In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 205 Chen Xiliang, shocking changes in Changsha

Li Yuanhao summoned many tribes and originally planned to establish a country in October at the end of the year. However, because the traitor Shan Yuweiliang reported his conspiracy to become emperor, he had to act in advance.

In the first year of Song Baoyuan and the seventh year of Liao Chongxi in August, Li Yuanhao, with the support of his trusted ministers such as Yeli Renrong and Yang Shousu, built an altar in the southern suburbs of Xingqing Prefecture and officially ascended the throne of the emperor. The country was called Daxia and the reign was changed to Tianshou Lifa Yanzuo.

Historically, it was the first month of the following year, that is, two months after he became emperor, that Li Yuanhao wrote a letter to the Song Dynasty, asking the Song Dynasty to recognize his status, but was rejected by the Song Dynasty, so he was angry and started a war.

But now it was Shan Yuweiliang who reported him. The Song Dynasty almost responded to him in September after he became emperor in August, and issued an edict to "strip the surname and official title" and stop the trade. Posted a notice on the border between Song and Xia, offering a reward of a large sum of money to high officials to capture Li Yuanhao, or to offer his head.

In this case, the letter naturally did not need to be handed in.

Li Yuanhao only sent a "letter" to Fan Zhongyan, accusing the Song Dynasty of breaking its promise and mocking the corruption and incompetence of the Song army. He also used the power of the Liao Dynasty to threaten the Song Dynasty, and finally expressed that Xixia was still willing to make peace with the Song Dynasty.

Obviously, this was Li Yuanhao's attempt to blame the Song Dynasty for the war against the Song Dynasty.

Fan Zhongyan did not even reply.

Because this kind of so-called scapegoating and shirking of blame is meaningless. On the battlefield, success or failure determines the hero. If you win, you are naturally the righteous party. If you lose, any rebuttal is just an excuse.

Just like the Liao Dynasty's Chongxi increase in currency, asking the Song Dynasty to increase the annual tribute without any reason, is this reasonable? Obviously, it is unreasonable, but what can be done?

If the Song Dynasty cannot defeat the Liao Dynasty, it will be bullied and blackmailed by the Liao Dynasty.

So now Li Yuanhao has started an army to shift the blame to the Song Dynasty. If he was defeated, and the Song Dynasty's troops were heading straight for Xingqing Prefecture, then Li Yuanhao would have to change his words and immediately write a letter to beg for mercy.

In the final analysis.

Zhao Jun's words will never be wrong.

National defense is the foundation of diplomacy, dignity is only above the sword, and truth is only within the range of cannons!

The two sides have torn their faces apart, and there are no more concerns as before. Li Yuanhao frequently sent spies to the border to spy on military intelligence, incited the Tanguts and Han people in the Song Dynasty to join the Xia Dynasty, and openly cut off the diplomatic exchanges between Xixia and the Song Dynasty.

Fan Zhongyan was not to be outdone. He closed all trade with Xixia, moved all the Han people on the border back to the country, and began to blatantly build fortresses and walls at various transportation points.

In addition to these measures, Pang Ji had been reclaiming land in Guanzhong in the rear for a year. He summoned the people, hired people with the money sent by the court, dug canals, built water conservancy facilities, and resettled the Han people who migrated from the border, distributed land, and restored the governance of Guanzhong.

Since the end of the Tang Dynasty, Guanzhong has been almost destroyed. In addition, over-development has led to serious soil erosion in the upper reaches. For this reason, Pang Ji prohibited the felling of trees along the river bank and ordered the stationed Xiang army to cut wood from the Qinling Mountains in the south and transport it to Chang'an through the Yellow River and Wei River.

The war machine in the Song Dynasty also began to operate. Zhao Zhen had been hoarding food two years ago. The southern water transport of food and grass was constantly transported to Bianliang, and Kaifeng sent countless food and grass to Guanzhong every day, making full preparations for this battle.

Just when the relationship between Song and Xia broke down and both sides entered a tense state of preparation for war, Zhao Jun, who was far away in the south, had arrived in Changsha in August of the first year of Baoyuan.

In June, he returned to Hunan from Guangdong and began to seriously investigate the work in Hunan.

He had been to Jinggang Mountain, which was called Shihan Mountain at the time, in Jiangxi. When he arrived in Hunan, he passed by Xiangtan and went to a place called Shaoshan on purpose. In the village at the foot of the mountain, he looked at the small hill in the south for a long time.

On August 10, the weather was gloomy and it was drizzling. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are in flood season from May to October. Although the rain is not heavy, the river water is rising and it is not very safe to sail.

So Zhao Jun stopped in Changsha.

This city also brought him memories. His parents went out to Changsha to work when he was a child. Zhao Jun studied in the town with nine years of compulsory education, and then passed the county junior high school.

