In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 115 Establishing the Political System Council, from the First-Rank Duke

After Lu Yijian finished speaking, Zhao Jun just laughed a few times and did not answer immediately.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what Zhao Jun meant.

It was Zhao Zhen who asked tentatively: "How about it, Dasun, I also think you have such talent, what do you think?"

Zhao Jun thought for a while and said, "I have a question."

"you say."

Lu Yijian said.

"Can this department mobilize troops?"

Zhao Jun asked.


Everyone looked at each other, and Wang Zeng shook his head repeatedly: "No."

"If a country wants to develop, it's not just institutions and science. The construction of the military is also very important."

Zhao Jun frowned and said: "And no reform will be bloodless. This is something I have emphasized time and time again. Once there is a large-scale political change, it is very likely that the army will be used. If there is no army, how can the reform be promoted?"

"Isn't it enough to have the Imperial City Secretary?"

Wang Sui asked.

"not enough."

Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "The enemy is not only external, but also internal. The great man said that we never fight a battle without preparation and uncertainty, nor do we fight a battle with preparation but uncertainty. Governing a country is like fighting a war, and we cannot control the absolute How can strength do it?"


Everyone looked at Zhao Zhen.

The Song Dynasty's army was not in their hands, but in the hands of Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen was also dumbfounded and asked: "Does it have to be the army?"

Zhao Jun said: "It requires the support of the military. There are some leaders in Africa who are far-sighted, such as Sankara. He is an idealist."

Speaking of Sankara, Zhao Jun couldn't help but pause, his thoughts gradually drifted away, he put on a serious expression, raised his head and looked at the sky and said: "Sankara is the light of Africa. He promoted land reform, cracked down on capital assets, and punished corrupt officials. He is a corrupt official, opposes colonialism, safeguards national independence, and is determined to change Burkina Faso's backwardness, but what is the result? "

"How is the result?"

Zhao Zhen asked.

"He was betrayed by the people he was closest to, stabbed in the back by the people he considered brothers and sisters!"

Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "He was betrayed just because he trusted the other party too much and handed over the army to him. Therefore, the barrel of the gun is as important as the barrel of the pen, especially when doing the great cause of reform. Once the reform involves the interests of the army, It can be easily overthrown and turned into a military government. If you want to reform, you must take control of the military."

Everyone fell silent.

Only Zhao Jun raised his head, looked at the sky and said: "There are always many twists and turns in history. In the Southern Song Dynasty, there was Yue Fei's helplessness, and in the Southern Song Dynasty, there was the tragedy of jumping from a cliff into the sea; in the Southern Ming Dynasty, there was the self-improvement of Emperor Longwu Zhu Yujian, and there was the persistence of King Li Dingguo of Jin; Africa There are people like this.”

"Sankara is a gentleman, a gentleman better than everyone here. He rides a bicycle to and from get off work every day, without bodyguards around him. He insists on his ideals and never gives up, unwilling to compromise. His integrity and inner justice make him proud. Ashamed of his enemies, he is a true idealist."

"People like him include Che Guevara, Allende, Castro, Lumumba, etc. These people are like shining meteors across the sky and are remembered by the world."

"When the whole world was being oppressed and exploited by capitalism, they stood up and fought for it. People will never forget that idealists like them once stood up for people, shouted for people, and brought light and hope to people."

"Although I feel that I have no ability or qualifications to compare with them, since I have arrived in the Song Dynasty and in this land full of suffering, I also hope to have idealistic wishes and make the Song Dynasty a better place. Good, let the people of Song Dynasty live a better life."

"Common people know who is good to them, who their enemies are, and who their friends are."

"Officials and landowners in the Song Dynasty often only care about their own personal interests, forgetting that the country and the people gave them the life they have today, and forget that they stepped on the heads of the country and the people to get where they are today."

"When one day, the people can no longer bear it, they will rise up, raise the banner of resistance, and overthrow those who oppress them."

"If you still don't change your thinking and regard the people of the Song Dynasty as your friends and relatives, then sooner or later, they will regard you as their enemies, and the dynasty will be destroyed and history will fall into reincarnation again."

