In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 134: Lighting the First Fire

The next day, morning.

Zhao Jun yawned and stood in the court hall.

Now he has the support of at least one-third of the court officials.

Standing at the head of hundreds of officials every day, those who oppose him dare not speak out, while the censors secretly investigate evidence of Zhao Jun's crimes.

It's just that Zhao Jun has not taken any action yet and has not touched the interests of these people.

Secondly, officials and prime ministers all supported him and firmly supported him in taking charge of the Constitutional Yuan.

In this case, the opponents did not offend him. When they met him on weekdays, they would bow their hands and bow without a smile, just to show off.

Zhao Jun didn't bother to care about these people.

He has some supporters, namely the Sanxiang Sangan and Fan Zhongyan groups. If there are people supporting him in the court, he will not be afraid that no one will do anything.

So as long as these people are obedient, it's fine. If they are disobedient, it's not his fault.

Soon after the morning service, Zhao Jun also asked Li Zhen for leave as usual. After taking the medicine yesterday, he really felt much better. Now he still has to go home to recuperate for a while.

At around seven o'clock in the morning, Zhao Jun arrived at the Constitutional Yuan after breakfast. Sheng Du greeted him and said to him: "Hanlong, the Jiaozi Division has been established. Here is the list."

Zhao Jun took over the list and reviewed it. They were all officials who had made great contributions to the economy when they were in power. Due to the serious phenomenon of redundant officials, there were often no real vacancies in the officialdom, so many officials with political achievements would be idle.

Granting them new assignments under such circumstances is obviously a good thing to avoid wasting talent.

After reading the list, Zhao Jun nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, this matter needs more efforts from Prime Minister Sheng."

"It's all within our scope."

Sheng Du said.

Zhao Jun looked around and saw that everyone was already at work, so he said, "Let's have a meeting."

Lu Yijian and others got up and came to the conference room.

The attendant had already made tea and closed the door. Zhao Jun took out his notebook and started recording while talking about the topic of today's meeting.

"This year's task is to collect statistics and restructure various departments at the beginning of next year. If there is no external intervention, Xixia will attack the Song Dynasty the year after tomorrow and provoke a war between Song and Xia."

Zhao Jun said: "So within next year, we must dismantle and decentralize the originally bloated departments, and then unify them under the leadership of the Constitutional Yuan to perform their own duties. How is the data statistics of each department now?"

"About 30% of departments have compiled the data."

Lu Yijian said: "We are still verifying whether the data from these departments are accurate. It is expected that all the work should be completed by the end of the year."


Zhao Jun looked around the crowd and said: "Data is very important. It is an important criterion for measuring whether the country is developing. In the future, various departments must be standardized and routine without delay. There will still be a lot of work to be rectified in the future, such as formulating rules and regulations, determining Assessment standards, etc., let Wu Yu be more careful. His statistical work affects the process of the entire country. "

"Well, I'll leave this to him."

Wang Zeng said.

"Fan Yong sent someone to send Zha Zi off this morning. A month ago, Xixia was dissatisfied with Zha Siluo for proposing to the Song Dynasty. After being granted the Baoshun Army Jiedu observation station by the officials, he sent troops to attack Qingtang and was defeated by Zhsisi Luo."

Wang Sui said: "Although Xisiluo defeated Zhao Yuanhao, he also suffered heavy losses, so I hope we can support him with some food, grass and baggage."

"Zunsiluo is pretty good. If his territory hadn't been so sparsely populated, he might have been a powerful Tubo ruler."

Zhao Jun thought for a while and said: "The reason why he is willing to surrender to the Song Dynasty now is because he knows that the Song Dynasty will not invade his territory, and Xixia will, so he resolutely joins the Song Dynasty to fight against Xia. If Xixia is destroyed in the future, it will not be certain. "

"you mean?"

Everyone looked at him.

Zhao Jun said: "The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is our territory and must be taken back in the future. The Tibetans are the Tibetans of later generations and one of the 56 indivisible ethnic groups in China. Liao, Xia, Tubo and Dali, the territory of the Song Dynasty must be at least Reaching its peak in history!”

"This ambition is not small, but can we achieve it with our current strength?"

Lu Yijian asked.

"The Han and Tang Dynasties could do it, but why couldn't the Song Dynasty do it?"

Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "So Xisiluo may become our enemy in the future, but we really need to support him now to contain Xixia. In this way, the food and grass baggage can be exchanged for horses, and we can actively carry out mutual trade to promote his economy. Prosperity."

"Hanlong, didn't you say that you would take back the Tubo land in the future?" Song Shou asked curiously, "How can you help Xisiluo develop its territory?"

"Why do you always forget a lot of things I said before?"

Zhao Jun hates that iron cannot be made into steel: "Cultural and economic invasion is also a way. When they are accustomed to using our words, language, copper coins, our measurement standards, and living habits, then are they still far away from becoming us? ?”


