In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 237: Almost Unsolvable Conspiracy

In the first year of Kangding, the population of Bianliang increased a lot.

As private businesses began to intervene in the original state-owned market, commerce became more prosperous, and the handicraft manufacturing industry became increasingly prosperous. Naturally, an endless stream of people came to the city to work.

The key is that the public security in Bianliang is indeed good now. With the elimination of Wuyoudong, Guifanlou and a large number of gangs, the business environment has been greatly improved.

Those businessmen with large capital are actually okay. They are mainly afraid of official pressure. It is often difficult for the evil forces at the bottom to take advantage of them and to shake the status of these capital bosses.

But for those small businessmen, the evil forces are the people they deal with every day. Those who open shops, set up stalls, and do business are often exploited by black and white.

Coupled with high commercial taxes and market fluctuations, the lives of low-level handicraft manufacturers and small traders are actually not particularly good.

After Zhao Jun cracked down on gangsters and eliminated evil, he successively took charge of the Kaifeng Prefecture and strictly controlled the government officials. With the supervision of the Imperial City Department, the exploitation of the black and white groups was much reduced. Even if there are some gray surrenders, they are far less exaggerated and excessive than before.

Therefore, this has led to the booming development of the commodity economy. The proportion of labor-intensive industries such as the textile industry, clothing industry, handmade manufacturing industry, etc. has increased year by year in the past two years, increasing economic development.

When people have some money in their hands, other industries will naturally be stimulated. For example, the most typical one is the tea market. In recent years, while food prices have risen, tea prices have fallen much lower.

Firstly, the southern tea mountains have been doing well in the past two years. Secondly, after the reform of the market, private businessmen have paid more attention to quality and reduced apportionment and control. The production efficiency of tea farmers has also improved a lot, making tea prices now quite affordable.

This gave rise to a rather peculiar scene in Bianliang today, that is, there are many more tea shops in the streets and alleys than before, and many more Bianliang citizens come to drink tea and chat.

After dinner, people prefer to sit at street corner tea stalls, read newspapers, and chat about national affairs or trivial matters about their neighbors.

At this moment, in the outer city of Bianliang, there was a lot of discussion in the streets and alleys.

Taishan Temple Alley is the street closest to Qiaobeifang, and it is also the earliest street where newspapers are published. The clapper has just sounded today, and the newsboys have already started walking around the streets.

In fact, this is not a good time to sell newspapers, because everyone has just woken up and has to prepare for the day's work, so there is not so much time to read newspapers. Therefore, the time to read the newspaper every day is either during a short break at noon or after work is stopped in the afternoon.

Even those operators who held the night market last night only had some free time in the afternoon or early morning.

But after all, the citizens of Bianliang, who had some small fortunes and lived a leisurely life, sat down at the morning tea stall early, enjoying breakfast and sipping tea while waiting for the earliest edition of the newspaper.

"Sell newspapers! Fan Xianggong won a great victory in Baozhou, which shocked the Liao Kingdom. The Liao Kingdom came to seek peace, but did not want to repent, but blackmailed the Song Dynasty. The officials refused domineeringly, and the magistrates wanted to fight to the end!"

"Selling newspapers, everyone, come and take a look. The civil and military forces of the entire dynasty want to make peace with the Liao Kingdom. Only the officials and the magistrates fight back forcefully to show the power of the Song Dynasty!"

"The Liao people bullied the Song Dynasty and asked me, the Song Dynasty, to increase their coins by 200,000 yuan after losing the war. This is intolerable. The Zhiyuan responded, they want to fight, so continue to accompany them!"

Countless newsboys walked around the streets holding newspapers in their hands while shouting the words they had compiled at the printing factory last night.

The words really caught people's ears, and all of a sudden the people around him were alarmed and wanted to buy it one after another.

"What, there is still such a thing, please give me a copy so I can take a look."

"What's going on with the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty? How can there be any reason in this world that after winning a battle, you still have to give coins to the enemy?"

"Hey, what you said is right, our late emperor won't do it."

"Shhh, are you out of your eight medicines?"

