In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 135: Removal of a Division Chief

At the end of September, in the late autumn, the osmanthus trees in the palace gradually withered, but they still contained a rich fragrance of osmanthus that spread everywhere.

At noon, the Chongzheng Hall stands tall and majestic under the sunshine of autumn and winter.

Zhao Zhen was reviewing the memorial in Chongzheng Hall at this time.

Although the Constitutional Yuan was established, in order to take care of the imperial power, basically all prime ministers had to check with him after they had handled government affairs.

In addition, the establishment of new departments, personnel arrangements and removal of officials also require his signature.

Otherwise, if Zhao Jun could appoint and remove officials directly, it would be another earthquake in the officialdom of the Song Dynasty.

I am afraid that the impeachment of Zhao Jun and the three ministers and three ministers will evade the imperial power, and Zhazi, who is preparing to rebel, will submerge the entire Chongzheng Palace.

Therefore, although the Constitutional Yuan has the power to appoint and remove officials, at least formally it still requires the emperor's approval. But now Zhao Zhen agrees to everything, and this kind of thing is basically no different from just going through the motions.

"Xiang Cai has already been promoted to Zhazi and is planning to transfer Zeng Gongliang to the position of Chief of the Firearms Department to take charge of firearms manufacturing. Now as long as we wait for Dasun to give out the method of making firearms, then my Song Dynasty will have muskets and artillery."

Zhao Zhen looked at the memorial in his hand and nodded with satisfaction. Then his eyes were full of longing and he thought to himself, "If the Song Dynasty had this firearm, how would it be afraid of the Liao Kingdom anymore? If Fan Qing could defeat Xixia and retreat to the Liao Kingdom, My prestige is beyond contempt.”

He folded the memorial in his hand and was excited at first, imagining that once the Song Dynasty had firearms, it would be able to conquer China and sweep across the Xixia and Liao Kingdoms. Just thinking about it, his face became solemn and his heart was filled with sorrow.

Although if he can defeat Xixia and Liao, his status in the Song Dynasty will be comparable to Taizu, or even surpass Taizu, and the entire Song Dynasty will become increasingly powerful, comparable to the style of the Han and Tang Dynasties.

But whatever people long for, they also worry about.

Zhao Zhen was thinking that if he could win, it would be a good thing. But what if you lose?

The Liao Kingdom was powerful after all.

Even though Zhao Jun said that the current Liao Kingdom is also experiencing constant internal and external troubles, and is far inferior to the prosperity it had a few decades ago.

But people are not afraid of ten thousand, but they are always afraid of what happens.

Zhao Zhen felt that if it failed, it would be an unprecedented blow to the Song Dynasty, which was already in turmoil, and it would probably lead to the destruction of the country!

So a moment ago I was still thinking about how great his status would be if the Song Dynasty could win the war between Song Xia and Song Liao.

At the last moment, I thought pessimistically about how miserable the outcome would be if it failed.

This was also a sentiment often felt by emperors of the Song Dynasty.

He looked forward and backward, and was hesitant, especially Song Renzong Zhao Zhen.

"Forget it. Historically, they were defeated by Xixia. In the end, there was no fight at the border between Liao and Chen Bing. For them, although the Song Dynasty was weak, it was not an opponent they could bully at will. What's more, the Song Dynasty was already destroyed."

Zhao Zhen felt a little upset when he thought about it at the end, so he just put his head on his forehead and stopped thinking about it. Isn't it because the Song Dynasty is about to fall that he now dares to face the Liao Kingdom and Xixia?

Anyway, even if he doesn't respond, Jingkang's humiliation will still make the Song Dynasty disappear in a few decades, so it is better to go all out.

If it succeeds, the Song Dynasty will establish its status as a powerful country.

The Song Dynasty could strive for at least fifty years of peace for itself, calmly carry out internal reforms, and then complete the industrial revolution. After a large leap in productivity, it could annex Xixia and Liao and become the hegemon of the East!

