In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 334 Thank you, Christine

Destruction is easy, but construction is difficult.

With the technology and industrial capacity of the Vladimir Empire, it is impossible to build a giant airship, but as long as Sophia gets close to the airship, she can easily destroy it.

She used the recoil of three shells to jump into the sky and approach the airship.

The distance between Christine and Sophia was less than ten meters, and they could clearly see each other's facial expressions.

At this death distance, no one can help Christine except herself

and the blessing of the goddess.

The simple milky white holy grail came into her hands, and Christine's whole body was filled with a holy breath, her eyes burst out with a fascinating cold light, and she stared at Sophia.

The rich milky white liquid flowed out of the holy grail, and the white mist turned into a shield to protect Christine.

The Goddess of Light is a goddess who is very good at defense, treatment, and exorcism. The power she bestows can certainly provide protection for believers.

If the opponent was not Sophia, Christine would not have to panic at all, and she would not even have to waste the power bestowed by the goddess.

This power is pure and rich, and can be used for both attack and defense. Under the pressure of survival, she chose to use this precious power to save her life.

As long as Sophia is prevented from boarding the airship, she will fall down soon.

With her strength, she will not fall to death, but it will be difficult for her to get up again.

"Heretic, accept the trial!"

Christine's clear voice is full of sacred flavor, and it also makes the messy entourage on the airship gradually calm down.

The saint blessed by the goddess is here, does Sophia still want to kill everyone with one sword?

The white mist quickly spread to the back of the airship, blocking the azure cold air outside.

The azure sky also has more white because of this confrontation, like white clouds floating in the blue sky.

The invasion of cold air was blocked.

The dozen soldiers accompanying the airship also reacted. They raised their rifles and fired a volley at Sophia floating in the air under the command of the adjutant.

In this era where rifle hits depend entirely on faith, muzzle-loading rifles cannot cause substantial damage to level 7 transcendents.

The soldiers fired more as a warning and drive.

Bullets whizzed past, and the nearest one even brushed Sophia's nose, lifting her soft blue hair and passing in front of her.

Sophia never looked at these soldiers from beginning to end, as if they were just ants.

She silently watched Christine, and the sword that had just swung out the blue sword energy also returned to the scabbard.

The corners of her lips rose slightly, and her charming smile seemed to be an approval of Christine, but her deep eyes did not smile at all, and there was an iceberg bursting in the depths of her pupils.

If Angelina was here, she would definitely understand that this was a sign that Sophia had the intention to kill.

The queen smiled, and life and death were unpredictable.

Although Christine didn't know Sophia very well, she could feel the cold killing intent coming from Sophia.

Cold sweat rolled down her cheeks, and Christine clearly felt the breath of death.

In order to struggle out of this desperate and endless suffocation, she scolded lightly and started a verbal offensive against Sophia.

"Sophia, you froze the Holy Spring of Light, which is naked blasphemy. Are you really not afraid that the goddess will annihilate you personally when she comes to the world? Now confess to the goddess, and..."

Christine was interrupted halfway through her words.

Sophia frowned slightly, and her cold voice penetrated the eardrum and hit the soul directly.


For some reason, the title of the Goddess of Light made Sophia feel disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

It was as if the disgust engraved in the depths of her soul made her hate everything and everyone related to the Goddess of Light equally.

She didn't even understand the source of this hatred.

In recent years, she has been hiding under the Arctic glaciers, absorbing the purest cold energy. Her control over the cold has repeatedly broken through the shackles and has reached the point where she can do whatever she wants.

In the process of absorbing energy, there is always a pure negative emotion trying to influence her.

That is the pure desire for killing and the most extreme hatred.

The existence that provides her with energy seems to want her to accept this hatred.

And the object of hatred is the three goddesses who successfully ascended to the gods in the Age of Gods.

The goddesses of light, abundance, and nature.

They represent order, justice, and kindness. In people's simple cognition, those who are enemies of the three goddesses are devils, visitors from the abyss, and foreign demons.

In short, the three goddesses represent absolute correctness.

Sophia instinctively believes that this consciousness comes from a fallen evil existence.

She only wants to accept power, not these evil ideas.

But as the mysterious consciousness reveals more and more secrets, she gradually realizes that the three goddesses are actually no different from mortals under their bright and beautiful appearance.

They pursue power and seek ways to become stronger.

They are no different from her, the only difference is that they have walked earlier and further on the road to becoming strong.

The mysterious consciousness fell into a deep sleep as the return day approached, leaving Sophia with a final warning.

"Anyone may fall on the return day."

"The three goddesses are not perfect gods, and their soul realm is not stable enough. They must return to the material plane before ascending to the gods to make up for the shortcomings."

"The gods cannot descend to the material plane, but the gods who ascended from the material plane can return to the place of ascension at a certain time."

"On the final return day, the old gods fell and the new gods were born, but the old gods also have the opportunity to break through the shackles and become new gods."

"We are all the same."

Sophia closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, there was no human emotion in them.

Her eyes were as cold as the Arctic glaciers, and deep in her eyes, there flashed a breath that frightened Christine.

