In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 333 The sky is blue

After a 0.1 second of astonishment, Christine subconsciously thought that it was time to run.

Isn't it?

As the commander of the coalition forces, she knew very well that the defense of Val City was over.

It was difficult for a supernatural person to change the situation on his own, except for Sophia.

Sophia did not kill a few people personally, and she did not even take the initiative to kill anyone except the unlucky guy who took the initiative to die and was frozen into ice.

But she shattered the source of morale of the coalition.

The holy spring was frozen, and the holy water became holy ice. The miracle of saving the seriously injured was gone.

The belief of the 200,000-man army in victory was also frozen.

All Christine could do now was to minimize the losses as much as possible.

At the moment when the retreat order was about to be issued, Christine's body suddenly stiffened.

In terms of general rationality, ordering a retreat after the morale collapse is the best choice.

The freezing of the holy spring = morale collapse, this is what ordinary people think, but she is not an ordinary person.

If they retreated at this time, the tens of thousands of enemy cavalry cruising on the periphery would easily tear apart the infantry who were retreating in a panic without cover.

Leaving Val City would mean a certain defeat.

After a brief thought, Christine made a decision that violated military common sense.

Charge and risk your life.

Val City is a plain city, and the Holy Spring is on the outskirts of the city. Only a few thousand soldiers can see the Holy Spring frozen. On the huge battlefield with a total of more than 500,000 people on both sides, a few thousand people will not affect the overall situation.

Christine, who overlooked the overall situation, quickly issued an order to let the troops near the Holy Spring retreat along the Rodinia River.

These demoralized troops would flee quickly even without a retreat order, which gave them a reason to retreat.

The retreat route Christine drew for them was not far from the Asak Steppe Cavalry and the Pruden Black Cavalry.

These elite cavalry could easily wipe out these fleeing soldiers as long as they launched a charge.

And they didn't know that this was the result Christine wanted.

Kill the soldiers who witnessed the truth of the freezing of the holy spring with the help of the enemy to prevent the morale collapse from spreading to the entire army.

Such a cold-blooded decision could only be made by her in an instant, so that the adjutant standing next to her was stunned when he received the order.

The adjutant had to ask Christine to confirm the authenticity of the order.

"Execute immediately!"

Christine said coldly, and the holy marks on her fair face became more bloody because of anger.

Now she doesn't look like a person blessed by light at all, but like a devil walking out of the blood prison.

Beautiful, but extremely terrifying.

The adjutant's hands trembled slightly, and when she came to the end of the airship, she hesitated again and again, but gritted her teeth and passed on Christine's order through flag signals.

After passing on the order, the adjutant's face was particularly ugly, and he didn't even want to report to Christine.

It was difficult for him to accept this unmistakable act of sending soldiers to their deaths, but he also admitted that this was the best solution without considering emotional factors.

He was conflicted and entangled until Christine's call came.

The adjutant rushed over like lightning and continued to pass on orders to Christine.

Christine's orders were bloodthirsty and crazy.

She ordered all elite troops to launch a surprise attack and attack Sophia's main camp.

From Sophia's performance of not killing people just now, she seemed to have some reservations about massacre of soldiers on a large scale.

Not only her, but most superhumans would not slaughter ordinary people at will.

It is said that killing too many ordinary people will affect advancement. Although there is no quantitative standard for this statement, the sages who founded the superhuman system said so, and everyone can only believe it.

Christine's idea is very simple. Since Sophia cannot kill ordinary people, her superhuman power will not be of much use against a large number of soldiers.

If Sophia is forced to take action personally, it is also a good thing. At least it can consume her physical strength and make Roland's final decisive battle easier.

If Sophia is restrained, this Jedi counterattack will have a chance to break through the enemy's main camp and cut off the flag representing the Queen's authority.

At this time, the troops at the forefront were the Third Regiment of Temple Warriors, which she had trained personally. Although this troop had only 1,500 people, its combat effectiveness was comparable to that of 5,000 or 6,000 people.

This was her direct line.

Without even a second of hesitation, Christine ordered the Third Regiment of Temple Warriors to launch a counterattack against the enemy in front.

Since they were direct lines, they could not fail at the critical moment, otherwise what was the point of raising them.

They were at the forefront and had not yet noticed that the Holy Spring had been frozen. Their morale and combat effectiveness were at their peak.

