In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 105: Confused, I'll rob your house and it's all mine

Zhao Jun personally sat in the Imperial City Division and interrogated the captured prisoners.

This is a long process.

In addition to interrogating prisoners, they also have to go to the city to find victims and find more personal and material evidence.

Fortunately, Fan Zhongyan helped him solve many problems, and Lao Fan had already obtained a lot of evidence, otherwise Zhao Jun would not have been able to arrest so many people at once.

Afterwards, Zhao Jun sent people to post notices in the city, announcing to the public one by one the crimes committed by those in Kaifeng Mansion, and encouraged the people to be brave enough to expose them and find more victims.

For a time, the people in Bianliang City were furious, and Kaifeng Mansion suddenly turned into a rat that everyone shouted to beat. Not only did it lose its majesty, but it almost completely lost its previous prestige.

The next morning, the Yushitai and the Admonition Court were noisy about impeachment, but Cao Xiu took Ping'er to the morning court and told everyone about the evil things done by those in Kaifeng Mansion, and immediately shut up their mouths.

There were still many upright censors and admonishers in the Yushitai and the Remonstrance Court. Seeing this scene, they were furious. A group of people headed by Fu Bi, Han Qi, Ouyang Xiu and others launched firepower to impeach the Kaifeng Mansion. Zhao Zhen then borrowed Poxia's donkey to replace Dingdu, the governor of Kaifeng, and replaced him with Fan Zhongyan.

With the cooperation of Lao Fan, the process of continuing to arrest the key criminals went extremely smoothly. In the past, Zhao Jun only arrested officials from the top of Kaifeng Mansion. There were too many three-class government officials below, and a large number of people slipped through the net. But now they were all arrested by Lao Fan and put on self-trial.

As a result, in just a few days, the cancer that had plagued the people of Bianliang was wiped out.

Fan Zhongyan also took on the task of rebuilding Kaifeng Mansion. He transferred a group of young and promising officials from other places and recruited many new government officials to rebuild Kaifeng Mansion.

The Imperial City Division also recruited a large number of family members of victims who had hatred for Wuyoudong, Guifanlou and a large number of gangs in Bianliang to expand the size of the Imperial City Division. The number of police officers increased rapidly, reaching more than 3,000.

at the same time.

Old Caomen Street, the residence of Han Zong, the judge of the Third Division of Household Affairs.

Compared to those small fish and shrimps that Zhao Jun was too lazy to interrogate personally, the Han family was the real big tiger.

Although the little fish and shrimps are already covering the sky with one hand for the people of Bianliang, making them feel desperate, the Han family and the Ma family behind the scenes are even more terrifying.

Because the current old man of the Han family, Han Yi, is a member of the Tongzhi Privy Council and is the deputy privy minister.

Moreover, in history, in the fourth year of Jingyou's reign, that is, 1037 AD, he was promoted to the post of Chief Minister of Political Affairs and became the dignified deputy prime minister, which can be said to be a high-power position.

Han Yi and Chen Yaozuo were corrupt, perverted the law, and engaged in malpractice for personal gain. It took until the fifth year of Jingyou, that is, 1038 AD, that Han Qi found evidence of their crimes and then pulled them down.

At this moment, although Han Yi is not yet in charge of political affairs, he is still very powerful in the government and the public. He is currently one of the few high-ranking officials and dignitaries besides the three ministers, three ministers, the prime minister, and the prime minister.

Han Zong is the second son of Han Yi. During the Tiansheng period, he served as an official in Kaifeng Prefecture. The power of the Han family in Kaifeng Prefecture developed here.

After Han Zong left, Han Yuan took over. Han Yuan was impeached by Fan Zhongyan and replaced with Gao Dingyi, the son-in-law of the Han family.

It can be said that the Han family's strict family tradition is recorded in history books, but in fact it is completely different.

Han Yi was corrupt, knew the law and broke the law, and was impeached and dismissed by Han Qi.

