In The Marine, The Lightsaber I Invented Slashed Kaido

Chapter 83 Roy's Ambition, Proposal: Ambush The Golden Lion!

At this time, Roy also saw the inside of the secret room.

The secret room not only has lighting facilities, but also many daily necessities and medical supplies.

Roy even saw surveillance phone bugs.

It is estimated that Lu Qi and others rely on this to obtain information from the outside world.

In some unspoiled areas of the island, surveillance phone bugs are still effective.

It's just that Lu Qi and the others are all injured, especially Lu Qi is lying on the ground.

He was covered in bandages and seriously injured.

In the fight with Straw Hat Luffy, both men are bruised.

But Lucie's injuries were a little worse, and he was the one who was knocked down.

And although Straw Hat Luffy is also seriously injured, it is more fatigue.

So Luffy's recovery speed is faster than that of the road.

Roy knows that in the original plot, CP9 people are still working to earn money to treat Luqi after escaping Enies Lobby.

As for how he became a CPO, he didn't know.

But at the moment, Lu Qi and the others are definitely in a downfall situation.

As the world line changes, it's not certain that they will be able to get out of here.

After all, Zephyr is still on the Enies Lobby, and his eyes will not let people go easily.

With Kaku's help, Luki slowly sat up.

"How did you, who are not familiar with Enies Lobby, find us and give us to Marine?" Although Lu Qi was injured, his eyes were still sharp.

"Hehe, it is his door fruit that allows you to escape, so as not to become a scapegoat and be wiped out." Instead of answering Luckey's question, Roy pointed to Blueno

"That's right." Lucy admitted very directly.

"Why tell him!" Jabra was anxious.

The door fruit is their biggest killer tool today.

The only way to leave Enies Lobby.

"Idiot, doesn't he already know?" Luki frowned.

Jabra was speechless for a moment, just staring at Roy.

It doesn't seem to want to let Roy get out of here.

"If he dares to find us alone, it means that he has not put us in his eyes, and don't forget his technology." Kaku reminded.

Jabra was stunned, and then he showed a look of despair.

Transformed into human form and has given up fighting.

Seeing that Luqi and the others were very knowledgeable, Roy nodded.

"A dignified CP9 member, who would have thought that he would now be curled up in such a dark corner like a dog who lost his family." Roy blew on the air.

Hearing these words, Lu Qi and the others' faces changed drastically.

They knew that if 953 appeared, it would definitely be hunted down by the World Government and Marine.

As spies for the World government, they know too much.

There is a lot of news that is very bad for the world government.

So living now is their first choice.

"As long as I survive, I can make a comeback." Lu Qi said slowly.

In the original plot, Lu Qi is still on the run.

I called Spandam, who is already a member of the CPO.

He said that he would never let Spandam go easily.

With his eyes closed, Luchi also knew that Spandam would definitely put everything wrong on them.

Later, Lucy did what he said and became Spandam's boss.

"Very good, you can continue to recuperate here, and even leave here to live in the future, just to change your identity." Roy smiled slightly.

Hope rose in the eyes of Luki and the others, and Roy meant that he did not intend to report them.

Soon, however, they became wary.

"What do you want us to do?" Luki asked in a deep voice.

"You can't do anything now, it's too weak." Roy shook his head.

"We're CP9..." Jabra said half of the word, and the card owner.

They are no longer CP9 and have all been removed.

Not to mention that it was defeated by Straw Hat Crew and Ace, and there is no arrogant capital.

"Wait at ease, the material here should be enough for you to live for a while, and I will ensure your safety." Roy left the sentence and left.

Leaving the stunned CP9 crowd, not knowing what Roy wants.

When Roy left, CP9 looked at each other.

"What the hell does this Roy mean?" Kaku frowned.

"Whatever he wants to do! We can't believe him, that guy is dangerous!" Jabra was sweating.

Now Jabra realized that the breath on Roy just now was not simple.

Do we choose? Pinch us to death with a human is like pinching an ant to death!" Luki smiled wryly.