If they looked back and saw the Holy Spring frozen into an ice sculpture, this troop would collapse.

At the same time, she also issued an order to other elite troops of the coalition to attack the enemy's main camp.

This order did not seem reasonable, but these selected troops were all elite troops with outstanding loyalty and combat effectiveness.

An idea flashed through their minds.

Marshal Christine had discovered the enemy's loophole.

If the marshal thought it was okay, then go ahead!

The guards cavalry led by Jace launched a charge.

The Iron Wall Corps where Tom and Jerry were located launched a charge.

The Guards of the Golden Kite Kingdom launched a charge.

The First Division directly under the Governor's District launched a charge.

The only trump card unit of the Kingdom of Talia launched a charge.

The elite troops that could be found on the battlefield, under the command of Christine, were like countless sharp swords, fiercely stabbing into the main camp of the Holy Alliance Army.

That was Sophia's station.

That was the camp where white chamomile flowers and double-headed eagle battle flags flew high.

That was the camp of the most elite troops of the entire coalition, the Asak Grassland Mad Cavalry.

These grassland mad cavalry are elites selected from the grassland cavalry mainly composed of Asak people. They are blessed by shamans, wear two layers of chain mail, and are smeared with cold whale oil. They are not affected by the outside world during the berserk period and can exert extraordinary combat effectiveness.

During the berserk period, their average combat effectiveness is even higher than that of temple warriors, but after the berserk period ends, their combat effectiveness is even lower than that of ordinary cavalry.

The training of mad cavalry is difficult and the maintenance cost is high. With the vast land and resources of the Vladimir Empire, it can only support more than 30,000 mad cavalry.

These mad cavalry are the nemesis of infantry, the nightmare of cavalry, and the shadow that artillery has to face desperately before they can change their ammunition.

They are almost invincible on the battlefield.

Two months ago, the first appearance of the mad cavalry made Christine suffer a great loss. This was also the first time that the Holy Alliance defeated Christine with equal forces in a frontal battle.

The only disadvantage of the mad cavalry is that the training cycle is long, it cannot be mass-produced, and it cannot be replenished after loss.

Since the beginning of the war, more than 4,000 wild cavalry have been killed or wounded and lost their combat effectiveness. The remaining 20,000 wild cavalry have become two divisions and will not be used easily until the critical moment.

Wild cavalry is also the only type of troops that must be asked for permission from Sophia before being deployed, which shows its importance and combat effectiveness.

The attack and defense of Val City is a meat grinder-like war of attrition. No one is willing to throw precious wild cavalry into this meat grinder.

They prefer to let the northern Tatars and Tuvans from the more distant grasslands die.

The elite wild cavalry cannot stay away from the battlefield, but they do not participate in the war of attrition.

When Christine launched a desperate attack, Sophia was returning to the main camp accompanied by Angelina.

Back in the room, Sophia's glacier-like calm face finally couldn't hold on, full of fatigue.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?" Angelina was startled, and her voice was trembling.

As a core senior of the Allied Forces, Angelina is very clear about the current situation of the two camps.

Although the Vladimir Empire is vast and rich in resources, it is very difficult to transport food and materials in the country due to the poor road conditions in the newly conquered Wend Empire.

The military supplies of the allied forces are basically dependent on the Kingdom of Tyrol.

The rich Kingdom of Tyrol is capable of providing military supplies to the allied forces, but they seem to be less and less interested in this protracted war.

Angelina certainly knows the conflict between Queen Sissi and Sophia, but she can't say it.

Since everyone is an ally, words that are not conducive to unity cannot be said.

Because the Vladimir Empire is increasingly relying on the two allies, and with the death of Marshal Suvorokin, the attitudes of the two allies have also changed.

They have more interests and power demands.

They want to have an equal status with the Vladimir Empire, they want to get a crown symbolizing the throne after the war, and they even want to gain the dominance of the allied forces.

It is normal for them to have such thoughts.

Unlike the Vladimir Empire, which is short of talents and relies entirely on Sophia, the talent reserves of these two allies are very sufficient.

They have an endless stream of top talents in many fields such as politics, technology, industry, education and even literature and art.

Because of these things, the two allies look down on the Vladimir Empire to some extent.

The descendants of the Odins are better than the barbaric and crude Ruriks.

