In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 131 The Song Dynasty has no shortage of officials

At the end of September, Zhao Jun was looking at official documents on the table in the Political System Institute.

The Statistics Department has been established.

There are many idle officials in the world now, so it is easy to transfer staff.

The Political System Institute issued a top-level document instruction that any department or unit must hand over all data to the Statistics Department before the end of the year.

And when the Statistics Department requires the investigation of data from various departments, it is not allowed to delay or hinder for any reason. Once such a situation occurs, it must be severely punished.

The newly appointed head of the Statistics Department is Wu Yu. Although he is only 33 years old, he passed the imperial examination in his teens. Historical records show that he was "brilliant and knowledgeable at a young age, and passed the imperial examination", and he also took the imperial examination.

The highest gold content of the imperial examination in the Song Dynasty was the Xianliang Fangzheng exam, which was comparable to the imperial examination. The highest gold content in the imperial examination was to pass the imperial examination first and then pass the Xianliang Fangzheng exam. "History of the Song Dynasty" said: Since the beginning of the Song Dynasty, only Wu Yu and Su Shi have been ranked third in the imperial examination.

Therefore, since he was a Jinshi and had passed the imperial examination, his gold content increased rapidly and he was promoted quickly.

He served as a judge in the Dali Temple, a secretary in the Dali Temple, a local county magistrate, and a judge in Huzhou. Now he is a fifth-rank official in the Taichang Liyuan. In history, he was a deputy envoy of the Privy Council at the age of 40 and a vice minister at the age of 41. It can be said that he is extremely capable.

Now he is only an idle official in the Taichang Liyuan. It was when he was the magistrate of Xiangcheng in Henan that he was framed by the then censor Liu Yuanyu, so he did not get promoted.

Otherwise, with his outstanding achievements in the local government, he would definitely not go to the Taichang Temple, a department without real power, but to the Sansi Yamen.

Originally, Wu Yu was not qualified to attend the court, but wasn't the imperial examination in August?

The results will be released in October, so recently the officials in the Taichang Temple and the Ministry of Rites who are responsible for the imperial examination have to report to the court.

Although Zhao Jun was opposed by Wu Yu in the court, he looked at the list of officials and information, and saw his achievements and more upright and serious character, so he transferred to the Statistics Department.

Only such people can compile statistics well in the Statistics Department, so that Zhao Jun can understand the current situation of the Song Dynasty.

At this time, Zhao Jun was looking at the data sent by the Ministry of Revenue of the Three Departments.

The Ministry of Revenue has two departments, the left and the right. The left department has household registration cases, tax cases, farmland cases, law inspection cases, and miscellaneous cases; the right department has constant peace cases, exemption cases, pit field cases, law inspection cases, and miscellaneous cases.

That is, the left department is in charge of population, taxes, land, justice, and miscellaneous affairs. The right department is in charge of storage, disaster relief, corvée, market, justice, miscellaneous affairs, etc.

This means that the population and land are currently under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Revenue where Yan Shu is located, so the data is sent up the fastest and most complete.

However, the data he is looking at is the data of the fifth year of Tianxi in the reign of Emperor Zhenzong, which is more than ten years ago.

The recorded household registration is 10,296,565 households, with 2,620,5441 men of adult age, and the total population of the rest of the elderly, children, women and children is more than 60 million.

Now, more than ten years have passed, and the population may have reached 70 million. No wonder the population of the Song Dynasty reached 110 million during the reign of Emperor Huizong of Song, and the growth rate was very fast.

However, seeing the land statistics is a headache. More than ten years ago, the number of landless refugees reached more than three million households, which means that nearly 30% of the population had no land.

In history, this number reached more than 35% during the period of Wang Anshi's reform, which shows how serious the land annexation was.

More than 10 million people either flowed into the city for handicraft manufacturing or rebelled, and were eventually incorporated into the Xiangjun and Imperial Army system, causing serious redundant soldiers in the Northern Song Dynasty.

It is no wonder that the handicraft industry and commerce in the Song Dynasty were developed. With so many people engaged in this industry, how could it not be developed?

Looking at these data, Zhao Jun's face was not very good.