At the tea stall at the entrance of Taishan Temple Lane, a local scholar was greeting his out-of-town friends.

Because February of this year is the new round of imperial examination.

Historically, starting from the second year of Baoyuan, due to the intensification of the war with Xixia and the serious redundancy of officials in the country, there was a three-year cessation of tribute.

It was not until the second year of Qingli, that is, 1042 AD, that the imperial examination was reopened.

But now the problem of redundant officials has been solved.

No more redundant officials.

Instead, there began to be a shortage of officials.

This is a very outrageous thing.

After the officialdom restructuring in the past two years, counties across the country have added several departments including the Dali Bureau, the Trial and Criminal Justice Bureau, the Education Bureau, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and the Statistics Bureau.

The central government also added more than ten departments.

There are countless other departments established below, with clearly defined responsibilities for their superiors and subordinates, and special counterparts. For example, the Statistics Department is responsible for data coordination, the Natural Resources Department separated from the Third Division is responsible for mineral resources, etc.

In this way, even if not counting officials, each county must have at least one main official, and there were more than a thousand counties in the Song Dynasty. In addition, the superior and subordinate levels of various states, roads, etc. all assigned more than 10,000 officials at once.

Many officials were even arrested, which resulted in a shortage of officials, so an additional imperial examination system had to be established.

The session that Zhao Jun participated in was actually the session in the fourth year of Jingyou's reign in 1037 AD. Then two years later, in the second year of Baoyuan, that is, in 1039 AD, the tribute examination would be stopped and held every two years. Under normal circumstances, it would be held once every two years. It didn't start until the first year of Qingli, 1041 AD.

This year's session belongs to Kai Enke.

After finishing the exam in February last year, I continued to take the exam in July, and in February this year I was able to take the Jinshi exam again, which made those who failed the exam feel happy.

Seeing that spring is coming soon, there are more and more scholars in Bianliang.

When the foreign friend of the scholar at the tea stall heard him talking about the late emperor, he quickly pressed his lips and said, "Why do you even dare to talk nonsense about the late emperor? I heard that Bianliang is full of imperial city officials."

"Brother Chengping, don't worry."

The scholar pulled his hand away, pointed at an old man drinking tea at the tea stall next to him, and said with a smile: "That man is the old Wangtou who works in the Imperial City Division on this street."

Old Wang turned his head and smiled at the scholar, showing his old yellow teeth like buds.

A friend from out of town was shocked and said: "This"

The scholar whispered: "The Imperial Court has said that if the court does not do well, the people of the Song Dynasty can point it out. Have you ever heard that Zou Ji ridiculed the King of Qi for accepting advice? As long as it is not excessive, there is no harm in making a few nonsense words. , I, the Great Song Dynasty, do not take words as a crime, and I have a good relationship with Lao Wangtou. "

"Brother Liu is amazing."

Scholars from other places were filled with admiration.

Several people bought newspapers and immediately checked the situation.

After seeing Fan Zhongyan's battle report, everyone was overjoyed and said: "It's so relieved. The Liao people have oppressed our Song Dynasty for too long. This battle will destroy their majesty."

Seeing the Liao people's request for peace talks, they all said angrily: "The Liao people are really shameless. They dare to ask for coins after losing. They occupy our Han people's rivers and mountains and oppress our Han people. They must pay with their blood."

Finally, after seeing the statements of Zhao Zhen and Zhao Jun, he turned from anger to joy and said: "Our officials and the magistrates are really sensible. We know that the Liao people are wolves who can't be fed enough. As long as we agree to their request, they will definitely There was a second time, a third time, just like last year after the Chanzhou Alliance.”

"Yes, it should have been like this a long time ago. Think about our vast Song Dynasty, with millions of people and millions of armored men, so why should we be afraid of the Liao Kingdom?"

"It's just that I don't understand one thing. Why did the Imperial Academy explain the method of dealing with the Liao Kingdom to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty? Then the people of the Liao Kingdom know that we are going to send people to connect their vassal states and tribes. How can we take precautions in advance? good."

