Recently, the public security in Bianliang has improved a lot.

Kaifeng Prefecture and Imperial City Division went all out to crack down on gangsters in the city, causing a large number of gangsters to move underground.

At the same time, each prefecture and each division posted notices. The notice posted by Kaifeng Prefecture was aimed at those gang members, telling them that only the main culprit would be executed, and the rest of the members would be treated leniently as long as they surrendered.

The notice issued by the Imperial City Division was aimed at the people of Bianliang, saying that there would be rewards for reporting gang members, and concealing them would be regarded as accomplices, and Wuyou Cave, Guifanlou and others would be dealt with severely.

At this moment, Jiang Dalang was sitting on the boat. This burly man was naked with several bandages on his body. He sat at the stern with his eyes closed and rested his mind expressionlessly.

This boat was not sailing in the river, but in the underground canal. It was pitch black around, with no candles or light sources. The only bright thing was a kerosene lamp hanging on the bow. As the boat swayed, the light swayed.

The water in the canal was filthy and turbid, emitting bursts of foul odor. There were more than a dozen people lying on each boat. These were all ground forces affiliated with Guifanlou. This time, the ground was damaged and they were forced to move underground.

Jiang Dalang cooperated with Zhao Jun to eliminate a branch of Wuyoudong last month. Because Wuyoudong was completely wiped out, no one knew his role in it, so he was arranged by Zhao Jun to be one of the undercover agents who went underground.

There were far more than one such undercover. Jiang Dalang has now joined the Imperial City Division and become a captain of a scattered duty team. Even with his authority, he only knew three teammates who came down together.

He smelled the unbearable stench and waited quietly for the boat to dock.

After about ten minutes, the boat finally swayed and approached the shore. It was a wide underground cave with some densely built buildings on it. There was even a small dock by the dark river, full of boats.

The buildings on the river beach and near the cave were actually some wooden houses or stone houses. Jiang Dalang knew that this was the outer perimeter of Guifanlou. He had been there several times before.

Compared with the Fanlou on the ground, the underground Guifanlou is far less luxurious. It is just an underground street with a ghost market on the periphery. In the innermost part, there is a two-story building, which is the core of Guifanlou.

At this time, there are more than 20 or 30 ships parked on the dock. Some of them have just arrived like them and were taken off the boat, while others are simply parked. There are also several wooden houses on the dock, and everyone is queuing up to register; even if they come down, they have to be picked up by acquaintances inside.

"Da Lang!"

When Jiang Da Lang and several brothers got off the boat, a middle-aged fat man came towards them.

This man is a helmsman under Guifanlou, nicknamed Huang Pangzi.

People who travel around the world generally don't say their real names. Jiang Da Lang was also a disciple of Huang Pangzi at the beginning, so he could join Guifanlou and use Guifanlou as a backer to find his son from Wuyou Cave.

Seeing that it was Fatty Huang who came to greet him personally, Jiang Dalang hurriedly said, "Brother, why did you come in person? Just let Ergou come."

Fat Huang smiled bitterly and said, "Ergou was arrested."


Jiang Dalang saw that there were only a few people around Fatty Huang, and he immediately understood the reason.

As an underground gang, Guifanlou is headed by the owner of the building, but there are helmsmen under it, who are responsible for the territories of various regions in Bianliang.

The owner of the building rarely shows up on weekdays. The main events are headed by the left and right whip poles, and below them are the helmsmen of the sub-helms of each region, as well as the managers in charge of various streets and markets.

There are also open and covert struggles among the helmsmen above, competing for territory and positions. As long as the owner of the building pays a fixed amount every year, he will not intervene no matter how fierce the fights below are, so the helmsmen of each helm will recruit soldiers and fight for territory.

Apparently, Fatty Huang's power was seriously damaged in this government sweep, and Jiang Dalang was his right-hand man in the periphery. Therefore, when he learned that Jiang Dalang was also forced to move down from above, he immediately came to greet him in person.

"Let's not talk about this, Dalang, you will be my red pole and stick in the future, just follow me around."

Fatty Huang waved his hand.


Jiang Dalang nodded, and without registering, he went directly to Fatty Huang's side.

Fatty Huang's power was damaged, but he was the helmsman, second only to the owner of the building, and the left and right whip poles and left and right flag holders around the owner of the building. There were only benefits and no harm in following him.

