In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 104 Be careful in your next life

After returning from Chongde Hall, Zhao Jun returned to the Imperial City Office.

It was already afternoon and the sky was getting dark.

The weather at the end of August was sometimes cold and sometimes hot, and Zhao Jun had already changed into a light gown.

After entering the government office, he had just walked into the front hall and courtyard when Wang He, the Secretary of the Imperial City, came up to greet him. He bowed his hands to Zhao Jun and said, "Secretary."


Zhao Jun nodded and said, "How many people have been arrested?"

Wang He said: "Four hundred and sixty-seven people."

"That's all?"

Zhao Jun frowned.

The Imperial City Division first started arresting people from the group of traffickers and thugs in Wuyou Cave. There were more than a hundred people in total.

Then there are Li Dewen and the Wuyoudong branch outside Biandi, there should be more than a hundred.

Today's operation took away more than half of Kaifeng Mansion and arrested more than a hundred officials. Logically speaking, there were others who were on duty outside, and their homes should have been ransacked. It was impossible to just select such people.

Wang He smiled bitterly and said: "Many commanders went to the houses of those officials to ransack their homes. There were too many family members of those people. For example, Ma Yi had more than 20 wives and concubines, and hundreds of slaves in the house. I'm afraid there wouldn't be enough military torture chambers to capture them all." use."


Zhao Jun thought so too.

In the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang killed tens of thousands of people with one attack. This was to destroy nine other people's clans, so the implication was wide.

But Zhao Jun and Zhu Yuanzhang are different after all. They are not so crazy and crazy that they have implicated the nine tribes. What's more, there are actually many innocent victims who were forced to become wives and concubines.

Some even simply robbed and raped women from good families, or bought them from places like Wuyou Cave and Guifanlou, with the euphemistic name of helping them escape from the clutches of the devil.

They are already pitiful enough, but it would be even more outrageous to kill them.

Therefore, Zhao Jun's style of conduct must be to kill the chief culprit, then judge them based on the size of the crime they committed, and deal with the remaining accomplices and thugs.

This process is bound to last for a long time.

Now the Imperial City Division is also short of manpower. It has previously dealt with a large number of Imperial City Division bugs, expelled those who were expelled, and detained those in the military execution room. In addition, during the recent period, the Imperial City Division has arrested prisoners while maintaining public security on the streets. , as well as some evil forces and gang members that have been swept away, there are probably no less than a thousand people in the entire military torture room.

Although many internal personnel have been cleared, the Imperial City Division can pay a lot less wages. It doesn't cost much to feed these more than a thousand people in prison, but they can't always borrow the cells of the Imperial City Division.

So there are several problems facing Zhao Jun at present.

First, we must continue to recruit manpower to expand the scale of the Imperial City Division to prevent a shortage of manpower.

The second is to continue to dig deeper into the criminal evidence and find the protective umbrella behind it.

Third, we must find the source of funding for the Imperial City Division, and we cannot think of asking Zhao Zhen to pay for it.

The fourth is to expand the Imperial City Department buildings.

Continuing to stay in the Wengcheng outside the palace and borrowing the prison cell of someone else's front office was obviously not a long-term solution.

"How's the house raid going?"

Zhao Jun asked.

"Still copying."

When he mentioned this, Wang He became more energetic and said: "At least 200,000 yuan of money has been confiscated from Liu Yuanzhi's house alone, and there are countless other jewelry."


Zhao Jun nodded.

This amount of money was not a surprise to him.

Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower spend more than 300,000 to 400,000 yuan every year to manage the Kaifeng Mansion.

Although there are so many people sharing it, people like Liu Yuanzhi will definitely get more.

Moreover, the salaries of officials in the Song Dynasty were already high. Liu Yuanzhi was promoted from the sixth rank and still earned one to two thousand guan a year.

Coupled with the fact that he has been operating in Kaifeng Mansion for so many years, plundering and opening casinos, brothels, shops, etc., it is normal for him to become rich.

