In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 217 The Emperor of Song was shocked, and the Emperor of Liao was also shocked

Double-click to enter.

What came to me was not various files, but several folders.

"Domestic area, European and American area, Japanese and Korean area, uncensored area"

Zhao Zhen's small eyes were full of doubts.

What the hell is this?

Wait a minute.

Domestic, European and American, Japanese and Korean?

Could this be what the eldest grandson said, the high-end technology of the future generations of China, Europe, America, Japan and Korea?

Good guy.

The eldest grandson hid such a good thing and didn't show it to me.

Zhao Zhen expressed strong dissatisfaction with Zhao Jun's behavior of hiding good things, and then the mouse swung between several areas.

Should we take a look at our domestic high-tech in the future, or take a look at other countries first?


Take a look at Europe and the United States.

Didn't the eldest grandson say it?

Europe and the United States still control the world's high-end technology.

Our great China is still in the stage of catching up, let's see what amazing inventions foreigners have!

Zhao Zhen double-clicked the mouse again and entered the European and American area.


His pupils shrank, and he saw a scene that he would never forget.

Ah, this, this, this, this.

Zhao Zhen's hand trembled, and he almost threw the mouse away.

Each of them was in the format of a movie, and the pictures on the cover were simply unbearable to look at, extremely obscene.

In his excitement, Zhao Zhen couldn't help but shout "Ah" loudly.


Wang Shouzhong, who was outside the door, heard the voice and quickly stuck his head in and asked, "Does the emperor have any instructions?"

"No, no, nothing."

Zhao Zhen stuttered and instinctively wanted to close the notebook, but his eyes could not leave the computer screen, so he could only stutter and say, "I, I, I still have some state affairs to deal with, you close the door, and no one is allowed to see me."


Although Wang Shouzhong was a little puzzled, he still did as Zhao Zhen said, retracted his head, and then closed the door.

As the door slowly closed, Zhao Zhen looked at the window next to him with a guilty conscience, rubbed his hands, stood up and walked to the window, and even leaned out to look at the two palace guards standing guard not far from the window.

The two soldiers had their backs to the window, but somehow, they suddenly felt a sharp gaze staring at them from behind, which made their hair stand on end and their hearts tremble.

The two couldn't help but glance back.

Seeing Zhao Zhen staring at them, the two soldiers were startled and quickly knelt on one knee and kowtowed, saying: "Your Majesty."

"Cough cough cough"

Zhao Zhen pretended to cough twice and said: "The wind is a bit strong, I'm going to close the window, you don't have to stand here, patrol around."


The two stood up, and then Zhao Zhen closed the window.

Seeing the window slam shut, and even the sound of locking coming from inside, one guard asked another guard: "Sanlang, is it windy today?"

"I'm not going."

"Maybe your majesty thinks it's windy."

"I'm not going."

"Forget it, it's useless to ask you, let's go."


The two left in confusion.

In the room, Zhao Zhen looked around and made sure that all the doors and windows were locked, then he tiptoed back to the desk.

He sat on the chair, his breathing became much faster, and his whole face flushed.

He put his right hand on the mouse.

He looked around again and finally made sure that he was the only one in the study. His excited heart and trembling hands finally...


He double-clicked the left mouse button and clicked on one of the videos.

But the next second.

The "o, yes" from the notebook scared him.

Zhao Zhen hurriedly turned the volume button to the minimum, and looked at the door like a guilty thief.

After making sure that Wang Shouzhong didn't suddenly break in, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But then he looked at the video screen.


Zhao Zhen took a breath of cold air.

Too outrageous.

Too scary.

Too... beautiful..

This European and American area turned out to be such a European and American area..

This blonde and blue eyes, this tall figure. Oh, how can it be so big, my God.

Zhao Zhen was stunned.

Staring at the screen intently.

Even his breathing seemed to slow down a lot.

After more than ten minutes of the plot.

The right hand finally couldn't help but reach where it should go.