Everyone looked at each other and gradually understood many of Zhao Jun's words.

It turns out that this is assimilation.

At the beginning, they hoped that Zhao Jun would join the officialdom. Compared with the integration of such a nation into a country, it was indeed childish.

"What's going on with the Firearms Bureau now?"

Zhao Jun asked.

Cai Qi is handling this matter. He said: "Originally, the firearms were handled by the Guangbei Siege Division of the Ordnance Supervisor. Now I have separated the Guangbei Siege Division and established the Firearms Division."

Zhao Jun said: "At this stage of firearms research, it is definitely not possible to directly start making guns. The hardware cannot keep up and it is easy to explode the chamber. Let's make hand grenades. I will tell you the detailed method when the time comes. Make granular gunpowder, which will greatly increase the power of hand grenades. power."

Hand grenades actually appeared in the late Tang Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, a guard captain named Tang Fu presented a firearm called a firecracker to Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty. However, this thing was wrapped in cloth and paper, and it was hidden inside. Use poisonous smoke as a poisonous smoke ball.

If a real hand grenade uses better black powder, is granulated, and is mixed with iron flakes and the like. After being thrown out, it will cause huge damage to the crowd and will also be a deterrent to the Xixia cavalry.

Therefore, Zhao Jun did not immediately start making muskets and artillery. Instead, he made hand grenades first. In the upcoming war between Xixia and Liao, he would be well prepared to resist foreign enemies, and then slowly upgrade internally.


Cai Qi said: "Ding You ended a few days ago before Zeng Gongliang, and I have summoned him to the court. Then our Constitutional Yuan will sign an edict and confer him with the position of Chief of the Firearms Department."

"Well, Zeng Gongliang wrote the "Martial Arts Summary" in history. He was a famous politician, strategist, munitions expert, and thinker in the Song Dynasty. If I give him guidance and he can concentrate on the research and development of firearms, he should make the Song Dynasty's firearms technology Huge improvements."

Zhao Jun is very satisfied with Cai Qi's ability to act. Now the Constitutional Yuan is slowly building a framework. Later, the entire second government, three departments, and other departments will be gradually transferred to the Constitutional Yuan.

To a certain extent, this is a political transfer. It turns out that everyone works under the emperor. In order to balance power, the emperor had to assign a large number of officials, making the department bloated and inefficient.

But now after being transferred to the Constitutional Yuan, the Constitutional Yuan has become the direct leadership of various departments. It is somewhat similar to the Cabinet of the Ming Dynasty and the Military Aircraft Department of the Qing Dynasty, but its power is much greater than the two. It is more similar to the State Council of later generations, in charge of National government affairs.

As the emperor, Zhao Zhen was not only the direct leader of the Political Yuan, but also in charge of the army. On the other hand, as long as the Political Yuan was in charge of someone he trusted, his power would not be emptied out.


The premise is that the army is still in his hands.

Anyway, no matter how much Zhao Jun controls the CPU, the army is squeezed to death by Zhao Zhen. Except for the mobilization rights of some Xiang troops and the Imperial City Division, Zhao Jun has no other military power.

But even so, in a dynasty like the Song Dynasty where the imperial power firmly held military power in its hands, it was already remarkable. It was not easy to seize power from the emperor.

Fortunately, Zhao Zhen was a weak emperor. If he were replaced by a strong emperor like Zhu Yuanzhang, the grass on Zhao Jun's grave would probably be three feet high.

Soon everyone said something else.

At present, the main task of the Constitutional Yuan is to handle the national government affairs well, and at the same time urge the data statistics of various departments, and then establish several departments such as the Department of Firearms, the Department of Geology, and the Bureau of Creation.

Departments that have already taken shape include the Statistics Department and the Communications Department. The Firearms Department will basically be in place after Zeng Gongliang arrives. The entire structure will be on the right track next year.

Zhao Jun is still full of expectations for future development.

After the meeting, many prime ministers went back to other work. At ten o'clock in the morning, Zhao Jun read the documents, processed some official documents sent from various places, asked other prime ministers to sign, etc., and planned to rest for a while.

At this time, Chen Zhong sent a newspaper, which was made by the printing shop and handed over to Zhao Jun for inspection.

Seeing this novel thing, many prime ministers also gathered around.

"Is this a newspaper?"


Zhao Jun spread out this big newspaper and saw that there were still many blank areas on it, and said: "Public opinion is a very important thing, and guiding public opinion means guiding thoughts. If all the people in a country are united in thinking, then The power of this country will be very powerful.”

Yan Shu took the newspaper up, and what caught his eye was a poem. He couldn't help but read: "The great river goes to the east, and the waves are washed away, and the romantic figures of the ages. To the west of the fortress, the way of humanity is, the Three Kingdoms Zhou Lang Red Cliff. The rocks penetrate the sky. , the stormy waves crashed onto the shore, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.”

