In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 116: No traitor, some jokes from the Song Dynasty

In the back garden, the breeze blows slowly.

The fragrance of rice flowers in late rice is mixed with the fragrance of osmanthus in late autumn, soaking into the heart and spleen.

Outside the Guanjia Hall, Emperor Zhao Zhen of the Song Dynasty looked like a pig's liver.

The Three Phases and Three Shens, as well as the three deputy envoys, were all numb.

His expression was as uncomfortable as if he was constipated.

Zhao Jun really doesn't mention anything.

It's true that he is a master at committing suicide.

Although when I first attended the class, I did listen to Song Dynasty jokes while listening to the class.

But it was also an expedient measure at the time. First, it was to hear some comments about the Song Dynasty from later generations and find out the problems.

Secondly, he was afraid that Zhao Jun would notice, so he endured the humiliation.

But now that his eyesight has healed and he knows that this is Song Dynasty, how can he still tell those dirty Song Dynasty jokes?

Isn't this insulting to the country?

At that moment, Yan Shu saw that Zhao Zhen's face was very ugly, so he sneered and said, "Han Long."


Zhao Jun eagerly asked: "Want to hear it? Do you want to hear it?"

"I don't want to hear it!"

Yan Shu quickly stopped him and said, "Now that your eyes are healed and you know that this is the Song Dynasty, don't talk about such things in the future."

Zhao Jun raised his middle finger and said contemptuously: "Old Yan, this is your fault. As the saying goes, you must be brave after knowing your shame. You must understand where you have problems before you can correct them."

Yan Shu remembered that Zhao Jun had said before that raising the middle finger was a sign of opposition, which was the cultural way of young people in later generations, so he also raised his middle finger and responded: "What can be corrected by listening to Song Dynasty jokes? I don't think it has any effect. !”

Zhao Jun raised his two middle fingers and said: "Although Song Dynasty jokes are ironic, if I tell them, I will remind you all the time. If you want to change history and change future generations' evaluation of Song Dynasty, don't let Song Dynasty jokes appear. , you have to work hard, this is a spur!”

"Don't push like this!"

Yan Shu also raised his two middle fingers, then looked at the crowd and urged, "You guys should say something, too."

Lu Yijian lowered his head and looked at his two hands, made a gesture, then followed their example and raised his middle finger, and said to Zhao Jun: "That's right, I don't think this kind of spur is of any use."

"Yes, yes, yes, if just listening to jokes is useful, then during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were so many jokes that derogatory, satirical, and mocking other countries or our own country, I don't see any benefit."

"I also think that these jokes should be told less often. Now is the time when the Constitutional Yuan is newly established and it is necessary to establish its authority. If such jokes spread, it will damage the prestige of our Constitutional Yuan."

"That's right, boy Jun. I know how much you want to push me, so it's best not to tell this joke."

Everyone raised their middle fingers. Except for Zhao Zhen, Lu Yijian, Wang Zeng, Wang Sui, Song Shou, Cai Qi, Sheng Du and Yan Shu, seven of them, raised their fourteen middle fingers in front of Zhao Jun, almost drowning him.

Seeing the middle finger coming like a tide, and feeling the mysterious meaning contained in it, Zhao Jun had no choice but to look up to the sky and sigh: "What a pity, what a joke."

If the other party hadn't had so many middle fingers, he would have definitely risen to the challenge.

what a pity.

"I would like to hear it."

Just when everyone had persuaded Zhao Jun with their middle fingers, a voice suddenly came, shocking everyone present.

Everyone looked over and saw that although Zhao Zhen's face was not good-looking, his expression was extremely awkward.

It seems like that feeling of wanting to hear but not wanting to hear.

"Official family."

Lu Yijian said in astonishment: "Aren't these dirty words dirtying the ears of officials?"

Zhao Zhen gritted his teeth and said: "As the descendants of the Zhao family, the eldest grandson can speak out about the mistakes of his ancestors. I am the emperor, how can I be inferior to my descendants?"

"This is the good official family of the Song Dynasty."

Zhao Jun replaced his middle finger with his thumb this time and gestured: "Only those who dare to face the bleak life and face the dripping blood are the real warriors."

"Say it!"

Zhao Zhen took a deep breath. He felt that he was ready to face Da Song's jokes.

Zhao Jun thought for a while and said: "Qin King Zhao Tingmei once pointed out Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi's arbitrary behavior to his face. Zhao Guangyi said: If you say it again, I will announce to the whole world that you are not our mother's son!"

Zhao Zhen's expression changed suddenly, and so did the expressions of everyone around him.

Why did Zhao Jun only pick up scandals about Taizong?

Let's forget about the drifting of the donkey cart. After all, it is something that cannot be done after defeat.

But Zhao Tingmei's incident and Zhu Ying's ax sound were a huge scandal.

Taizong was suspected of plotting against Taizu and failed to pass the throne to the King of Qin as agreed by the Golden Chamber Alliance. He also repeatedly persecuted the King of Qin.

After Zhao Tingmei's death, it was also widely publicized that Zhao Tingmei was not the biological child of Queen Mother Du.

As the saying goes, family scandals should not be publicized. Although the Zhao family royal family has been hiding it, the matter still spread and spread to later generations.

This made Zhao Zhen feel ashamed and angry. There was a suffocation in his chest, and his whole face turned red.

"Hoo, ho, ho!"

Zhao Zhen took three deep breaths in a row and finally suppressed the anger in his heart. He waved his hands and said, "Don't talk about Taizong's affairs in the future. It won't sound good if it spreads."

"Okay, okay, okay."