Christine's body was trembling, just like the trembling when she first met the goddess in her dream.

She opened her lips, but could not make any sound.

She was sweating and gasping for breath, like a fish jumping out of an oxygen-deficient pond, struggling desperately but being strangled by the throat of fate and unable to breathe.

Christine's eyes were blank, and her soul was shouting loudly.

Impossible, how could there be divine brilliance in the eyes of a heretic!

Christine's mind was blank, staring at Sophia desperately, struggling to see through more.

The azure cold air enveloped the entire airship.

When Sophia opened her eyes again, the end of the airship was doomed.

The cold air condensed into ice and blew over the airship. Anyone who touched it died instantly, and their flesh and blood turned into ice and shattered into the ground.

The huge airship also cracked in the cold and was about to fall.

Christine finally understood what kind of terrible existence she was facing. She didn't want to become Sophia's trophy, so she gathered her last strength and jumped out of the airship platform and jumped into the air.

The power of light prevented her from being frozen on the spot, and she still had the last strength to struggle.

She opened her arms and fell to the ground, and the holy marks on her face seemed to have a little more holiness.

The short life ended like a slide show.

Christine closed her eyes. She never regretted her life choices, and this time was no exception.

She would die, but Sophia would come down to be buried with her sooner or later.

In the pure white, she seemed to see Sophia's final tragic ending. Under the blessing of the three goddesses, her body was imprisoned but immortal, and her soul was burned and unable to struggle.

In eternal life, she endured the pain that was enough to destroy her soul until the end of the world.

This is the end of blasphemy.

She only temporarily lost her life and entered the reincarnation, but Sophia had to suffer divine punishment. It was obvious that Sophia suffered more pain.

At the moment when Christine closed her eyes, the cold air broke through the milky white shield and froze her flawless body in the ice sculpture.

The ice sculpture fell down in a rotation. Sophia wanted to take the spoils, but she felt dizzy and blood kept oozing from the corners of her lips.

Freezing the saint blessed by the gods is much more blasphemous than freezing the holy spring.

After all, freezing the holy spring is only temporary and will recover in a few days, but freezing the saint will kill her.

Since she chose to blaspheme, Sophia didn't bother to care about the level of blasphemy. She would not regret attacking the holy spring and the saint twice.

The only regret is that her power was imprisoned by the return day and could not be fully exerted.

We are going to Baishan soon, so there is no need to waste energy on the dead.

Sophia forced herself to summon broken ice cubes, and kept landing with her toes on the ice cubes.

Her landing posture was very elegant. She didn't look like the queen parachuting without a parachute, but she looked like a goddess descending.

Feeling a little dizzy, Sophia quickly returned to the main camp. Seeing the worried Angelina, she finally felt relieved.

"I have to fall asleep immediately. Fortunately, we won this battle. I'll leave it to you. I'll wake up before the return day."

Sophia's face turned pale. She didn't even bother to hide in front of Angelina. She directly summoned ice to seal herself.

Others would die if they were frozen in the ice, but she would only sleep and then wake up with a trembling spirit.

Angelina was a little flustered. Looking at the queen in the ice sculpture, her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

She quickly took a blanket to cover the ice sculpture, fearing that this scene would be seen by others and affect morale.

The queen was right. The outcome of this battle was decided.

Christine fell from a high altitude. Even if she didn't freeze to death, she would die. In short, she was dead.

Without a unified command, the Alliance Army will completely collapse in morale and will no longer pose a threat.

Next, it is time to test her micro-management ability.

Angelina smiled.

She has always been underestimated, and now she finally has a stage to show her ability.

In the next pursuit, she will not give the enemy any chance. She wants to seize Val City and the Holy Spring as a gift for the Queen's awakening.

Angelina strode out of the main camp, and she would immediately order the entire army to counterattack.

Just as she walked out of the tent, she ran into the intelligence officer who rushed over.

She was not easily knocked down by anyone, but the reckless intelligence officer was thrown several meters away and fell dizzy.

Angelina frowned, resisted the urge to curse, and said coldly: "Angui, you are an intelligence officer, how can you be so reckless? Tell me, tell me where the sky is falling."

She was mocking Angui for being reckless, but the intelligence officer stood up and roared angrily:

"Commander, our mad cavalry"

"What happened to the mad cavalry?" Angelina's eyelids twitched wildly, feeling something was wrong.

"The mad cavalry completely lost its combat effectiveness, and was even defeated by the enemy's special forces before the end of the violent state."

Angelina: "."

She grabbed the intelligence officer's collar and asked coldly: "Nearly 30,000 mad cavalry are gone?"

"Yes, yes."

Angelina's heart and lungs stopped beating instantly at the intelligence officer's words.

She couldn't believe her ears.

What on earth was the enemy thinking? If the commander-in-chief was in trouble, shouldn't he be defeated?

Without time to think about it, she ordered the allied forces to keep their distance and cover the retreat in turns.

The Berserkers have fallen, and the other elite troops are probably not much better off.

She had to retreat, the Queen was still sleeping in the ice sculpture.

