Chapter 412 Something happened at the forest farm

Yunyi quickly wiped her hands and ran out of the office. At this time, Dr. Qiu also came over: "What happened?"

The visitor said somewhat incoherently: "Something happened in the forest farm. Some educated youth came to fight against the wood."

Yunyi heard from Qiao Wenyu and others before that some educated youths, whose family conditions are not good, would secretly go to the forest farm to fight wood to make money during winter. They could get one piece a day, which attracted many people.

This work is not easy, not to mention the cold weather. The most important thing is that the mountains are covered with snow, so you will fall if you are not careful.

It’s hard to imagine the consequences if such a thick piece of wood hits someone.

 In fact, the Reclamation Corps does not allow educated youth to go privately to forest farms to fight against wood. If something goes wrong, no one can bear the responsibility. In fact, people die every winter because of doing so in forest farms.

Either the tree fell and hit someone, or there was an accident while transporting it down the mountain. Anyway, everyone knows that it is difficult to make money in the forest farm, but no one is rich these days. People who are desperate or in need of money secretly go to the forest farm to work. There are many people alive.

Doctor Qiu was very responsible and looked at Yun: "You stay behind and I will come over."

 But the man collapsed on the ground: "Many people are injured. Doctor Qiu, you can't handle it alone."

Yunyi couldn’t help but ask: “Isn’t there a health room over there at the forest farm?”

The man was shaking all over: "Doctor Wang from the forest farm has gone home to attend the funeral. Only Dr. Gu is here, but she is eight months pregnant now and can't go up the mountain at all."

Yun Yi and Doctor Qiu looked at each other. They were also a little embarrassed. After all, they were members of the Reclamation Corps, and the accident happened at the forest farm.

If they all go there, if any patient is delayed, they may not be able to eat and walk around.

Yunyi said: "Report it to the field department."

Doctor Qiu hurriedly ran to the field department, but not far away, people from the field department ran over: "Doctor Qiu, leave a nurse in the clinic and the rest of the people go to rescue the patient. Yunyi took advantage of Doctor Qiu's time to go out and ran back to her small courtyard, putting on the high leather boots that Huo Jingrui had prepared for herself a few days ago and the military coat that was sent to her from Beijing.

 When she comes over, Dr. Qiu is arranging work.

Yun Yi was handed a package of medicines by Chen Xiaojuan: "Doctor Chu, please help me bring this."

Soon, everyone was ready, and the field department arranged a sleigh to send them there.

Along the way, they realized that those people were not injured while fighting against the logs from the mountain, but that a car came to pull the logs. They helped load the logs into the car, and they were almost ready. The side baffles were not fastened, but it just so happened that the ropes tying the lumber also had problems at this time. A load of lumber tilted down, and the people standing below did not react for a while, and many people were hit. "

As soon as Yun heard this, her first reaction was: the side baffle of the rear compartment was not inserted properly, and the rope happened to be broken at this time. Is it possible that it was man-made?

 But I don’t dare to say this nonsense.

 When they arrived, there were wailings everywhere.

There were two corpses placed not far away, and Yun Yi and the others couldn't help but look solemn on their expressions.

When the people at the forestry farm saw Yunyi and the others coming, they went crazy: "Doctor, help them quickly."

Doctor Qiu asked them to send the wounded to the tent they had set up. The few of them didn't care about anything else and started rescue immediately.

 Fortunately, there was a newly transferred doctor at the forest farm, who did a lot of preliminary work with two nurses, which saved Yun Yi and Dr. Chu a lot of trouble.

 (End of this chapter)

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