In The Marine, The Lightsaber I Invented Slashed Kaido

Chapter 80 Sengoku Was Stunned, Five Billion Sentinels? Sengoku The Man He Loves To Hate

Although one is called artificial human, the other is called robot.

It's just that the name is different, and there is no difference in essence.

Pacifists, like Sentinel robots, apply biotechnology.

"What about the performance of the Sentinel robot?" Akainu was equally curious.

Two of Marine's proudest scientists.

Who is better is already a hot topic in Marine.

Now the scientific research projects of the two people just happened to touch together.

I'm afraid this time it will be divided.

Roy explained the performance of the Sentinel robot, telling Sengoku and others.

Of course, he deliberately concealed the sentinel robot, the real biggest killing move, that is, the ability to copy!

It's just portrayed as an attack that can mimic many abilities.

It is not unusual for Sengoku and others to think that the sentinel robot can also breathe fire and the like.

But even so, Sengoku and others were shocked beyond words.

The three people showed a look of amazement and were stunned when they looked at each other.

After a long while, Sengoku asked.

"Roy, I heard you right! The ability of the Sentinel robot to fly, detect, transform and repair, can you explain in detail + under the transformation and repair?

Aside from reconnaissance and flying capabilities, the rest of the features are beyond Sengoku's imagination.

After all, Roy is the one who developed the bamboo dragonfly, and it is normal to add flying ability to the sentinel robot.

But deformation and repair, how the hell is this done.

Sengoku was puzzled.

"It can be understood that the sentinel robot uses a special metal, which is similar to liquid, so that the body structure of the sentinel robot can be converted at will.

Of course, Roy will not tell the secret of the sentinel robot.

In fact, the technology of the sentinel robots is much more than that, they rely on the genes of the witch in the body to transform.

Therefore, it can become any form.

It is simply not comparable to liquid metals.

After Sengoku and the others listened, they all put on such expressions.

They had no doubts about Roy's words.

"As for the repair ability, like the person who awakened Zoan Devil Fruit, it also has a strong ability to resist blows, as long as the body core is not directly destroyed, the damaged parts can be automatically repaired." Roy continued.

"Where is the core of the body?" Sengoku was curious.

"It's a secret." Roy smiled slightly, not answering Sengoku's question.

Sengoku was not angry, but happy.

After all, it is a secret of the sentinel robot, so it is better to be cautious.

Roy did not even answer his own marshal, let alone tell anyone else.

"If it can really be produced, it will have more effect than Shichibukai!" Aokiji's eyes twinkled.

Aokiji is a Marine opponent of the Shichibukai system.

The Shichibukai system has so many drawbacks that many innocent people are persecuted for it.

Many countries have been tortured by Shichibukai, and Shichibukai has long been discredited.

Marine, on the other hand, could only sit on the sidelines.

Although Aokiji usually has a cold personality, he is like a piece of ice.

But there is also a like-minded person in Marine, and that is Smoker!

The two are friends and both have the idea of abolishing Shichibukai!

In the plot, when Aokiji and Akainu fight on Fire and Ice, he once said that he never thought what World Government was doing was right.

Therefore, the competition for the position of marshal is that Aokiji wants to use his power to change Marine.

It's not that Aokiji has any ambitions for power.

Once the Sentinel robot does appear, the balance of strength will tilt in favor of Marine, and the existence of Shichibukai will not be necessary.

Aokiji is looking forward to the successful development of the Sentinel robot.

"Beyond Shichibukai." Akainu frowned.

In Marine, Akainu belongs to the other faction, those who subscribe to the Shichibukai system.

In the plot, when World Summit decides to abolish Shichibukai, Sengoku is still one of the few who opposes.

However, Akainu, who hates pirates so much, can't wait to kill them all.

Why did you choose to endorse the Shichibukai system?

All because retaining the Shichibukai system is equivalent to an extra force in Marine's hands.

This is a bargaining chip to use against other pirates!