Silence pervaded the chamber.

Roy didn't know how the CP9 crowd would react, he just confirmed their existence.

Let's say that the identity of these points of light is not CP9.

But someone else, that would be a huge threat.

Now that the identity is determined, there is nothing to worry about.

The real threat is the guy in the sky.

Golden Lion!

"Lion Fruit, I fancy your abilities! The corners of Roy's mouth turned up.

Have a bold idea in the back of your heart.

Why can't you solve Golden Lion and take Lion Fruit for yourself.

Kill the ability and recycle the demonic power in the ability person's body.

This is something that someone can do.

Whether it is Blackbeard absorbing Shock Fruit, and later hunting fruit ability.

Or Guy Sa Recycle Devil Fruit, and Alabasta's Patronus Ability Inheritance.

There is also the ability to target the fruit, Van der Dyken IX.

Since Van der Dyken I, the target fruit has been passed on to his descendants.

It proves that the power of Devil Fruit can be taken.

Roy decided to use Guy's method.

Find the form of Lion Fruit, and place it next to the ability with a fruit with a similar shape.

After the ability dies, the demonic power will be transferred to similar fruits.

Then form Devil Fruit!

Even if you can't, it's good to take out the Golden Lion threat.

While thinking, Roy walked to the ground.

Just looking up, I could see the warship that Ain was riding on, dangling in the distance.

It seems that Ain has never left, and is still protecting Roy's safety.

Without saying a word, Roy also flew directly to the warship.

"Dr. Roy!" After seeing Roy appear, Ain was visibly relieved.

Roy is also quite helpless, what else can he do with Enies Lobby.

"What about Mr. Zephyr?" Roy asked.

"The teacher is cultivating, do you have something to do with the teacher?" Ain replied.

Zephyr has been training ever since his arm was restored.

Come hone your fighter skills.

In the years of losing his arm, Fa has become accustomed to fighting with the Iron Arm Powder Machine.

All Zephyr has to do now is recapture his old skills.

"Well, there is something to discuss, let's go together." Roy nodded, then took out a bamboo dragonfly from his pocket and handed it to Ain.

"This is the bamboo dragonfly!" When Ain saw the bamboo dragonfly, his eyes lit up.

Although bamboo dragonflies are in the army, they are no longer a rare thing.

Many times you can see Marine flying around using bamboo dragonflies.

But this is the first time Ain has seen this kind of cross-era equipment.

I took it carefully and felt incredible in my hand.

Such a small thing, but can make people fly.

"Like it? If you like it, it will be given to you. Roy said with a smile.

"Give it to me! Aren't bamboo dragonflies a rare piece of equipment that Marine sets quotas?" Ain was pleasantly surprised.

"It's okay, someone asked and said that I gave it, isn't it better to defend this place with this equipment?" Roy has a lot of bamboo dragonflies and lightsabers in his hands.

These were not reported to Marine.

"Thank you, Dr. Roy!" Ain bowed deeply to Roy.

She knew exactly what a precious favor it was.

"I'll teach you how to use it."

Roy then gave Ain the method to use.

Ain is an extremely talented person, and he has mastered it in less than a minute.

With Roy he flew towards the main island of Enies Lobby.

"This is it!" Ain said, pointing to a clearing that had been opened up.

Zephyr was not alone in the clearing, but also other students such as Houses and Marine.

Only by grasping any time to cultivate can you ensure that you become stronger.

"Dr. Roy!"

Zephyr saw Roy coming from a distance and stopped everyone.

"Mr. Zephyr, I have something to tell you." Roy looked serious.

"Okay, let's go to the room." Law nodded.

Roy was taken to the makeshift office, while the rest waited outside.

"Ain, come in too." Roy said to Ain.

If you're going to deal with Golden Lion, there's no harm in having one more fighting power.

"Good!" Ain raised his eyebrows and followed him into the room.

Binz and the others showed envious eyes, they already understood that Ain was now valued by Roy.