In April of the second year of Baoyuan in the Great Song Dynasty, when Zhao Jun left Shaanxi and went to Shanxi, Zhao Zhen clicked on the folder of man and nature, and the Xixia envoys finally arrived in Zhongjing Dading Prefecture.

The capital of the Liao Dynasty was Shangjing in Linhuang Prefecture, but like the Song Dynasty, in addition to the capital Shangjing, there were three secondary capitals, namely Dongjing Liaoyang Prefecture (Liaoyang), Nanjing Xijin Prefecture (Beijing) and Zhongjing Dading Prefecture (Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia).

Among them, there were only two when the Liao Dynasty was first founded. In 1007 AD, Emperor Shengzong of Liao, Yelu Longxu, established a new capital in the Xi King's tent, named Zhongjing Dading Prefecture, as the secondary capital of Shangjing, and together with the original three capitals, they were called the Four Capitals.

Then in the 13th year of Chongxi (1044), that is, five years later, Emperor Xingzong of Liao promoted Datong Army to Xijing Datong Prefecture. Since then, the Liao Dynasty has had five capitals.

In fact, Shangjing in Linhuang Prefecture is still the capital of these five capitals, and the others are secondary capitals.

However, the Liao emperors were more warlike. They would not stay in Kaifeng Prefecture, Bianliang, like the Song emperors did. Instead, they would wander around the five capitals and achieve their strategic goals by wandering between the various secondary capitals.

For example, in the fourth year of Tianxi in the Song Dynasty and the ninth year of Kaitai in the Liao Dynasty, in 1020 AD, Emperor Shengzong of Liao, Yelu Longxu, returned from Zhongjing Road to Shangjing Road in the name of hunting and headed west to Zhenzhou.

Shangjing Road bordered Xixia. When Yelu Longxu was halfway there, he suddenly dispatched 500,000 troops and marched directly from the Inner Mongolian grasslands to the border of Xixia.

That battle scared Li Deming so much that he hurried to resist in person and finally fought to the death to repel Yelu Longxu.

Therefore, the Liao emperors wandering around the capitals sometimes implied threats. If they were stationed in Nanjing, they might attack the Song Dynasty, and if they were stationed in Shangjing, they might attack Xixia.

This form is called "four seasons of Nabo".

However, in recent years, Yelu Zongzhen mainly lived in Zhongjing Dading Prefecture. It was not that he wanted to invade the Song Dynasty, but that Dading Prefecture was the most suitable for the Liao Dynasty to rule.

From here, going west through Datong Prefecture, it is very close to Xixia. Going south to Nanjing Road, it is very close to the Song Dynasty. To the east is Dongjing Liaoyang Prefecture, which can deter the Jurchen tribes of Goryeo and Changbai Mountain, and to the north, it can return to Shangjing.

It can be said that except for the Greater Khingan Range in the northeast and the Mongolian grasslands in the northwest, which cannot be radiated for a period of time, the main enemies of the Liao Dynasty, Song, Xia and the rising Jurchen, can all be deterred.

The Xixia envoys set out in March. After a long journey of more than a thousand kilometers, they finally arrived at Dading Prefecture. Dading Prefecture is divided into outer city, inner city and imperial palace like Kaifeng.

But in terms of overall scale, Dading Prefecture is still far behind Kaifeng Prefecture.

Zhang Yuan rode a horse and entered from the outer city gate. Under the guidance of the Liao envoys, he walked through the straight street and arrived at the Deyang Gate of the inner city. Then he met the Liao people outside the Liao imperial palace.

Yelu Zongzhen still took this meeting very seriously. He sent the son of the prime minister of the Southern Palace, Yelu Guiyin, and his favorite minister, the Northern Lin Ya Yelu Ren, to come first.

After the two sides met, they unloaded their weapons, including the grenade, which was also taken away by the Liao people. Only then could they enter the palace.

Soon Zhang Yuan met Yelu Zongzhen in the Liao imperial palace.

