In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 236 Why should the Song Dynasty fear a war?

Politics is a science, you can choose to compromise and weigh interests.

But some compromises will only make the enemy more aggressive.

Just like the Liao Kingdom this time, there will definitely be a second time after the first time.

Because the Liao people have seen that the Song Kingdom is still the weak and vulnerable Song Kingdom.

The method of playing hooligans with bare feet is still effective, so they will continue to use it.

So the final result is nothing more than continuing to pay tribute to the defeated country as before, even if the war is won.

There is no such reason in this world.

Therefore, Zhao Jun resolutely did not allow the appeasers in the court to compromise. Since they are fighting, they should carry it through to the end.

As for the Liao Kingdom's desperate bet.

So what?

The Song Dynasty just lacks courage in the upper class.

Have the lower-level people ever been afraid?

Even the current Song Dynasty is much stronger than the new era.

Zhao Jun still remembers what kind of dilemma the domestic situation was when the new era was just founded and the great man made the final decision to fight the Korean War.

In terms of strength, the total industrial and agricultural output value of the United States is 150.7 billion US dollars, while the total industrial and agricultural output value of the new era is only 57.4 billion yuan.

The steel output of the United States is 87.72 million tons, while that of the new era is only 606,000 tons.

Needless to say, the aircraft, artillery and soldiers are well equipped. They have just finished the Second World War and basically have the best weapons and equipment in the world, and the quality of soldiers is not bad.

In a sense, the gap between the two sides is a world of difference in terms of national strength and equipment.

In addition, there are internal worries. On the day when the United States landed in Incheon, a report on the serious banditry in the southwest was placed on the desk of the great man.

At this time, there were nearly 400,000 scattered soldiers of the Guo Party remaining on the mainland, and millions of bandits of all sizes in various places. It was not until the end of the Korean War that the civil unrest was quelled after four years of bandit suppression.

But even in such a predicament, the great man still set the policy of resisting foreign aggression and maintaining internal peace through his determination and unparalleled courage, eliminating foreign enemies and internal worries within a few years.

Zhao Jun asked himself if he had the ability of a great man, but when the country was much stronger than the Liao Kingdom and had won the war, he still signed a treaty that was humiliating and detrimental to the country. Any new era, anyone who had seen the courage of a great man could not accept it.

At least the current Song Dynasty was much stronger than the new era at that time.

In the Chongzheng Hall, Zhao Jun rejected all the opinions and only gave the Liao Kingdom a few options. First, the southern bank of the Laishui River conquered by the Song Dynasty would all belong to the Song Dynasty.

Second, cancel the annual tribute.

Third, cancel all the market exchanges.

Fourth, since the Liao Kingdom tore up the Chanyuan Alliance first, the Song and Liao were no longer brother countries. The emperor of the Song Dynasty no longer recognized the status of the emperor of the Liao Kingdom, and the Song Dynasty would continue to increase troops and remain hostile to the Liao Kingdom. The army could continue to move north and attack Yanyun at any time.

Especially the first two. If the Liao Kingdom still wants to continue the peace talks, it can only agree to these two conditions. If it cannot agree, then go to war. There is no other way to talk.

After listening to this, Lu Yijian and others also looked at each other.

This is simply forcing the Liao Kingdom and the Song Kingdom to a decisive battle. I am afraid that after hearing this, the Liao Kingdom will probably have no choice but to fight to the death with the Song Kingdom.

"No, this will stimulate the Liao Kingdom too much. Although they lost this battle, they have not lost their foundation and will come back again."

Lu Yijian shook his head and said, "Anyway, the people of Hebei Road who died are not you. You can do whatever you want, but do you know how many people will die in the Song Dynasty and how many families will be destroyed if you insist on fighting?"


Zhao Jun said in a deep voice: "It is precisely because I know that many people in the Song Dynasty may die that I choose to make such a decision. It is better to suffer a short pain than a long pain. Instead of having a Liao Kingdom around us all the time, it is better to kill the enemy in one battle. Besides, do we really have no chance of winning? Will we really suffer heavy losses? I don't think so."

"What is the great plan of the grandson?"

Zhao Zhen asked hurriedly.

He was actually panicking. If Zhao Jun was not there, he would have happily agreed to the request of the Liao Kingdom.

But his situation did not allow him to respond immediately. Sometimes he still had to see Zhao Jun's face, so he didn't dare to say much.