The eldest son, Han Gang, knew about the Guanghua Army, mistreated the soldiers, ate empty pay and drank the blood of the soldiers, causing the Guanghua Army to rebel.

The second son, Han Zong, covered the sky with one hand in Kaifeng Mansion.

The sixth son, Han Zhen, was cruel and unkind and was convicted and demoted because a drunken subordinate accidentally broke into his backyard and took a look at his concubine, so he ordered her to be killed with a cane.

The family has a good reputation in the "History of the Song Dynasty", but in just a few words, it is vaguely revealed that the Han family is corrupt and corrupt.

At this moment, inside Han Zong's mansion.

In addition to Han Zong himself, there were also Yushitai Supervisory Yushi Ma Yuan and Sansi Duzhi Judge Ma Zhongfu.

The three of them were sitting in the hall, each of them looking unhappy.

Although the Ma family has declined slightly due to the death of the old man Ma Liang from illness a few years ago, the Ma family has marriages with several prime ministers' families. Moreover, Ma Liang had many disciples and former officials, and Ma Yuan and Ma Zhongfu occupied important positions, so their influence was still considerable.

But they didn't expect that Zhao Jun, who knew the Imperial City Secretary, would appear out of nowhere, confuse the officials, give the Imperial City Division arrest and trial rights, and arrest their people. This was a real slap in their face.

So the three people got together to discuss countermeasures.

"The Cao family has said hello, but Cao Xiu is a bit of a soft-spoken person, and he hasn't let him go yet."

"This matter is very difficult to handle. Zhao Jun did a great job. He announced their criminal evidence in public, and even vaguely pointed the finger at us. Yesterday, the Yushitai was still impeaching Zhao Jun, but today they will change it. The direction of the wind.”

"Are we just going to watch our people being taken away by the Imperial City Division? I asked someone to inquire and found out that they live a very poor life there. Not only do they have to be tortured, but they are also abused a lot."

"That person named Zhao Jun is really hateful, and he didn't know where he came from."

The three of them were very dissatisfied.

No matter how Ma Yi Gaoding and others are, they are still theirs. The Imperial City Secretary arrests people without even saying hello, which is too disrespectful to the Han family and the Ma family.

"The most important thing now is not to recruit people. Don't you still understand the current direction of the trend?"

Seeing that the two horses were in danger, Han Zong frowned and said, "The Imperial City Division has been ruthless this time, and the officials have ordered a thorough investigation. Even my father is not allowed to interfere in this matter, so you are not afraid of getting bitten." On your head?"

Ma Yuan asked in confusion: "Why, you mean that Zhao Jun still dares to attack us?"

"That's not good."

Han Zong shook his head and said: "Then Zhao Jun dares to surround Kaifeng Mansion. Once the people inside spill dirty water on you, as long as the evidence is conclusive, you will lose half your life even if you die. Over the years, you have made money from Kaifeng Mansion. It’s a lot of benefits.”

Ma Zhongfu said dumbly: "Brother Han, don't be ridiculous. Brother Han has made a lot of money in Kaifeng Mansion over the years? It's like we are the only ones who have taken it."

Han Zong said with a slightly ugly expression, "So we are in the same boat now."

"Brother Han, is there anything you can do?"

Ma Yuan asked.

Han Zong said solemnly: "There are two ways. One is to immediately cut off relations with those people, burn the letters exchanged with them, abandon them, and write a letter to plead guilty, saying that unfortunately there is a scum in the family, and the officials are lenient. They probably won’t do anything to us.”

Ma Yuan and Ma Zhongfu's expressions suddenly darkened.

The only person who was captured by the Han family was Gao Dingyi, a collateral son-in-law. He just abandoned him. It was no big deal.

But those who were taken away from the Ma family were direct descendants. Ma Yi was Ma Yuan's biological brother, and Ma Liang was their biological uncle, so the relationship was much closer.

Therefore, the Han family can choose to abandon their pawns to save their rooks, but they are abandoning their rooks to save their commanders, which is not the same level at all.