Even if Liao and Xixia were defeated, it would be impossible to annex the Song Dynasty.

The most he can do is increase the annual currency as in history, or cause domestic turmoil, so that his old Zhao family will not be destroyed.


"The eldest grandson will not let our old Zhao family perish. As long as the eldest grandson is here, the Song Dynasty will definitely be strong!"

Zhao Zhen regained his confidence and read the memorial again.

At this time, Wang Shouzhong came in and bowed and said: "The official family, Xiao Lang and all the gentlemen are here."


Zhao Zhen said quickly: "Did something happen?"

Wang Shouzhong hesitated for a moment, then said truthfully: "It's about the Third Division of Salt and Iron Envoy."

Salt and iron envoy?

Liu Yuanyu?

Zhao Zhen thought for a moment and said, "Let them come in."


Wang Shouzhong went out.

After a while, Zhao Jun, Lu Yijian and others came in.

They first bowed their hands to Zhao Zhen and said, "See the official family!"

"Everyone, take a seat."

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "If you are not in the Political Institute today, why do you have time to come to Chongzheng Hall?"

Zhao Jun looked at Lu Yijian and motioned for him to talk about it.

Lu Yi simply said: "Guan, please dismiss the entire Salt and Iron Division."

"The whole Salt and Iron Division?"

Zhao Zhen was startled at that time and said: "Under the deputy envoy of the Salt and Iron Department, there were seven cases, each of which was a push officer, a judge, a Kongmu officer, a detention officer, and a prosecution officer. The total number was more than 100 people. Are they all going to be dismissed?”


Lu Yijian said expressionlessly: "The Salt and Iron Department ignored the decree of the Constitutional Yuan, and Liu Yuanyu was in charge of the whole department. The ministers and others sent people to urge them to count, but they did not expect that they refused to obey the order. No one from the whole department even came to the administration. The Board of Directors explained the reasons for flouting the laws of the country!”

Wang Zeng also said: "Officials, this is the intention of the President of the Constitutional Yuan and all colleagues and alternate colleagues. If the Salt and Iron Division does this, it will only cause the authority of the Constitutional Yuan to decline. How will we talk about reform then? How? A powerful country?”

They still sided with Zhao Jun on this matter.

Because in a sense, with the establishment of the Constitutional Yuan, Lu Yijian and others will also become benefit audiences.

It turns out that although the position of prime minister seems to be of high status, firstly, the power is far less than it is now, and secondly, the status of co-presidents and alternate co-presidents of the Constitutional Yuan is lifelong.

According to Zhao Jun's regulations, for the long-term operation of the policy, once admitted to the Political Yuan, the term will be five years. But it is said that it is five years. In fact, unless the ability is really poor, you can basically work until retirement and return to your hometown with the treatment of a senior official.

Therefore, compared with the previous position of prime minister, which was precarious, had low power, and could be expelled from the capital at any time, this political institution was the place where Lu Yijian, Wang Zeng, and Sheng Du, who had a greater desire for power, should stay.

So in this case, they naturally want to support the authority of the Constitutional Yuan, and at the same time, they also want to maintain the authority of their own prime minister.

Liu Yuanyu's behavior is not only provoking the Political Yuan, but also provoking the majesty of Lu Yijian, Wang Zeng and other interest groups. Therefore, let alone dismissing the Salt and Iron Department, even the entire three departments, in order to establish the strength of the Political Yuan, They will also agree to do so.

But this is more difficult for Zhao Zhen to accept.

It's okay to remove Liu Yuanyu alone.

The entire salt and iron department...

Zhao Zhen looked troubled and said: "The people in the Salt and Iron Division are all under Liu Yuanyu's instructions. Can't we just punish the culprit?"