But he was still very afraid that Liao would really use the whole country's strength to attack Song, so compared to rashly going to war, he naturally hoped to have a solution.

"Of course there is. I didn't want to tell Lu Yijian and others before, because I wanted to see how many words these spineless people could say to sell out their country for glory. The result amazed me."

Zhao Jun glanced at everyone.

Lü Yijian said angrily: "Hanlong, you've had enough. We are also for the stability of the country. The soldiers of the Song Dynasty are also other people's sons and other husbands. Who wants to fight if they can avoid it?"

"Sometimes, we have to fight. Han people cannot lack backbone, just as people must have courtesy, righteousness, integrity and shame."

Zhao Jun sighed: "Confucianism actually has a very good side, that is, it teaches us morality. Wealth and honor cannot corrupt, poverty and humbleness cannot move, and power and force cannot bend. This is called a real man. But in my opinion, there are no real men in the court."

Lü Yijian, Wang Zeng and others were almost angry.

Who can stand these weird words?

But they couldn't fight back.

Because Zhao Jun still likes to scold them from the moral high ground as before.

They couldn't even make a sound.

Who made them inherit the virtues of Song Zhenzong's group of civil officials, and want to offer tribute and seek peace after winning the war?

So if you go to the pole to get scolded, you really just have to endure it.

"Okay, Hanlong, please stop scolding them. They are used to being soft. Unlike our ancestors and grandchildren, they are tough at heart."

Zhao Zhen saw that Lu Yijian and the others were embarrassed, and suddenly recalled that when he was scolded, he pretended to be conciliatory, and his heart became happy. He also imitated Zhao Jun's tone and said: "I don't think all emperors of the Song Dynasty are Zhao. In that case, Zhao Xu and I are obviously different, and they were all fooled by these civil servants. "

"Guan Jia, why are you here too!"

Lu Yijian and the others were shocked, Zhao Zhen, you thick-browed man, why did you betray the revolution?

Didn't we agree to be cowards together?

Are you getting tough again?

Who gave you the courage?


Zhao Jun.

That's okay.

"That's what the officials said."

Zhao Jun was very satisfied with Zhao Zhen's attitude and praised: "The civil servants harmed the country. Fortunately, the officials have awakened, otherwise the Song Dynasty would be in danger."

"Okay, okay."

Wang Zeng couldn't bear to see the two of them showing off and boasting, so he rolled his eyes and said, "Then you can tell me how to do it."

"First of all, it depends on whether the Liao Kingdom agrees to our request. Kissinger said in "Rebuilding the World" that diplomacy is to establish the principle of equality. Diplomats use clever balance-of-power strategies to deal with other countries in order to maintain a balanced order. . To put it simply, it means combining verticality and horizontality.”

Zhao Jun pointed out the problem and said: "The Liao State's current diplomatic strategy is to threaten us by killing fish and destroying nets. Then our first diplomatic strategy is to ensure that under the principle of diplomatic equality, the national character and dignity of the Song Dynasty will not be insulted, so as to achieve this goal." Peaceful will.”

Everyone was confused, and Yan Shu asked: "So?"

"So we can give the Liao a way out, but not by giving them money. The Liao should also put down its arrogance and communicate with us on an equal footing, instead of threatening force at every turn. Their approach is outdated. ”

Zhao Jun emphasized: "It's just that we love peace and don't want the people of the two countries to be harmed again, so we are willing to give them a chance to change their ways."

"This gesture makes us appear to be superior."

Lu Yijian was surprised.

It was always the Liao people who made demands on them from above, but never did the Song Dynasty do this, which made him feel novel.

Zhao Jun said in a deep voice: "It would be good for the defeated countries to have dignity. You don't know that during the Paris Peace Conference, even though we were the victorious countries, those in the West sold out our country's interests to those so-called powerful countries. How humiliating that is.”

"Okay, then you continue."

Lu Yijian had no choice but to shut up.

"The way for them to survive is also very simple, which is to open more mutual markets and exchange the horses, iron, and copper that they are prohibited from selling in exchange for the Liao Kingdom to survive. They must be treated equally in the future, otherwise they will fight to the end."

Zhao Jun looked around and said decisively: "Perhaps by then, it will not be something they can decide if they want to cease the war. Song and Liao must be gone!"

That's the bottom line.

