Chapter 413: Entering the city to find Jingrui

 Having been busy for more than two hours, it was only then that several seriously injured patients were restored to safety.

Unfortunately, one of the two people killed was an educated youth from the Farm Reclamation Corps. I heard that his family often wrote letters asking him to send money back. Either his grandmother was sick or his brothers and sisters had to arrange work. Marriage, anyway, is just two words, it requires money.

When they finished their work, Doctor Qiu said: "After all, we are comrades who have fought together in the Farm Reclamation Corps. Let's go over and bow to that educated youth and see him off."

A few people nodded in agreement and walked over with solemn expressions.

Seeing the clothes worn by the educated youth, Yun Yi couldn't help but sigh in her heart: What is this, a great injustice to everyone who suffers from her own happiness?

That cotton-padded coat is not only patched with patches, but also very thin. How do you survive such a cold day day by day?

 She originally wanted to leave the military coat she was wearing with him, but she was afraid that it would not be with him in the end. When she thought of the clothes and pants collected from the Shen family in the space, she had an idea.

 After returning home, it turned out that today's events had affected his mood. Naturally, Qiao Wenyu's Xiao Zao was also in trouble.

Going into the space warehouse, I found a complete set of clothes from the Shen family's pile of things, but I didn't pick out the brand-new ones. They were all half-new and not old, and put them in a bag for later use.

Today she soaked in the soup pool for a long time before she came out. For some reason, she missed Huo Jingrui especially tonight.

  He packed himself up and prepared a lot of food for Huo Jingrui, including hot sauce, meat sauce, mushroom sauce, and some kimchi and pickles that he had made before.

 Finally, he sharpened his knife and sharpened a small wild boar that had been put into the space before, and made all of it into dried meat, and then he stopped.

  I took a bath again and rested directly in the space.

 Early the next morning, I steamed a bowl of custard for myself, drank another glass of milk, ate a few pieces of dried meat I had made yesterday, and then I found some space.

 I carried a backpack, put some things inside for cover, and then arrived at the place where I was waiting for the bus. She was lucky. Maybe because of the weather, there weren't too many people going out, so she still had a seat when she went up.

 Everyone in the car was talking about what happened at the forestry farm yesterday. Everyone’s expressions were solemn. The Chinese New Year will be coming in more than a month. How could something like this happen?

The educated youth from the Farm Reclamation Corps also became the focus of discussion: "I heard from the educated youth who went to the countryside with him that he was not a child of that family, but his aunt's biological son. However, after the death of his biological parents, he was My uncle and aunt took me home and changed my name to my parents.”

“I heard that he was sent to the Farm Reclamation Corps because the educated youth here are paid, and he has to send money back on time every month.”

“Now his unscrupulous uncle and aunt will have nightmares every night.”

 Listening to everyone’s condemnation, the car arrived at the county seat.

After Yun got off the car, she went directly to the county machinery factory.

When she was approaching the factory, she found a place to put the things she brought to Huo Jingrui into the basket. Huo Jingrui was definitely not in the family courtyard at this time, so she went directly to the factory gate.

Last time she came back from the city, because it snowed, she was afraid of road closures, so she didn't come over to look at the house assigned to the machinery factory, so naturally she didn't have the key.

  No one can enter the factory casually, so Yun Yiyi had to say to the gatekeeper: "Master, I'm looking for your deputy director Huo Jingrui. Please send me a message."

It's just okay that she didn't say this. The man still had a smile on his face when he looked at her. After she finished speaking, the man looked at her up and down, his eyes full of scrutiny.

 (End of this chapter)

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