There is nothing more cost-effective than letting the pirates deal with them.

As for the lives of ordinary people, it doesn't matter to Akainu.

He prefers to destroy pirates.

Akainu absolutely, people can be sacrificed.

So even if the Sentinel Robot now surpasses Shichibukai, Akainu still doesn't think this is the time to abolish the Shichibukai system.

Especially now that a big war may be on the verge of breaking out.

The world government needs Shichibukai's combat effectiveness, and it must not send any bad signals at this time.

Otherwise, if Shichibukai turns against the water, the world government will suffer from the enemy.

"Don't get involved in irrelevant matters." Sengoku was displeased.

Sengoku knows all too well that his two Admirals have huge differences in many ways.

But this disagreement cannot be exposed to Roy.

Otherwise, Roy will just be disturbed to do his research!

What Sengoku needs is for Roy to put 100% of his energy into research and development.

Although you also need to know about some big events, you should not be bothered by these research.

Aokiji and Akainu turned their heads away, neither saying anything.

Roy also secretly shook his head when he saw this, of course he knew all this.

The two Marine Admirals will have a fierce conflict over the route in the future.

"Roy, how much money is needed to develop a Sentinel robot?" Sengoku looked at Roy and redirected the conversation to that.

"One hundred million Bailey!" Roy held out five fingers.

Five billion Baileys!

Sengoku was suddenly speechless.

This is simply unimaginable!

Although it has long been prepared, it is known what it means to get what you pay for.

However, Sengoku was still frightened.

The cost of a pacifist is only the cost of a warship.

Five billion Baileys, Marine has never built such expensive weapons.

Seeing Sengoku's hesitation, Roy realized that he was a bit of a lion talking.

The sentinel robot that cost three billion yuan [stunned is added to the soil by itself.

Therefore, the price is a bit exaggerated.

But Roy won't budge, and he has to do something for himself.

"This is R&D funds, and if more than ten units are mass-produced later, the cost of one is about four billion." Roy explained.

"It costs so much! Roy what raw materials you need, maybe I can help you get them by other means. Sengoku's idea was simple.

With the influence of the World government, the price of some raw materials is lowered.

This reduces the cost of the Sentinel robot.

Even if one unit only needs four billion, it is still a very uncomfortable number for Sengoku.

"These raw materials are confidential, it is best to buy them from the market, if Marine intervenes, it is likely to be detected by people with intentions, and the supply of raw materials will be directly cut off!" Roy found a reason.

Sengoku mused, feeling that Roy had a point.

Once the raw material is cut off, it means that the sentinel robot cannot be manufactured.

That's really a huge loss for Marine.

"Is it enough to add another 10 billion!" Sengoku made up his mind and no longer hesitated.

Choosing to believe in Roy's scientific research ability will surely surprise you.

As for Marine's lack of funding, Sengoku will go to Five Elders.

Anyway, Five Elders promised to find Roy when they didn't have enough R&D funding.

"Enough!" Roy was equally relieved.

I didn't expect Sengoku to be so generous and give billions more.

It seems that it is a previous scientific research product that has played a great role in Marine.

"Roy, I hope you can develop it as soon as possible, we need sentinel robots!" Sengoku speaks seriously.

There are conditions for spending so much money.

"I will definitely do my best." Roy nodded heavily.

After hacking so much money, I'm sorry for Sengoku if I rub it again.

"Then it's time for us to leave." Sengoku gathered all the senbeans on his plate in a bag.

The action is very fast.

Because Sengoku was scared, Roy continued to ask for money.

"Dr. Roy, I have a hunch that in the future you will definitely surpass Vegapunk." Akainu is even more confident in Roy.

"The world will change because of your invention, and you may be the one who changed the world." Aokiji also said goodbye to Roy, but there was something else in his words.

Roy sent the three men out of the lab to the platform, followed by Sengoku's generals, and cheered again.

These cheers were for Roy.

Although I didn't see the treatment scene of Xian Dou with my own eyes, seeing Zephyr recover his health means that this trip was not in vain.

