At that time, hiding a large amount of yellow and white things was a disaster, not to mention the evidence in his notebook that he had embezzled the village's public food and paid and accepted bribes over the years.

It’s better to choose a day than to hit it, so let’s do it today.

While Widow Qiu's house was in chaos, she left the village directly, took out a bicycle from the space that had been collected at the Shen family in the capital, and rushed directly to the county.

The reason why he didn't go to the commune was because he was afraid that there would be Xu Wenchang's associates in the commune. After all, the things in the notebook were very obscure. Is he afraid that only he would know who those people were?

Although the dirt road in the countryside is not easy to walk, the moonlight is good tonight, and Yun Yiwu’s senses are very sensitive, so it will not be affected at all.

She rode the bicycle as fast as a motorcycle and arrived at the county public security bureau forty minutes later.

I found a secluded place and went into the space to write three reporting letters with the same content, and sent them to the Public Security Bureau, the county government, and the Red Committee, all of which were foolproof.

Hurrying back without stopping, she was a good comrade who did good deeds without leaving her name behind, so she couldn't let the villagers find out.

Going to the village entrance, I put away my bicycle and walked straight to the brigade headquarters. When I heard the sound over there, I knew I had changed places.

When she arrived, Ma Jiuxiang had just been pulled from home and was struggling with Widow Qiu: "You shameless slut, how dare you seduce my man."

Widow Qiu knew that she was finished, and even if she swallowed her anger, there would be no good results, so she simply couldn't bear it any longer, and she also killed Ma Jiuxiang.

The two sons of the Xu family have been helping out at their sister's house and have not returned, but the son and daughter of the Qiu family could not watch their mother being beaten and joined the battle together.

 There were some people in the crowd who were not afraid of the excitement and kept talking and commenting. For a while, the brigade headquarters was in a mess.

Although Ma Jiuxiang was no match for the Qiu family, mother and son, her curses became more and more unpleasant.

Yun Yi hid behind the crowd and deliberately changed her voice and said: "This Qiu Baolin looks a bit like the captain."

 The words caused a stir, and everyone looked over.

Hearing this, Ma Jiuxiang became more and more angry. At some point, he picked up a stone from the ground and hit Qiu Baolin on the head.

At this moment, the Party Secretary and the Security Director, who had brought the brigade leader into the office for questioning, came out and shouted at the fighting people: "Stop."

 But it was obvious that this shout was a little too late, Qiu Baolin's head had already been opened by Ma Jiuxiang.

Seeing the blood on her son's head, Widow Qiu pounced on her with a cry of "Ouch": "Ma Jiuxiang, you are a murderer of thousands of swords. If you dare to kill my son, I will fight with you." Ma Jiuxiang saw the blood on Qiu Baolin's head, She was frightened in her heart, and in this moment of confusion, Widow Qiu grabbed her hair and pushed her to the ground with all her strength.

Widow Qiu was like crazy, punching Ma Jiuxiang one after another.

Although Ma Jiuxiang was still holding the stone in her hand, she was facing down, and her arms were pressed by Widow Qiu's legs, so she couldn't exert any strength at all.

The branch secretary was afraid that something would happen, so he quickly called on the names of several members: "Get them away quickly."

Qiu Baojuan on the side was panicked and cried: "Mom, my brother lost a lot of blood."

Seeing her son's miserable condition, Widow Qiu immediately said indifferently: "Xu Wenchang, look at the good things your mother-in-law has done. If our son is in trouble, don't worry about the two things she gave birth to."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Wenchang thought to himself: It’s over.

 For a time, the crowd watching the excitement exploded.

The branch secretary saw Yun Yi behind the crowd, and was about to ask her to help Qiu Baolin stop the bleeding, but saw Yun Yi turn around and leave.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, her goal was achieved. As for helping to save people, she was not interested. She was not a health worker in the village now.

The branch secretary opened his mouth wide and watched as soon as Yun left. He had no choice but to hold back his voice and turned around to look for Xue Linfang in the crowd.

 In the end, Xue Linfang was not seen, but Xu Hongzao was seen: "Hongzao, hurry back and call Lin Fang to come over and help stop the bleeding."

Xu Hongzao is in a daze now, thinking that if something like this happens to his uncle, the captain will definitely not be able to do it. Will his family be implicated?

I heard the branch secretary shouting: "I'll go back and call someone right away."

Xue's mother, who was not far behind her, heard the words of the party secretary and the third daughter-in-law, and said a little unhappy: "Lin Fang has already taken a rest in the middle of the night."

He said to the figure who just walked out not far away: "Isn't that Chu Zhiqing? It's the same as asking her to help."

Yun Yi didn't stop for even a moment. When everyone looked at her, she shouted without turning her head: "I am not a health worker in the village, and the Xue family is only 20 meters away from here. It’s not like we’re thousands of miles apart.”

At this time, Zhao Guihua stood up and defended: "That's right, Lin Fang is the health worker in the village, how can we let Chu educated youth work for her?" (End of this chapter)

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