, Liu Chenglin never missed work or exposed his identity when he came to the village, otherwise the captain would not be exposed so easily.

She went all the way up the mountain, thinking about how to deal with those who plotted against her.

Before the true identity of the captain is exposed, she must bind the Qiu family to him. In this way, even if they are not insiders, their life in the village will not be easy in the future.

 If they dare to think of themselves again in the future, then don’t blame yourself for teaching them a lesson they will never forget.

The old rules are still the same as in the previous practice. Sitting cross-legged and meditating operates according to the exercises from the previous life. While the internal force is circulating throughout the body, it also supplements one's own mental power.

The previously chaotic brain finally responded after a period of time when the consciousness was empty and the exercises were running. This made Yun Yi couldn't help but feel extremely happy.

 She actually didn’t have much hope, but she never gave up. In her last life, her mental power never reached its peak. In this life, she didn’t force it. It would be best if she could improve on the cake.

The sun rises slowly, accompanied by the purest purple air in the world. The whole person's Qi meridians are smooth, the Qi and blood are full, even the Dantian is full of Qi, and the mind is clear and bright.

After several rounds of operation, her thoughts were initially purified, her Qi meridians were connected internally and externally, and Ren Du circulated automatically. She knew in her heart that her previous skills had not abandoned her after all.

After taking a deep breath, she released her consciousness and recalled all the situations within ten meters in her mind. This really made her feel a little ecstatic. After adjusting her breath, she withdrew her thoughts, collected her inner energy into her lower Dantian, and completed the exercise.

I got up and walked down the mountain from the other end. In addition to knocking down a dead tree, I also picked some common herbs and planned to take them with me to the health room later. After arriving home, I saw that it was getting late, so I didn’t make breakfast anymore. After putting away the firewood, I closed the door and entered the house and went straight to the space to take a quick bath to clean myself up.

 He took a breakfast from the space, ate it, and then walked to the village clinic.

 After walking a few steps outside, she met Lu Huaijing, Tao Yuran, and Guo Aibing who lived not far behind her. The four of them said hello and walked to the opposite side of the bridge together.

What Yunyi didn't expect was that when she arrived at the bathroom, the door was open, which shocked her.

The three people who came with her were also a little curious, so they couldn't help but stop and followed her into the health room.

After a few people entered, they could clearly see the person sitting in the room, but Yun Yi didn't recognize him: "Who are you?"

Tao Yuran, who was following Yun Yi, reminded: "Chu Zhiqing, she is Xue Linfang, she has been helping Doctor Gong before."

Yunyi also reacted at this time. After all, except for the brigade headquarters, only Dr. Gong and Xue Linfang, who was following him, had the key to the clinic: "Hello, I am Chu Yunyi, an educated youth in the village. I am temporarily Substitute here.”

Xue Linfang did not stand up, but looked Yunyi up and down: "Are you Chu Zhiqing?"

Without waiting for Yun to reply, she continued: "Let's clean up first."

 Hah, what do you think she is? (End of chapter)

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