Now that the Liao Kingdom had almost lost its foundation in a great war, it needed Song's annual coins to appease various tribes, so it began to use its usual methods of blackmail.

Zhao Jun resolutely refused to accept their blackmail, but in order to prevent the Liao State from jumping over the wall in a hurry, it was not impossible to save him.

After all, after a few more years of development and the expansion of the scale of firearms, the Liao Kingdom would no longer be a problem. There was no need to burn with the Liao Kingdom at this time, causing the lives of the people on Hebei Road and Henan Road to be ruined and their families destroyed.

Therefore, as long as the Liao Kingdom accepted the conditions of the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty would naturally have other ways to stabilize the situation in the Liao Kingdom.

The most typical method is to open a mutual market and exchange resources equally.

If you want our 500,000 Guansui coins, you can exchange them for gold, silver, copper, iron, horses, or even coal mines.

The Northeast region is rich in products and various natural resources. Otherwise, when the new era begins, my country's heavy industry will not be located in the Northeast.

In fact, throughout the Liao Kingdom, they have no shortage of horses, iron tools, gold, silver, copper and other resources. They even have their own craftsmen and their own handicraft manufacturing industry.

However, the Liao Kingdom's commerce was still far behind that of the Song Dynasty, so it was urgent to rely on mutual trade with the Song Dynasty to meet domestic needs.

However, in order to prevent capitalizing on the enemy, the Liao State prohibited the Song State from obtaining horses, prohibited the Mongols from obtaining iron tools, and did not allow all strategic materials to flow into the Song State. The only products traded with each other were sheep, camels, leather, felt, salt, etc.

Therefore, if the Liao Kingdom really relaxed its restrictions on horses and sold a large number of horses to the Song Dynasty, it would not be impossible to make money even if it was millions or tens of millions of coins every year, not to mention the mere hundreds of thousands of coins.

It's just that the Liao Kingdom didn't want to do it.

As for Zhao Jun, if you don't want to, then fight until you do.

Anyway, he has drawn a bottom line. If the Liao Kingdom does not agree, then war will begin. There is no room for negotiation.

"Secondly, if the Liao Kingdom rejects our request, then let's go to war."

Zhao Jun took out his laptop from his backpack and placed it on Zhao Zhen's desk. He now keeps the laptop with him 24 hours a day to prevent Zhao Zhen from getting addicted to it.

Open your notebook and bring up a map of our country.

He pointed to the northeastern area and said: "You see, strictly speaking, the Liao Kingdom cannot be said to be a unified state power, but a tribal alliance. It is ruled by the most powerful Khitan tribe, and also includes the Jurchens and Mongols. , Shiwei people, Northeast Han people, Bohai people, Xi people, Zubu people and other dozens of ethnic groups, hundreds of tribes.”

Everyone gathered around, Zhao Zhen nodded slightly and said: "It is true that not all the Liao Kingdom is Khitan, other ethnic groups make up the majority."

"That's basically where they fell apart."

Zhao Jun said with a smile: "I have told you before, make many friends and make few enemies. The Liao people want to invade south and treat us as enemies, so we can't be blamed. But Other tribes and ethnic groups in other countries may not be of the same mind as the Liao people."

"They have their own ideas and their own tribal interests. The Liao people can be unscrupulous because the Khitans are nomadic people who ride horses. Grenades and cannons cannot threaten them, but other ethnic groups are different. "

"The Jurchens, Bo Renhai, Xi people, and Zubu people in the Northeast are all fishing and hunting peoples. When the Liao people recruit troops, they will use them as infantry. Once a war breaks out, their people will be killed or injured."

"If it were you, and your tribe would not only gain nothing by invading it, but so many people would die and you would suffer such great losses, would you agree?"

Zhao Jun looked at Lu Yijian and everyone, and issued a soul-like torture.

They were stunned for a while.


Every time they think about a problem, they think about it from the perspective of Song people.

He felt that the Liao people were strong and the whole country would move south, which would inevitably lead to the loss of lives of the people of the Song Dynasty and cause domestic unrest.

But I have never thought about whether the Liao Kingdom really has the ability to go south.

Even if you have the ability to go south.

Wouldn’t Song State still be able to win over and divide their tribes?

What great things could the people of Liao accomplish with their own tribe's cavalry alone? Don't you have to rely on the foot soldiers of various vassal countries and tribes?

