In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 204 Zhao Zhen is a true man of steel and blood

"Your Majesty, the opportunity just now was rare, why didn't you just charge over and capture Fan Zhongyan?"

Li Yuanhao suddenly went back, and the surrounding soldiers hurriedly followed him.

One of the soldiers was Li Muwei, the son of another cousin of Li Yuanhao. He was a little puzzled by Li Yuanhao's actions, so he asked questions.

Li Yuanhao said in a deep voice: "The Song army can't come to talk with me without preparation. There must be a trick. Didn't you notice that they seemed to have something hidden around their waists?"


Li Muwei thought that the Song army did have unusual actions, so he said: "Even if there is a trick, can't we rush to them?"

"I'm not worried about bows and crossbows, but the firearms of the Song army."

Li Yuanhao said with a gloomy face: "I found out from the internal response of the Song army that the Song army has gathered a group of strong soldiers. They throw stones on the parade ground every day, and sometimes go to uninhabited mountains. I can often hear huge thunder sounds. I suspect that the Song army has hidden means."

After all, he has been operating on the border for many years, and some spies have been planted inside the Song army. Although Fan Zhongyan carefully selected the grenadiers, the elite good family men brought from Bianliang had clean backgrounds and were definitely not the kind of traitors.

But in addition to the imperial guards transferred from the inland, the Northwest Army actually recruited local Han people from the Northwest. In addition to the local Han people, there were even Dangxiang people, Qiangdi people, and Tubo people. These people were collectively called Guiming people or Fanbing, and belonged to the Hu army in the Northwest Frontier Army system.

For example, Li Shibin captured a large number of border Hu people in the battle with the border Hu tribe and reorganized them into an army. After Li Yuanhao discovered this, he deliberately sent the Dangxiang tribe to surrender, and then on the eve of the Battle of Sanchuankou, he used the internal response to defeat Jinming Village.

So although there were no Xixia internal responses among the grenadiers, there were among the ordinary soldiers. These spy soldiers often saw the grenadiers training, and at the same time, they could hear the explosion of grenades when they went to the distant mountains for live-fire training.

The news had been sent to Li Yuanhao long ago.

Therefore, Li Yuanhao suspected that the Song army had hidden secret weapons. At the critical moment just now, he forced himself to resist the urge to attack Fan Zhongyan. It was because of his suspicion and caution that he saved his life.

Returning to his own army, Li Yuanhao did not rein in his horse, but turned his head, turned his back to the Song army, and looked deeply in the direction of Anlong Village.

After a few seconds, he did not hesitate and ordered the entire army to retreat.

The Xixia army came quickly and left quickly, galloping away like the wind, like a dust storm.

As a contemporary hero and one of the protagonists of history. Li Yuanhao created a myth at least in his era.

Defeated the Song Dynasty in the south, broke the Liao Dynasty in the east, attacked Tubo in the west, and suppressed the Uighurs in the north.

With an area of ​​only one-sixth of the Liao Dynasty and one-fourth of the Song Dynasty. One-fifth of the Liao Dynasty and one-fortieth of the Song Dynasty population, he established a tripartite empire.

So his sharp intuition and sharp sense of war can be said to be at the top of this era.

Li Yuanhao understood that Song had already taken precautions, and it would be impossible to catch the traitor again. Moreover, his plan to become emperor would definitely be passed on to Song through the traitor, and Song would definitely strengthen its northwest military defense.

Under such circumstances, it was not rational to forcibly attack Anlong Village. It would be better to go back and adjust the tactics and play in order to plan again in the future.

After all, there is no reason to be a thief for a thousand days.

The border between Song and Xia is so vast, with countless roads, and it is not difficult to lead troops to infiltrate and attack unexpectedly. There is no need to fight the opponent head-on outside the other side's fortress.

As for Fan Zhongyan, when Li Yuanhao ran away, they also chased to the small hillside, looking far away at the vast Xixia army that was as vast as the ocean and could not see the end three hundred feet away to the north.