"Brother Han is very courageous, but my brother and I have a deep brotherhood, how can we abandon him?"

Ma Yuan refused directly: "Is there any other way?"

Han Zong said: "The second is to see if we can find Zhao Jun, meet him, and discuss the terms. I thought that no one in this world would refuse something."

"you mean?"

"Some people like wealth, some people like fame, and some people are lustful. If you refuse, it only means that the offer is not enough."


Ma Zhongfu nodded thoughtfully.

Zhao Jun acted too quickly and too harshly. With the evidence provided by Lao Fan, he directly arrested the person and then made it public.

Now the entire Bianliang people know that Kaifeng Mansion has become a den of thieves, and in just two days, Yushitai and Jianyuan changed their words. The Han family and the Ma family are not talking about street rats, but some people already feel that it is them. The mastermind behind the scenes.

Given their current situation, even if they want to make small moves behind their backs, they may not be able to succeed. In addition to the Imperial City Secretary who was staring at them, many people in Yushitai and Jianyuan were also staring at them.

In this case, there are not many options available to them. Negotiating peace with Zhao Jun is the simplest and most practical way.

The problem is that Zhao Jun is so elusive that hundreds of people follow him covertly and covertly every time he travels.

Firstly, they couldn't find a suitable time to approach, and secondly, Zhao Jun was becoming more and more powerful in the Imperial City Division, and the Imperial Guards of the Imperial City Division were the emperor's personal troops. It was taboo for ministers to approach the Imperial Guards privately, so they did not Have the guts to make contact.

But at this juncture, there is no other way.

Ma Zhongfu said: "It's just that Zhao Jun lives in seclusion and is not seen at all on weekdays. It is said that he is often at the Imperial City Office, and the people sent to follow him were also found out by the police. They only know that he lives on Qingtai Street. How can this happen? manage?"

Han Zong smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I already know where he lives. It just happened that I met this man once when I was eating at Xiangding Tower before, so I asked someone to inquire and found out where he lives."

Zhao Jun lives on Qingtai Street, so the neighbors naturally know it. The person sent to follow him will definitely be found, but if he asks his neighbors, he will be sure to answer the question.

Ma Yuan then said: "It would be great to know his address. How about we prepare enough gifts and Brother Han go with us?"

Han Zong shook his head and said, "You still have to be cautious about this matter. I plan to ask my father to come forward."

"It would be best if my husband is willing to come forward."

Ma Yuan was overjoyed.

Han Zong wondered: "However, this matter is not easy. My father still has no solution, so it may take some time. Let's wait for my father to find out the good news."

Ma Yuan was immediately unhappy after hearing this, and was about to ask Han Yi when he would come forward. Ma Zhongfu patted his hand to express comfort, then stood up and said, "In that case, let's take our leave first and wait for our husband." information."

"I'll send you two off."

Han Zong said he would see her off, but in fact he sent her to the door of the living room.

Erma came out of Han Zong's house.

After waiting a little further away, he did not immediately leave in a sedan chair. Instead, he stood under the wall outside Han's house and discussed in a low voice.

"What does Han Zong mean?"

"What can you mean?"

"His family members were also arrested. It doesn't sound like there is any urgency at all."

"The person who was arrested was just a side son-in-law, not a legitimate son, so naturally there is no rush."

"Then why is he playing dirty tricks with us now?"

"What do you think?"

"Should we be spies first to test Zhao Jun's tone?"

"I'm afraid I'm not testing the officials."

"What's the meaning?"

"Do you think ordinary people are so bold as to surround Kaifeng Mansion?"

"Of course not."

"Don't forget, the power of the Imperial City Division comes from the official family."

"You mean the Han family is worried that the officials are behind the scenes, so let's test the officials' attitude?"

"Alas, after my father's death, the world has become a miserable place."

Ma Zhongfu sighed.

His father, Ma Liang, had been dead for five years and was gone. There were still big bosses in the Han family, but their family was just an empty shell, so their status was naturally different.