"So I need military power. What I want to deal with is not the people of the Song Dynasty. It is those who oppress the people, exploit the people, and dominate the people."

"They will be my enemy, they will be your enemy, and I need everyone to unite and work towards a common goal."

"The Song Dynasty is rotten. It is rotten from the root. We must demolish the rotten houses and build new ones."

Zhao Jun looked away from the sky, looked around, and said solemnly and sincerely: "And the army is the assistant who knocks down the rotten house!"

After the words ended, everyone lowered their heads. Some were meditating, some were frowning, and some were suddenly enlightened.

But what everyone has in common is that no one answered Zhao Jun's words.

It's not that they don't want to, it's that they can't make the decision in this matter, and they don't dare to make the decision, because the military power of the Song Dynasty has always been only in one person.

That person is Zhao Zhen!


Zhao Jun asked: "Can't you do it?"

"It's a little difficult."

Lu Yijian thought of a compromise, turned to look at Zhao Zhen and said, "It's better to do this. If we want to use the army, we can ask the officials for instructions. If the officials agree, the troops will naturally be mobilized."

"I think this is good."

Zhao Zhen nodded repeatedly.

The system of the Song Dynasty was a two-government and three-division system, which separated governance power, legal power, supervisory power, financial power, and military power.

Even the prime minister only has the power of governance but no finance or army.

Once a new department is established and can coordinate national resources, it is equivalent to vesting all governance and financial power in the new department, with only the army still in the hands of the emperor.

The reason why Zhao Zhen agreed to the establishment of the new department was because except for the military power, all other powers originally belonged to the bureaucrats.

It's just that the bureaucrats and scholar-officials were not united, so a decentralized situation was formed.

However, after the establishment of the new department, it was comparable to the ancient prime minister system. The prime minister took charge of national government affairs and had financial power. Just like during the Zhang Juzheng period, his prestige was bound to be the same.

This situation has posed a serious threat to the imperial power. In an era when imperial power is supreme, this is a situation that is not allowed to occur.

It's just that Zhao Zhen has an army in his hands, so he is naturally confident.

Moreover, he felt that Zhao Jun was a descendant of the Zhao family and would not do anything against his ancestors' decision. With Lu Yijian and the others watching, he would agree to it without any hindrance.

But if even the army can be mobilized, then the emperor Zhao Zhen will be completely ignored and will not have the ability to hold great power. So this is his bottom line and cannot be handed over.

Zhao Jun didn't know this, so when he saw Zhao Zhen relenting, he didn't force him. He nodded and said, "Okay, that's it."

"Well, what should this new department be called?"

Zhao Zhen asked, changing the subject.

"Call the Constitutional Yuan."

Zhao Jun said: "The full name is the National Government Affairs Development and Institutional Reform Institute of the Song Dynasty. Several people jointly organized meetings and discussed together. They have all control powers over the Song Dynasty except the army, including the appointment and dismissal of all officials."

"That's it."

Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "My eldest grandson knows that there are three ministers and three counselors in the Constitutional Academy. They are all colleagues of the academy and are also members of the Zhongshu family. They are also aware of political affairs. But this is a mission, there is no rank. Let me think about it. "

As he spoke, he frowned and thought.

According to the official system of the Song Dynasty, before Yuanfeng's reform, it was divided into main officials, dispatched officials, casual officials, honorary officials, job bonuses, titles, etc. Among them, the main officials were sent-office officials, which were linked to salary and grade, while dispatched officials There is no class.

For example, the official of Lu Yijian was Shangshu Youpu She, from the first rank. Dispatch is an ordinary matter under Tong Zhongshu's sect and has no hierarchy. His title is Grand Bachelor of Jixian Palace, and his title is Duke Shen Guo.

Among them, only the official and the title have grades, the rest are honorary titles, and at most they are just an extra salary.

Therefore, if Zhao Jun serves as the Zhizheng Yuan, he must be of high rank.

Because compared to later generations, this position is basically the Prime Minister of the country. It must have corresponding levels of treatment to demonstrate authority, so it must be treated specially.