In fact, Sengoku initially came to escort him with Aokiji and Akainu, two Admirals.

It can ensure the absolute safety of Sendou.

These people are all actively following, just want to witness this legendary moment.......

Anyway, the news of Sendou has been known all over the world, and Sengoku has brought them.

It's also good to add some morale to Marine.

"Dr. Roy! You are Marine's hope!"

"With your research, Marine will be even stronger!"

"Come on, Dr. Roy!"

The cheers are endless.

Roy also waved his hand, indicating that he heard them.

Seeing this scene, Sengoku and Aokiji and Akainu could only smile bitterly.

Just looking at this scene, Roy's reputation surpasses that of these Marine executives.

But Sengoku and the others didn't have a problem, which Roy deserved.

After seeing off Sengoku and the others, Roy returns to the lab.

"Jarvis, make a purchase list."

Roy couldn't wait and started preparing.

When the 18 billion arrives, the purchase will be carried out immediately.

Roy didn't expect Sengoku to be so blunt, directly committing 18 billion to the funds.

Put on the body of ordinary people, it is really a lifetime of endless spending.

Just being a rich man wasn't Roy's intention.

He also understands that no matter where it is, strength comes first.

If there is no corresponding strength to ensure their own safety, then in the eyes of others, it is just a fat sheep.

In Alabasta and Dressrosa, for example, kings were very kind people.

But because the strength is too weak, the country is occupied.

Alabasta was lucky enough to meet Straw Hat Luffy and was saved.

Dressrosa, on the other hand, fell into Mingo's ten-year reign.

Although those ordinary people seem to live happily ever after, they are all in lies and deception.

After a few points

The calculation of the clock, the purchase list has been listed on the screen.

Roy probably glanced at it, and there were quite a few things on it.

Basically some common materials.

The most demanded is an ordinary ore!

About the weight of one meal, it can extract one kilogram of material to make the sentry robot.

I am afraid that no one would have thought that this ore could be extracted to make such a powerful robot.

That's the magic of system technology, so Roy doesn't have to worry about materials.

Even if this ore is not used, there are several alternatives.

Jarvis just calculated the most economical plan.

The richest thing in the pirate world is resources, and there is no need to worry about resource depletion.

After dealing with these things, Roy looked at the growth of fairy beans again.

Everything was normal with the vine, and it did not become weak after picking the fairy beans.

Roy knows that the vine will only wither after three waves of maturity.

Seeing meal time, Roy returned to the lounge.

Today, Roy's food is made by Jarvis.

For this purpose, 0.7 is a special automatic cooking machine.

Whatever taste Roy wants to eat, Jarvis has it all.

After eating and drinking, Roy walked to the platform for a walk.

It's always daytime on Enies Lobby, but there's still time.

It was probably late afternoon, not yet when Roy was sleeping.

From a distance, he saw Zephyr's boat, guarding the platform.

Zephyr and the students around him were on board, their expressions joyful to the naked eye.

They are all cheering for Zephyr to be reborn.

Roy is also interested in Zephyr's current state.

I don't know how Zephyr's arm feels after a few hours have passed now.

Thinking of this, Roy took out a bamboo dragonfly and installed it on his head, and flew towards Zephyr's warship.

"It's Dr. Roy!"

"Dr. Roy is coming!"

"Oh my God, can I get up close and personal with Dr. Roy?"

Seeing Roy actually flying towards them, the soldiers on the warship cheered.

Today, Roy is their idol, "someone who is respected by teacher Zephyr."

"Mr. Zephyr, and you have worked hard."

Roy landed on deck and smiled slightly.

Seeing Roy so approachable, everyone in the Pirate Guerrilla was surprised.

It stands to reason that such a scientific genius, even if his temper is very arrogant and eccentric, no one cares.

After all, even Marine Marshal Sengoku treated Roy with great respect.

I heard that no matter what Roy asks, Sengoku will do his best to accommodate it.

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