Once these other ethnic tribes who serve as cannon fodder quit, the Liao Kingdom will be nothing more than a foreign power.

For a moment, Zhao Jun's ideas actually opened up a new horizon for them.

Wang Zeng even said: "No, I don't want to."

"Then it's over."

Zhao Jun spread his hands and said: "Without the people of the Liao Kingdom and the tribes, look at how much power the Liao Kingdom can still show, I am afraid it will collapse long ago."

Zhao Zhen said with great joy: "This is exactly the reason."

"So if the Liao Kingdom chooses to go to war, then let's go to war. Anyway, the final victory must belong to us."

Zhao Jun concluded: "We only need to send people to the northeast as envoys and tell those tribes that if they help us destroy the Liao Kingdom, they will not only reduce their taxes in the future, they will no longer recruit their people to fight, but will also give rewards. Kill one Liao people, how much reward will be given depends on whether those tribes will follow the Liao people or follow us. "

Lu Yijian said worriedly: "The Liao Kingdom has ruled them for many years and has accumulated great power. They may not agree."

"Wrong, whoever wins, who they help."

Zhao Jun asked back: "So in this battle of Baozhou, will Liao win or Song win?"

"Song wins!"

Zhao Zhen said excitedly.


Zhao Jun looked around and said: "We have accumulated prestige for a long time, and we have also accumulated resentment for a long time. The rule of the Liao people has overwhelmed them. The Battle of Baozhou also made them see the power of firearms. No one will be so stubborn that they will never look back. If Liao insists on continuing the war, it will only accelerate their internal division and destruction. If they really want to fight, what should Song be afraid of? "

These words obviously gave everyone a reassurance, especially Zhao Zhen, who felt enlightened as soon as the clouds cleared and the sun emerged. Suddenly he saw a bright scene after the Song Dynasty defeated the Liao Kingdom.

He couldn't wait to say to everyone: "Yes, Dasun said everything clearly. If we really fight, the Liao Kingdom may collapse before it goes south. Then why should we be afraid of them? From today on, no one dares to speak again Those who give old coins to the Liao Kingdom will never be spared!"


Everyone looked at each other and could only helplessly surrender.

Zhao Jun not only opposed the peace talks now, but also gave a solution for Liao to send troops, so they naturally had no reason to oppose.

Zhao Zhen immediately wrote back to Fan Zhongyan, asking him to give back according to the opinions given by Zhao Jun.

The next day.

At the court meeting, the letter that Fan Zhongyan submitted yesterday has been spread throughout the court and the public.

Facing Zhao Zhen's inquiry on how to deal with the enemy, ministers, ministers, censors, and Taiwan admonishers from various departments wrote letters one after another, believing that they could agree to Liao's request.

And the reasons given were basically the same as those of Lu Yijian and others. They all believed that there was no need to fight to the death with the Liao Kingdom.

After hearing this, Zhao Jun became furious and stood up to refute this fallacy. He angrily accused these people of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country and being sinners of the nation.

He then gave a passionate speech, pointing out the internal problems of the Liao Kingdom, telling everyone that the Liao Kingdom was actually a paper tiger, and there was no need to fear his threats and blackmails, and he also gave countermeasures.

Zhao Zhen also stood up to support Zhao Jun's views and expressed his determination to the officials to take charge of the battle.

For a time, Zhao Jun's words quickly spread throughout Bianliang through newspapers.

In particular, the sentence in his speech, "They can fight as long as they want, until complete victory!" was even more inspiring to the people.

People in Bianliang are singing about the brilliance and martial arts of the officials, the tough style of the Zhiyuan, and the outstanding performance of Fan Zhongyan.

The backbone of the Song people has always been broken from top to bottom.

The upper class was afraid of death, and the generals were also afraid of death, which caused the Song soldiers who dared to fight to be timid, and the people could only secretly curse the incompetence of the court.

But when the Jin people came, didn’t you see the courage of 300,000 soldiers and civilians in Bianliang to resist bravely, nor did you see the Jin horses trampling in the north, and how many Han people in the occupied areas fought one after another, launching waves of uprisings to resist the brutality of the Jin people.

So the backbone of the upper class of the Song Dynasty was broken, and it never had anything to do with the people. What Zhao Jun has to do now is to connect the backbone of the upper class and tell the people of the world.

The Song Dynasty dares to fight and is not afraid of war!

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