Everyone in the village looked at Xue's mother. She knew that if she dared to say anything else, Lin Fang's job as a health worker would be over: "Hongzao, what are you doing standing there?"

Xu Hongzao heard what her mother-in-law said and ran home. She was very confused now and needed to talk to her family.

Xue's mother saw Xue Linfang coming by herself, and said with an ugly face: "Where is your third sister-in-law? Why did you let you come here alone?"

Xue Linfang walked towards the clinic and replied, "She said she had a stomachache."

When Xue's mother heard this, she cursed: "It's really a lazy donkey who pees a lot on the bed."

But when she saw the wound on Qiu Baolin's head, she was momentarily troubled: "This wound is too deep, and I haven't treated it before."

The most she usually does is help people infuse fluids and take medicine, but this wound obviously requires stitches and the bleeding won't stop.

The branch secretary frowned and said, "You have been studying with Dr. Gong for so long and you don't even know how to deal with this injury?"

Xue Linfang's face turned red and she said: "This wound is too deep and requires stitches. I have never done it myself before, I have only helped Dr. Gong do it."

Widow Qiu said angrily: "You have no ability and you are still taking advantage of the trap. I have never seen you so selfish."

Xue's mother gave up after hearing this: "Widow Qiu, who do you think you dare to talk about my daughter?"

Widow Qiu was worried: "I can't say whether she will still occupy the pit. If my son makes a mistake today, I will fight you to the death."

 After saying that, he ignored the pain on his body from the fight: "Secretary, please save my son, the blood keeps flowing."

 There was no other way, so the branch secretary had to send someone to the Gong family to invite people.

 The Gong family did not come to join in the fun. In fact, their family knew something about the captain and Widow Qiu, so they did not go over to join in the fun.

It’s just that the Gong family was not far from there, and they could hear what was happening over there while lying on the wall of their house. They only thought that the captain and Widow Qiu were having an affair, but they did not expect that Qiu Baolin was Xu Wenchang’s father.

That's not to mention Qiu Baojuan. She was a posthumous child, but considering her appearance, some things become clear without saying anything. The reason why everyone had no doubts was because the captain and the late Qiu Chunzhu, Qiu Baolin's father, were cousins. Although this cousin was a little distant, they were still related.

Of course, the Gong family didn't want their old man to go over, but this man's life was at stake, so they couldn't refuse, so they had to carry the old man over.

Xue's mother also wanted to take the opportunity to smear Yunyi, but no one answered her, and everyone looked at the Xue family with contempt and disgust.

 After all, everyone in the village knew that Xue Linfang drove away the educated youth Chu when he came back from the army to visit relatives.

When Qiu Baolin's bleeding stopped, the party secretary said: "It's already late at night. Let's lock him up first and send two people to watch. We will hold a village meeting early tomorrow morning and deal with it later."

This is not an ordinary villager. After all, it was the brigade leader who made a mistake. He will go to the commune tomorrow and ask the commune cadres to come and deal with it.

But he didn't expect that after he went to the commune to report the matter the next day, a deputy director named Cai who was on duty at the commune stood up and said that he wanted to protect Xu Wenchang.

 But he didn't say it clearly, which made Yang Gengtian very angry.

 But before they could tell the story, people from the county came.

Furthermore, three groups of people came in, which shocked Secretary Li who had just arrived at the unit. He hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Director Huang, Deputy Director Li, and Secretary Qiao, why are you three here together?"

At this time, Director Huang of the Red Committee spoke first: "We received a report and wanted to go to Songling Village, so naturally we want to say hello to you."

So the team that went to Songling Village grew again, startling the villagers who were waiting under the willow trees for the results.

People from the public security and Red Committee went straight to the home of brigade leader Xu Wenchang when they entered the village. They turned the Xu family upside down amidst Ma Jiuxiang's cries.

Ma Jiuxiang never thought that there were so many money bills and yellow and white things hidden at home. She never figured out that her husband, who had been sleeping with her for more than 20 years, had hidden so many things from her.

 It collapsed directly.

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