If nothing else goes wrong, just after taking away so many officials in Kaifeng Mansion this time, if we deal with the evil officials below, there will be more than a thousand people in total, and I am afraid there will be no problem in getting one to two million.

This does not include the big tigers that we may have to fight in the future.

If the Han family and the Ma family, the two prime minister-level families, were taken into account, plus the other officials involved in the court, it would be possible to get two to three million yuan.

"Take me in and have a look."

Zhao Jun said.


Wang He responded and took him all the way to the direction of the Dianqian Division.

Passing through layers of tightly guarded government offices, we all the way to the back office of the Imperial City Division. Separated by a wall is the school yard of the Dianqian Division. The military execution room is located to the northeast of the school grounds, not far from the back office of the Imperial City Division.

In the past, the Imperial City Department and the Dianqian Department were two independent departments. Although the Imperial City Imperial Guards belonged to the Dianqian Department in name, they were not actually under the control of the Dianqian Department.

So it turned out that the two departments were separated by walls.

But now relying on the relationship between Cao Xiu and Cao Ren, in order to facilitate the acceptance of criminals, Cao Xiu discussed with Cao Ren to open up the wall and build a door to come out, so that he no longer had to go all the way around Zuoyintai Gate to the front of the palace. Secretary.

At this moment, a group of Imperial Guardsmen were playing Cuju in the courtyard in front of the palace.

The Bianliang Forbidden Army has 800,000 soldiers, most of whom are stationed at the Forbidden Army garrison outside Bianliang City, and some of the Forbidden Army are stationed at the border.

This part of the Forbidden Army stationed at the border was called the "Forbidden Army for Food Supply". Originally, they were stationed in other places in rotation under the names of garrison, stationing and food supply.

During the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, Shaanxi, Hebei and other places set up permanent forbidden troops, which no longer returned to the capital and became local armies.

Therefore, there are actually not as many as 800,000 forbidden troops in Bianliang. There are probably tens of thousands of forbidden troops stationed in the imperial city and the surrounding Wengcheng.

These soldiers are not managed by generals. They are all controlled by lower-level officers like Cao Ren. This ensures that no general will be in charge of more than tens of thousands of troops.

Cao Renzheng and another colleague from the Dianqian Division were gambling to make money. The small bet was dice, and the big bet was that the soldiers from their two teams were playing Cuju.

While they were shouting, suddenly the soldiers from Cao Ren's team made a beautiful upside-down golden hook and kicked it into the goal. Suddenly, they burst into cheers.

"Give me money, I can't run away."

"Yai Nei is so awesome. Your Cuju team is well-deserved. I'm convinced."

"That's necessary. Our team is invincible in Bianliang."

"It seems that I can't play with Yanei next time."

The loser gets money.

Although the Cao family is in decline, it is still the most noble among the generals, and with the support of Empress Cao, ordinary nobles' children are really not as good as them.

Soon Cao Ren collected the money, and while he was enjoying himself, he caught a glimpse of Zhao Jun coming from the Imperial City Office. He stood up in a hurry and said, "You guys have fun first, I have something to do."

As he said that, he trotted over.

Zhao Jun also noticed Cao Ren coming and stood there waiting for him.


After Cao Ren came over, he bowed his hands respectfully.

His eldest brother Cao Xiu was respectful to Zhao Jun, and he once revealed Zhao Jun's background to him. Knowing that the officials respected Zhao Jun, he naturally did not dare to be presumptuous.

Zhao Jun asked: "What's wrong?"

Cao Ren smiled bitterly and said: "It's not a matter of the military torture chamber."

"What happened to the military prison? Are there not enough cells?"

Zhao Jun looked toward the northeast cell. The military prison cell of the Dianqian Division was actually not that big, but because it was used by the military, it was more than enough to hold hundreds of people.

Cao Ren shook his head and said: "It's not a matter of lack of cells. The Han family and the Ma family jointly sent people to find my father. They hope that my eldest brother can release him, or that our front office will not lend you the cells. "


Zhao Jun frowned and asked, "What did your father say?"