Soon, under the leadership of Fatty Huang, Jiang Dalang was not arranged in the periphery like others, but passed through the periphery area and went to the inner room.

There are now a large number of people in the periphery. Many people from the periphery of Guifan Building have come down, plus the victims who were previously controlled by Guifan Building and the people in the original underground area. There are probably thousands of people, and the management is very chaotic.

When Jiang Dalang and his party went there, they had seen several fights. The shanty towns, wooden houses, streets and alleys were full of vicious gangsters, who looked at everyone who came in with vigilance and greed.

The world above ground was blocked on a large scale. The Imperial City Division and Kaifeng Prefecture had arrested at least several thousand people during this period, and a large number of gang members were forced to move underground, so that it was overcrowded.

When there were too many people, violence was bound to happen. The main reason was that the actions of Kaifeng Prefecture and the Imperial City Division were too fast, so many people did not have time to move supplies down. In the case of tight supplies, they had to fight for resources.

"It's not too chaotic now. If Kaifeng Prefecture and the Imperial City Division are still arresting people everywhere in a while, when there is not enough food stored, there will be big problems down there."

Fatty Huang whispered to Jiang Dalang: "The owner asked the remaining people up there to secretly transport supplies down there. I hope it can last a little longer."

"Are we going to the main building now?"

Jiang Dalang asked.

"No, let's go to Ghost Street first."

Fatty Huang took him all the way to the depths.

The ghost street is located between the outer perimeter and the main building, with long and narrow underground river passages on both sides, as compact and cramped as a tomb passage.

There are various passages on the left and right sides. Someone has dug many large and small caves underground. Some people sleep in them. It is dark inside, and occasionally you can hear various strange noises.

After walking for two or three miles, the front finally opened up a little. I don't know who dug a huge cave underground, and the surrounding terrain connected together to form a street market.

In addition to the passage they came from, this market is criss-crossed and extends in all directions. There are at least a dozen passages to get here. There is only one straight street in the block, which is probably less than 200 meters long. There are wooden houses on the left and right, and there are stalls on the ground. .

All kinds of people walk through it. This is the ghost street, also known as the ghost market, which is the trading area of ​​​​Ghost Fanlou. In addition to here, there is also a ghost market on the ground. It is more prosperous than underground, and most of the contraband is bought and sold.

And the people who do the most underground business are people.

After all, Guifanlou was a gangster organization famous for abducting women and children in history. Human trafficking was naturally their main source of income.

Jiang Dalang saw that there were many cages on the stalls, and women and children in ragged clothes were imprisoned inside, forming a slave market.

I have seen these things many times since I joined Guifan Tower, so I am quite familiar with them.

He silently swore in his heart that if he could do this internal response work well, he would lead his brothers from the Imperial City Division to kill him and destroy everything here.

Fatty Huang led more than a dozen of them through the ghost streets and walked into a basement. The air inside was turbid and smelly, and it felt like it could make people unable to open their eyes.

There were many people gathered outside the door, sitting, squatting or standing.

Seeing Fatty Huang coming, someone outside the door said: "Only two people are allowed."

Fatty Huang nodded, waved his hand and walked down with Jiang Dalang and the other red-pole palm stick.

It turns out that Jiang Dalang is Huang Zangzhang, a peripheral thug, but now that Fatty Huang's power has suffered heavy losses, he can only be brought to the core.

After all, there was constant fighting within Guifan Tower, and his power might be absorbed by others, so he had to take this step.

The three people entered the inner passage, walked about ten meters, passed through the two-story outer room, and arrived at an inner room. The room was filled with candles and torches, and the smell of kerosene hit their faces.

There were already some people sitting inside. They all had faces that were either fierce, honest, calm, or indifferent. They were all middle-aged men in their thirties or forties.

These are the leaders of Guifanlou in various areas of Bianliang. There are eleven people in total, but there are only five sitting here now.

The rest either didn't arrive or had been captured.

The current situation is not optimistic for Gui Fanlou.

Fatty Huang put on a smile and greeted everyone before sitting down in his seat.

Jiang Dalang and another person stood behind him, one on the left and one on the right.

After a while, three more people came in one after another. It was not until the last man with a scar on his face walked in quickly that everyone changed their expressions to serious expressions.