"What a pity."

Zhe Jimin licked his dry lips, and the grenade on his waist was half touched, and the opponent ran away.

If Li Yuanhao could be killed, I don't know how many levels he would have to upgrade when he returned.

Fan Zhongyan said: "It's nothing to regret. This guy is vicious and cunning. Seeing that we dared to take risks alone, he must be suspicious. He might want to capture me, but I also want to capture him."

There is no way. The grenade made by Zhao Jun can't be as small and exquisite as an orange. Limited by the fuse device, he made the long-handled one.

There is a small flint built into the long handle. It doesn't explode when it is pulled open. Instead, it needs to pull the rope to continuously rotate a small steel wheel inside to rub the flint, and sparks are produced to burn the fuse, causing the grenade to explode.

This device is recorded in "Wu Bei Zhi" and "Tian Gong Kai Wu". It is the main detonation method of the Song army's land mines and thunder mines, which is similar to the principle of modern daily lighters.

But even modern lighters may not be able to light a fire sometimes, not to mention ancient times. Therefore, in order to ensure the success rate of ignition, the size of this grenade is still quite large, a little larger than the long-handled grenade in the later anti-Japanese period, and it is not easy to hide.

Fan Zhongyan originally wanted to take advantage of Li Yuanhao's ignorance of hand grenades and catch him off guard. But the other party was too cautious and did not launch an attack, which made them quite regretful.

But this was also normal. If Li Yuanhao saw that their waists were so bulging and still rushed over so recklessly, he would not be the hero who established such a huge empire. So Fan Zhongyan was not discouraged and turned his horse's head to leave as well.

In July of the first year of Baoyuan, Li Yuanhao personally led his troops into the territory of the Song Dynasty for the first time, and the news quickly spread back to Bianliang.

More than ten days later, outside the Guanjia Palace in the back garden.

Zhao Zhen is taking care of the baby.

In July of the fourth year of Jingyou, Empress Cao successfully gave birth to a baby boy. A few days later, Concubine Zhang also gave birth to the eldest princess.

Now a year has passed, and the baby boy may have inherited his mother's strong physique and grown up healthily. The eldest princess has nothing serious now except for a minor illness last winter.

This made Zhao Zhen very happy, and he was glad that he finally had an heir.

Then Zhao Zongshi was sent out of the palace. Zhao Zhen now became a full-time nanny every day. It can't be said that he was with his two children 24 hours a day, but he was with them most of the day.

Mainly because of Zhao Jun's words that he had no heirs, and the fear that someone would hope that he would have no heirs, Zhao Zhen attached great importance to the matter of offspring.

Not only was he willing to be restrained, but he also dared not to have a family with a mother who was too young, and only chose women over the age of 20. Now he finally gave birth to two healthy babies.

It was early autumn, the weather was clear and cloudless. Zhao Zhen was holding a baby and playing with Empress Cao in the back garden. Although he didn't like Empress Cao very much, he changed his mind after having a son. This could be considered a mother's status due to her son.

At this moment, Wang Shouzhong came quickly and whispered a few words to Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen's face changed slightly, and then he said to Empress Cao: "Empress, there are state affairs again. You take Fang'er with you first, let him get more sun, and stay with him all the time, don't let him get hurt."


Empress Cao responded and picked up Zhao Fang, who was toddling on the ground.

Zhao Fang was Zhao Zhen's eldest son in history. His mother was 16-year-old Concubine Yu De. It may be because the mother was too small when he was born, and he almost died at birth.

However, the name Zhao Fang was given before he was born. At that time, the custom was to give two names, one for a boy and one for a girl, and then give the corresponding name to the child after the birth.

Obviously, Empress Cao gave birth to Zhao Fang, and Concubine Zhang was the Princess Fukang born to Concubine Miao in history, named Zhao Qinghan.

It must be said that Zhao Zhen's ability to name people is quite good, for example, the eldest princess of Lu State, Zhao Yi'an, and the eldest princess of Tang State, Zhao Youwu, both have nice names.

