In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 216 Man and Nature? Let me see

Zhao Jun didn't stay in Yan'an Prefecture for long.

In terms of governance, Fan Zhongyan and Pang Ji did a pretty good job, and there was nothing he could find fault with.

In terms of military, Li Yuanhao was defeated in one battle and the other side called him daddy.

In terms of economy, although the trade with Xixia was cancelled, the relationship with Qingtang Jiaosiluo was close, and trade exchanges became more frequent.

And in the confrontation with Xixia, Jiaosiluo also made a lot of efforts, leading more than 10,000 troops to threaten Xiliang Prefecture of Xixia and tie down part of Li Yuanhao's troops.

This can also be regarded as a success in diplomacy.

So with Fan Zhongyan, Pang Ji, Wang Yaochen, Wen Yanbo and others, Shaanxi Road still presents a vibrant and prosperous situation.

The advantage is mine.

After that, Zhao Jun went south along the Yellow River and prepared to go to Shanxi for inspection.

In this way, he went to Hebei again and returned to Bianliang from Shandong. Basically, he had traveled all over the Song Dynasty. It is expected that by the beginning of next year, the whole process will take three years to complete the work of investigating the class structure of the Song Dynasty.

At the same time, Li Yuanhao's letter of surrender was also sent to Bianliang. At the morning court today, the ministers discussed the situation.

Many officials believed that since Li Yuanhao had decided to surrender, the war in the northwest was settled, and the military expenditure there should be reduced, and all the imperial guards sent out should be recalled immediately.

There are two reasons for the imperial guards to worry about the outside. First, the northwest border troops are now too exhausted. At present, the national treasury is still full and has not been emptied by the war in the northwest.

But fighting costs money. In history, the Song-Xia war lasted for four or five years, and almost all the savings of the early Renzong Dynasty were consumed. The fiscal deficit remained high. The grain price in Bianliang went from two or three hundred coins per stone in Jingyou to seven or eight hundred coins per stone in Qingli period, nearly a thousand coins per stone.

At present, Zhao Jun has helped Zhao Zhen make a lot of money. Secondly, he has accumulated a lot of property by selling state-owned assets. Third, there are more and more deposits in Jiaozi Shop to help cover the bottom. Even if it fights for another four or five years, the situation will not be as bad as in history.

But no matter what, seeing the treasury spending money like water every day, the officials are still a little scared. After all, they have money and food in their hands, so they are definitely not panicking. Now that so much money and food are spent, it naturally hurts them.

Second, the number of Northwest Army is too large at the moment.

In the earliest period, there were about 300,000 border troops. Excluding those who were not paid, there were at least 200,000. Later, Fan Zhongyan and Wang Deyong brought 20,000 people there. In the past two years, another 80,000 were transferred one after another. The number of border troops on the list was already 420,000.

So many troops are in the northwest, and they are all coordinated and mobilized by Fan Zhongyan alone. Even if he is a civil servant, the fear of the concentration of military power in one person still makes the civil servant group feel uneasy.

In fact, too many things have happened in the past three years that make the huge civil servant group feel uneasy.

First, the power of officials is highly concentrated.

After the establishment of the Political System Institute, the reform of the official system led to the unification of the originally chaotic official order. The power is highly concentrated in the Political System Institute, or in the hands of Zhao Jun and Lu Yijian, who have much more power than the previous prime minister.

All officials were very hostile to the prime minister, not to mention that the Political System Council was comparable to the prime minister in ancient times, with the power of governance across the country and the power of life and death over all officials.

Therefore, many officials had complaints about the Political System Council, and those censors and remonstrators would ask the emperor to abolish the Political System Council system.

It did not cause opposition from the civil and military officials in the court, because after the establishment of the Political System Council, many new departments were established, and those idle officials were recruited to serve. With the support of a group of new interest groups, it was able to gain a firm foothold.

Secondly, the power of the army was highly concentrated.

In history, when Fan Zhongyan went to the northwest, the chief official was actually Xia Song, and Xia Song was not a one-man show. Fan Zhongyan, Han Qi and others clamped down on him, dividing his power and making it difficult for Xia Song to monopolize power.

Now Fan Zhongyan went to the northwest, and he was really a local emperor. He not only had the direct command of all the troops, but also had the power of local governance and the appointment and removal of officials. He was the real military and political leader.

If Fan Zhongyan had stayed in the northwest for two more years and replaced all the superior generals with his own people, he would have become a local military governor and a warlord.

In this case, officials would naturally think of the various vassal armies that did not obey the central government's orders and dominated the local areas during the pre-Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, facing such a situation, officials were quite afraid.

During the court discussion, some officials even used the Anshi Rebellion as an excuse to hint that if Zhao Zhen did not exercise restraint and immediately transferred Fan Zhongyan back, it would probably cause unpredictable consequences.