However, it was impossible for him to get an official post, because in the Song Dynasty, one had to join the officialdom to get one, and there were basically certain seniority and age restrictions. It was impossible to be in the first rank in his twenties.

However, Zhao Jun did not take the imperial examination to become an official. Even if he took the exam in August and the results came out in October, he would not be successful.

Because in the Song Dynasty, people could not hold official positions like in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Unless they had a special name and became a Jinshi, they still could not be granted official positions, so Zhao Zhen was slightly embarrassed.

Yan Shu saw Zhao Zhen thinking with a grimace, and thought for a while and said, "Why don't you first accept the Political Academy with a title?"

Zhao Zhen smiled bitterly and said: "So be it, eldest grandson, with your bloodline, I should have made you a prince. But at the moment, I can't help you join the clan. The highest title can only be made by the Duke of the country. So you can just go from the first rank to the royal family." What do you think of the Imperial Council? If you make great achievements in the future and satisfy the public, I will make you a grand master or even a prince."

Logically speaking, since Zhao Jun is the leader of the prime minister, his rank should be higher than that of Lu Yijian and others, and he should be of the first rank.

However, the title of the first-level title is only Prince, while the official titles include Shangshuling, Zhongshuling, Shizhong, Taiwei, Taishi, Taifu, Taibao, Shaoshi, Shaofu, Shaobao, etc.

Moreover, these official positions are not permanent. The permanent prime minister usually corresponds to the first rank or the second rank (the deputy prime minister's participation in political affairs is usually from the second rank).

For example, the full title of Wang Zeng's official position is Shilang and Pingzhangshi, Grand Scholar of Jixian Palace, and Duke of Fengyi. Among them, his official title is the second-rank Shilang, which is half a rank lower than Lu Yijian.

Lu Yijian was only granted the title of First-Rank Situ by Zhao Zhen when he was about to die of illness, while Wang Zeng was posthumously awarded the title of First-Rank Attendant after his death.

Even the king of the county is at the same level as the Duke, the first rank. It can be seen that it is impossible to be a first-rank official in the Northern Song Dynasty, at least during his lifetime.

Zhao Zhen also had the power to grant the title of Zhengyipin. However, the official of the Zhengyipin had to pass the imperial examination to become an official. At that time, Wang Jue had to enter the clan's place of origin. Wang with a foreign surname could only be granted the title after his death. The only exception was during the Huizong period of Song Dynasty. Tong Guan. And now Zongzheng is King Pu, so Zhao Zhen has nothing to do.

What's more, even if Zhao Jun is registered as a clan member, the ancestral clan of the Song Dynasty cannot be an official. This means that if he wants to be granted an official title without taking the imperial examination, and if he wants to be granted a royal title but is not a clan member, he has to find another way to lead the government with the title of Duke. Zhiyuan.

It is estimated that this is the first time for the Song Dynasty to take charge of the national government affairs without sending a salary official.


Zhao Jun did not care too much about the official position and said: "The Constitutional Yuan has a tentative membership of seven. It can also add alternate academicians. Once someone withdraws, they will be replaced immediately."

"What rights do alternate academicians have?"

"I have the right to suggest and nominate. For example, if I value an official who I think can be of great use, I can nominate him, but I need to agree."


"I hope these positions are permanent and cannot be changed at will like the prime minister. This is unstable for the political situation. The term of academicians can be tentatively set to five years. If there are any problems within five years, they should be removed from office. If there are no problems, you can continue. If there is a problem with your body, you will have to recover. ”

Zhao Jun looked around the crowd and said: "In addition, I think officials should be permanent in the future. Otherwise, it is easy for the appointed officials to be transferred immediately before they start administration, and the latecomers overturn the policies of their predecessors, which will lead to unstable government orders. This is for The restructuring is unfavorable.”


Zhao Zhen frowned.

"Is there any problem?" Zhao Jun asked.

Zhao Zhen thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "Then let's do it."

"Of course, the government naturally has the power to appoint and remove officials, but I hope that the government can discuss it with the Zhizhiyuan."

Zhao Jun said: "After all, this will better reflect the government's determination to safeguard the Zhizhiyuan."