Cao Renwei said: "My father also feels it is difficult. We people may seem noble to outsiders, but in fact we are nothing in the eyes of others. My father hopes to talk to the magistrate to see if we can come up with a charter."


Zhao Jun smiled and said: "It's okay. If nothing else happens, the Han family and the Ma family won't be able to escape. You don't need to worry about them. I know the officials in the court will impeach you, but you don't have to be afraid. I will take care of you if anything happens. If an official comes to you, tell me and I will beat him."


Cao Ren nodded after hearing this, but suddenly fell into a trance, thinking that he heard wrongly. He hesitated slightly, and then asked tentatively: "Where will Zhisi go?"

"I'll hit him."

Zhao Jun repeated it again.

This was not done to show off, but the people in Wuyou Cave really made him angry.

If Zhao Zhen came to stop him, no wonder he punched the emperor three times and then everyone dispersed.

When Cao Ren really heard these words this time, he felt a chill rising from his back and couldn't help but take a breath of air.

I seemed to have heard something extraordinary.

In the entire Song Dynasty, did anyone dare to beat up an official?

When Queen Guo slapped an official, what happened in the end?

If this word got out and someone knew about it, Zhao Jun might not be able to chop off even ten heads.

The problem is that if people dare to say this in front of me, they are either really confident or they are mentally ill.

But it seems that Zhao Jun is not a fool, so it can only be the former.

This seems even more serious.

No wonder his brother once warned him that Zhao Jun's background was astounding.

This is nowhere in the sky.

I'm afraid the late Emperor's resurrection is nothing more than this.

Cao Ren was stunned for a moment.

Zhao Jun smiled and patted his shoulder and said: "Your Cao family is quite good, and the military torture room has been troublesome for you. I will think of some ways to make money in the future. If your Cao family is interested, we can join us."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Cao Ren was left alone in the place, messy in the wind, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

After Zhao Jun turned his head, he was still smiling a second ago, but his expression turned gloomy after he turned around.

The Han family and Ma family moved quickly enough.

We just arrested those people at noon, and in the afternoon they went to threaten the Cao family.

It is estimated that my identity has been checked by others, but nothing can be found, and it is difficult to find me directly, so I will go to the Cao family.

I'm afraid there will be another big fuss at Yushitai and Jianyuan tomorrow morning.

But these have nothing to do with me for the time being.

The evidence Fan Zhongyan gave basically belonged to those in Kaifeng Mansion. He only told Zhao Jun who was behind them, but he did not catch those people accepting bribes as a protective shield.

Therefore, the Ma family and the Han family cannot be touched yet, but it won't be long before the mouths of the people in Kaifeng Mansion are pried open, and the two prime minister families, the Han family and the Ma family, will not be able to escape.

Soon they arrived at the military torture room. As soon as they entered the door, the commander Gu Maozhi rushed out with his people and almost hit Zhao Jun.

Seeing him walking in a hurry, Zhao Jun asked, "What's wrong?"


Gu Maozhi hurriedly saluted and said: "The matter about the clan daughter has been revealed, and I am preparing to report it to the informant."


Zhao Jun was surprised: "Liao Yu did it so quickly?"

Gu Maozhi said with a smile: "It was his men who did the trick. He pulled out one nail and then confessed everything. He was imprisoned in Liangzhe Ni Temple and watched by two old ladies."

"Well, you immediately lead people to surround Liangzhe Ni Temple and dig three feet into the ground to find them!"

Zhao Jun ordered.


Gu Mao agreed.

Zhao Jun continued to walk to the cell.

The cells are heavily guarded and have all been taken over by the Imperial City Imperial Guards.

There is one post every three steps and one sentry every five steps. There are guards at every door. Three shifts of patrol soldiers patrol around the clock.

The more Zhao Jun walked inside, the screams kept coming and going. When he got to the torture room inside, he saw Chen Zhongzheng, the Imperial City Superintendent, coming out with a stack of documents in his hand.


Chen Zhong bowed his hands.

Zhao Jun asked: "Who are you interrogating?"