Zhao Zhen left the back garden quickly and went to Chongzheng Hall.

At this moment, everyone in the hall was already waiting. Today, the urgent documents from the northwest were delivered. After reading them, Lu Yijian and others did not dare to neglect them and immediately came to request a meeting with Zhao Zhen.

When Zhao Zhen came over, before Lu Yijian and the others could speak, he hurriedly asked: "What's the situation? How are they now?"

"They have been forced to retreat."

Lü Yijian stood up and replied: "Xia's general Shan Yu Weiliang fled to the Song Dynasty. Zhao Yuanhao led tens of thousands of troops to pursue him, but was blocked by Fan Zhongyan outside Anlong Village."

"Didn't they fight?"


"Will Zhao Yuanhao retreat so easily?"

Zhao Zhen took the note from Fan Zhongyan handed by Yan Shu and read it carefully.

"Cough cough cough"

Wang Zeng coughed twice, his face slightly pale, and said: "Fan Zhongyan is preparing for battle and is ready to fight at any time. Anlong Village is as solid as a city. Zhao Yuanhao will not be so stupid as to attack it by force."

Zhao Zhen raised his head and glanced at Wang Zeng. During this period, he was at home taking care of the baby, and the government affairs were handled by the prime ministers. He had not even attended the morning court for more than ten days, so he didn't expect Wang Zeng to be sick.

He wondered, "Prime Minister Wang, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay. It's common to have some minor health problems when you're old."

Wang Zeng forced a smile.

Historically, he died this year, but he died of scabies after being dismissed as the governor of Yunzhou.

Now he hasn't been dismissed, and he hasn't been to Yunzhou, so he's naturally not infected.

But at this age, his physical fitness has indeed declined sharply. Recently, after the beginning of autumn, it's the end of July. It's very hot during the day, but it gets cold at night. The temperature difference between day and night is large, and there are some minor health problems.

Zhao Zhen said with concern: "Prime Minister Wang should still pay attention to his health, and try to let the government affairs be handled by the departments below. According to what Da Sun said, the Political System Council only needs to formulate the general direction, and the specific implementation will naturally be carried out by the executive department, so there is no need to worry about everything."


Wang Zeng responded. Although Zhao Jun required the Political System Council to only provide the general direction after the reform, unless there was a mistake in the implementation, it would be handed over to the departments below to make the implementation plan.

But Lü Yijian and Wang Zeng were unwilling to delegate their power. In the past, the prime ministers did not have as much power as they do now, so they often cared about everything, and their workload was even greater than before. It was not that the system made them work harder, but that they wanted to work overtime, all for the sake of power and profit.

Seeing that Wang Zeng seemed a little perfunctory, Zhao Zhen thought about it and finally said, "How about this, Wang Xiang should rest at home for a while?"

Lü Yijian immediately hit the snake with a stick and said, "I think so too. Xiaoxian is not in good health, and the effect of handling government affairs is not good. It is better to recuperate at home first. Hanlong often said that health is the capital of revolution. Only when the body is well can we do a good job in state affairs."

Wang Zeng rolled his eyes at him. This old Deng really did not miss any opportunity to seize power. Originally, Lü Yijian's voice in the Political System Council was louder than his. Except for Zhao Jun who could suppress him, no one else could compete with him.

If he rested now, wouldn't Old Deng be crazy during this period?

However, his health was not very good, and he finally agreed, "Yes, I will rest well at home during this period."


Zhao Zhen nodded. At this time, he had finished reading Fan Zhongyan's letter and said, "Fan Qing said that Zhao Yuanhao is ready to proclaim himself emperor, probably next month."

As he spoke, he threw the note in his hand on the desk, then walked to his seat and sat down, saying somewhat unhappily: "Although I had known that this thief would do this, I still feel uncomfortable after hearing it. If Taizong had not been kind in his early years, he would have Weng’s fathers, Li Jiqian and Li Deming, have long since lost their bodies.”