"Whose copy was it?"

After Yan Shu read it, he looked at Zhao Jun with an unkind expression.

Zhao Jun said awkwardly: "It's from Su Shi."

"Just be a human being."

Yan Shu beat his chest and stamped his feet: "He is just a child!"

"The best thing to do is to compensate him in the future so that his life will not be as miserable as it was in history."

Zhao Jun shrugged and said: "And I did this to let the newspaper reach the people. You see, I didn't even use my name in it. I used the pseudonym Zhou Shuren."

"No, from now on, you must hand over all my children's poems to me, and I will sign them."

Yan Shu said dissatisfied.

"Lao Yan, it's been exposed. You just want to steal your child's words."

"Nonsense, that's my child, what's his is mine."

"You are better at not being a human being."

Zhao Jun put away the newspaper and then said: "Everyone can write articles and submit them to me in the future. I plan to name this newspaper the Song Dynasty Journal, which will be published every seven days."

"I know that in your later generations, a month is divided into four weeks, and each week is seven days, but in the Song Dynasty, a month was divided into thirty days. Wouldn't this be easier to calculate?"

Lu Yijian asked.

Zhao Jun shook his head: "The Song Dynasty also takes a five-day break and works for five days. It will be the norm after two days of rest. And since newspapers are news publications, they must be timely. I am already slow to issue an issue every seven days." Yes, there will be a Da Song Daily in the future, one issue every day.”

"One issue per day?"

Everyone looked at each other. Their newspaper only had one issue every five days, and it recorded all the official news in the court. Zhao Jun's newspaper had one issue every day. Is there really so much content to write about?

Seeing everyone's confused expressions, Zhao Jun just smiled and said nothing.

He copied poems just to get the name of the newspaper first. As long as the newspaper is deeply rooted among the people, it will naturally attract countless people to submit articles. At that time, the Song Dynasty Information Office can also be established to supervise the official media, which will also have good results. .

Several people were chatting.

There were officials outside delivering another batch of official documents.

The leading official is Lang Zhou Zan, secretary of the Constitutional Yuan. Today is a limited day for the Salt and Iron Department to submit data. In the morning, Zhao Jun sent Zhou Zan to the Salt and Iron Department to urge him.


When Zhao Jun saw a group of officials from the Constitutional Yuan coming back with so many official documents, he put down the newspapers in his hands and asked, "What's going on?"

Zhou Zan replied: "Xia Guan went to the Salt and Iron Department to ask them to submit them for statistics. Deputy Ambassador Liu of the Salt and Iron Department said that these were official documents sent from various places this year. The Salt and Iron Department had other things to do and did not have time. We have to do the counting ourselves.”


Zhao Jun stood up as he slapped the case, looked around Lu Yijian and others and said, "Is this Liu Yuanyu mentally ill? He can't even make statistics, so what's the use of him?"

Seeing Zhao Jun angry, everyone looked at each other.

Wang Zeng mused: "Perhaps Liu Yuanyu didn't like the establishment of the Constitutional Yuan. He was also an opponent at the beginning, and now he is using this method to resist the Constitutional Yuan."


Zhao Jun smiled instead of getting angry and said, "Then it's time for him to be replaced as deputy envoy of the Third Department. Do you have any candidates?"

Lu Yijian was overjoyed and said, "Jia Ziming has a great talent and is qualified for the job."


Wang Zeng saw that Lu Yijian wanted to arrange for a close friend again, and said displeased: "The position of the Salt and Iron Envoy of the Third Division is so important. Jia Changchao has never set foot in the Third Division, how can he be chosen?"

"Who does the king choose?"

Zhao Jun asked.

"Li Fuxu is certainly qualified for the job!"

Wang Zeng said without hesitation: "He has served as the Salt and Iron Judge of the Third Division and the Deputy Salt and Iron Envoy of the Third Division many times. He knows the Third Division well."


Lu Yijian quickly wanted to stop him. Li Fuxu was Li Di, his mortal enemy.

But it was too late, Zhao Jun immediately said: "Sign the court order to summon Li Di to Beijing. Afterwards, I will ask the officials to grant Li Di a seal."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Jun looked around with a sneer and said: "The Third Department of Salt and Iron Department is the first fire in our Constitutional Yuan. Everyone, come with me, I want to see how big this Liu Yuanyu is. "

The Constitutional Yuan has not yet issued any political orders, and the formal restructuring will not begin until next year. The result is just statistics, and a Salt and Iron Department dares to be so rampant.

If the entire Salt and Iron Department is not dealt with directly and violently, I am afraid that the restructuring will be very difficult in the future. At that time, a large number of officials will inevitably follow Liu Yuanyu's example.

Therefore, it is time for this new official to burn the first of the three things he did when he took office.

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