In The Marine, The Lightsaber I Invented Slashed Kaido

Chapter 82 Vegapunk: Roy's Invention Is Not Of This World! The Scout Instrument Comes Out!

Which is the battery and which controls gravity?

What made Lilith very embarrassed was that.

When she put the bamboo dragonfly back, she found that it could not be activated.

Obviously, Lilith was very careful throughout the whole process and did not damage anything.

The whole Lilith was about to collapse, and she didn't understand the principle at all.

Originally, it was planned to replicate the bamboo dragonfly and lightsaber.

Now it seems to be a distant thing.

"The technology behind these products is much more than that!" Lilith was convinced of this.

The bamboo dragonfly, for example, shows the ability to fly.

With Vegapunk's level of technology, it is also possible to create equipment with flying capabilities.

However, compared with bamboo dragonflies, the non-level of the two families is not at the same level at all.

Just the power method taken by the bamboo dragonfly, Lilith couldn't understand.

Such a small thing, how to drive flight.

Not only is it fast, but it is also very flexible.

Not to mention the lightsaber, which left Lilith completely confused.

It was only possible to forcibly dismantle it, and the result was almost the ashes of the laboratory.

Looking down at the hilt of the lightsaber, she was eager to meet the developers of these items.

That new scientific genius in Marine, Roy!

At that time, my own technology may be able to go to another level.

Di Di Di.

At this moment, a voice came from the communicator on the shoulder.

Someone entered Science Island.

The only one who can avoid being attacked by mechanical sea beasts is Marine.

Guarding the waters outside Science Island is Lilith's duty in itself.

So she immediately left the castle and came to the port.

A warship is already docked here.

And around the warship, there are many mechanical behemoths.

There are even mechanical dragons flying in the sky.

The emissaries of the World government stood on the deck, not daring to move.

When Lilith saw this scene, she just secretly smiled.

Although there are many guards in Science Island, these mechanical behemoths are just holographic projections.

However, judging from the fear of the World government messengers, the effect has always been good.

"Dr. Vegapunk, instructions from Five Elders, the progress of war weapons needs to be accelerated." The messenger said tremblingly.

"The agreement I signed with the World government is still two years away." Lilith frowned, very displeased.

Vegapunk and the World government have always been in a partnership.

There is no direct superior-subordinate attribute.

The results of the research in exchange for the support of the World government in all aspects.

"Your project has a competitor, Dr. Roy also proposed the artificial human research project, you should know how fast he can do research!" An expression of admiration appeared on the messenger's face.

"Roy also has an android project!" Lilith was shocked.

Again, this is a project that requires a lot of knowledge to be able to conduct research.

"That's right, the name of this project is Sentinel Robot." The messenger not only knows the famous minister of the sentinel robot.

Even the sentinel robot said that the attribute was completely told to Lilith.

Of course, these words are completely paraphrased from the information provided by Sengoku.

The secret of the ability to copy fruits is still clear only to Roy.

"Such a strong artificial human! Interesting!" Lilith was in shock, and felt her blood boiling again.

This gave Lilith a feeling of competing with others.

I finally met my opponent!

On this mountain of science, I am not alone.

This time different messengers reminded that Lilith also absolutely accelerated the progress of the artificial human project.

"In addition to the Sentinel robot, Dr. Roy has set up another project, Super Serum." The messenger also told Lilith about the effects of the super serum.

From the information of the super serum, Lilith was keenly perceived.

The terrifying science and technology involved.

In particular, this super serum can produce effects without matching biological genes.

It is important to know that the blood type in each person's body is different, and the blood factor is not the same.

When it comes to blood, there is no single scientific product that is universal.

The only one who can do this is Devil Fruit!

Whoever tested himself was the same, and had solved the secret of the blood factor.

Learn more even more!

Lilith felt her blood rush.

"Doctor"?" The messenger saw that Lilith had not spoken for a long time, and asked cautiously.

"I know everything you said, go back and tell Five Elders, the project I have at hand will be completed faster." Lilith nodded.