"Then what can be done? How many strong backbones can the Duke of Manchao have? If the Imperial Academy does not tell them the method, I am afraid that none of these people will agree. I guess the Imperial Academy also came up with this idea."

At the tea stall, the people sighed one after another. Among the civil and military officials in the entire dynasty, only Zhiyuan was a true man.

Fortunately, their emperor was wise and promoted the magistrates. Now the officials and magistrates of the Song Dynasty govern the world. Even though the court is full of cowards, but with the support of the people and the support of the people, they can probably build a powerful empire.

And just after the people of Bianliang got up, they found that the newspapers had recorded another huge incident overnight. At this time, in the county government office of Xiangfu County, Xiangfu Ling Su Huan was receiving a guest.

This person is his biological brother, his name is Su Xun.

Su Huan served as the general magistrate of Langzhou for the first two years. When Zhao Jun passed by Sichuan, he found that he governed well. Moreover, he was a Jinshi in the second year of Tiansheng, so his qualifications were quite senior. So at the end of last year, he mentioned Kaifeng as an auspicious talisman to him. County magistrate.

Although it is just a county magistrate, Xiangfu County is the county magistrate of Chixian County, which is parallel to Kaifeng County. Historically, it was the fifth grade before Yuanfeng was restructured.

Although Zhao Jun carried out Jingyou's restructuring, it did not lower the level of the Chixian County Magistrate. Therefore, the level of the Xiangfu County Magistrate was higher than that of the ordinary magistrate. The next step would often be to advance from the fourth rank to the rank of assistant officer, or even to It is also normal to be from the fourth grade of Kaifeng Prefecture Yin.

Therefore, Su Huan was promoted as an exception. He was directly promoted from the sixth rank of the general judge to one level, surpassing the fifth rank. Now he is appreciated by the academy. It is a time of great success.

Su Xun also came to take part in the imperial examination this year.

He only "learned to read" seven years ago, when he was twenty-five years old. In the fourth year of Jingyou, which was the year that Zhao Jun should refer to, Su Xun came to Bianliang to take the imperial examination, but was not admitted.

At that time, Zhao Jun didn't know about his existence at all, because Zhao Jun had already gone out to travel around the world at that time. Zhao Jun should be in Bozhou to deal with Guo Chengyou during the exam.

It turned out that after Su Xun failed this time, he took the Maocai Special Examination the next year and failed again. From then on, he either studied at home all year round or traveled around.

It was not until the second year of Jiayou's reign (1057) that his two sons, Su Shi and Su Zhe, were sent to Beijing to take exams, and both sons passed high school in one fell swoop, before he became famous in Bianliang. The imperial court invited him to become an official, but he refused, and he has been addicted to it ever since. writer.

But at least at this time, Su Xun had not given up his thoughts on the imperial examination. After learning that the imperial court was opening Enke this year, he hurriedly came from Sichuan to participate in the Spring Festival in February this year.

Since his brother is now the magistrate of Xiangfu Chi County, he naturally wants to join him.


In the backyard of the county government office, Su Huan looked at Su Xun's article and praised it profusely: "Your article is well-educated. It examines the pros and cons of controlling chaos in ancient and modern times. It is very methodical."

Su Xun smiled and said: "My little brother has not been doing nothing at home these past few years. He has concentrated on studying knowledge and has indeed grown a lot."

"Well, if nothing unexpected happens, you may be a Jinshi this year."

Su Huan smiled.


Su Xun sighed: "It's not that easy. If you want to be a Jinshi, you have to be less ranked with the rich and powerful. Otherwise, I won't have a share at all."

Naturally, the Jinshi examination in the Song Dynasty also had a shady background. For example, Han Qi caught Chen Yaozuo, Han Yi, Shi Zhongli and others as evidence of their shady activities, greeted the examiners, and helped his nephew to pass the Jinshi examination, and then brought them down.

There is also a folk legend that when Feng Jing was taking the imperial examination, his opponent was Zhang Yaozuo's nephew Shi Butong. If Feng Jing had not been mistaken for Ma Liang, I am afraid that Feng Jing would not have won the first prize.