This can be seen from the fact that Ain can use bamboo dragonflies.

Shuzo's eyes were even more jealous.

The original plot was after Zephyr founded NEO Marine.

Shuzo also competes with Ain for Zephyr's left and right hand.

The two men fought a five-hour duel that ended with Ain winning with his fruit ability.

Now that Ain is favored by Roy, Shuzo understands that he may no longer be competitive in this position.

"Actually, all this time above our heads, the Golden Lion guy has always existed." Roy had just sat on the couch when he pointed to the top of his head and said.

"What!" Zephyr's eyes widened.

Zephyr has long analyzed that the biggest threat to Enies Lobby is Golden Lion!

Only Golden Lion can carry heavy troops and quietly fall from the sky.

If it's just Golden Lion alone, then things are okay.

But once Golden Lion joined forces with the other Four Emperors, or the sea pirates of equal fame.

Things can get pretty tricky.

Fortunately, Sengoku has been closely watching the Four Emperors' moves, and has not yet found information about who Golden Lion has teamed up with.

But Zephyr never let his guard down.

But who would have thought that the enemy was always overhead.

"I now have a bamboo dragonfly, I can go up and destroy the Golden Lion!" Ain shouted as he clenched his fists.

"You destroy Golden Lion, hahaha! That guy was the one who cornered One Piece Roger. Zephyr laughed.

Ain's face immediately turned red.

She is still self-aware, and her strength has not yet reached this point.

Just now, it was to repay Roy's trust in himself, so he blurted out

"No, Ain is also an important combat force, the three of us go together to kill Golden Lion." Roy looked calm and did not take Ain's words as arrogant.

"Kill Golden Lion, Dr. Roy, are you serious?" Zephyr touched his chin with a look of eagerness on his face.

After the arm was restored, Zephyr was also eager to find a strong guy to challenge him.

"Of course it's serious, just before that, I want to improve the combat effectiveness of the two of you." Roy nodded.

Boost your combat effectiveness!

Zephyr and Ain's eyes widened suddenly.

"Dr. Roy, are you going to equip us with technology, that subversive weapon lightsaber?" Zephyr itself does not use a sword to fight.

Iron Zephyr! Don't kill Admiral!

This was Zephyr's nickname back then, and he relied on his fists to fight.

Just like Garp the Fist.

However, when it comes to lightsabers, Zephyr can't help but breathe.

I was even thinking about whether I wanted to practice swordsmanship.

"If you need a lightsaber, I'll definitely provide it to you, but I'm talking about directly enhancing your personal strength, strengthening it genetically!" Roy patted his chest and said.

Genetically enhanced!

Ain was shocked and felt incredible.

"Could it be that the last time our blood was drawn was for this?" And Zephyr immediately thought of it.

It is worthy of the Admiral of yesteryear, and indeed his talents are top in all aspects.

"Yes, my new research can directly improve your strength, but you must make sure that you never reveal secrets." Roy didn't want the matter of the exclusive super serum to be exposed so quickly.

So Roy didn't mention the name Super Serum at all.

"Of course, we won't reveal half a word about Dr. Roy!" Zephyr nodded.

"If I leak the secret, I will smash the corpse into ten thousand pieces!" Ain even made a poisonous oath.

Roy is still very satisfied with Ain's attitude.

Although this poisonous oath is a bit ruthless, Roy understands that Ain is a very sincere person.

Words that go out definitely count.

Unlike those who have no faith, no matter what kind of vicious words they say, they are not worth believing.

"Very good, come to my lab in three days." After Roy said this, he turned to leave.

According to Jarvis's calculations, the exclusive super serum will be successfully developed in three days.

Leaving Zephyr and Ain looking at each other, both with some excitement in their expressions.

Originally, Zephyr and Ain and others were quite disdainful of the task of protecting Enies Lobby.

To think that in their capacity, protecting Roy is overkill.

Continuing to beat pirates in New World is their main job.

(Fourth more today!) Subscribe please, custom!).

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