"Left palm whip."

Everyone stood up to greet him.

That person is one of the spokespersons of the original poster, left and right whip stick.

In the Song Dynasty, all government officials used water and fire sticks. At that time, productivity was insufficient. Although iron tools were popular, it was difficult for ordinary people to obtain knives because of the government's control of salt and iron.

Therefore, in the early Song Dynasty, even these underground evil forces did not have many knives, and they all used sticks like the yamen people.

In the middle of the Song Dynasty, the situation gradually stabilized, the handicraft manufacturing industry developed, and the number of knives increased. But the previous names and habits are still retained, such as palm whip, palm pole, palm stick and so on.

The double-flowered red sticks of later underworld groups are derivatives of the names of underworld groups such as Wuyoudong, Guifanlou, Hongmen, and Qinggang in the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties.

Zuo Palm Whip sat down directly on the top chair, looked around and said, "How is the situation in each of your branches?"

"It's not good. Half of our team was captured and left."

"We ran pretty fast. Only a few people were arrested, but we didn't bring much with us."

"I heard that Zhang Laosan and Xie Jiu were taken away, and our position here will also be exposed. What should we do now? Do we want to leave the ghost street?"

"Zhang Whip, what did the host say? Can you distribute some food first? We didn't bring much with us when we ran down."

Everyone was talking in different directions, and everyone was gloomy.

Their headquarters is underground, but their respective branches are above ground. Now that they have been destroyed, their strength has been greatly reduced.

Moreover, I was in a hurry when I ran down, and I didn’t bring much food. I was afraid that I would be unable to get up, and by that time everyone might suffer.

"Don't panic."

The left palm whip said in a deep voice: "The host will find a way to deliver food, you just have to wait patiently."

Jiang Dalang's heart moved.

What the other party said was to find a way to deliver food.

This means that the original poster may still be up there.

"As for here."

He knocked on the table with his left palm whip and said: "There are still many whistles outside, so you don't have to worry. When the food comes down in a while, if there is any action from the government, the host will notify everyone to disperse."

"That's good."

"With the landlord's arrangements, we can rest assured."

"The original poster is still thoughtful."

Everyone nodded.

Jiang Dalang crossed his arms and thought expressionlessly.

I was lucky today. As soon as I arrived, I encountered Huang Pangzi's power being damaged. I pulled him into the core group of fighters and acted as his left and right guards.

I overheard this information again. I will find a way to send the message out later to see how the Zhisi responds.

"Whiplash, if we provoke the government like this, will they continue to arrest people?"

A helmsman said.

"Provoke the government?"

The left whip wondered, "What provoke the government?"

Don't look at them being arrogant in front of the people, but the so-called building owner is not even a grandson in front of those Kaifeng Prefecture's seventh and eighth rank officials.

Now even the umbrella behind the building owner has been caught clean, and the building owner has been scared out of his wits.

At present, the entire Wuyou Cave, Guifanlou and other underground forces are shrinking, hoping that the crackdown by Kaifeng Prefecture and the Imperial City Division will pass quickly. After the wind is gone, they will come out to act again. How could they dare to provoke the government?

The helmsman said, "I ran down this morning. Last night I heard that we and the people of Wuyou Cave tore up the government notices and posted new notices to threaten the people and not let them reveal our whereabouts to the government. I thought this was ordered by the owner of the building."


The whip heard this and was shocked and said, "It's impossible. The owner of the building didn't arrange anyone to go."

"I heard about this too. It's a big deal."

Fat Huang frowned and said, "It was told by a few of my new brothers from above. I heard that Fan Zhongyan of Kaifeng Prefecture and the Imperial City Department were furious and said that they would continue to clean up the ground on a large scale in a few days, and they would also execute the brothers caught in public in the eastern suburbs. What should we do?"

When the whip learned about this, he immediately stood up from his chair and said, "How could this happen? No, I must tell the owner of the building."

After that, he walked out.

Many Guifanlou helmsmen were left there, looking at each other.

If the owner of the building didn't do this, then who did it?

Even though it seems a bit watery, there's nothing we can do about it. This time, two events are being laid out at the same time, so it looks a bit watery, but everyone believes in the protagonist and the problem will be solved quickly and won't be delayed for too long.

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