No matter how big the army's losses were, they could make up for it. If something happened to the Queen, it would be the end.

Angelina's decisive retreat order confused the two allies. They sent liaisons to communicate with her. She was too lazy to explain and only said, "I will lead the retreat."

Mounting on the warhorse, Angelina arranged for her confidants to drag the Queen's ice sculpture onto a carriage and began a frustrated retreat.

Before retreating, she looked back and still couldn't figure out which link had gone wrong. Why did the enemy's offensive become stronger and even morale higher after Christine's accident?

Of course, she didn't understand that Christine only had prestige but no popularity in the army.

Christine didn't care what her subordinates thought, as long as they obeyed her orders.

She was frozen into an ice sculpture. Although the generals of the Alliance Army were a little sad, they were also relieved.

Although the commander-in-chief was "dead", her orders were not dead.

After learning that Christine had been frozen to death, the generals on the front line made the same decision without communicating with each other.

Attack, attack, and continue to attack until all enemies are eliminated!

The White Rose Knights led by Jace rushed into the Berserker camp first and began to kill.

Although the combat effectiveness of the temporarily violent Berserkers has greatly increased, their defensive capabilities have also decreased with the violent transformation.

The White Rose Knights do not raise ordinary knights. They are flexible in their tactics and have no scruples.

When the Berserkers want to fight desperately, they throw a large number of smoke bombs to hinder the enemy cavalry from gathering and fighting.

After pulling away, the White Rose Knights picked up specially made lances and began to fire wildly outside the smoke.

The advanced weapons obtained from previous archaeological excavations were given priority to them, and their combat effectiveness was far superior to other troops.

Although the Berserkers are strong, they are still an old-fashioned army, and their organizational ability and combat effectiveness are still slightly inferior to those of the White Rose Knights.

After losing the initiative, they could no longer regain the initiative and could only retreat step by step.

When Jace launched a desperate attack, the Iron Wall Legion led by Tom and Jerry also joined the battle.

With the addition of new forces, the Alliance's attack became more and more wild.

Is it really a bad thing to lose the commander?

Many Alliance soldiers and even officers do not think so.

They have a lot of complaints about Christine's command style. Now that Christine is lying, they can finally fight according to their own ideas.

They turned "sorrow" into motivation and began to continue to act according to Christine's final deployment.

In short, attack!

As for the ice sculpture of the saint who fell from the sky and luckily fell into the water, they don't care.

They don't care, but the temple warriors must care.

The temple warriors fished the unfortunate Christine out of the Rodinia River. Looking at the Saint of Light frozen in it, they thought of many ways, but they never worked.

Finally, someone came to their senses and remembered another person who contributed a lot to the revival of the Holy Spring.

"Quick, let's go to Baishan and ask the Knight of Light to save the Saint!"

Just like that, Christine's ice sculpture was carried up Baishan and appeared in front of Roland, along with the latest battle report from the front line.

The counterattack went smoothly? The enemy has lost its foothold and is retreating?

All good news, but Roland no longer has time to pay attention.

Christine is dead? He couldn't believe it.

She was chosen and blessed by the goddess, how could she die so easily?

"She's not dead." Just when Roland couldn't judge Christine's life or death through the ice sculpture, Sif's voice sounded from behind.

"I just used insight to observe, although I couldn't see it clearly, but I could observe it. Insight only applies to living people, so she's not dead."

"It's good that she's not dead." Roland breathed a sigh of relief.

However, his breath of relief was quickly cut off by Alina's voice, "Roland, the best formation for soul-blood connection is the pentagram formation. You are the core of the formation, and we stand around you, which can double the combat power."

Roland's eyes lit up, but he still shook his head, "No, even if we ignore Christine's idea, the final position is still water attribute, and she is the darling of light."

The core of the formation of the mixed-blood pentagram formation is the void attribute, and the four basic attributes of wind, earth, water and fire are connected with the formation core.

The closer the attributes of the members are, the more they can exert their full power.

Spring Wind Elf Sylph, Earth Traveler Alina, Flame Phoenix Lisa, their attributes are very clear and can be fully exerted, but Christine has nothing to do with the water attribute. Forcing her to take a position with the wrong attribute will have a very poor effect or even a counterproductive effect.

Before Roland explained, Alina had already pointed to Christine's ice sculpture, "Ice is sleeping water, so she is also water attribute now."

Alina's words sounded a bit hellish, and they were actually very hellish.

However, ice is indeed water, and Roland couldn't find any faults.

At least it's worth a try.

He walked slowly to Christine and said softly: "Christine, the complete version of the soul-blood link requires a complex and lengthy ceremony, and also requires your full consent, so it cannot be arranged. But there is also a simplified version of the soul-blood pentagram array, as long as you don't object, you can start it. This array is a one-time formation, and it will be automatically lifted after defeating Sophia."

Of course, if it fails, everyone will go on the road together, so there is no need to lift it.

Roland looked at the ice sculpture, and after a few seconds, his eyebrows raised.

"Since you don't say anything, I will take it as your consent. Thank you, Christine."

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