"You worked hard." The messenger took his leave, and the warship slowly left the dock.

And Lilith stayed at the dock, always looking down and thinking.

How exactly is super serum done, and biological genes are perfectly matched.

If you want to know the mystery, I am afraid that you can only see the finished product of the super serum.

"Roy, I'm getting more and more interested in you." Lilith had a smile on her lips.

If Roy knew what Vegapunk was thinking, he would feel sorry for him.

In this world, only geniuses can understand geniuses.

Because they are of the same kind.

After the arrest of Fire Fist Ace and Straw Hat Luffy, the world became exceptionally quiet during this time.

It makes many people a little uncomfortable.

After all, all kinds of major events before have come one after another.

But everyone knows that this is only the calm before the storm.

World government may be brewing, a storm sweeping the world.

In this regard, everyone at sea can feel the oppression.

What can you do in the face of the great storm of the century.

It is to go with the flow and let your fate roll in the storm.

Still standing in the storm to welcome the New World after that.

Roy is no exception, and he has a deep sense of crisis.

I also know that I am also in the center of the storm.

The appearance of bamboo dragonflies, lightsabers and fairy beans has attracted the attention of many people.

Every item makes everyone salivate.

The best thing for these people, of course, is to take themselves away.

This is equivalent to obtaining all the scientific research products.

At the time, World government "treated Gapunk like this."

When he was young, Vegapunk discovered the life design map and cracked the ancestry factor.

Therefore, it is considered by the world government to be the most dangerous person.

Vegapunk was arrested and his research team was disbanded.

In fact, Vegapunk has been controlled by the World government ever since.

Switched to working for World government.

Roy knew that if he wasn't a marine in the first place, he was a citizen scientist.

The moment the bamboo dragonfly appears, it will be targeted by the World government.

With his own strength, he cannot compete with the World government.

To this end, Roy has been staying in the lab, working on new inventions.

At the same time that Roy lit up the system technology tree, he also acquired the technology to manufacture these products.


Loud laughter emanated from inside the lab, and it was none other than Roy!

From the Sentinel robot, he proposed the reconnaissance technology part.

Special reconnaissance instruments were created that could cover distances of several kilometers.

Not only on the surface of the sea, but also in the sky and under the sea.

So that Roy doesn't have to worry, Golden Lion suddenly strikes from the sky.

and sneaking in from the bottom of the sea after being coated with ships.

At Summit War, Whitebeard led the way.

After starting, there is an additional radar display on the big screen.

Not only the soldiers on the Enies Lobby, but even the fish on the bottom of the sea can be displayed in the sky.

For a moment, it was a dense spot of light.

"Simplified mode." Roy spoke.

Reconnaissance instruments automatically identify and expel targets that are not threatening.

In an instant, there were more than half of the light spots on the radar, and there were less than dozens left.

And these points of light are all capable.

Roy understands that these are soldiers on Enies Lobby, as well as pirate guerrillas from Zephyr and others.

The rebuilding of Enies Lobby continues, after all, this is the face of the World Government.

Any prisoner escorted to Impel down is the way to go.

Once you see Enies Lobby in ruins, you will definitely be ridiculed by criminals.

"Hey, what is this." Roy suddenly noticed that there were several strange things on the screen.

These light points are located below the Justice Tower, about 100 meters away.

"That's six points of light."

Roy counted and couldn't help frowning.

Is it a member of CP9?

Excluding Spandam, the remaining CP9 members are exactly six people.

Since the Enies Lobby incident, CP9 members have been scapegoated and hunted down by the World government.

However, no one knows where the CP9 members are.

Even how they escaped from Enies Lobby in the first place remains a mystery.

Now it seems that everyone has been fooled, and the CP9 members have not left.

Instead, he hid inside Enies Lobby.

When the defense is loose, find an opportunity to leave.

"Smart way." Roy nodded silently.

In addition to the points of light below the Tower of Justice, there are also points of light flashing at altitudes of thousands of meters.

