In The Marine, The Lightsaber I Invented Slashed Kaido

Chapter 81 Zephyr Comes To Be Roy's Experimental Subject! The Name Of The Devil!

Such treatment is very normal for other people's bodies to float.

If it were them, I'm afraid One Tail would have gone to the sky long ago.

Roy didn't do that, but instead looked polite.

"Compared to the previous capture of pirates, it is not hard, but Dr. Roy, your affairs are busy." Zephyr smiled heartily.

Compared to his deep appearance, Zephyr is now much more cheerful.

"Even if you are busy, you need to rest, Mr. Zephyr, you have been on duty for more than ten hours." Roy noticed that since this morning, Zephyr has been on duty.

"Haha, now I feel infinitely energetic, and it really makes me uncomfortable to be idle!" Zephyr waved his right hand, looking extremely excited.

This reminded Roy of the original efficacy of fairy beans.

It is to let the user not eat for ten days and ten nights, and keep his spirit full.

The white bone raw meat in the back is just a function given by the improvement of fairy beans.

"How does the arm feel, are you still used to it?" Roy looked at Zephyr's waving arm.

From this action alone, it seems that there is no problem.

"It took about an hour for me to find a familiar feeling! Now there are no problems!" Zephyr stared at his right arm with a look of excitement.

"The body healed by Sendou is completely healed, and you can use it with confidence." Roy was also relieved to see this.

Roy was worried that Zephyr might not be used to growing arms.

Once there is a problem, it must be a psychological problem.

Physical ailments, Sendou can be solved very simply.

But when it comes to the heart, it is not something that fairy beans can cure.

Fortunately, Zephyr did not have this problem.

After all, it was once the man who was Admiral, and he would not be easily knocked down by this setback.

"Sendou is such an amazing technology! Dr. Roy, your contribution to Marine is probably much greater than anyone else's!" Fa sighed with emotion.

In fact, with Zephyr's outstanding battle achievements across the sea, Roy can not be 16 matched.

How can I say this, it is also the accumulation of decades.

But Zephyr knew he was just right in Admiral's place.

If someone else becomes Admiral, his achievements will not be worse than his.

Roy is different, however.

It may take hundreds or thousands of years for such a genius to appear.

"Everyone is for the banner of justice, and there is no difference between merit and size." Roy waved his hand and said.

Hearing Roy say this, everyone present was even more excited.

Dr. Roy is not only peaceful, but not even complacent.

"Dr. Roy! Thank you for helping the teacher recover!" Ain's eyes were even redder.

Ain had been with Zephyr for so long, and he had never seen Zephyr look so happy today.

"It's just that a respected senior like Mr. Zephyr deserves the best! This is also Mr. Sengoku's arrangement. Roy is responsible for producing fairy beans.

For whom, you still have to follow Sengoku's orders.

"Thanks to Mr. Sengoku, of course, but without Dr. Roy's skills, you would never have been able to do this!" Ain knows very well who the real benefactor is.

Although Marshal Sengoku is also good for teachers.

But Sengoku has no way to create a technological product like fairy beans out of thin air.

At most, he can only give Zephyr the best treatment and let him form a pirate guerrilla group.

"I also want to thank you for guarding the laboratory and my safety here." Roy said seriously.

Ever since Zephyr came to replace Momousagi, they've been doing their best.

There are always warships around the platform.

At any time, there is no stopping.

"This is for Mr. Roy, otherwise we wouldn't have performed this kind of mission for Marine!" Ain's expression was a little strange.

Roy was stunned, this is expressing dissatisfaction with Marine.

However, when he thought of the special attributes of the Pirate Guerrilla, Roy could understand it.

After all, this force, although nominally marine, is independent of the marine system.

People such as Ain, Bintz, and Xiuzao, although they are Zephyr's left-hand men, belong to the cadres of the pirate guerrilla.

But there are no ranks, they are just ordinary soldiers.