What’s more, the people arrested in their family are direct descendants, so the Han family is definitely not in a hurry, so it’s normal to use them as cannon fodder.

Ma Zhongfu estimated that Han Zong’s so-called inquiring about information was basically to let them go to inquire.

If Zhao Jun is easy to talk to, and wants fame and money, then it’s easy to talk.

After the Ma family rescues the people, the Han family will rescue them.

If Zhao Jun is not a good person to deal with, I’m afraid the Han family will immediately abandon the son-in-law of another surname and sacrifice the pawn to save the car.

What’s more terrifying is that if Zhao Zhen wants to get to the bottom of it and investigate a few corrupt big tigers, the situation will be very scary.

This means that it is very likely that the Ma family, the Han family, and the rest of the people involved may be arrested.

No one will be able to escape at that time.

And now their Ma family is likely to be the people sent by the Han family to test the bottom line of Zhao Zhen and Zhao Jun.

The inside story can be understood with a little thought.

Unfortunately, the Ma family now has no leader, and its power and status are not as good as before. They can’t fight against their Han family, so now they can only take advantage of some human relationships.

If people recognize this kind of thing, it is human relations. If they don't recognize it, who will know who you are?

So in the end, you still have to rely on yourself.

Ma Yuan said anxiously: "Zhongfu, Ayi is also your brother, you can't just stand by and watch him die."

Ma Zhongfu pondered for a moment, and finally said: "It can only be like this. Zhao Jun made a big fuss, and it's not easy to end. If it can't be solved privately, it will eventually implicate you and me. Go home immediately to prepare gifts, and they must be expensive."

"Do you really have to be the first to do it?"

"What can I do? It can be regarded as a favor to the Han family."

"Alas, I am a little unwilling."

"There is nothing to be unwilling about. I hope they will remember this favor in the future. Otherwise, it will be bad for everyone to die. Zhao Jun can't arrest us too."

"That's true."

Ma Yuan nodded.

Now Zhao Jun seems to have arrested so many people in Kaifeng Prefecture, but after all, they are all below the sixth rank, and many of them are from the family of the same Jinshi.

Menyin and fellow Jinshi were not valued in the officialdom and had low status, so they did not cause such a big wave.

But they were Jinshi. In the social environment at that time, Jinshi were not only precious, but also many of them served as officials in the court and local areas, calling friends to form cliques.

Often when one was attacked, everyone would protect him, which led to the complicated relationship in the officialdom.

Ma Yuan and Ma Zhongfu are now in the Censorate and the Three Departments respectively. They have many colleagues and their status is far beyond that of the assistant officials in Kaifeng Prefecture, so they are not afraid.

What's more, the government is kind. Even if they want to find out who is behind it, as long as they evade and say that it is all the money given to them by Ma Yi, they don't know that the money came from Ma Yi's robbery in Kaifeng Prefecture.

Then they will take the initiative to hand over the money given to them by Ma Yi. According to the rules set by Zhenzong and the current government, basically nothing will happen.

Therefore, the two were not very worried.

After the two Ma went back, they prepared enough gifts, gathered at Ma Zhongfu's house, and then prepared to set off for Qingtai Street.

But what people didn't expect was that before they set off, countless Imperial City Guards appeared at Ma Zhongfu's mansion on East Street.

At this moment, Zhao Jun came in a fierce manner. East Street was in the outer city. He walked seven or eight miles to get there, and his feet were sore.

"It seems that I have to learn to ride a horse."

Zhao Jun raised his head and looked at the huge plaque of Ma Mansion, thinking to himself.

Ma Yuan and Ma Zhongfu heard the news and hurried out to greet him.

When they saw Zhao Jun, they looked at each other in surprise.

They didn't expect that they were going to find each other, but the other party came to their door.

But it seems that the visitor is not friendly.

"Zhao Zhishi!"