Zhao Jun also stood up and said: "Since the Constitutional Yuan will become the center of the country and implement administrative affairs in the future, it must have its own prestige. If Liu Yuanyu in the Salt and Iron Department is the only one who insists on his own way, the rest of the people will persuade or report to the Constitutional Yuan , then only punish him. But now, let alone the Salt and Iron Division, even Cheng Lin, the envoy of the Third Division, has made no move. He is completely treating the Constitutional Yuan as if it is nothing, and Cheng Lin must be punished! "

Good guy.

Just now, we only punished the entire Salt and Iron Department, but now we have to punish even three secretaries.

Zhao Zhen said helplessly: "Well, since it is the result of joint deliberation by the entire Constitutional Yuan, then I respect your decision."

"I request an edict."

Lu Yijian said.

Zhao Zhen hesitated slightly, but finally nodded and wrote an edict himself.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Jun raised his hands above his head, took the edict, and then cupped his hands and said: "The Constitutional Yuan and Your Majesty share weal and woe. The Salt and Iron Department is provoking the authority of the Constitutional Yuan, and it is provoking His Majesty's authority. This is something that cannot be tolerated. Your Majesty will not do it in the future." Don't be too kind to them. For the sake of the Song Dynasty, these dead people should be cleaned up one by one. "

"I understand."

Zhao Zhen responded, feeling helpless.

My eldest grandson in future generations.

It's really too strong.

More than 100 officials from the Salt and Iron Department were dismissed as soon as they were asked to be dismissed. They were afraid of causing another earthquake in the officialdom.

Getting the edict is equivalent to getting Shang Fang's sword. This is justifiable!

Zhao Jun, Lu Yijian and others resigned to Zhao Zhen and then went to the Third Division.

The Salt and Iron Department is at the back gate of Wende Gate. From the middle palace of Bianliang Palace, go through the compound road, take the back gate of Wende Hall, arrive at Wende Hall, and then pass through the front gate of Wende Hall, where you will find the Third Division, the Privy Council and the original Political Hall.

Now the political hall has been moved to the back pavilion of Daqing Palace. Although it is only separated from them by a wall, one is in the north and the other is in the south. The position of the political hall is obviously closer to the center of imperial power.

At this moment, within the three departments, each department is performing its own duties. Xia Song counted the things and handed them over this morning.

He did it in even more detail than Yan Shu's household department, with almost no mistakes or omissions.

At this moment, a large group of people suddenly came outside the Third Academy. In addition to several prime ministers from the Political Academy, there were also Imperial Guards in front of the palace.

"What's going on? Why are all the ministers here?"

"Going straight to the Salt and Iron Division."

"I heard before that the Salt and Iron Department was obstructing the tasks assigned by the Constitutional Yuan. This is why we are here to investigate."

The Third Division is composed of Yantie, Duzhi, and Hubu. The three courtyards are relatively close to each other, forming a "屮" shape. The three in front are the Sanbu courtyards, and the one in the back is the general affairs office of Cheng Lin, the envoy of the Third Division.

The Salt and Iron Department was on the far left. Under the leadership of Zhao Jun, many ministers from the Constitutional Yuan went directly to the yard of the Salt and Iron Department. Officials from the other branches and households all ran out to watch the fun.

"Deputy envoy, something serious has happened."

Liu Yuanyu was working in his office when a salt and iron judge rushed in in a panic outside the door.

"What's up?"

Liu Yuanyu frowned, what's going on?

The judge said: "Zhiyuan Zhao and many other ministers came in with soldiers from the front office."


Liu Yuanyu was shocked, and immediately stood up from his chair, walked around the table and rushed out. He saw that the entire Salt and Iron Division was in chaos.

In the many small courtyards within the department, officials from various ministries, judges, and officials from the Seventh Case and the Cao Cao were all taken aside.

Zhao Jun led the soldiers directly to his office.

"Liu Yuanyu, you are so brave!"

Zhao Jun saw Liu Yuanyu coming out of the room and said coldly: "Take it down!"