So the voice of accepting Li Yuanhao's surrender quickly overwhelmed other voices, although some people analyzed that Li Yuanhao was ambitious and would not give up just like that.

But most officials never considered whether Li Yuanhao was a threat to the Song Dynasty. They only considered whether the excessive concentration of power would lead to the recurrence of the Anshi Rebellion and whether Fan Zhongyan would become another An Lushan.

So even if no one pointed it out, this overt and covert hint was obviously a rumor slandering Fan Zhongyan.

If it weren't for the fact that at the critical moment, Lü Yijian, the leader of the Lü Party, stood up and said a few fair words for his old enemy Fan Zhongyan, I'm afraid today's morning court would have turned into a criticism meeting against Fan Zhongyan.

After the court meeting, Zhao Zhen and others held a small meeting in Chongzheng Hall.

It is early summer and April, the weather is getting warmer, and the doors and windows in the palace are open. In addition to dissipating heat, Zhao Jun said that the structure of palaces in the Song Dynasty was often made of mercury cinnabar, which is highly toxic and needs to be kept ventilated.

Therefore, Zhao Zhen usually lived in the wooden house in the back garden except for working. Even the concubines have now moved to the back garden and rebuilt some wooden palaces.

At this moment, everyone was sitting in rows. Zhao Zhen sat on the chair behind the desk, obviously relieved. He glanced at Lu Yijian in surprise, and was the first to say: "Thanks to Lu Gong for speaking up this time, otherwise the government and the public would criticize Fan. I’m afraid you can’t stay in the northwest anymore.”

"I am not speaking for Fan Zhongyan out of selfish motives, but he really needs to stay in the northwest to stabilize the situation."

Lu Yijian said without blushing or heartbeat: "Now the war in the northwest is going smoothly. Yuan Hao was defeated in the first battle. Although Yuan Hao was beaten and begging for mercy, this does not mean that the war in the northwest is over."

"Cough cough cough."

Wang Zeng coughed twice. Since he recovered from his illness last year, he has passed through the gate of death. He has recovered physically and naturally returned to work in the Constitutional Yuan.

However, the root of the disease still fell, and he became a lot older.

He glanced at Lu Yijian. Everyone knew that Old Lutou said what he said was nice, but in fact he was still trying to win the favor of the officials and his reputation for magnanimity.

After all, Fan Zhongyan had targeted Lu Yijian in the past. Lu Yijian not only recommended Fan Zhongyan to go to the northwest, but also spoke out to defend Fan Zhongyan at such a critical moment. So why the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty should not praise him for being a prime minister who can support a boat?

So before the official praised Lu Yijian, he interrupted first.

Hearing Wang Zeng's cough, Zhao Zhen was attracted to him. Before he could praise Old Man Lu, he asked with concern: "How is Wang Zeng's health now?"

"Thank you, Guanjia. Things are much better."

Wang Zeng responded.

Lu Yijian glanced at Wang Zeng with dissatisfaction, and then said in a neutral tone: "If you are feeling sick, it is better to go home and recuperate."

"Lao Lu is concerned, my old bones can still stand it."

Wang Zeng replied in a nonchalant manner.

The two old men love to choke each other.

In fact, after Lu Yijian was dismissed as prime minister for the first time, Wang Zeng recommended him to be prime minister again.

But before Zhao Jun arrived, the two sides had conflicts because of Lu Yijian's arbitrary and arbitrary nature.

Before Zhao Jun came, although the two sides had reached a certain strategic alliance for a period of time, they soon became opposed again.

The reason is that Zhao Jun's arrival actually contributed to the growth of the prime minister's power.

Both of them are people with a desire for power, and Zhao Jun cannot control everything, so most of the governance power naturally falls into their hands.

As a result, the two sides faced each other again in order to compete for power.

In fact, this phenomenon is something Zhao Zhen is happy to see. After all, Zhao Zhen does not want everyone under him to be united. Therefore, there was no middle ground to mediate, which deepened the conflicts between the two parties.

Especially in the past two years when Zhao Jun traveled around the world, the two had many fights.

But now when we got down to business, Zhao Zhen saw that the two seemed to be fighting again, so he quickly interrupted: "Okay, what do you think of what was said in the morning meeting about transferring Fan Qing back and reducing the northwest food and salary expenditure? "

"Your Majesty, I think that the officials still haven't grasped the key point."

Wang Zeng said immediately.


Zhao Zhen wondered: "What's the point."

Wang Zeng said: "All the officials saw was that Yuan Hao was defeated and begging for mercy, and that Fan Zhongyan held the power, but they did not see that Yuan Hao might just be a stopgap measure and was very likely to make a comeback."

"To put it simply, the officials will believe what Yuan Hao says. And they only care about Fan Zhongyan's weight, but they ignore that if Yuan Hao deceives us, once we transfer Fan Zhongyan away, and he attacks again, there will be an attack in the northwest. Big deal."