What is said here is that because Li Jiqian was attached to the Liao State, he was forced by the Liao State to pay tribute every year. As a result, the property within the territory became increasingly poor. He had no choice but to quickly request attachment to the Song Dynasty. Zhao Guangyi allowed the Song and Xia Dynasties to open border markets, and then the economy was restored.

So since then, Li Jiqian and his son Li Deming have been adhering to the Liao Dynasty and attaching themselves to the Song Dynasty. Li Deming, in particular, has made offerings to the Song Dynasty every year.

Because of paying tribute to the Liao State, the Liao State not only gave nothing, but might also send people over to occasionally plunder Yinzhou.

But the Song Dynasty was different.

Not only would they not take the initiative to attack Xixia, but after paying tribute to the Song Dynasty, they would receive generous gifts in return.

For example, Li Deming pledged his allegiance to the Song Dynasty as soon as he came to power. Song Zhenzong gave him 10,000 taels of silver, 10,000 pieces of silk, 20,000 guan of money, and 20,000 jins of tea.

From then on, Li Deming only had to donate 500 horses and 300 camels to the Song Dynasty every year, and the Song Dynasty would reward him with a large amount of gold, silver, tea, silk cloth, silk, clothes, gold belts, coins, etc.

Obviously compared with the Liao Kingdom, during the Zhao Guangyi and Zhao Heng periods, they really regarded Xixia as their own sons.

"The Xia thieves were ambitious. During the reign of the late Emperor and Taizong, they hoped that he could help contain the military strength of the Liao State. However, Li Jiqian followed the Liao State in his early years and repeatedly violated the border. Instead, he contained the military strength of the Song Dynasty."

Lu Yijian said: "For such a capricious person, I thought the border should be banned immediately and issued an edict to scold him."

"What's the use of scolding him? He wants to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor anyway."

Sheng Du said: "I think we should continue to increase troops to the northwest. Fan Zhongyan has been operating in the northwest for nearly two years and is as solid as a golden pond. I, the Song Dynasty, will never recognize his claim to be emperor. If he comes to attack then, he will definitely give way. He never comes back."

"More troops."

Zhao Zhen hesitated and said: "If we add more troops, the treasury may not be able to support it. Let's wait and see."

Although the national treasury has indeed been full in the past two years, Zhao Zhen has also prepared for the northwest for two years in advance. A large amount of materials have been transported to the northwest. Now it is not easy to maintain the price of food in Bianliang. If the army continues to increase, the price of food will skyrocket. I'm afraid it's a bit overwhelming.

"Ahem. Shan Yu Weiliang said that August is when Zhao Yuanhao ascends the throne. This time Shan Yu Weiliang comes to defect to Zhao Yuanhao. After Zhao Yuanhao establishes the country, he will attack the northwest non-stop. Fan Zhongyan is already inciting the tribes in Xia Kingdom."

Wang Zeng coughed twice more, and then said: "He said that if they can detect the direction of Zhao Yuanhao's attack, maybe they can also launch a counterattack and send partial troops to raid Xixia when Zhao Yuanhao comes to attack."

"Going deep into Xia Kingdom?"

Zhao Zhen asked.

"Yes, this is what Hanlong hoped he could do."


Zhao Zhen slapped the case and said, "I'll give Fan Qing an edict. I'll allow him to take the initiative."


Has the official changed his gender?

Everyone was surprised.

When he first talked to Zhao Jun about the Song-Xia war, Zhao Zhen actually only hoped to repel Zhao Yuanhao's attack.

Now he actually agreed to Fan Zhongyan's initiative to attack Xixia territory without hesitation.

Could it be that the image of the official family in history is just an illusion fabricated by Zhao Jun.

In fact, he is a real man of iron and blood, a tough guy like King Kong?

The next second.

I saw Zhao Zhen hesitate again and asked tentatively: "You said you take the initiative to attack, can you win?"

Everyone: "."


No need to look, the official family is still the same official family as before.

According to Zhao Jun’s words.

An indecisive idiot.

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