Liu Yuanyu was shocked and said: "Zhao Jun, what do you want to do? Use weapons in the palace. Do you want to rebel?"

"You are the one who rebelled!"

Zhao Jun raised the edict in his hand and shouted: "The Salt and Iron Department has ignored the orders of the Constitutional Yuan, delayed and neglected administration, repeatedly refused the instructions issued by the Constitutional Yuan, and despised His Majesty and the Constitutional Yuan. Your Majesty has decreed that the entire Salt and Iron Department should be dismissed and investigated!" "


Liu Yuanyu opened his eyes wide, and his body was shaking like chaff.

He never expected that just resisting the decree issued by the Constitutional Yuan would have such serious consequences.

Wasn't Your Majesty very kind before?

It was obviously just a trivial matter, but he didn't need to get so angry that he wanted to dismiss the entire Salt and Iron Department officials.

"Take it!"

Zhao Jun shouted.

The soldiers in front of the left and right halls swarmed up and captured Liu Yuanyu.

Liu Yuanyu shouted: "Zhao Jun! You are rebelling. I am not wrong. The Salt and Iron Department is short of manpower. Why do you have to dismiss us? Why do you?"

"The Political Yuan is the official's plan to revitalize the Song Dynasty and strengthen the Song Dynasty. The orders of the Political Yuan are the official's orders."

Zhao Jun raised his hands in the direction of the palace and said: "The officials said that the Constitutional Yuan should reform the shortcomings and rectify the court to make the officialdom of the Song Dynasty clearer and more efficient, instead of asking you to do small things and push back and forth. You are like this What’s the use of planting things?”

His words were as loud as thunder, and he spoke them directly while standing in the courtyard. There were many officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Du Branch watching outside, hoping to make this voice spread and formally establish the authority of the Political Yuan!

And the Salt and Iron Division is bringing the flag to sacrifice today!

For a moment, there was silence inside and outside the hospital. Only the other officials of the Salt and Iron Department wailed and shouted: "This is all what Deputy Ambassador Liu asked us to do. It is not our business."

"We are only following the will of our superiors. Why should we be dismissed from office? This is unfair!"

"Nothing unfair."

Song Shou stood with his hands behind his hands, looked at the officials below and said: "The Constitutional Yuan has given you the opportunity, and sent people several times to tell you to complete the count as soon as possible. What is the result? Whenever someone comes to the Constitutional Yuan to tell all the ministers, Liu Yuanyu was the one who interfered, so it’s not like this, do you think so?”

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

They really didn't want to go to the Constitutional Yuan to report the news. Firstly, it was a taboo in the official circles. Secondly, the county magistrate was not as good as the current manager. Liu Yuanyu was their immediate boss. In addition, the existence of the Constitutional Yuan and Zhao Jun was not favored by the officials. Naturally no one would help him.

Everyone regarded this matter as a joke, just to see how Liu Yuanyu resisted the order, why the Constitutional Yuan could not step down. Anyway, from their point of view, even if they were pursued, Liu Yuanyu would be held accountable at most, and it didn't matter to them.

Unexpectedly, the Constitutional Yuan was too powerful and directly dismissed all officials, making them a joke. This was something that everyone present could not have imagined.

The officials in the household department and the Du branch outside were relieved for a moment. Fortunately, their superiors were Yan Shu and Xia Song.

Yan Shu is an alternate colleague of the Constitutional Yuan, and he also works part-time as deputy envoy of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Although Xia Song set up a trap for Liu Yuanyu to fall into, he would not do it foolishly. He was very practical and capable and did not do anything out of the ordinary, so the two of them ensured the safety of the household department and the Du branch.

But the Salt and Iron Division was in a terrible situation. The Constitutional Yuan actually requested an imperial edict and directly wanted to remove all officials. This was something that the other officials never expected.

"Who is making so much noise in our third division?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the door. Many officials moved out of the way, and an official in a purple robe walked in.

