Early the next morning, Yun Yi entered the back mountain a quarter of an hour earlier.

 As soon as he entered the back mountain, he began to practice Qinggong.

Going straight to the place where the bacon was smoked, she was also worried that she had not put enough firewood and the fire would go out.

 Fortunately, everything was fine when we arrived. I checked and found that no animals had visited. This place is perfect for smoking meat.

 After adding firewood, he left. Luck Qinggong went to the place where he usually practiced.

 With her current skills, she should have few opponents except those who are experts in the world.

 After all, many ancient martial arts techniques have been lost. If nothing else, I am afraid that no one can match my current level of lightness.

 The sky was white, and she began to meditate. She faced the purple energy rising eastward and released the sea of ​​​​empty consciousness. She circulated her body's internal force and walked along the eight extraordinary meridians.

 Do not stop until you exhale a breath of turbid air.

He went to the place where the meat was being smoked and bought enough firewood to burn for a whole day before leaving.

●Today the village has to deliver food and work, and those who don’t want to go can move around freely.

As soon as Yun had breakfast, she asked the villagers where she could buy pickled jars and porcelain jars, and went there.

Unexpectedly, I happened to see Qiao Yuxiang walking towards me, and I couldn't help thinking: This man is really lucky, why didn't he let the wild animals in the mountains pick him up?

 After all, after what happened yesterday, her impression of Qiao Yuxiang has become negative.

Qiao Yuxiang looked so embarrassed that she must have just come down from the mountain and deliberately asked: "Qiao Zhiqing, where have you been and how did you get yourself into this state?"

Qiao Yuxiang looked very ugly: "I didn't go anywhere, I accidentally fell down."

 After saying that, she quickly walked past Yun Yi and headed towards the educated youth spot.

The village next door has a kiln that specializes in making earthen pots, jars, and small porcelain jars. As I walked there, I heard many people still talking about what happened last night: "By the way, the matter between Zhang Mazi and Deng Zhiqing has come to an end." "I heard that Deng Zhiqing refused to marry Zhang Mazi and said that he would report to the police if he forced her to do so, saying that Zhang Mazi raped her."

“If someone finds out, just say he was raped. If he is not found out, he may not know what the consequences will be. It’s really shameless.”

“Can Zhang Mazi agree?”

"Of course Zhang Mazi disagrees, but Zhang Mazi also said that anyone who dares to marry Deng Zhiqing is going against the Zhang family."

 “Yes, this is a deadlock.”

“Everything has been done, if she doesn’t marry Zhang Mazi, who else can she marry?”

Someone saw Yunyi walking over: "Chu Zhiqing, where are you going?"

Yun smiled at the man and nodded: "Sister-in-law, I went to the kiln factory in Nanbaicun next door to buy a few pickle jars and buns. I want to accumulate some sauerkraut and pickle a few jars of pickle dumplings."

"You are right to do this. This is how you live your life. Don't imitate those people who are more educated and think about unrealistic things every day."

Yunyi did not answer the words, but still politely said: "Sister-in-law, I'll leave first."

  He also nodded to several sisters-in-law and aunties not far away, and then left.

When she walked away, someone said: "Chu Zhiqing has such good medical skills, it is a pity to let her go to the ground."

“No, we should mention it to the village cadres and replace Xue Linfang. It’s really a waste of eight work points that day.”

"You are right, but if anyone dares to mention this matter, if the Xue family knows about it, they may be beaten."

“Dr. Gong is in poor health and cannot return to the clinic. Xue Linfang has not learned his skills and is afraid that his position will be taken away. He has to accommodate Chu educated youth. In the end, it is not us members who suffer.”

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