He was only 23 years old this year, 6 years younger than Zhao Zhen and 13 years younger than Li Yuanhao. He wore traditional Liao costumes. Although he was not very old, his eyes were full of majesty.

"Zhang Yuan, a humble minister of the state, pays respects to His Majesty the Emperor of the Liao Dynasty!"

Zhang Yuan went up and knelt on one knee. He spoke Chinese and used the etiquette of the Xixia people, but he called himself a humble minister of the state, completely forgetting that Li Yuanhao had sent letters to Liao and Song respectively, asking both sides to recognize that he was on an equal footing.

No way.

If Li Yuanhao had beaten Song first and then Liao as in history, he would have been able to do so.

But now, how could Zhang Yuan dare to do so.

Yelü Zongzhen lay lazily on the chair, glanced at Zhang Yuan below, and responded with a sneer in Chinese: "Oh? I remember that a few days ago, Li Yuanhao wrote to me and said that he founded the country as Xia and established himself as emperor. Why do you call yourself a humble country now?"

Because they all used Chinese, there was no obstacle to communication between the two sides.

The main reason was that Xixia and Liao were deeply sinicized, especially Liao, which often compared itself to the orthodox Yanhuang.

Although they were a Khitan nation, they admired the style of the Han and Tang dynasties, so they made Chinese the official language. Just like in Xixia, all nobles basically spoke Chinese.

Zhang Yuan was not panicked when he heard Yelu Zongzhen's accusation.

Because Zhang Yuan actually discussed this issue with Li Yuanhao, and they both knew that Yelu Zongzhen would definitely make trouble, so they naturally had a countermeasure.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Emperors are also different. Your Majesty of the Liao Dynasty is the emperor of the upper country, and my lord is the emperor of the lower country."


Yelu Zongzhen laughed and said, "Li Yuanhao led his army to attack the south, but was beaten by the Song Dynasty and fled in a panic. It is said that even he himself almost died in the hands of the Song army. Is he worthy of being an emperor?"

Zhang Yuan's face changed slightly, and then he argued, "It's not that my lord is unable to defeat the Song Dynasty, but he didn't expect the Song Dynasty's firearms to be so powerful. Moreover, His Majesty Shengzong led 500,000 troops to attack Daxia, but was repelled by the former emperor of the Xia Dynasty. Doesn't this prove the combat effectiveness of Daxia's troops?"

This made Yelu Zongzhen angry, and he shouted, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Of course I am afraid."

Zhang Yuan was actually sure that Yelu Zongzhen would not kill him, because as long as the other party saw the power of the grenade, he would definitely unite with Xixia, so he said confidently, "But killing Before, I wanted to ask Your Majesty, if the Song Dynasty became stronger, stopped sending envoys to pay tribute, and even wanted to go north to recover Yanyun, what should we do? "


Yelu Zongzhen sneered: "Give them some courage."

"It was indeed impossible before, but now that the Song Dynasty has that firearm, I am afraid that the Liao Dynasty may not necessarily be the opponent of the Song Dynasty."

Zhang Yuan said: "My lord suddenly encountered this thing on the battlefield and was defeated because he was caught off guard. If the Liao lord does not believe it, you can choose a training ground to demonstrate it in public. After seeing the power of that thing, I think the Liao lord will naturally make a decision in his heart."

In fact, Li Yuanhao had sent someone to tell Yelu Zongzhen about the grenade. It was said that this thing was the nemesis of cavalry. It was extremely powerful. The explosion could cause a huge noise, and the splashing fragments could injure horses, making the war horses terrified, and thus frightened and scattered, causing the army to collapse, which made Yelu Zongzhen very curious.

After all, the Liao Kingdom is also a nation of horsemen, and its powerful strength is also based on the Liao Kingdom cavalry. If there is really a cavalry nemesis, then Yelu Zongzhen really needs to consider whether to invade the Song Dynasty in the south to prevent the Song army from equipping on a large scale and threatening the territory of the Liao Kingdom.