Zhao Jun smiled and agreed. Now that Zhao Zhen has been treated docilely by him, it would be bad if it was King Pu's son who came up to him if he really pissed him off.

Zhao Zhen thought for a while and then said: "Then I will go back and rest first. Sirs, please take care of the affairs of the Constitutional Yuan."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Everyone stood up and saluted Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and left. Before leaving, he told Zhao Jun to bring a computer and give them more lectures.

He was afraid that if he continued to stay here, sooner or later he would be pissed off by Zhao Jun's Song Dynasty joke.

After Zhao Zhen leaves, the meeting will be over.

After all, everything that needs to be said has been said, and now everyone has to prepare for the establishment of a new department.

On the way back, Zhao Jun saw everyone was silent and asked, "What's wrong? Everyone is doing this. Do you know that telling more jokes is good for your physical and mental health?"

"You brat, please stop talking."

Yan Shu laughed and cursed: "Don't you see that the official's nose is almost crooked with anger?"

Zhao Jun curled his lips and defended: "I am here to train the official's psychological endurance. If he can't accept this little thing, then when the Song Dynasty sends troops to destroy Xixia and Liao in the future, he must not be excited to death?"

"Are you still planning to send troops to Xixia and Liao?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Now the Song Dynasty is barely in the middle position among the Three Kingdoms.

According to Zhao Jun, in two years, Li Yuanhao first defeated the Song Dynasty and then the Liao Kingdom, jumping to the second place position, while the Song Dynasty would be completely at the bottom.

With such a weak strength, if you still want to take the initiative to send troops, isn't this looking for death?

"What if?"

Zhao Jun said disdainfully: "You are really less courageous than flea excrement. Xixia and Liao were originally our lands. They were taken away but you never dared to take them back. It's so bloodless."

Everyone looked at each other, thinking that you are too bloody, that's why we are afraid of you.


Lu Yijian coughed twice and said, "Let's wait until the Song Dynasty has a strong army to discuss these matters. The most important thing now is the affairs of the Constitutional Yuan."

"Then we'll set it up as soon as possible, but I think work should not forget fun, and you should always listen to jokes."

Zhao Jun made suggestions.

Everyone turned a deaf ear and quickened their pace.

"Hey Hey hey."

Zhao Jun saw that all of them, aged in their 50s and 60s, were walking so fast, and shouted repeatedly: "How about another Zhao Guangyi joke?"

Everyone's footsteps became faster, and they quickly disappeared outside the Yanfu Palace Palace Road as if they were oiled on their soles.

Seeing them running away, Zhao Jun was filled with regret.

It's a pity that everyone "won't listen, don't listen, the bastard chants sutras", covers his ears and runs away. Obviously, the jokes of the Song Dynasty are such a good source of happiness.

Even though the Song Dynasty was founded by his ancestors, just as there were Manchus in later generations who were also unhappy with what the Qing Dynasty did, Zhao Jun also disliked the bad things his ancestors did.

Therefore, when I was surfing the Internet, I saw those Song Dynasty jokes with great relish and never tired of them.

Obviously before their eyes recovered, these people still liked to listen to Da Song's jokes. As a result, now that my eyes have recovered, I have acted like an ostrich and stopped listening. It is really a pity.

Zhao Jun sighed sadly.

But he also knew that he had already talked about one today, and it was not the time for the second one.

After all, a major national event had just been decided, and he was determined to reform the Song Dynasty and make the Song Dynasty strong. However, he kept telling them about the scandals of the Song Dynasty, which was a bit like pouring cold water on them.

So I can only endure it for now, and wait until I find the opportunity to talk about it later. Anyway, there are still many jokes in the Song Dynasty, so I don’t have to worry about running out of time to tell them.

As for their proposal to give lectures later, Zhao Jun did not refuse.

Because now that we have arrived in the Song Dynasty, let me give more lectures by the way. If we bring in more private goods to subtly influence these people and let them listen more to the sacred voice of great men, maybe there will be some changes.

Even if there is no change to them, it doesn't matter. As long as you tell them that what you said is the correct path of the Song Dynasty, then they will not dare to block it, which will be much more convenient for future governance.

Soon Zhao Jun left the palace and headed towards the Imperial City Division.

There are still several things in his hands, such as the eradication of underground forces, the expansion of the Imperial City Division, and he must have some legitimate industries to make money, etc.

Although the matter of the Constitutional Yuan has been raised today and the framework has been drawn up, it will not take a day or two to establish it immediately.

The status of the Constitutional Yuan is comparable to that of the State Council in later generations. In the future, the structure of the Song Dynasty will become a system of one Yuan, two governments and three departments.

It is far from simple to restructure a department that is superior to the second government and the third department.

Even if Zhao Zhen and Sanxiang Sanshen agree, there must be opposition and various doubts within the court.

Although this seems to be a good opportunity for the scholar-bureaucrats to centralize power and get more power from the officials.

But the scholar-bureaucrat class itself was divisive.

Unless the interests of the entire scholar-bureaucrat class are touched like Fan Zhongyan's reforms, they will also castrate themselves.

They did not want a strong civilian government to emerge, and there would also be infighting and interest conflicts among them. The party disputes in the Song and Ming dynasties were constant, and this had always been the case.

Especially when the leader of the Constitutional Yuan is Zhao Jun, the Imperial City Secretary, I am afraid that if the news spreads, the whole court will explode.

Therefore, Zhao Zhen and Lu Yijian need to deal with this matter in detail.

At that time, Zhao Jun will have to use his skills and abilities to subdue the opposition voices in the court.

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