That's why Su Xun lamented the difficulty of becoming a Jinshi.

Unexpectedly, Su Huan pondered for a moment and said: "What the Academy likes most is a bachelor with outstanding talents. As the saying goes, do not avoid relatives when promoting talents. If you are not talented enough, I will not help you, but your knowledge has been established. By then, I will show your article to the magistrate to see if he is willing to recruit you as an official."

Su Xun was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, brother. Thank you, brother."

At this time, the government servant outside came in and said: "Mingfu, the new issue of the newspaper is here."

"Bring it to me and see."

Su Huan reached out and took it.

He now subscribes to every issue of the newspaper.

Not only to keep up to date with current events, but also because Zhao Jun often writes articles in newspapers.

Therefore, as a person promoted by Zhao Jun, it is natural to visit him frequently and listen to the teachings of the Zhiyuan, so that he can better manage the place.

Su Huan glanced at the situation and said, "Okay, in the 80 years since the founding of the Song Dynasty, I have let out my bad breath this time."


Su Xun quickly came over and said, "What happened, brother?"

"The Liao people are so arrogant that they dare to ask for benefits after losing the war. It's really unreasonable. The Zhiyuan's refusal is inspiring."

Su Huan scratched his head and wondered: "There is one thing I don't quite understand. Although there are people in the government and the public who criticize the magistrate, who often impeach him on unfounded charges, there are many people who support him. Why does he want to deal with the Liao Kingdom? Say it?"

"Let me see."

Su Xun took the hold and scanned it.

After a moment, Su Xun pondered deeply, and then said softly: "Zhiyuan is really a strange person in the world. This is the way to give back to others."


Su Huan wondered: "What's the explanation?"

"The Governor probably doesn't want to really start a war. After all, the newspaper said that once a war starts, the enemy and our country will definitely be devastated and will commit crimes. But if we accept the Liao peace talks, it will inevitably lead to servility and humiliation of the country."

Su Xun said in a deep voice: "That's why the Zhiyuan will not agree to the Liao people's peace talks, but as a last resort, he does not want to use weapons rashly, and hopes that the Liao people will retreat when they see difficulties."

"Retreating when faced with difficulties? The Liao people are now like riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off. Will they still retreat when faced with difficulties?"

Su Huan said.

Su Xun smiled and raised the newspaper in his hand and said: "This is how the Zhiyuan made the Liao people retreat in spite of the difficulties. He told the Liao people clearly that I have a plan to deal with you. If you don't want to destroy the country, just be honest." Really, otherwise, the Liao Kingdom would have perished before the Song Dynasty!"

This is a conspiracy!

Zhao Jun has written the method in the newspaper, so it is impossible for the Liao spies not to know about it.

So what can the Liao State do when they learn that the Song State is trying to disintegrate their vassal states and tribes?

Nothing can be done.

If you try to coerce and lure those vassal states and tribes, it will only make them more resentful and push them towards the Song Dynasty.

You want to appease them, but they listened to you and attacked the Song Dynasty. Then they gained nothing and suffered huge losses. If there is no reward, what can you do to appease them?

Is it still a big deal?

When drawing a big pie, you have to see whether you can eat it.

Facing Song's grenades, these people could no longer listen to the Xin Liao people's rhetoric.

It's like in a company, you only tell employees that the future prospects are great, but not only do you pay less every month, but you also have unlimited overtime work 24 hours a day. Only the employees are willing to work with you.

No one is a fool.

Therefore, to appease people's hearts, you rely on carrots and sticks. You only have sticks but no corresponding rewards. The final result is that everyone becomes alienated.

The Liao State knew this, so it urgently hoped to get money from the Song State to appease it.

But now Zhao Jun is the master of the Liao Kingdom.

Let me tell you clearly, if you do not agree to peace talks with the Song Dynasty, then it depends on whether your vassal country and tribe are willing to follow you to gather an army of 500,000 people and go south, or whether they are willing to follow the Song Dynasty who provides money and weapons and equipment to destroy you. The Liao Kingdom.

This conspiracy is almost unsolvable!

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