In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 130 Sheep will bite people one day

Compared to Guifanlou's shock after learning the news, the people of Bianliang were terrified at this time.

In recent days, notices have been posted everywhere in Kaifeng Prefecture and the Imperial City Bureau, asking people to report gang members to the government. In addition to the whistleblower, more than four neighbors are required to identify them.

The purpose of this is naturally to prevent someone from making false accusations. What if someone wants to kill someone with a knife and deliberately makes false accusations, resulting in an unjust, false, and wrongful conviction?

So there's nothing wrong with being cautious.

But this would be very detrimental to the people.

After all, reporting gangsters has given the common people great courage, and they must also be allowed to form a group to report. What if the gangsters retaliate afterwards?

Therefore, in the two days after the notice was first posted, there was not much response from the public, and very few people came to report it.

All this was expected by Zhao Jun and Fan Zhongyan.

So two days later, they added fuel to the fire. They sent people disguised as gangsters in the middle of the night, tore down the notices posted by the government, and posted notices in the names of Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower to threaten the people.

The people in charge of Wuyoudong and Guifan Tower went crazy as soon as they got the news. They were now hiding underground and among the people like mice. How could they still dare to provoke the government?

But the people don't care about this. What they only see is that those people not only bully good people, but also do evil. Despite the strong crackdown by the government, it is still so rampant.

As a result, under such circumstances, the markets in the outer city of Bianliang, the two areas of South Street and East Street that were most severely affected by gangs, were about to explode.

South Street and East Street have the largest number of ordinary people and poor people living there. Most of the slums are located in the Wanshengmen, Shuntianmen, and Guanglimen areas in the southwest corner of Bianliang, and in the southeast corner of Xuanhuamen, Datongmen, and Chaoyangmen.

Because this area is the main entrance and exit of the four canals of Bianliang, merchant ships loading and unloading are all in this area. Therefore, commerce and handicraft manufacturing are extremely prosperous. A large number of people who come to Bianliang to work are gathered on the edge of the outer city and outside the outer city. People live there.

Due to the gathering of low-class people, this is also the place where gangs are most rampant. Many people have gang members in their families. Their parents load and unload goods at the docks, or are engaged in handicraft manufacturing or other labor-intensive industries. It can be said that it is common for their sons to join gangs and become gang members.

This has also caused gang members to penetrate deeply into the people and take root among the people, making it difficult to completely eradicate them. Even if notices are posted, people will shelter and hide in their homes, so places such as Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower have not been dealt with.

But now that gangs have become so rampant that they threaten the people and the government, people who have nothing to do with gangs or have been bullied by gangs have become fearful, fearing that gangs will come back and bully them like before.

In a tea shop on Chenzhoumennei Street and Nancaochang Lane Street, a good-looking man in his thirties was holding a notice in his hand. A neighbor next to him asked curiously: "What are you looking at?"

Seeing that someone finally asked a question, the man immediately shook the paper in his hand and said, "This is the notice that Wuyoudong posted on the bulletin boards of various government streets last night."

"Have you posted notices in Wuyou Cave?"

The neighbors were surprised.

"Who says it's not?"

The man sighed: "They said that if anyone dares to report it to the official, his whole family will be destroyed."


The neighbor was shocked and asked, "Is there such a thing?"

"Yeah, see for yourself."

As he spoke, the man handed over the notice in his hand.

Soon interested people gathered around, and some people read the above content.

After everyone listened to the threat inside, the man said with a worried look on his face: "I have been beaten by the people from Wuyou Cave before. They have always been tyrannical in the outer city. Now they even dare to despise the government. What will we do in the future?"

"Didn't you say that the Imperial City's Vice-President, who is now the Vice-President of the Constitutional Yuan, vowed to clean them up completely? He also said that he would behead those people on East Street in a few days to show the public."

"We can't arrest all of them even if we arrest some people. Who doesn't know that all those people in Bianliang have gone underground, and it's difficult for the government officials to get in."

“Wouldn’t that mean Bianliang will never see the light of day again?”

"Well, in my opinion, let's forget it. If the government can't fight those people, even if they catch a group, won't the rest be hidden? Bianliang is so big, is it not easy to hide?"

The tea shop was originally a place for gossip and chatting. As soon as someone started talking, the surrounding area immediately became lively and there was a lot of discussion.

"How can we forget it?"

Someone said angrily: "Places like Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower should be captured and killed. After my child was abducted, just over a month later, he turned into a corpse and rushed out of the Bianliang canal. Why don’t those people die?”

"The government wants to arrest them, but they are all hiding. And I heard that the people are also protecting them."