When he was in junior high school, his parents had already established a foothold in Changsha. In addition, he had excellent grades at that time, so he was taken to Changsha to study in a famous school.

Therefore, he lived here for a few years, and it was also the city where his parents worked hard for many years.

At this time, Changsha was an important transportation hub connecting Guangzhou in the south and Jingxiang in the north. It was still a very large city, covering an area almost close to the entire Changsha city in later generations.

Later, during the reign of Song Zhezong, because Changsha was too large, just like Kaifeng County and Xiangfu County were separated from Bianliang, a Shanhua County was also separated.

The approximate location of this county is Hetian, Wumei, Ganshan, Huangxing Town, Tiaoma, Lituo, Dongjing, Datuopu, Pingtang, Baiquan, Wangchengpo, Bairuopu and other places in Changsha in the future.

The northern Changsha County is the central area of ​​Changsha City in the future. The main reason for the division between the north and the south is the rapid development of Changsha and the expansion of the city.

The current Changsha County Magistrate is called Chen Xiliang. Zhao Jun knows him. Although he doesn't like to read "History of Song Dynasty", he still knows relatively famous people such as Lu Yijian and Wang Zeng. Otherwise, he can't make an evaluation of Lu Yijian.

In addition, he investigated Chen Xiliang's political achievements before coming here, and had a good conversation with Chen Xiliang after arriving in Changsha, so this time he did not occupy the other person's transport envoy's office, and simply lived in Changsha County Office.

In the backyard of the county government office, it was raining heavily outside. Since the day before yesterday, the rain has been getting heavier and heavier. Zhao Jun has stayed in Changsha for more than ten days. From the current point of view, he may not be able to leave for Hubei immediately.

The room was lit with candles.

Zhao Jun and a young official were sitting on the porch soaking their feet. Looking at the raindrops outside the house, he smiled and said, "God won't let me leave."

The young official, who was about 20 years old and very immature, also said with a smile: "When the Supreme Court came to Changsha, the people were all happy. When they heard that the Supreme Court was leaving, people everywhere were sad. It's not God who won't let the Supreme Court leave, it's the people." Don’t let Zhiyuan go.”


Zhao Jun laughed, pointed at him and said: "You are very good at being smooth-tongued. With such ability, why have you been the county magistrate for six years and not been promoted?"

A young woman carrying a wooden basin came next to her and squatted on the ground to wipe the young officials' feet. When she heard Zhao Jun's words, she boldly said: "There are too many corrupt people in the officialdom. The more officials become corrupt and pervert the law, the more they get promoted. Gongbi served as the seventh-level county magistrate for six years, but he was not promoted. "

The young official was none other than Chen Xiliang. When Zhao Jun first arrived, he met with him. Although he had already investigated, he actually liked him very much after meeting him in person, because he was admirable both in terms of political philosophy and personal integrity.

According to Zhao Jun's investigation, Chen Xiliang hates evil as much as he hates his enemies. He praises the common people and makes the princes and nobles afraid without considering his personal fortunes. In Changsha County, he will catch anyone who dares to break the law.

Among them was a monk named Haiyin Guoshi, who was once Liu E's guest and had close contacts with many dignitaries. Because he was from Changsha, he used his power to occupy the land of local people. Chen Xiliang had just come to Changsha to take up his post. When he learned about this incident, he immediately brought Haiyin Guoshi to justice.

The result was that Chen Xiliang had been a county magistrate in Changsha for six years. According to official practice, he had to be transferred after three years at most. But the imperial court seemed to have forgotten him. Except for the first two years as a member of the Dali Council, he had been a Jinshi at the age of sixteen, came to Changsha at the age of eighteen, and now he has not been promoted or transferred at the age of twenty-four.

Historically, it took until the Qingli year to be promoted to Zhongcheng.

In a sense, it can be regarded as a miracle on another level in the officialdom.

"What do you, a woman, know?"

Chen Xiliang scolded: "The imperial court has its own considerations, so don't talk too much."

Zhao Jun took a towel to wipe his feet and said with a smile: "Madam is right, this is officialdom."

"You see, the Imperial Academy says this is the case."

While wiping Chen Xiliang's feet, Mrs. Yang said: "If you ask me, being an official is really tiring. He might as well resign and go back to his hometown. Anyway, he is not the only Jinshi in the family, but he said that he can't let go of the people of Li." You see what happened."

"Oh, you're such a mouthful."

Although Chen Xiliang knew that his wife was trying to help him with a complaining tone, he was still very angry.

The magistrate is a person who knows everything clearly. He knows who should be promoted and who should not be promoted. Helping him in this way makes an upright person like Chen Xiliang feel ashamed.

"Hey, Gongbi, I agree with Madam on this point."