Zephyr is more like a small warlord, and his soldiers are loyal to him personally.

So it is natural that Ain and others do not identify with Marine.

Otherwise, just relying on Ain's remarks, she will be expelled from the Marine team.

"Originally, it was our mission to eliminate the pirates, but for Dr. Roy, we can do anything!" Shuzuo next to him also added.

Even the radical Xiu Zuo, who hates Marine immensely, said so.

Not to mention Zephyr students such as Binz up and down.

"yes, Marine has a very problematic policy right now."

"Especially with Shichibukai's presence, how can Marine be with pirates?

"That's right, that's the bottom line! Breakthroughs must not be allowed. ”

"Such a Marine is not worthy of our allegiance."

Zephyr students expressed their dissatisfaction with Marine.

Some of them were radical and even thought they should break away from Marine.

Roy saw this scene and understood why Jianfa was able to establish NEO Marine later.

Even created its own flag, an upside-down Marine pattern, and a skull representing a pirate that was pierced by a sword.

Those who followed Zephyr did not agree with the banner of Marine and the justice that Marine represented.

"Don't whin about Dr. Roy!" Zephyr roared in a low voice.

After Xiu Zuo and the others heard this, they also immediately shut up.

Usually, they say these words, and they really shouldn't express them in front of Roy.

In the final analysis, Xiu Zuo and others are just venting negative emotions.

By the way, I want to find like-minded people with them.

"But I think Dr. Roy's research can change Marine!" Ain still puffed out his mouth and said.

"Are you talking about changing the Shichibukai system?" Roy looked at Ain a little surprised.

This little girl's idea actually coincided with Marine's two Admirals for the first time.

"That's right, if Dr. Roy can develop a more powerful weapon in the future, he can replace Shichibukai." Ain nodded heavily.

"The Shichibukai system is inappropriate, but this is not the darkest place for world government." Roy said lightly.

Shichibukai's destructive power to the world is just a piece of cake.

Not even as good as Four Emperors.

After all, Shichibukai's strength and influence [and Sili are still far behind.

And what really scares the whole world is heavenly gold!

I don't know how many countries have waged wars to plunder other countries in order to gather gold in the sky.

Those who cannot afford to pay the heavenly gold will lose the protection of the world government.

Allowing Marine to invade was a miserable end.

Ain expressed surprise that he did not expect to hear this sentence from Roy.

Looking at Roy's eyes was also more enthusiastic.

Seeing the gloom in the world government, Ain alone believes that there must be a noble sense of justice in Roy's heart.

"Dr. Roy, you're right!" Ain nodded heavily.

Zephyr was also surprised, thinking Roy was a simple researcher.

Unexpectedly, Roy also has his own view of the world.

"If there is any trouble in the future, I Zephyr will help!" Zephyr's words aren't just about thanking Roy for helping his arm grow back in.

I even think that Roy should be a like-minded person with him.

Roy suddenly remembered that Zephyr and Ian in front of him were not the best objects.

Use their blood to craft, exclusive super serum!

Before that, Roy was still wondering whose genes to find to test on.

He had planned to use Momousagi.

Momousagi trusts himself unconditionally and is physically fit.

It's just that Momousagi doesn't look like he'll be able to come back for a while.

Then the two people in front of him are the best choice, and Roy can't imagine that the right person is always around.

"Mr. Zephyr and Ain, there is one thing I may need your help with right now!" Roy said with a dry cough.

"Just say, if there is anything I can help, I will do my best!" Zephyr smiled heartily.

"Dr. Roy, even if it is my life, you can take it as you like!" Ain was even more resolute.

Roy was a little embarrassed to see two people so crisp.

"I recently had a project that needed some strong people's blood, and I don't know if you would like me to draw some blood.

Roy didn't directly mention the matter of the super serum, and he had no intention of exposing the exclusive super serum.

Even if Zephyr and Ain later found out, there was a super serum thing.