When the man saw that there was a victim in the crowd, he immediately beat the snake and followed the stick and said: "Think about it, many people and their whole families are theirs. Neighbors, even if they know the identity of the other party, out of the kindness of the neighbors, they still open their eyes." If you close one eye, others will suffer.”

"Then according to what you say, those people won't be able to be arrested?"

the neighbor asked.

The man said: "If you want to catch them all, many neighbors will no longer be able to protect them. Today you are thinking that it is better to do less than to do more, but you don't want to think that if these people are always here, sooner or later, disaster will come to you. Who will cry out for you then?"

"Yes, only by catching them can we return the bright and sunny sky to our Bianliang."

"It's useless to rely on Zhao Qingtian alone, we have to help him."

"I know a family whose two brothers are members of the Xiaodao Society. I can testify. Who dares to report to the government?"

Instantly, instigated by the man, and with the help of the trustee, soon someone dared to come out and report.

The man was delighted and said: "There are guards from the Imperial City Department patrolling the street, just tell them directly, don't be afraid, we will support you."

At that moment, under the encouragement of the crowd, the person who mustered up the courage to report really went to report.

And such things happened everywhere in Bianliang.

Zhao Jun bought a printing house and printed a large number of official notices. Kaifeng Prefecture played the role of the good guy, saying that only the main culprit would be executed. As long as the rest of the minor offenders surrendered, actively reported and provided clues, they would be given lighter punishments, and even rewards.

The Imperial City Division played the good guy, saying that as long as the people from the evil forces such as Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower were caught, they would be severely punished.

And in a few days, a large number of these gangsters would be executed to deter the scoundrels.

As a result, many gangsters of all sizes in the city went to Kaifeng Prefecture to surrender in the past few days. Even if they did not surrender, they fled underground due to the deterrence of the Imperial City Division, and the public security in the city improved a lot.

Two days later, Fan Zhongyan and Zhao Jun continued their next plan and began to plan the "counterattack" of the underground forces. At night, they sent people to tear up the official notices and post notices of "underground forces", creating a threat that anyone who dared to report would be exterminated.

So the people of Bianliang were soon shrouded in a panic that the underground forces were about to make a comeback.

At this time, the Imperial City Division sent detectives lurking among the people to let these people stir up trouble in the streets and alleys, which further aroused the fear of the people.

At this time, only a catalyst is needed, such as the inspectors of the Imperial City Department, who spread the word that the days without Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower are good days. Arouse the indignation of the people, make them angry, and make them want to report.

Basically, at this point, the matter is 70% done.

Then, a few days later, the Imperial City Department publicly chopped off the heads of a large number of prisoners in Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower. Seeing that these people would also die, the anger in the hearts of the people would instantly turn into motivation, and they would report enthusiastically.

The whole process was just like Zhang Muzhi's handling of Huang Silang, giving out silver and guns, arousing the anger in the hearts of the people, and finally chopping off the fake Huang Silang, instantly igniting the gunpowder barrel.

At this time, the people in Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower naturally didn't know that Zhao Jun and Fan Zhongyan had set up such a plan.

They just felt puzzled.

They obviously didn't do anything, why did so many notices provoking the government and the people suddenly appear on the ground?

It's puzzling.

The left whip of Guifanlou reported the situation to the owner of the building. The owner didn't understand what the government wanted to do, so he ordered to wait and see.

So in the next few days, the streets and alleys of Bianliang were full of inspectors who were stirring up public anger.

There were signs that people were constantly reporting.

Although there have been no large-scale reports, the evil forces hidden in the people can feel that something is wrong.

Xinsongmennei Street is located in the Nanjiaomenzifang District of the East Water Gate of the Bian River. This is where the West Bian River, a branch of the Bian River, is located. The Bian River is divided into two in the area of ​​the inner city Yujiezhou Bridge, and two water channels flow out.

The flow of the West Bian River is relatively small, but the daily water transport is still continuous. In the street market, in the early morning, before dawn, three figures returned home from outside.

The leader was about forty years old, with a big waist and a fierce face. But at this time, he was like a rat crossing the street, hiding during the day and coming out at night, not daring to show off.

Because his public identity is the boss of the Axe Society, and his secret identity is the president of a branch of Wuyou Cave.

These days, Kaifeng Prefecture and the Imperial City Division have been arresting gang members in the city. All the gangs and societies that collect protection fees, smash shops, and oppress the people have been purged.

For a time, many gang members had to hide. Some went underground, and some hid more secretly on the ground, responsible for gathering information and transporting materials to the underground.

Now the boss of the Axe Society, Li Sanlang, nicknamed Hunjianglong, has many of his men arrested, and those who have escaped and scattered have basically only a few kittens around him.