That person was Cheng Lin, the Third Chief of Staff. When Cheng Lin saw Zhao Jun, Lu Yijian and others, she sneered and said: "Prime Minister Lu, you are now in the Constitutional Yuan instead of the Political Affairs Hall. You are much more prestigious. Even the three of us I have to take care of all the company’s affairs.”

Lu Yijian smiled and stroked his beard and said: "The Political Yuan controls all officials. All government affairs will be managed by the Political Yuan from now on. The government has given us the power, so naturally we must live up to the trust of the officials!"


Cheng Lin said: "Then you shouldn't be so public and arrest people at will in our third division."

Lu Yijian still maintained a smile and said: "Who told you that we are going to arrest people? We are just driving them away."

"You are going to drive them out today, are you going to drive me out tomorrow?"

Cheng Lin was very unhappy.

He and Lu Yijian are also political enemies. Now that Lu Yijian is targeting him, he is naturally unhappy.

However, he did not expect that Lu Yijian took the edict from Zhao Jun and said to him with a smile: "No need tomorrow, the officials said that you, Cheng Lin, were not strict in your duties. You are still guilty. You will be fined one year's salary and ordered to stay at home for ten days to think about your past. These In the future, Uncle Yan Tong will be in charge of your third division."


Cheng Lin choked at that time. She didn't expect that even he would be punished. Her eyes widened and she was speechless.

"Drive it out!"

Zhao Jun was too lazy to take care of Cheng Lin. Li Di was about to be recalled. If Li Di was obedient, he wouldn't mind changing to a third envoy. Anyway, Zhao Zhen was probably happy for Li Di to come back.

Because now the Constitutional Yuan is mainly headed by Lu Yijian. Although Zhao Jun is the magistrate, his ability to handle ancient government affairs is still not as good as theirs, so Lu Yijian is often in charge.

Lu Yijian has many political opponents, and he has one more person to restrain Zhao Jun. I believe Zhao Zhen will not refuse to agree.

And following Zhao Jun's order, the Imperial Guards in front of the palace took off the official uniforms and official hats of the Salt and Iron Department officials and drove them out of the palace. Many officials were ashen-faced, crying for their fathers and mothers, and some even started to hurt. Scolded Liu Yuanyu.

Everyone has a sense of comparison.

My boss wanted to cause trouble and ended up hurting me.

On the other hand, their superiors were so smart and dedicated to the tasks of the Constitutional Yuan without shirk at all, so the Constitutional Yuan did not do anything to them.

It was Liu Yuanyu who harmed them all!

For a time, Liu Yuanyu was like a rat crossing the street. Someone even reported his corruption and perversion of the law to Zhao Jun, hoping to get leniency.

Zhao Jun was not in a hurry about this issue.

Liu Yuanyu's reputation in the official circles was not good. History books recorded that he was greedy and sold prohibited items. Zhao Jun planned to let the Imperial City Secretary investigate.

If you are a lazy official, disobey orders, and are a corrupt official, it is not just a matter of dismissal, but imprisonment.

This also means that the days of the noble status of the literati in the past will never return.

Before Liu Yuanyu was taken away, he only left a sentence: "Xia Song, you will not die well! Xia Song, I will not let you go even if I become a ghost! Zhiyuan, Lu Xiang, this is all Xia Song's order for me to do it!"


Zhao Jun's eyes swept through the many officials present and fixed on Xia Song.

Xia Song's face was calm, and he just bowed to Zhao Jun and said: "Zhiyuan, I am not on good terms with Liu Yuanyu. This is something many people know. I think this is his frame-up of me."


Zhao Jun smiled, said nothing, and left the three offices with his hands behind his back.

After he left.

Xia Song's back was already soaked with sweat.

I didn't expect that the Constitutional Court had such great power that it could dismiss more than a hundred officials from the three ministries.

If I could enter the Constitutional Court and become a co-governor, why would I need to be a prime minister?

Isn't this much better than being a prime minister?

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