This is their consensus.

As for who can represent the Odins, the Kingdom of Pruden and the Kingdom of Tyrol have different views.

The Holy Alliance camp has never been a monolithic one.

Even if they have been cut off from international trade by the Free Alliance from the sea and can only use internal resources for the last fight, this struggle has never stopped.

Faced with the increasingly direct power demands of the two allies, if it weren't for Sophia's pressure, the contradictions within the alliance would have intensified long ago.

Even if Sophia was there, there was no way to suppress their demands all the time.

She was too short of people.

Suvorokin was the soul of the army, and his death changed too much. The Vladimir Empire has no successors.

Sakhalin, the Blade of Destruction, was full of his shortcomings in the war to conquer the Beli Khanate.

He is an excellent army commander. He is really good at commanding a battle of 50,000 people, but it is difficult for him to be a corps commander.

His style is steady.

Building a strong camp and fighting a stupid battle is his best way of fighting.

So he is not suitable for this battlefield at all. According to his way of fighting, the alliance is still wandering around Hansa City, and the huge material consumption has already dragged down the alliance camp.

Sophia can only use Angelina.

Although she hopes to train Angelina into a comprehensive talent to fill the vacancy that Roland is unwilling to come, she has no choice because the battlefield is really short of people.

Can't let her command in person?

Commanding a war is really exhausting. If she consumes too much, she will not be able to control the overall situation in the final decisive battle.

Fortunately, Angelina's performance exceeded her expectations.

Sophia is the nominal commander of the alliance army, but the actual command is delegated by Angelina.

Back to the main camp command center, Sophia finally took off her disguise and showed her fatigue, which scared Angelina.

Facing Angelina's concern, Sophia just smiled and said softly:

"I didn't expect the backlash of the Holy Spring to be so severe. It's not a big problem. I just need to rest for a while. But how do you plan to take over Val City?"

Since Sophia said so, Angelina was relieved.

No one can hurt Her Majesty, she is invincible!

Angelina cleared her throat and said loudly: "The holy spring is frozen, and fanatical believers like Christine will definitely collapse completely, and the unified command of the enemy will no longer exist."

"I plan to use two armies of the Kingdom of Pruden to attack from the left wing, and ten brigades of the Kingdom of Tyrol to attack from the right wing. Through two feints, I will lead the elite to attack from the middle, open the city wall, and let the mad cavalry attack to completely strangle the enemy."

Her face was full of expectations for victory, and her tone was full of With a little teasing, "These fanatical freedom people have been holding back for too long, and finally they can enjoy the battle."

After listening to Angelina's deployment, Sophia smiled and nodded, but she still reminded:

"Your plan is very good, except for leading the team to attack in person. Remember, as a commander, you can't take risks on the front line at will. If the commander dies, there is a risk of the whole army collapsing."

"Your Majesty, you. Obey your command!"

Angelina wanted to say that you did it, but thinking of Sophia's strength, she couldn't say it.

Sophia is right, what strength do you have to dare to charge in person?

The last time she was captured on the spot by Roland was just last time, she dare not forget it.

Angelina saluted Sophia and turned to leave. When she left the command center, she stopped and squeezed out a slight sound from the corner of her lips.

"Your Majesty, take a good rest, I will bring you victory."

Angelina left quickly, and she naturally didn't notice that Sophia's face was pale without a trace of blood.

After watching Angelina leave, Sophia could no longer hold on. She covered her lips and swallowed the blood.

The Holy Spring is indeed a miracle left by the goddess. The backlash is too strong.

In history, someone attacked the Holy Spring, but because the attack power was too weak and the rebound damage was low, they just died on the spot.

The backlash Sophia suffered was dozens of times more than the last person who rushed into the spring. If it weren't for her strength that was beyond ordinary people's understanding, she would have died.

Dare to rush into the goddess's things, isn't it looking for death?

Sophia coughed a few times, wiped the blood stains from the corners of her lips, closed her eyes and entered a deep meditation state.

As long as she maintains the meditation state for three days, she can fully recover, just in time for the Battle of White Mountain.

She wants Roland to understand that what he refused was not the appointment of Prime Minister, but the hope of life.

She could have not killed them, but she changed her mind now.

If these young people were allowed to survive, who knows what new tricks they can come up with on the next round of return day.