"Okay, I'd like to see it."

Yelu Zongzhen said.

At that moment, everyone left the palace and went north to the parade ground outside the city.

The parade ground is vast and huge. In addition to being used for military training, it is also used for Cuju competitions, so there have been stands for a long time.

Although Cuju originated in China, the surrounding Liao Kingdom, Goryeo, and later the Jin Kingdom also liked it very much.

Especially in the Liao Kingdom, it can be said that everyone can play a few hands. The "Cuju Picture" handed down from the Liao Dynasty recorded the Liao people's enthusiasm for Cuju at that time.

At this moment, on the high platform, Yelu Zongzhen sat down. In the center of the parade ground in the distance, the Liao soldiers returned the grenades they had taken away to the Xixia soldiers.

This soldier was a survivor of that battle and had seen with his own eyes how the Song people used grenades.

He took the grenade and took out the fire starter.

The reason why the grenade became a dud was that the fuse inside was broken.

The Xixia craftsmen repaired it.

However, they could not achieve the craftsmanship of the Song Dynasty, so the Xixia soldiers used the fire starter to ignite the fuse outside and then threw it out.

The grenade drew a parabola in the air and fell to the ground about two or three seconds later.


A huge sound suddenly sounded.

Even though it was hundreds of feet away, Yelu Zongzhen could still feel that the sound was like thunder.

In addition to the loud sound, what made him feel most uneasy was that the thing was thrown on the ground and directly exploded a huge dust, which was very powerful.

You should know that the thunder of the Song army could also achieve this effect in the past, but the thunder of the sky was complicated to operate and required horses to stir the line.

If the knight noticed the line on the ground and did not touch it, the thunder of the sky was almost useless.

But now the Song army's firearms are not only powerful, but also small in size, easy to carry, and not as complicated to operate as thunder bombs, which are ten or a hundred times better than thunder bombs.

If the Song army throws tens of thousands of them at a time, not to mention the cavalry, even the infantry will not be able to handle it.

Yelu Zongzhen finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and even his originally lazy expression changed color. He asked Zhang Yuan beside him with a serious face: "You Xixia should also have firearms, why don't you try to imitate them?"

"It can't be imitated."

Zhang Yuan shook his head and said: "We also put gunpowder in the small iron hammer like the Song army, and fired it by pulling the fuse, but the power is far different from that of the Song army. The craftsmen think that this may be related to the different gunpowder inside. If we can't get the gunpowder formula of the Song army, we can't make this thing."

"Does this mean that there is no other way except to ask the Song country for the formula of this thing?"

Yelu Zongzhen asked.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "The Liao and Xia armies are approaching, which will naturally make the Song Dynasty fearful."


Yelu Zongzhen narrowed his eyes slightly, and a hint of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

The Liao Dynasty also had firearms.

But their gunpowder was mixed with a lot of messy things like the previous Song army. In addition, the gunpowder ratio was wrong and the raw materials were not pure, resulting in low power. It has always been used as a toy.

But now the firearms of the Song Dynasty are obviously epoch-making and seriously threaten the cavalry of the Liao Dynasty.

Now there are only two ways for Yelu Zongzhen.

One is that the Song Dynasty pays tribute to the gunpowder formula.

The Liao Dynasty also has grenades, and the two sides are equal in technology. With the advantage of cavalry, the mobility of the cavalry can still suppress the infantry phalanx of the Song army by throwing grenades.

The second is to kill the Song Dynasty.

While the stock of Song Dynasty's firearms may have been used in the battlefield of Western Xia and there is not much stock left, they will immediately invade southward, drink from the Yellow River, and defeat the Song Dynasty.

Otherwise, if the Song Dynasty is allowed to develop for a few more years, whether it continues to stockpile more grenades or creates other powerful firearms, it will be a nightmare for the Liao Dynasty!

So at the moment, the Liao Dynasty really needs to consider joining forces with the Xixia people to put pressure on the Song Dynasty.

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