Lü Yijian next to him saw that his face was not right and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Land annexation is more serious than I thought. No wonder Wang Anshi wanted to reform. More than 10 million people, nearly 20 million people have no land, and the gap between the rich and the poor is so large. This is a time bomb."

Zhao Jun shook his head.

The others came over. Fan Zhongyan was in charge of the Political System Council in the morning, so he immediately asked: "Does it mean that Wang Anshi's reforms must be implemented at the same time as the Qingli New Deal?"

Lü Yijian, Wang Zeng and others glared at him. What a joke! The Qingli New Deal was already a big deal, and now there is Wang Anshi's reforms?

You, old Fan, are going to make the Song Dynasty suffer, right?

"I'm thinking of a question."

Zhao Jun scratched his head, looking embarrassed.

"What question?"

Wang Zeng asked.

Zhao Jun pondered and said, "The problem now is that the Northern Song Dynasty has the ability to germinate capital and thus give birth to the Industrial Revolution."

"Industrial Revolution actually requires land annexation to liberate more labor and enter factories to improve productivity. The first industrial revolution was mainly about mining and textiles. I understand the principles of the flying shuttle, spinning jenny and steam engine. They are things from high school history."

"The raw materials for spinning are wool or cotton. Our country has a long history of sheep, and cotton has been introduced since the Southern and Northern Dynasties. In the late Song Dynasty and early Yuan Dynasty, cotton was introduced into the mainland in large quantities; in the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang began to promote cotton nationwide by force. So the textile industry is not a problem."

"As for mineral resources, in the future, canals will be built between coal mines and iron mines, industrial cities will be established, steam engines will be used as mining tools first, and then slowly used in factories to build steam engines, lathes, etc., and slowly develop to the steam engine era. I believe it can be achieved within 50 years."

"But the premise for the development of these things is to defeat Liao and Xixia first, lay the foundation, and then spread these things within 50 years. Then use the remaining 50 years to radiate to the entire East Asian region and complete the hegemony of East Asia that I originally envisioned."

"In other words, there is no shortage of human resources now. But the industrial revolution will not be completed for at least several decades, and there is no need for so many people at present. If the problem of land annexation is not solved, the lives of a large number of people will be very difficult."

"If the problem of land annexation is solved, then so many laborers will be needed in a few decades. It is possible that we will usher in the industrial revolution just after solving the land annexation, which would be putting the cart before the horse."

After saying this, Zhao Jun felt a bigger headache.

Solve the land annexation.

You will need a large number of laborers to carry out the industrial revolution in a few decades.

Don't solve the land annexation.

Now there are a large number of landless refugees, and the people are in dire straits. How can we sit back and do nothing?

So he found the current situation very embarrassing.

"Then don't solve it for the time being."

Lü Yijian said: "Didn't you say that? Even if the Song Dynasty doesn't solve these problems, it still has 90 years of national life. This means that even if the land annexation problem is not solved in the future, it will at least not affect the overall situation of the country."

Zhao Jun glanced at him and said: "So the people are living in difficulty, and the poor are even having problems with basic food and clothing. Do you think you are very honorable?"

Lü Yijian was so angry that he said: "Isn't that for the future industrial revolution?"

"That's also a matter of the future. The current problem must be solved."

Fan Zhongyan stood aside with Zhao Jun, firmly Ding said: "Every period has its own problems. Foresight is important, but the present is equally important. We cannot give up the present for the long term."

"That's right!"

Zhao Jun was reminded by him, and he suddenly woke up and said seriously: "Since I am doing this for the Han people, I cannot change my original intention. I will solve the problems when I encounter them in the future, and maybe more high-yield crops will be found in the future, or Southeast Asia will be used to solve the food problem. As long as there is enough food, the industrial revolution will be easier to attract the labor force."

Lv Yijian and Wang Zeng, Wang Sui and others looked at each other, and a trace of helplessness flashed in their eyes.

But there is no way.

Since they chose to compromise, they stood on the same boat with Zhao Jun, and they could not go against him or confront him.