Zhao Jun said with a smile: "If you don't make decisions for the people as an official, it's better to go home and sell sweet potato. There are too few people working in this officialdom, and there are too many people who can't take advantage of the money. I just can't stand this place, so I want to take action. Change.”

Chen Xiliang corrected: "That's called yam."

"To rhyme."

Zhao Jun put on his shoes, stood up from the chair and said: "The Song Dynasty has too many problems. What it needs is young and capable generals like Gongbi who are willing to do things. I think you don't have to wait too long. You can I want to be promoted."

Mrs. Yang looked overjoyed and quickly pushed Chen Xiliang. At this time, Chen Xiliang also finished wiping his feet and put on his shoes. He reluctantly held up his hands and said: "Thank you for the appreciation of the Academy."

"It goes without saying that I appreciate it. This is your ability."

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "If your abilities and political achievements are mediocre, even if you are an honest official, your promotion will harm the country and the people. Although you are young, you may have excellent political achievements. This shows that I regard the higher The power is entrusted to you, and you can be worthy of my trust."

The rain outside is getting heavier and heavier, and the pouring rain is almost leaking into the eaves. It seems that it rains for a long time every year in Hunan. Sometimes, if the drainage system is not developed, the entire city will be flooded.

The two people walked into the house. Chen Xiliang followed Zhao Jun and said with a smile: "No matter how good your ability is, no matter how good your political achievements are, if no one appreciates them, what's the use? If there are more husband-in-laws like Zhiyuan in this world, , even if you are not inspecting local areas, even if you are looking at the political performance documents of various places in Bianliang, it is better than sitting in the political hall. "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Zhao Jun laughed and said: "You are right, those guys are just a bunch of clay puppets. They shout about serving the country and the people all day long. Let them go to the fields and see for themselves? They are all slogans on their lips, but they are all in their hearts. To fight for power.”

There was only one candle lit in the room, which was very dim. The yamen is also old and unrepaired, and there are even a lot of spider webs growing in the backyard of the mansion. There is dust everywhere and no one has cleaned it.

It's not that they are lazy, but that Chen Xiliang brought his wife here after he took office. He has no possessions and no servants. In a place as big as the yamen, they only live in a bedroom by themselves. At most, they can add a study room for Chen Xiliang's office. The rest of the rooms are cleaned every day. No need.

This time when Zhao Jun came over, Mrs. Yang temporarily prepared a room for him to stay in.

Speaking of which, Chen Xiliang's family background is not bad. His brother is a big landowner and a loan shark. He once asked him to recover the 300,000 yuan collected by the loan shark, which is about 400 yuan. As a result, he directly handed over the interest documents. Burn it and waive the interest for those people.

Maybe the ancient saying is right, poverty breeds cunning, wealth breeds conscience.

Although rich people may not necessarily have a conscience, they may force you to work overtime and exploit the value of your labor.

But at least Chen Xiliang's family has money, and he himself is kind and righteous.

Therefore, although his family is well off, he lives a very simple life. He does not ask for money from his family and relies entirely on his own salary to support himself.

And although the salary he was given was large, several times higher than that of a first-class official in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, he used most of his salary to help the poor, and he was a boss who could see clearly.

It is this political performance, the love of local people for him, the appearance in the yamen, and the life that Zhao Jun likes so much.

I like it even more than the available talents such as Wang Su, Yang Cha, Yang Gao, and Zhao Pian that I saw before.

Strictly speaking, the above people are not bad either. For example, Zhao Pian has good political performance and is quite good in all aspects of character, ability and personality.

But he was thirty years old and as old-fashioned as a little old man.

On the contrary, Chen Xiliang became a Jinshi at the age of sixteen, became a county magistrate at the age of eighteen, and is now twenty-four. And Zhao Jun happens to be twenty-four this year. Perhaps because of the relationship between the same age, there are more topics between the two.

After entering the house, usually if there is no official business in the county, I would read a book or go to bed early, but today I can continue chatting.

Being trapped in Changsha during the recent period, Zhao Jun chatted with Chen Xiliang every day, talking about the people, the crops in the fields, the landlords and bureaucrats, and the future development of the country.

Zhao Jun found that Chen Xiliang could talk about anything and was very clear-cut. At least he is much better than those dignitaries who don't even work on the ground and are afraid of dirtying their legs. He even knows how to farm and transplant rice. He grows all the vegetables in the vegetable field behind the yard. .

"The people of the Song Dynasty were suffering."

As soon as Chen Xiliang sat down, he sighed: "After a year of hard work, I can only get a living. Hunan has many mountains and few fields. Du Fu once said that Hunan is a pure land, and the people dig in the soil for food. If there is a famine, Years and months, the number of casualties is countless.”

Zhao Jun raised two fingers and said: "Increasing food production is the key, but until this is temporarily impossible, killing more corrupt officials and local tyrants and evil gentry can also alleviate the difficulties facing the country."