Ma Zhongfu stepped forward and bowed, "I don't know what Zhishi came to my house for?"

Zhao Jun smiled and said, "Nothing, I came to talk to you two. I was going to go to Ma Yushi's house later, but I didn't expect you to be there, so let's chat together."

"Since you are a guest, please come in and have a seat and drink some tea."

Ma Zhongfu gestured with his hand.

Zhao Jun walked in, followed by Di Qing and more than ten sturdy men.

Seeing this, the servants of the Ma family looked at each other in bewilderment.

Ma Yuan frowned even more.

Zhao Jun smiled and said, "I'm sorry, the emperor insisted on having them protect me closely, and also specially arranged a battalion of the Palace Front Department and the entire Imperial City Department Guard. Even if I go to the toilet, there are more than a hundred people following me. I feel troublesome."

Ma Zhongfu said awkwardly, "Since that's what the emperor said, it must be because the status of the prefect is noble. The prefect's visit to my humble home makes me feel honored."

"It's different when you are a high-ranking official. Unlike those small officials and yamen runners below, who yell and shout in front of the people, those who don't know them would think they are some kind of husband. When you are a high-ranking official, everyone is easier to talk to."

Zhao Jun smiled.

Strictly speaking, Ma Yuan and Ma Zhongfu are not of high rank, one is of the seventh rank and the other is of the sixth rank.

But both of them are typical officials with small positions but great power.

If they were sent out, they would at least start from the fifth rank Tongpan or the fifth rank Zhizhou.

One holds the power of national supervision, and the other holds the power of national finance. They both hold a pivotal position in the Censorate and the Three Departments. They are middle- and high-level officials. The general prefects are lower than them. They are definitely not ordinary officials.

Hearing Zhao Jun's words, Ma Zhongfu just laughed and took Zhao Jun to the main hall.

Some gifts for Zhao Jun were placed in the main hall. Ordinary coins were too vulgar. There was a box of pearls, a box of gold, and some valuable calligraphy and paintings.

Zhao Jun saw these things when he entered the room. He looked down and smiled, "Which house are you going to visit, Judge Ma?"

Ma Zhongfu said, "I want to visit the governor's house."


Zhao Jun became interested, squatted down to open the box, and saw the things inside. He said happily, "Are these for me?"

"It's good if the governor likes it."

Ma Zhongfu was very happy to see that he seemed interested.

Zhao Jun shook his head and said, "It's a pity that there is no "Wushan Tu" by Yan Liben in it, otherwise the governor might really be tempted."

Wushan Tu?

Ma Zhongfu's face suddenly changed, and then he forced a smile and said, "The magistrate is joking."

"Originally, there was really no way to catch you. It's all because of the kindness of the late emperor and the government. They had to treat corrupt officials well. As long as they didn't commit any other serious crimes, it's not a big deal to take some money and ask for bribes."

Zhao Jun stood up, turned his head and looked at Ma Zhongfu and smiled, "So your brother Ma Yi made so much money from Kaifeng Prefecture and gave you hundreds of thousands of strings of cash, but he really couldn't bring you down. But who made you greedy? You also took away other people's ancestral paintings, which ruined their families and I caught them. This corruption and bribery is not a big deal, but using power to rob and plunder is a big deal. You two, come with me."

Ma Zhongfu panicked immediately.

Thanks to Zhao Zhen's tolerance of corrupt officials, embezzlement of public funds is not a big deal unless there are people like Teng Zijing who do it.

But using public power to ruin other rich people and then snatching their ancestral paintings is another matter.

If the news got out, he would be demoted.

So he hurriedly said: "Minister, if you are willing to show mercy, I am willing to give you this map!"

Zhao Jun was furious at the time and said: "Stupid!"

"Even if your house is searched, it is still mine!"

After that.

He shouted: "Catch them, search their houses!"

In an instant, Di Qing and others around him went up and arrested the two Mas.

Then the inspectors outside swarmed in, and for a while the Ma mansion was in chaos, with screams.

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