Otherwise, if they continue to play the role of a conservative interest group, the government will not be able to kill the scholar-official class because of the crisis of the demise of the Song Dynasty, so sometimes in order to preserve their own interests, they should give in or give in.

After chatting about other things and looking through the documents, in the afternoon, Zhou Xin, the new commander of the Imperial City Division, came hurriedly. Zhou Xin was originally a guard, serving as Zhao Jun's guard, but because the commander of the Imperial City Division's imperial guards was severely corrupted and six were dealt with, they were in urgent need of mid-level officers, so they promoted Zhou Xin to become a capable assistant.

He came to Zhao Jun and whispered, "Chief, more than 200 prisoners have been executed, and the people applauded. There were even dozens of gang members hiding at the scene. They were reported by the people and captured on the spot. The president of the Wuyou Cave branch, Li Sanlang, was also captured."


Zhao Jun nodded and said, "Well done, let the people below take good care of this guy and continue to dig deeper. Make sure to cut those people off the ground."

"We also captured several prisoners from Li Sanlang's residence. This person's backyard is connected to the Xibian River, and there is a secret canal that can go down."

"Seal the entrance first."


Zhou Xin responded and then left.

Zhao Jun narrowed his eyes.

In fact, he already knew where the headquarters of Wuyou Cave and Guifanlou were.

But he didn't send anyone down rashly.

First, there were dangers everywhere below. People were familiar with the terrain and there were ambushes everywhere.

Secondly, even if we rush down and destroy the enemy's headquarters at all costs, we cannot completely destroy it as long as we don't catch everyone.

Because there are too many passages below.

There are hundreds of entrances alone, distributed in various canals in Bianliang, and there are even many privately dug entrances, and there are countless entrances and exits.

Once forced to break in, the enemy will scatter like birds and beasts, or hide deep underground, or run out of Bianliang from hidden exits. The government cannot station troops below all year round, and wait for the wind to pass and then come back again.

So at least it is impossible to completely eliminate it now.

We can only clean up the ground first, find all the entrances and exits, and let the undercover understand the internal environment, draw a clear map, and then find a suitable time. For example, when it rains and floods, when it is difficult for them to run out, block all the entrances and exits they find, and finally learn from Guan Yu to attack by boat to completely solve the disaster.

Now the anger of the people in Bianliang has been aroused. As long as it continues to ferment, the first edition of the newspaper will probably be out soon. He plans to write an article himself, with the destruction of Wuyou Cave, Guifan Tower and other gangs on the ground as the main news, so that the newspaper will be a hit in Bianliang!


At this time, another official from the Political System Institute came outside, holding a pile of official documents in his hands.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Jun put down the documents in his hand and said, "What's the matter."

"This is the counting and statistics of the Three Departments of Salt and Iron."

The official said, and there were more than a dozen clerks behind him, all holding a pile of documents in their hands.

Zhao Jun frowned and said, "Why are there so many? Didn't they count?"

The official said: "The Salt and Iron Bureau said that they are short of manpower. They are currently making weapons for the northwest military. In addition, the tea law has been reformed, and there have been many changes in iron and salt, so they can only let us count by ourselves."


Zhao Jun sneered and said: "If they are short of people, just report it directly to the Political System Council, and I will send them more people. The Song Dynasty is short of everything else, but not officials. There are still thousands of officials who are only idle and have not been assigned. Tell them to send it back for re-counting, and give them a deadline of the day after tomorrow to complete it, otherwise all the people in the Salt and Iron Bureau will get out!"


The official has also witnessed Zhao Jun's swift and decisive actions recently, and dared not neglect it, so he had to have someone carry a large number of official documents back to the Salt and Iron Bureau.

Zhao Jun looked at the back of the official leaving, frowning.

What does it mean?

Is the Salt and Iron Bureau going to rebel?

He did not issue any decrees, but asked each department to count the data within their respective responsibilities.

This is not a difficult task in itself, but a basic requirement.

In the end, they couldn't even do such a small thing, and they also excused themselves by saying that the year-end affairs were busy and the office was short of staff.


If there is a shortage of staff, it doesn't matter.

Then change a group.

The Song Dynasty lacks money and everything, but not officials!

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