After returning home, the remaining few people came together and asked in unison: "Brother, what's going on?"

"Are those people from the Imperial City Bureau and Kaifeng Prefecture still trying to catch us?"

"Now we don't even dare to go out."

"Thinking back to when we were so powerful, we are now in dire straits. When will this day end?"

Eight people gathered in the yard. Since Kaifeng Prefecture is now offering a reward, Li Sanlang is afraid that his brothers will betray him, so he goes to purchase supplies in person.

He threw the things in his hand on the ground, spit and cursed: "Damn it, Zhao Jun really doesn't leave us a way to survive. There are people patrolling everywhere in the streets and blocks. I bought these foods at the night market."

"Brother, it feels wrong."

One of the brothers who followed him out frowned and said: "When we went to the night market yesterday, some neighbors who recognized us looked at us and pointed at us. Will they report us to the government?"


Li Sanlang sneered and said: "Give them some courage. I recognize those people. We are like grandsons when we meet on weekdays. Go to the government to report us? I think they don't want to live anymore."

Everyone thought so.

Their Ax Club has hundreds of members and controls several streets, and the boss is from Wuyoudong.

Although the surrounding neighbors have been bullied by them all year round, they are also more aware of their power. If they report it to the government, aren't they afraid of their retaliation afterwards?

So there is nothing to worry about.

"Brother, Liu Lang and the others are going to be executed by the Imperial City Division today. They are on East Street. The news is spreading everywhere."

Someone said sadly: "Would you like to go over and take a last look at them?"

Li Sanlang's face twitched.

There are tens of thousands of gangsters in Bianliang, and the government has arrested thousands of them recently.

It's okay to be caught by the Kaifeng Prefecture, but he will inevitably suffer physical pain and prison. It will be miserable if he is caught by the Imperial City Division.

Once they find out that one of their subordinates has committed serious crimes such as human life, kidnapping, and trafficking of women and children, they will directly sentence them to death. This time, the Imperial City Division executed a group of prisoners, as many as more than 200 prisoners.

And he will be executed in the outer city of East Street at noon today.

Rokuro was one of his capable men who helped him abduct more than a dozen women. Once he was accidentally betrayed by a traitor and ordered to the Imperial City Division, he and two other brothers were included in the execution list.


Li Sanlang sighed, shook his head and said, "Let's go see Liu Lang and the others on their last journey."

In the morning, Li Sanlang and others had breakfast and took a short rest. At early noon, they dressed up and went out.

At this moment, the East Street of Outer City near Xin Song Gate is already crowded with people.

The place of execution was chosen outside the city.

Outside the city of Bianliang is not a barren mountain, but a place similar to a town.

The entire Bianliang outer city has been built to the scale of a city in the feudal era, and there are still people living outside the city, just like an urban village on the edge of the city in later generations.

Thousands of Bianliang people flocked to the outside of the city to watch the excitement.

On the bank of the Bian River, less than a hundred meters to the north is "Willow Bank, Dawn Wind Waning Moon" written by Liu Yong. The willow branches and leaves along the bank are yellow, swaying gently in the wind, and the grass is also withered.

I don't know how many people gathered on both sides of the strait. There were pavilions, shanties, and wooden houses around. Every household came out and looked at the situation here.

In the middle of the road, prison cars held a large number of prisoners slowly leaving the city.

On both sides, there were Royal City Guards armed to the teeth, watching from the side. There were three floors inside and three floors outside, and they were heavily guarded.

About a mile out of the outer city, we arrived at the execution ground, which was an open grassland. The Imperial City Division had set up some temporary tent facilities here and made a high platform to circle an open space of about two or three acres.

The open space was surrounded by Juma, and soldiers stood behind the Juma, prohibiting all persons from entering the execution ground. There was already a sea of ​​people outside, and Bianliang citizens were everywhere watching the excitement.

At almost noon, the prisoners in the prison car were tied up and shackled and escorted out of the car. There was a sign on the back of each prisoner with charges written on it. Each prisoner was escorted by two soldiers and stood under the high platform. .

The chief beheading officer this time was the newly appointed deputy envoy of the Imperial City Division, Gao Jimin. This person was the thirteenth son of Gao Qiong, a general in the early Song Dynasty. He was originally the successor of the Inner Palace. After Wang Shilong was dismissed, he was recommended to the Imperial City Division by Cao Xiu.

As Gao Jimin patted the gavel, Imperial City Chief Superintendent Chen Zhong walked onto the stage with a big loudspeaker, put his hands on his hips and shouted: "Silence! Silence! Silence!"