This world is already in chaos, and it can't stand the turmoil. It's better to calm down as soon as possible.

Sophia closed her eyes slightly and entered a special ethereal state that is desirable but not sought.

In this ethereal state, she can fully recover in just one and a half days.

By then, all enemies will die.

If nothing unexpected happens, the result of the Battle of Baishan is likely to be one-sided.

However, accidents always come as expected.

The sound of gunfire, shouting and screaming from outside the camp woke up Sophia who was in an ethereal meditation state.

Sophia frowned, and her face, which was originally a little too white, turned slightly red.

She was really angry.

Ordinary people still have bad tempers when they wake up, let alone the queen who stands at the peak of power in the world.

She stood up suddenly and walked towards the door in a distracted manner.

What happened to Angelina? Isn't it an attack? Why did the battle break out at the camp gate?

The angry queen walked out of the command center and saw a wild cavalry officer jumping on his horse and hurried out without even putting on his armor.

She called the wild cavalry officer, "Captain, what happened?"

The wild cavalry is the elite of the empire, and they have always been arrogant. The wild cavalry captain would not pay much attention to the lieutenant colonel of the ordinary troops, let alone

Seeing Sophia's appearance and clothes, the wild cavalry captain rolled off the horse and knelt on one knee in front of Sophia.

"Your Majesty, the enemy is crazy!"

"I will judge whether the enemy is crazy or not. Tell me, what's going on!" Sophia frowned slightly and coldly pointed out the mistake of the wild cavalry captain.

The wild cavalry captain shuddered with fear, remembering that the generals often talked about the queen's taboos, one of which was that she didn't like to add subjective judgments when reporting intelligence.

The captain quickly reported the intelligence he knew to Sophia.

After the great queen froze the holy spring herself, the enemy not only refused to surrender, but launched a desperate attack on the solid main camp of the allied army.

If this is not crazy, what is it?

The captain complained silently, but did not dare to say it out loud.

Sophia was stunned for a few seconds. When she heard the news, she had almost the same judgment as the captain, that the enemy was crazy.

But just a few seconds later, she reacted.


It will take some time for the news of the freezing of the holy spring to spread. During this period of time, the negative impact of the freezing of the holy spring has not yet spread to the entire army.

If the enemy can be defeated through attack during this period of time, the frozen holy spring will recover sooner or later, and then those charlatans will have a perfect explanation.

What a cruel decision.

Sophia couldn't help but praise Christine, who was an enemy and at the top of the must-kill list, but she still couldn't figure it out.

There were at least thousands of troops near the holy spring who witnessed the freezing process. The morale of these people must have collapsed, and their collapse would bring down the entire army.

It can even create an artistic effect where a soldier shouting "Our army is defeated" can lead to the collapse of the entire army.

Has Christine really never thought about it?

The troops that can stay near the Holy Spring are all elite and direct descendants. The negative impact of these people's mentality explosion is much greater than that of other troops.

She was a little curious about how Christine would solve this problem.

After asking, Sophia waved her hand to signal the captain to return to his post. She refused the escort of a team of guards who came with her eyes and walked to the front alone.

The reason for her refusal to be escorted was also very simple, "Are your fighting skills better than mine?"

This reason was impeccable. She successfully escaped and rushed to the front line at a high speed.

When she arrived at the front line, she finally found that the situation was far worse than she had imagined.

Because they had been attacking since the beginning of the war, the Allied forces had become accustomed to being in the position of attackers.

Their defensive positions were poorly done, even a little perfunctory.

The depth of a normal trench requires that people can stand easily in it, and the width requires that more than two people can walk side by side to facilitate the movement of soldiers.

However, the trenches of the Allied forces can only be said to barely squeeze one person, which makes their trenches just props to deal with the inspections of superiors.

The superiors' inspections can be dealt with, but the enemy's inspections cannot be dealt with at all.

When the elite troops of the Free Alliance launched an attack, the arrogant allied forces paid a heavy price, and the most serious losses were the wild cavalry.

Since the Battle of Val City, they have not participated in any battles, and have long lost their due vigilance and combat readiness.

When the Free Alliance launched an attack, the wild cavalry, who subconsciously believed that no one dared to provoke them, even drank alcohol.

The wild cavalry had the habit of using alcohol to cheer up the charge, and drinking was normal, but most of these soldiers were drunk.