Lu Yijian also followed up and said: "The Western thieves are cunning and Yuan Hao is repeated. You must be on guard."

"And the Liao Kingdom."

Yan Shu also said: "Thanks to the power of the grenade, Yuan Hao was defeated. He has seen the power of the grenade with his own eyes, so it is impossible not to inform the Liao Kingdom about this matter, so that the Liao Kingdom will be vigilant and guard against us. Historically Although the Liao Kingdom is not at war with us, it is difficult to say after this incident. "

I have to say that these three people are indeed human beings. In fact, it cannot be said that the officials of the Song Dynasty were all naive idiots, but sometimes they were more cautious about their own people than foreigners. After all, the lessons learned from the Tang Dynasty made them still too worried.

It can only be said that those officials in the court who chose to believe Li Yuanhao instead of Fan Zhongyan were not wrong.

If you believe wrongly about Li Yuanhao, at best the northwest will be defeated, but if you believe wrongly about Fan Zhongyan, then the country will be destroyed when there are hundreds of thousands of troops in the northwest.

But these people present benefited from Zhao Jun and knew that Fan Zhongyan was loyal, so they were able to use it with confidence and boldness. Therefore, the information gap between the two sides caused the current opinions of the civil and military and political institutions of the Manchu Dynasty to differ. difference.

What they see is naturally completely different.

Zhao Zhen felt that what everyone said made sense, and nodded thoughtfully: "Well, indeed, if I were Yuan Hao, I would definitely tell Yelu Zongzhen about the grenade. Yelu Zongzhen would not be stupid enough to possess such a weapon against the Song Dynasty. without any warning."

"At that time, the Liao Kingdom is very likely to raise its troops to go south, and the Western thief Yuan Hao will definitely raise his troops to respond. By then, the Song Dynasty will face a two-front war. I believe that Fan Zhongyan cannot be transferred back at this time. At most, he Transferred to Hebei."

Lu Yijian said.


After thinking about it, Zhao Zhen agreed: "The eldest grandson is still in the northwest. He went to Zhazi a few days ago. He should be back at the end of this year or next year. Let's ask the eldest grandson for his opinion then."


Everyone was not surprised when they heard that Zhao Zhen was only thinking about Zhao Jun. After all, no matter how much knowledge the laptop contained, how could it compare to Zhao Jun's brain?

Next, everyone launched a series of strategic arrangements regarding Li Yuanhao's intention to surrender.

First, they did not believe that Li Yuanhao was sincere in his submission and would definitely unite with the Liao Kingdom to make a comeback, so they still wanted to keep Fan Zhongyan in the northwest and wait for the situation in the Liao Kingdom to see whether to transfer him to Hebei to guard against the Liao Kingdom.

Second, there must still be a certain response to Yuan Hao's letter. Even if he knew that the other party might be stalling for time and making excuses, was Song Dynasty not making adequate preparations?

Third, Hebei must also step up its defenses. They have deployed more than 200,000 troops in Hebei. They may need to transport troops and horses there and select suitable generals and officials. They must not be manipulated by the Liao Kingdom. A sudden attack came to the hinterland of the Song Dynasty.

After the matter was almost settled, Zhao Zhen was also very satisfied with the recent situation between the government and the opposition. After the restructuring, many things and work efficiency have become much faster, especially Bianliang's economic situation is getting better and better.

Due to the state-owned reform, private enterprises have flourished, which has made Bianliang's business atmosphere more intense. The northwest side has also won the war, and everything is developing in a good direction.

Now we just wait for the Great Sun to come back and sort out the domestic difficulties, so that the Great Song Dynasty can get rid of poverty and weakness and soar to the sky.

After the meeting was over, the Constitutional Yuan followed his instructions.

Zhao Zhen opened his laptop and started the day's government affairs.

By the afternoon, when the government affairs were almost done and everything had been recorded into the computer, he suddenly remembered that he had not had any entertainment for many days.

Last time I wanted to play games or read movies and novels, but was interrupted by Lu Yijian and the others.

Later, due to the busy state affairs and the fact that it had rained in Bianliang a few days ago, the power in the solar charging panel was not enough, so Zhao Zhen reduced the frequency of using his laptop and stopped engaging in entertainment.

Want some today?

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhen opened the D drive and hesitated between the game folder and the entertainment folder.

But this hesitation only lasted a few seconds.

never mind.

It takes too long to play a game, and it's easy to get addicted to playing it all the time. It's better to finish watching the movie you didn't watch last time.

Zhao Zhen thought.

So he clicked on the entertainment folder.

But this time, Zhao Zhen was stunned for a moment.

Because he found that there was an additional secondary folder in the original entertainment folder.

In the past, there were only three entertainment folders: novels, movies, and music, but now, there is one more.

"Human and Nature?"

Zhao Zhen scratched his head and double-clicked to enter.

Let me know what this is.

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