You don't have to think about who that person is, Golden Lion!

However, Golden Lion should not have attacked for a while, otherwise the people would have been moved.

Until there is complete certainty, Golden Lion will probably continue to wait for the moment.

Especially after so many years of incarceration, Golden Lion would at least be cautious.

Then leave it alone for the time being, there should be no problem.

"Let's go meet these people for a while." Roy looked at the spot of light on the radar and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Leaving the lab, Roy uses a bamboo dragonfly to fly to the ground of the Justice Tower.

At this time, the Tower of Justice was full of broken eaves and walls.

The traces left by the battle are clearly visible.

There are even burnt marks in many places, all of which are the masterpieces of Fire Fist Ace.

But the rubble has been cleaned up, and the next step is to completely restore the place.

The rebuilt Enies Lobby will definitely be even more magnificent than before.

”.“ Dr. Roy! It's dangerous here! How did you leave the platform!"

A warship landed, and Ain jumped off the ship with an anxious look.

A few arrows came to Roy's side, looking around with a very wary expression.

It's just that this worry is completely overbearing, and there is no one near the Tower of Justice.

Not even ordinary soldiers.

In itself, this is where CP9 is stationed.

Now CP9 is being rebuilt and has not yet been replaced.

After all, the buildings have not been repaired.

"I'm not a prisoner, of course, I can go wherever I want." Roy said with a wry smile.

Looking at Ain's nervous look, he thought that the criminal had escaped from prison.

Ain this too

Only to realize that he had said the wrong thing quickly bowed deeply to Roy.

"I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!"

She came here to take charge of security and follow Roy's orders.

The questioning just now can already be regarded as an act of crossing the boundary.

"It's nothing, you're also for my safety, there won't be any danger in this Enies Lobby." Roy patted Ain on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement.

It also reminds Roy of Momousagi.

In the beginning, when Momousagi was in front of him, he looked similar to Ain.

"Then please allow me, I will be by your side and responsible for your safety!" Ain is still confident in his strength.

In the event of any danger, Ain can sacrifice his life.

"That's me just out to relax, there is no need to follow me, you go to the ship to continue patrolling." Roy said with a dry cough.

"Okay." Ain was slightly disappointed.

She adores Roy and wants to be by Roy's side.

However, since this was Roy's order, Ain simply returned to the ship.

Roy then walked down the stairs of the Tower of Justice towards the bottom.

Although there is a ruin above, the facilities below the ground are relatively well preserved (Li's).

After all, there was no fighting here.

Soon Roy reached the deepest part underground, where the undersea tunnel was.

Through here, you can reach the Bridge of Hesitation.

"It should be here." Roy walked over to a stone wall and muttered.

According to the detector's results, CP9 was behind the stone wall.

It should be the secret room prepared by CP9 for itself in advance.

The interior of the Tower of Justice is inherently complex and labyrinthine.

There are many secret passages that only members of CP9 know.

"Iron Body Shattered!"

Roy roared lowly and slammed his punch towards the stone wall.

This move is an attack with a fist that is in an Iron Body state all over the body.

Power can shatter stones.


Smoke and dust rose and walls shattered.

"Tempest Kick!"

Facing them were the wind blades of two fierce wolves.

Shaped like a jumping wolf.

It was Jabra's attack!

However, these two wind blades are not as fierce as when facing Straw Hat Crew before.

At first glance, it is the wounds of the previous battle, which have not yet healed.

Roy only moved his feet slightly, and easily dodged the altar.

Seeing this scene, Jabra was unwilling, and transformed into a human wolf to rush out.

"Stupid stop! This man must not hurt him!" Lu Qi's voice came from inside the secret room, and he appeared even weaker.

Jabra hesitated, but stopped.

No matter how weak Luci is, he is always their leader.

Only under the leadership of Luqi can they turn over.

"Smart man, if you hurt me, don't say it's hidden here, even if it's any corner of the world, the world government won't let you go." Roy faintly


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