There should also be no association in this aspect.

"A trifle, please smoke it casually! The old man still has more blood!" Zephyr directly extended his right arm.

Dare to let Roy draw blood on this newly grown arm, which is enough to prove that the ** law has fully accepted the new limb.

"Please smoke more mine! I have a lot of blood!" Ain also stretched out his arm, and his tone was much more anxious.

The other Binz and others are also eager to try.

They all seem to want to give their blood.

However, without Roy speaking, none of them dared to step forward.

So as not to be considered troublemaker.

"It's not that exaggerated, just one person and one tube." Roy waved his hand and said.

It then motioned for the ship to dock on the platform.

After the three returned to the lab, Roy drew the blood of the two.

"Dr. Roy, is there really no need for more? Maybe it's better to leave some spare. Zephyr looked at the small tube of blood and felt a little embarrassed.

Usually fighting pirates, wounded and bleeding more than this.

"Enough already." Roy smiled slightly.

With Jarvis's analytical ability, this tube of blood does not know how many times it will be used.

It is entirely possible to conduct super serum research.

"In that case, then we will go on a mission!" Zephyr stood up to leave.

Roy has discovered that Zephyr has been reluctant to stay here since the time he took the fairy beans.

It seems that I don't want to know too much about the secrets here.

Just do your part as a guardian, a guardian.

"That's hard." Roy nodded as well, not continuing.

After Zephyr and Ain were gone, Roy drew a tube of blood for himself.

He was eager to see the difference between his own blood and a strong man like Zephyr.

After careful study, there should be an answer.

Grand Line, New World。

World government directly under the jurisdiction of the future island of Eghed.

This is a taboo area with a large number of modified Poseidon patrols on the seabed.

Any ship that enters here without permission, yes

Will be attacked by the mechanical Poseidon beast 323.

Even in the magical New World, this garrison force is unique.

Because the people stationed here are genius scientists at Marine.

With a brain that surpasses the world for five hundred years, Vegapunk!

In the midst of a huge castle full of sci-fi feeling.



With a loud explosion, the entire castle shook.

This was followed by a shrill siren sound, and the robot guards inside the castle took action.

Go straight to the center of the explosion, the laboratory inside the castle.

When they arrived, they just saw a short-haired female net-headed face coming out of it.

Behind her, billowing black smoke gushed out.

"Failed again!" The woman held a metal stick in her hand and muttered with a grumbling face.

The outside of the female has a number 2, one of the six doppelgangers that Vegapunk made for himself.

Because Vegapunk is so busy that he can't take care of it alone.

Vegapunk 2, her code name is Evil, her name is Lilith!

In many myths, Lilith is the name of a demon.

Originally, Lilith's job was to control the machinery to protect the safety of Future Island.

At the same time, the finances of ships at sea were plundered and used as funds for scientific research.

But today Lilith has a more important task, that is, to study the metal stick in her hand.

This stick has been civilized all over the world, and that is Marine's subversive weapon.


"There are no attacks here, you all leave." Lilith turned to the robot guards and said.

When the robot guards heard this, they all retreated and left.

After the black smoke cleared, Lilith returned to the laboratory.

It's a mess.

The ground is covered with all kinds of debris that has been shaken into powder, and even cracks in the walls.

You must know that this laboratory is fortified, and the walls are made of special metals.

But it still couldn't resist a small part of the energy explosion of the lightsaber, and almost wiped out the entire laboratory.

"The test bench is all burned?"

Lilith looked at the pitch-black test bench and frowned.

The power of the lightsaber is far beyond Lilith's imagination.

Lilith was even more emotional that she couldn't crack the mystery of the lightsaber at all.

Not only lightsabers, but also bamboo dragonflies.

After Science Island got these two products, I have been analyzing the science and technology in them.

Bamboo dragonflies can be disassembled without exploding.

But the role of each of the parts, Lilith still can't figure it out.

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