After dinner, Yun Yi thought about the winter vegetables stored in her own plot. In order to make it easier to open a small stove in the future, she naturally wanted to bring them all.

However, you don’t need to leave too much on the surface. It’s better to accumulate some sauerkraut, pickle some kimchi, and save space for pickles.

Since it was still early and there was nothing else to do, I planned to wash and prepare the dishes first.

 Save some winter vegetables for concealment, clean and drain the rest, and prepare to buy a few small porcelain jars tomorrow.

 I had just packed up and was about to go into the space to take a shower, but I heard a commotion outside.

 She left the yard, opened the door and listened.

Liu Chenglin, who happened to be next to him, also opened the courtyard door: "What happened?"

“I don’t know, I came out when I heard the noise.”

 “Do you want to go over and take a look?”

 “I won’t go there, you’re a fool.”

But just as Yun finished speaking, she heard someone shouting: "I saw it, it's Zhang Mazi from the village and Deng Zhiqing from the educated youth spot."

 “It’s so shameless, you’re actually getting into the haystacks with others at such a young age.”

“This educated Deng is not picky about food. He actually likes Zhang Mazi. He really has a unique taste.”

At this time, Deng Xiaojie was surrounded by people in a haystack and watched as monkeys. She really wanted to die.

Originally, I went out to see Zhang Mazi tonight to ask him why he hadn't taken action after so long, but he ended up getting together with Zhang Mazi without knowing why.

   No, I did such an irrational thing because I took the fruit from Zhang Mazi and ate it.

 She turned to stare at Zhang Mazi with an evil look in her eyes: "Why do you want to harm me?"

Zhang Mazi heard what she said, but he pretended not to hear it and kept his head down, pretending to be quail. He wouldn't admit it anyway. In order to be realistic, he only put a little bit of medicine in it. Even if the police came, they wouldn't be able to find out.

As long as he killed two people, he would have recovered long ago. The time specified by Yun Yi was about to pass, and he was really afraid of that evil spirit.

It's better to listen to her and get rid of Deng Xiaojie, this harmful person. Anyway, you will get a wife for nothing, and you won't suffer at all.

Although Yunyi didn't go there, she knew what happened from the shouts she heard before.

Come on, Deng Xiaojie has suffered the consequences of her own misfortune. She has no sympathy at all and does not feel guilty at all. Who told her to have evil intentions in the first place.

 Close the door, return to the room, close the curtains and enter the space.

 I collected the wood, medicinal materials, and wild vegetables that I had stored in the space. After practicing my martial arts for a while, I took my clothes and prepared to take a bath in the hot spring pool.

The pear trees and fruit trees that were first planted are now bearing ripe fruits, and she can be considered to have harvested.

There are also some rules found out from it. The more plants are planted in the space, the richer the spiritual energy, the faster the plants mature, the more external merits, and the greater the expansion of the space.

Because when she came in just now, she discovered that the space had expanded a bit, which seemed to be related to saving the grandfather and grandson.

It seems that returning to modern times in this life is not up to you. You still have to do more good deeds and build good relationships.

  I picked some ripe fruits and placed them by the hot spring pool, then I took off my clothes and entered the pool.

 Sitting comfortably in the hot spring pool, closing his eyes and thinking about what happened after his rebirth, he couldn't help but think of Huo Jingrui.

She has already thought about it. The next time she sees someone, she will book him first. Anyway, he is the person she recognizes. Since he does not remember her, it is better for her to wake him up.

 Now that I have made up my mind, I don’t want to waste any more time.

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