Zhao Zhen reluctantly agreed, which again snatched a lot of power from him.

The Great Song Dynasty adopted a system of floating officials, and the terms of senior officials were often very short. For example, 183 people in Kaifeng Prefecture had served as prefects, while the Northern Song Dynasty only lasted 167 years, and the average term of each person was only 11 months, or even only a few days.

For example, Fan Zhongyan's son Fan Chunli served as a nun three times. The longest time was half a year, the shortest time was less than a month, and the total of the three times was only one year.

This was done to stabilize the imperial power and prevent scholar-bureaucrats from controlling a certain department for a long time and posing a threat to the imperial power.

But the shortcomings are also obvious.

Because the term of exile was too short, and information, transportation, and material circulation were underdeveloped in ancient times, it might take several months for a government order to be transmitted throughout the country.

Sometimes the old official has just taken office and is preparing to show off his talents, but is transferred out soon after, and the new official takes office, which is another idea.

The common people are repeatedly tortured and tortured under different policies, which is naturally a waste of people's power.

Therefore, the Song Dynasty was the best dynasty for scholar-bureaucrats, with high wages and good benefits, and nothing would happen even if they committed crimes. But for the people, the situation was really dire. It is no wonder that the rebels were the best in all dynasties.

Now Zhao Jun has lengthened the term of officials and taken away the power of appointing and removing officials from the emperor. Obviously, it is a big challenge for the imperial power, which makes Zhao Zhen somewhat reluctant.

But Zhao Zhen hesitated a little and finally agreed.

After all, for him, nothing is more important now than changing the history of the Song Dynasty and changing the threat posed by Jingkang Shame.

"That's it."

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "In the future, all government affairs of the two governments and three departments will be transferred to the Constitutional Yuan. I need to understand the current situation of the Song Dynasty and collect a large amount of data to make changes. There may not be any new news for several months. The policy comes out, which requires long-term planning.”

Zhao Zhen thought for a while and said: "Then I will set up a place in the palace to serve as the office of the Constitutional Yuan? How about it be in the back pavilion of Daqing Palace."

The office of the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty was next to the Daqing Hall, which was called the Zhengshi Hall or the Capital Hall. "Tokyo Menghualu" records: "The north corridor of the east-going street at the entrance is the Privy Council, the second is the Secretariat, the second is the Dutang, the second is the province, and the second is the province. Daqing Palace.”

Daqing Hall is the place where grand ceremonies are held. Outside the hall is a huge square. Historical records record that "the hall is nine rooms wide, with bells and drum towers in the courtyard, and can accommodate ten thousand people." Festivals, ceremonies, ancestor worship or receiving foreign envoys are all held there. Ceremonies are held here. The back pavilion of Daqing was where ceremonies were held and where the emperor rested.

Therefore, Daqing Hall is not used on weekdays, and it is basically wasted there. Zhao Zhen lives alone in such a large palace, and there are many empty places in the palace. However, the Daqing Palace is in the front palace and is where the two offices are located, so it is easier to give orders.

Zhao Jun had no objection to Zhao Zhen's arrangement and said: "Then the back pavilion of Daqing Palace."

"So, our Song Dynasty will soon undergo new changes."

Lu Yijian said with a smile: "I am really looking forward to seeing what new changes the Constitutional Yuan will bring to the Song Dynasty."

"Everyone will just wait and see."

Zhao Jun smiled and said.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Jun, you haven't lectured to us for a long time. This time you know the Constitutional Institute, and you can come to the palace more often in the future to give more lectures and talk more about the development process of later generations. It will also be beneficial to our growth. All of great benefit.”

Wang Zeng suggested.

Zhao Jun glanced at him and suddenly laughed. He turned to look at Yan Shu and said, "I haven't told a Song Dynasty joke for a long time. How about one today?"

After hearing these words, everyone's expressions froze, and it was obvious that bad memories came to mind.

Especially Zhao Zhen, whose face turned red, like a pig's liver.

That look.

He seemed to be gritting his teeth.

This kid.

Why are you always jumping around in minefields?

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