Chen Xiliang smiled bitterly and said: "The lower official cannot be as heroic as the magistrate. Corrupt officials will be killed if they ask for it. The lower official will deal with a powerful person and report it to the court in exchange for a reward. But I heard that not long after, he was imprisoned. The dignitaries who went to Kaifeng for trial were released, but it was a pity for the people who were killed unjustly by the powerful. "

"Tell me the people you can't kill, and give me the evidence, and I'll just kill them. It's such a small thing."

Zhao Jun smiled.

I guess Fan Zhongyan has a lot of this experience, but he will not spoil Zhao Zhen. If he doesn't let him kill him, he won't do it. Whoever wants to save the Song Dynasty will save him.

Anyway, as the successor of the new era, although Zhao Jun used to be an angry young man, his position of being patriotic and loving the party has not changed.

From the beginning to the end, our party has only done three things: fairness, fairness, and **** fairness.

He came to the Song Dynasty just to give justice to the people of the Song Dynasty, to kill the people who deserved to be killed and to save the people who deserved to be saved. If he was not allowed to do this, no one would be able to have an easy time.

"Still the spirit of Zhiyuan!"

Chen Xiliang expressed admiration, and then the topic turned to the heavy rain outside. He stretched out his head and looked at the door with a little worry: "It is the growing season of late rice now. Although it needs rain, it seems to be a bit heavy. I am worried."

After the introduction of Champa rice, there were two crops of rice in Hunan. Early rice is a traditional rice in ancient China. The growth cycle reaches four to five months, so it is usually sown in February and March and harvested in June and July.

At this time, Champa rice can be raised in dry fields. The growth cycle of Champa rice is short. After the early rice is harvested, the late rice can be planted immediately. The late rice can basically be harvested in October.

It is now August, not long after the Champa rice seedlings are transplanted, and water is indeed needed. However, Chen Xiliang sees that it has been raining for more than ten days, and the rain has become heavier and heavier in recent days, with the tendency of becoming a heavy rain. , which made him a little worried.

Zhao Jun had been in Hunan for a long time. After being reminded by him, he felt something was a little unusual. He couldn't help but look outside and frowned: "Did it rain so hard in previous years?"

"Yes, but it usually stops after a few days."

Chen Xiliang said: "It rained lightly for seven or eight days before, but the rain has gotten heavier and heavier in the past two days, with no intention of stopping. If it rains for a few more days, Changsha City may be flooded."

"No, there's something wrong with this."

Zhao Jun thought for a while and then immediately asked: "How is the drainage situation in the city?"

Chen Xiliang said: "After I took office, I dug many flood discharge channels, all leading to the Xiangshui River."

"What if the water level of the Xiang River also rises?"

Zhao Jun asked again.

"You don't have to worry about this, Zhiyuan. I have built dams at various water gates in Changsha. The gates are usually open. If even the Xiang River rises, just close the gates. The water in the city can go to the east city and flow into the Liuyang River."

Chen Xiliang is quite confident. Although there was no cement irrigation project in ancient times, small dams could still be built, and ancient cities also had the function of intercepting water flow.

Although the people need water for daily life or to use boats for trade, the branches of the river pass through the city to form a moat or inner city river.

But the sluice gates are all big iron gates, which are raised and lowered by winches. Once they are lowered, ordinary floods really cannot rush in. For example, in 1991, the Huaihe River flooded, and the highest water level reached 25 meters, but Shou County, Anhui Province was safe and sound, which was protected by the ancient city wall of the Song Dynasty with a history of more than 900 years.

Hearing Chen Xiliang's words, Zhao Jun nodded: "Hunan has a lot of rain, especially in the Dongting Lake Basin. Flood prevention is the top priority. Although you have been prepared for it, you can't underestimate it. Let's go to the river tomorrow to see. It's not wrong to be cautious."


Chen Xiliang responded.

The two chatted about other things for a while. It was almost three quarters of the night, that is, ten o'clock in the evening. At this time, the nightlife could also start in the Song Dynasty.

The problem is that it has been raining recently, and the nightlife in Changsha has basically stopped, so it's time to go to bed.

They were preparing to go back to their rooms to rest.

At this time, the gate separating the front yamen and the backyard was violently knocked, and anxious shouts were heard outside.

"Zhiyuan, county magistrate!"

The backyard was spacious, and Jiang Dalang, Huang Sanlang and others cleaned up several rooms by themselves, and more than 20 guards lived there.

Hearing the noise outside, someone immediately went to open the door.

A moment later, Cao Tan, a clerk of the yamen, rushed in wearing a straw raincoat and shouted anxiously: "It's bad, the dam outside the west city has been destroyed, and the water has flooded into the city!"

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