If one-fifth of an army was drunk before the battle began, it would be difficult for them to quickly form a complete combat effectiveness.

The wild cavalry with amazing combat effectiveness became the focus of the Free Alliance.

Under the attack of rifles, bayonets, explosive bombs, javelins, and artillery fire that did not distinguish between enemy and friend, the number of losses of the wild cavalry rose wildly.

When they finished assembling, more than 4,000 people had already been lying forever on this cold land.

Sophia appeared, making the battlefield situation slightly stable.

No matter how embarrassed the soldiers were, they would cheer up and continue to fight the enemy after seeing her.

Angelina also saw Sophia. She was ashamed, but she still rushed over.

The last half hour was the most embarrassing half hour in her life, even more embarrassing than when she was captured by Roland on the spot.

Christine's crazy but methodical attack made her realize the real gap between herself and the historical generals.

While she was still considering the morale blow brought by the freezing of the Holy Spring, Christine cunningly skipped this stage and started to fight for her life directly.

Since it was invisible, the impact of the freezing of the Holy Spring was there, but it was not great.

Seeing Christine's anxiety, Sophia was not angry, but asked softly:

"I told you not to charge in person, why are you anxious again?"

Angelina said embarrassedly: "I, I want to turn the tide of the battle, but I can't do anything. The enemy is too cunning and beyond my expectations. Your Majesty, I will apologize to you after the battle, and now I have to clean up the mess."

"No way? Are you sure you have thought of all the ways?"

"Your Majesty, I am incompetent." Angelina lowered her head in shame, her voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

"You haven't asked me for help yet." Sophia's eyes burst with murderous intent and looked up at the sky.

There was Christine's command center, a super airship.

The airship floated hundreds of meters in the sky, beyond the range of all weapons, but the field of vision was excellent, and it could easily control the overall situation.

Commanding the battle in the airship was simply cheating.

Angelina saw the Queen looking up and couldn't help muttering: "Your Majesty, now the only chance to turn the tables is to shoot down the airship and kill Christine."

"Okay." Sophia said softly.

"Wait, Your Majesty, what are you going to do?" Angelina followed Sophia with a confused look on her face, not understanding Sophia at all.

Did she want to freeze the airship hundreds of meters high with cold air?

This is too outrageous.

Sophia ignored Angelina's chatter and went straight to the nearest artillery company.

"Lieutenant, what is the maximum elevation angle of your artillery?"

"Report to Your Majesty, it is 33.5°." The artillery company commander excitedly reported to Sophia.

"What is the range?"

"Four and a half miles!"

"Very good, now raise the muzzles of the three artillery pieces, aim at the airship, and fire at the same time."

"Your Majesty, the artillery's firing height can't reach the airship at all." The artillery company commander was a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry about this, just make sure the three guns fire at the same time!"

Since the Queen requested it, the artillery lieutenant naturally didn't dare to talk nonsense. He quickly ordered the artillery to adjust the elevation angle to the maximum and then get ready.

After getting Sophia's permission, the artillery captain gritted his teeth and ordered to fire.

Three shells were fired almost at the same time and flew into the air.

When these three guns were aimed at the airship, Christine, who was commanding on the airship, was stunned.

Is this artilleryman an idiot? What kind of artillery can hit a target 800 meters high?

Christine smiled.

She never dreamed that the army of the Vladimir Empire was so lame.

Maybe she respected them too much before.

She never thought that the military discipline of the Berserkers was so poor, and she never thought that their trenches were so perfunctory.

I thought it was a life-and-death battle, but I didn't expect to have the opportunity to behead.

As long as the Queen's flag is cut off, the battle will be won.

She can relieve Roland's pressure to the maximum extent.

Seeing Sophia standing in the middle of the three cannons, she couldn't help laughing.

Sophia was really anxious.

She didn't believe that Sophia could still fly up.

The sound of the cannon rang out, and Christine even saw the fire of the cannonball.

Then she saw a scene that she would never forget in her life.

Sophia jumped on the cannonball, stepped hard, and used the recoil to rush to another cannonball, and then stepped hard again until the third cannonball.

She stood on the last cannonball and flew high into the sky.

Christine almost didn't have time to react, and the scene in front of her turned into a deep blue.

The blue snow swallowed the sky.

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