"A judicial officer from Kaifeng Mansion is named Zhan Wu."


"I've done it all, and it's much more complete than the evidence given by Zhi Si."

"Well, send it back to the treasurer for safekeeping first."

"By the way, Zhisi, that guy named Liao Yu has been clamoring to see you."

"Where is he?"

"I'll take Chisi there."

Chen Zhong led the way diligently.

Now Zhao Jun has confirmed his authority in the Imperial City Division.

After all, there was Wang Shilong, three civil servants of the imperial city, and six commanders who were all imprisoned by him. Except for Wang Shilong, the other nine people were also imprisoned here because of their liaison with foreign enemies.

Chen Zhong had gone to see Li Bin and others before, and was whipped so hard that he was covered in blood. Not only was all the proceeds from the trading information confiscated, but the people were also sentenced to exile. It was really miserable.

Zhao Jun nodded after listening to Chen Zhong's words, then stood at the door of the torture room and took a look inside.

I saw Zhan Wu in the torture room being handcuffed to a wooden post, his body was beaten black and blue, and covered in blood. He completely lost the aloof appearance of joining the judicial army.

Zhao Jun has no sympathy for this kind of person at all, because Fan Zhongyan gave him all the evidence of the other party's crime, and every one of them was heinous.

For example, this judicial officer had a relative who owned a restaurant. In order to crack down on this relative's competitors, he sent someone to imprison the restaurant owner on trumped-up charges for two and a half years.

In the end, the restaurant owner's family sold all the proceeds and handed the money to him before releasing him.

They also accepted bribes from Wuyoudong and Guifanlou, delayed the cases of those who reported stolen children to the government, and protected thugs from Wuyoudong, Guifanlou and other gangs.

He even had several concubines in his family who he had picked up on the street and used various means to snatch them away.

It can be said that in the eyes of the people at the bottom, this judicial officer and the rest of his colleagues in the Kaifeng Mansion were like a big mountain pressing on the heads of the victims, leaving them bankrupt, even their families were destroyed, and they were full of despair.

Now, these people will also face despair.

Just like how they treat the people at the bottom.

Zhao Jun followed Chen Zhong all the way to the depths of the cell.

After walking about fifty or sixty cells, we arrived at the door of a cell.

At this moment, a bloody man was lying on the straw in the cell.

Liao Yu's ten fingers were chopped off, his teeth were stripped out, and his body was covered in blood.

Chen Zhong walked to the door and said, "Liao Yu, the chief is here."

When Liao Yu heard the sound, he raised his head with difficulty, then climbed to the door with his hands and feet, and looked up at Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun looked down at him through the cell door.

Who would have thought that in less than twenty days, the last time we met on Nantang Street would have turned out like this?

When Liao Yu saw this opponent who didn't play according to the routine, he reluctantly smiled and said: "Zhao Jun?"

His teeth were gone and his speech was leaky, making his voice somewhat muffled.

Zhao Jun looked at him coldly and said, "I heard that you want to see me for something?"

"I just want to know, where did I lose?"

Liao Yu asked.

He prides himself on being a smart man and uses strategies that are difficult for ordinary people to resist.

Why could Zhao Jun not follow the routine, completely ignore his machinations, and arrest people regardless of any official rules or court laws?

"First of all, you are worse than a beast. Catching you is what I should do."

Zhao Jun looked down at him and said softly: "Secondly, you are still worse than a beast. In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy is useless. Finally, and most importantly, be careful in the next life and do less bad things. "


He paused briefly and said: "You may not have another life. Even if there is an underworld in this world, you should be a beast in your next life. You may not even be able to be a beast."

Liao Yu was not only the protective umbrella behind Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower, but he also opened gambling houses and dental shops. Many women in the city disappeared because they were abducted and sold into prostitution by his men. In addition, he prevented people from reporting crimes and allowed his men to bully, beat and even kill people.

He caused so many people in Bianliang to have their wives and children separated from him. To say he was unforgivable is to praise him.

Next life.

Probably not even a beast.

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