The originally noisy sounds outside the venue slowly subsided.

Chen Zhong shouted: "More than seventy years after the founding of the Song Dynasty, gangs were rampant in Bianliang City, under the feet of the emperor. They oppressed good people and brought disaster to the place, leaving many people in Bianliang living in dire straits."

"As the wind blows and the clouds fly, there are warriors guarding all sides. The underworld gangs must be suppressed at any time, and they will not work unless they are suppressed!"

"Everyone in Bianliang, think about it. You brought your family and brought you to Bianliang to make a living. You finally made a monthly salary and had a few coins in your hand. You wanted to buy some clothes for your wife and children, but you were suddenly robbed by these gang members. , and ended up penniless.”

"So the days without these mafia gangs are the good days!"

"The officials were very worried when they learned that bandits were plundering in the city. They ordered the Imperial City Division and Kaifeng Mansion to arrest the traitors and criminals in the city in order to set the record straight. Zhao Zhiyuan personally ordered that the felons be beheaded and the punishment be given!"

"I hope all Bianliang people will report it enthusiastically. If you find a bandit, don't be afraid. Report it to the nearest Imperial City Department or Kaifeng Prefecture Yamen. If the bandit leader is found, there will be a heavy reward!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Zhong stepped down from the stage.

Gao Jimin was a person who didn't say many ruthless words. After he finished speaking, he threw out the red sign and said coldly: "Behead!"


The Praetorian Guards shouted.

In an instant, the prisoners below were so frightened that they peed their pants.

Many people were paralyzed on the ground, and were almost forcibly lifted to a high platform by the Guards soldiers.

Then, dozens of civil servants gathered around the horses, holding official documents in their hands, and read out the charges of the condemned prisoners to the people in public.

Zhao Jun is not a murderous person. The Imperial City Division has arrested two to three thousand people. Currently, there are about 200 people on death row who have not been reviewed by Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment directly after trial. They are all serious crimes.

Among them were the human traffickers Zhao Jun met back then and the government servant with the Chinese character face. None of them had to run away.

As each person's crime was read out, the people above took turns to behead him, and the people below burst into exclamations, some gnashing their teeth and clapping their hands in applause.

Many of the people who came here were oppressed by gangsters. Seeing this scene today, they knew that the government was serious, and their emotions immediately boiled, and the people around them shouted like a tsunami.

Li Sanlang and his men were sandwiched in the crowd at this moment. They did not care about the emotional changes of the people around them. They just glanced at the nearby Imperial City Guards with fear, and then stared at the situation in the field.

They also ignored Chen Zhong's words.

Because they were gangsters, they would only bully the people, and their positions were naturally opposite. Naturally, they would not change their minds and become a new person because of these words.

There is no such thing as a prodigal son returning to the right path in this world. Only the strict law tells you that if you continue to do evil, the government will punish you severely.

So they would not listen, nor did they bother to listen, but just looked at their brothers being killed on the field, with sad expressions in their eyes.

"Liu Lang!"

Li Sanlang had been watching his brother's head being chopped off with his own eyes, and stood there for a long time.

Someone patted his shoulder and said, "Brother, let's go."


Li Sanlang sighed, turned his head and left.

Several people squeezed out of the crowd.

But there were too many people, and they almost fell down in the crowd.

Someone accidentally pushed Li Sanlang, causing him to stagger two steps, but his fierce temper did not change. He turned back and shouted angrily, "You bastard, do you want to die?"

But when he looked back, he suddenly saw a look of astonishment staring at him, and the man seemed familiar.

Li Sanlang frowned, and did not want to cause trouble, so he turned his head and prepared to leave.

In the crowd, the person behind him suddenly shouted shrilly: "Imperial Guards, I want to report this man. This man is the boss of the Axe Society. He is also from Wuyou Cave. Catch him and skin him alive!"

This scream made Li Sanlang panic.

Because he finally thought of who that man was.

It was a small cloth seller in South Street. His surname was Wang. Boss Wang first ran a stall. Later, he made a little money and bought a shop.

Seeing that the other party made money, Li Sanlang planned to gamble with Boss Wang, making him bankrupt and owed him more than 180 guan of interest. When he had no money to pay, he took people to rob Boss Wang's wife and daughter and sold them to the brothel.

He still remembers the angry look in Boss Wang's eyes when he broke his leg and reported to Kaifeng Prefecture.

At that time, he was laughing and told the other party that you are just a sheep.

A fat sheep that will be slaughtered after being fattened.

What can you do to me?

When will sheep bite people to death?

Now he suddenly realized.


If sheep are not afraid of death, they will bite people to death one day.

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